Kyoko Kirigiri Vs. The Cat Burglar by ChristinaBound, literature
Kyoko Kirigiri Vs. The Cat Burglar
WARNING: This story contains themes of NSFW, Bondage, Kidnapping, Orgasms, and Hypnosis.
I'm using the app to write this, so I can't tag it as mature. It won't let me.
That being said, read at your own risk.
Damn it. Another missing person case. These have been popping up a lot recently. And not a single one of them has come back. This was really starting to get stressful for Kyoko Kirigiri, the Ultimate Detective. She even tried to get Shuichi to help her, but he still hadn't responded. Great... She would have to go this alone.
The lavender haired lady sat at her desk, repeatedly reading over a folder. She didn't have much evidence regarding the whereabouts of these people, nor the ones behind this operation. And she was getting severely annoyed. How was she unable to solve this? Looking over her findings wouldn't be enough. Kirigiri had to go out and find them herself.
She put her dark purple coat on, and departed from her office into the downtown areas of the city she lived in. The people who went missing from there were civilians from her own hometown. This was the first place she was going to look.
Kyoko passed by a coffee shop. This was one she would frequent early in the morning, but there was no time for coffee. No matter how much her mouth watered for the taste of black coffee, she had to keep moving. Maybe she would buy one when this was all over.
She was determined to find these missing citizens. But where would she go first? That question kept following her around, like a shadow of doubt towering over her. Each step she took made it grow stronger, Kyoko really didn't know where to begin, and she started to worry.
At least the fresh air was nice. It was a crisp spring morning. The wind blowing felt quite refreshing, albeit a little cold. It brought a chill to her cheeks. Kyoko pressed her gloves against them for a moment, just before she stopped at an alley. She swore she heard something.
Kirigiri put her hands back down, quickly looking to her side. A shadowy figure, obscured by the darkness, vanished into a door. A rusty metal door that creaked as it closed. Someone just went inside. This bothered her quite a bit. But it could have been the lead she needed.
She slowly crept up to the door, pressing her ear against it. No sound emerged from the building, it was good to go. She grabbed her pistol, making sure it was loaded, then opened the door. Inside was too dark to see a single thing. So she had no choice but to go in.
Kyoko closed the door behind her. She had the pistol ready, and just had to keep moving. The girl checked her surroundings every few seconds. It didn't take long before she realized she was standing inside of a warehouse. It was dark, cold, and smelled strange. Almost like gasoline.
She knew she wasn't alone. The figure from before had to be in here. It could have been watching her every move, or have been right behind her. Either way, this was enough to make her shudder slightly. But her day was about to get much stranger. The shadow appeared in the distance.
"I was hoping you'd show up." A familiar voice rang out as it echoed across the concrete room. Kyoko knew that voice more than anyone. The figure approaching her...
was none other than Shuichi Saihara.
The first thing she noticed just before the shock set in was how zombie-like his movement was. Almost as if he was limping. The whole thing felt extremely unsettling.
"Shuichi... Why haven't you responded to me? Or are you someone else...?" Kirigiri aimed the gun straight at the fellow detective.
"I assure you, I am Shuichi." He responded. The boy didn't seem to fear the thought of the gun being pointed at him. "As for why I haven't talked to you, it's quite a long story."
Shuichi explained how he had also been trying to solve this case as well. And no luck so far. This was his hideout, where he would wait for criminals to enter, thinking it was vacant. Once any of them had inevitably entered, he had arrested them all by himself.
As convoluted and strange as that sounded, Kyoko believed it was plausible. Shuichi might as well have been training here. Not just as a detective, but he must have gotten stronger as well, should he have taken on groups of thugs all alone.
"I have evidence that may help you with your case, we've both views this from different perspectives." Saihara said in a confident, relaxed tone. "Follow me..."
He led Kyoko deeper into the warehouse. She felt more unnerved than usual when she saw the pupils in his eyes had been spiral shaped. The biggest red flag was being lead to a room that contained nothing but a chair.
"What is this, Shuichi?" She asked as he placed her in the chair.
"This is where I go to think. It's proven to be very helpful to me." He said back to her. "Just relax here, I'll go get the evidence."
Once he left the room, Kyoko got right up. She waited for him to be gone long enough before going to leave the warehouse.
Kyoko practically sprinted to the door that lead her in here. But just before she could escape, she was tackled to the ground by Shuichi.
"Trying to leave so soon? How rude..." Saihara's voice became deeper and aggressive.
"Let me go, Shuichi!!! You're acting stranger than usual, and I don't want to have to arrest you!" Kyoko pleaded him. She sounded betrayed and pissed off, but the truth was, the thought of putting a fellow detective in the slammer saddened her.
She was right, though. Shuichi had indeed grown stronger. Kyoko couldn't get up at all. And panic set in once her hands were cuffed right in front of her. He held a rag to the girl's face. Kirigiri squirmed and yelled for him to release her, but the girl had fallen asleep after mere seconds... Betrayed by her own partner.
"Is she secured?"
"Yep, I got her right here."
Kyoko heard multiple voices at once. One was Shuichi's, the other was someone she hadn't identified yet.
She couldn't see who was talking anyway. Nothing but pitch black blocked the girl's view. It didn't take a genius to tell that she was blindfolded. And after failing to get up, she knew she was laying on her side, with her hands tied behind her back.
"She's a real beauty, Shuichi. I can't wait to take her home." Cackled the unfamiliar voice. Kyoko suddenly felt herself being lifted up, and placed into the arms of another person.
"Make sure to keep her restrained, she's a feisty one." Shuichi grinned at the unknown stranger.
She started squirming and yelling at Shuichi. She would never forgive him if she got out of this. "Mmm Mmmph!!! Shummchmm!!! Mmmmppphhh!!!"
The tape covering her lips prevented the handcuffed girl from saying anything coherent.
After being carried for however long it took, she felt herself being placed into the seat of a car. Kyoko was being driven somewhere.
She squirmed around further and let out more moans. But this didn't help in the slightest. She had no idea how long the ride was, or what time it was. Judging by how no one came to help her, it must have been nighttime. The perfect time to kidnap a detective.
Her ankles were cuffed too. But once the ride was over, they were let free. Whoever kidnapped her needed the girl to walk.
The unknown entity placed their hands on Kyoko's shoulders and pushed her forward as they walked her into yet another building.
Each step filled the girl with dread and anxiety. Where was she being taken? Who did this to her? And why?
The crushing weight of fear peaked once she heard a door unlock, then open. She was lead a few more steps before finally stopping.
"Kyoko Kirigiri... How long I've been waiting to have you in my clutches." The voice sounded feminine. It had a seductive tone.
"Mmmph!!" She moaned angrily. But this caused her captor to chuckle.
"You've been snooping around where you shouldn't have... And now you're going to pay the price~" the voice responded. With the snap of her fingers, two spiral eyed men entered the room. One released Kirigiri from her cuffs, and the other held her where she was. As she squirmed around, still blindfolded and gagged, she moaned louder once she found out the one who freed her were taking off her clothes. "MMMMPPHH!!!"
Now in her black underwear, the two men sat Kyoko down in a chair, where her wrists were cuffed to the arms of the chair. And her ankles to the chair's legs. She squirmed around even more, moaning and pleading for freedom. But the sound of leaving footsteps made the despair of being ignored all the more crushing. Then, the voice came back.
"If you promise not to scream, I'll ungag you and take the blindfold off. Understood?"
"Mm... Mmhmmmm..." Kyoko nodded slowly as tears came down from the blindfold. Both that and the tape were ripped from her mouth.
She finally saw where she was. Cuffed to a chair in front of a TV monitor displaying static. And behind the monitor was a woman wearing black latex. The most noticeable detail was the masquerade mask she wore, along with the cat ears.
"Who... are you?" Kyoko asked quietly.
"Who am I? Let's just say... I'll be your new owner. You can call me Christina."
"You have no idea who you're messing with, Christina.... Let me go NOW." The detective struggled against the cuffs.
"Such a naughty attitude... Guess that means it's punishment time~!" Christina giggled as she reached for another roll of duct tape.
"Wait, nononono- Mmmppphhh!!"
After being gagged again, Kyoko felt hands running down her chest.
"Such a beautiful body... Nice, plump breasts... Lovely chest... A fine, thick beauty like you should know better than to snoop." Christina mused over her captive, practically displaying hearts in her eyes.
Kyoko could do nothing but moan and shake her head while bring felt up. The worst part was when she felt a vibrator against her underwear.
"Nhh! Nhhhh!!!"
Her moans became shaky and more erotic as she was being unintentionally pleasured by the vibrator. Christina left the room, leaving Kirigiri to moan and orgasm multiple times.
She couldn't take any more of this. And after what felt like hours of cumming, she felt Christina turn off the vibrator. The detective sighed in relief, closing her eyes and breathing heavily. But it wasn't over yet.
Christina put a VHS tape into something below the TV. And it began to play footage of a moving spiral.
"Mmhh! Nhh!!!" Kyoko shook her head and forced her eyes shut. But Christina tightly held her head in place and kept them open.
She felt herself losing something. A part of her soul slowly leaving her body. Despite not being able to see it, Kirigiri's pupils were transforming. They had now become spirals.
"Mmm... Mmmmpphhh..." Kyoko moaned in a monotone voice. Christina took the tape off after this. "How are you feeling now, dear~?" She leaned down in front of the girl.
"I've been reborn... Thanks to my master..." Kyoko's eyes were wide as she smiled, still staring at the monitor.
"What did we learn tonight?"
"Never snoop in master's territory..."
"Perfect... That's a good girl~" Christina finally released Kirigiri from her restraints. As she slowly got up from the chair, she looked directly at her master.
"You'll be mine forever, Mrs. Kirigiri. What do you think of that?"
Kyoko simply smirked. Then, she went to kiss Christina passionately.
Her will was now nothing but serving her master. No longer a detective, Kyoko Kirigiri spends the rest of her life as Christina's bondage slave. Being tied up and gagged for games of pleasure, and being referred to as a detective only for mocking purposes.
The Cat Burglar had taken a new hostage. And soon enough, her bride to be.