(Commission) After the Fight by UltraSaiyan9000, literature
(Commission) After the Fight
In an alternate universe of Pokémon, on many levels different to the ones we are familiar with, the creatures named Pokémon have bodies which's shapes do not resemble monsters or anything similar to animals. Instead, the structure of their body is identical to those of humans. No matter how inhuman a Pokémon species' anatomy was, in this world they were so similar to humans that their shadows could easily be confused with each other. Although evolution, in this universe, set every being into the same shape, their behaviours remained unique nonetheless. So, even if the Pokémon's shapes and bodies were entirely different to our worlds, the w...
Alternate opening 1: Originally starting off with the lee family history and the story of how the red panda blessing came to be.
Fade in to sometime a long time ago in ancient china. Camera pans over a village as villagers go about their daily lives.
Narrator: Long ago in ancient china, there lived an extraordinary woman named lee Sun yee.
Sun yee makes her way through the village, everyone there greeted her. Her two young daughters tagged along by her side.
Narrator: She was loving mother, a scholar, poet, and most importantly, defender of animals.
Fade to Sun yee in the forest, surrounded by woodland animals who gather as she feeds them, pets them and tends to their needs.
Narrator: She dedicated her life to the creatures of the forest, especially the red panda.
A feral red panda approaches Sun yee, climbs into her lap, she pets it as it purrs and snuggles her.
Narrator: She saw the red panda as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. In fact, she loved them so much that she wished she could become a red panda herself. Her wish would eventually come true when Everything changed on the day the war started…
Fade to the men of the village going off to war, bidding their families farewell.
Narrator: All the men in the village had gone off to war. The village had become vulnerable for enemies to invade and attack.
An army of enemy bandits invade the village, causing havoc as villagers flee for their lives.
Narrator: Sun Yee wanted a way to protect her daughters, and on the next red moon… the gods granted her wish.
An army of bandits surround the small family. Sun yee stands her ground to protect her daughters. The red moon shines down on her, suddenly she’s glowing brightly. Power surging through her. Sun yee opens her eyes, now glowing bright red, and shouts as pink smoke explodes around her! When the smoke clears, The bandits look up in awe and shock as a shadow covers them. The two young daughters meanwhile look up in surprise. There stood Sun yee, now a giant red panda. Opening her eyes, she roars and leaps into battle!
Narrator: Suddenly, she's transformed into a giant red panda strong enough to fight armies and bandits single-handedly!
The enemy didn’t stand a chance, they retreated in defeat. The villagers praised Sun yee for saving their village. Some were still shocked at her new form, but would soon warm up to it. Panda Sun yee hugs her daughters, who in return hug and snuggle their now furry mother. The scene fades into tapestry, then a family tree is drawn from the page down showing each lee family member as the generations went on.
Narrator: As the wars raged on, Sun Yee passed the red panda blessing onto her daughters when they got old enough for it. Then her daughters passed it onto their daughters, and those daughters onto theirs, and so on. To this day, the blessing is still being passed down to future generations, the latest descendant who gained the blessing being the one and only….Mei lee.
The family tree ends at a drawing of Mei herself. Then it Fades in to mei joyfully running down the street, her friends following close behind.
Abby: no more teachers dirty looks!
Miriam: and soon we’ll become high school freshman this fall!
Tyler: let’s not worry about that right now, let’s party!
They pass by some words as they ran.
Alternate opening 2: Another take on how the movie would’ve started, which was school being out for the summer and mei and her friends celebrating.
Fade in to a school auditorium as every student and teacher was present. The principal was at the podium making a speech.
Principal parsons: good afternoon students, as you all know today is the last day of school. And I know you’re all excited, But before we countdown the hours before the final bell rings, I’d like to announce that it’s also graduation day for all eighth graders. Come on up!
All the eighth graders in graduation robes step up to the stage and line up.
Principal parsons: One of them will be giving the speech. How about you Mei?
Mei steps up to the podium.
Mei: My fellow students and classmates, this year has been quite a blast. We’ve all went through some changes, myself included. (Wiggles her panda ears) but we all stay strong at the bright future ahead of us. So here’s to a great summer!
Everyone cheered as Mei goes panda and tosses her grad cap into the air, followed by the others. Cut to outside the school, the bell rings and a stampede of students rush out yelling and cheering! Mei comes out carrying her friends as the other students cheer on.
Downtown china: in this early version, Ming goes through a frightening experience after she and the family split to explore the main city. This would’ve been an early entry for some of the other animal spirit holders.
Nighttime In the main city, Ming walks down the street looking at all the brightly lit shops and buildings. She checks her watch and gasps at the time.
Ming: it’s getting late, I should be getting back to the hotel. maybe I should take a shortcut…
Cut to a dark alley, Ming is seen at the entrance from a far off view. Her footsteps echo as she walks down the alley. She hears something that makes her stop in her tracks.
Ming: hello? Is somebody there?
Darkness and silence, nothing else. A shadowy figure zooms by knocking over a few trash cans, startling her. She turns on a pocket flashlight to see if there was anything there. As she looks around, something blows on her hair. A scaly hand lowers down and tries to grab her, but Ming turns around and sees a long tail slithering out of view. Looking up, she could see that The tail belongs to a dragon-like creature, it’s eyes glowing brightly. Ming was now freaking out before booking it out of the alley and running into jin.
Ming: oof! Jin? What are you doing here?
Jin: I was on my way back to the hotel. what happened? Are you alright?
Ming: Jin, I saw something in that alley! Something horrible! It was big and long, it looked like a giant snake or something! I thought it was gonna attack me! See for yourself!
Jin looks into the alley. Nothing.
Jin: I don’t see anything. Are you sure it was something you’ve described? Maybe it was a stray animal or something.
Ming: I’m serious! It looked like it was about to attack me! Sigh, maybe you’re right, maybe It was my imagination. Come on, let’s just get back to the others.
As they leave, Ming turned to look at the alley again. Did she really imagine that encounter? It felt so real. Up above, the same dragon from the alley watched her before flying off into the distance towards the mountains.
Wu and the aunties alt introduction: originally Mei would’ve met her other relatives at the ruins of an ancient temple, as they would’ve been introduced much sooner than at the airport near the beginning.
Fade to some village and temple ruins near the mountain range. Cut to Inside the temple, the teens look around.
Mei: wow, look at this place.
Miriam: this place is huge.
Priya: Check out these scrolls. They’re still in good condition.
Abby: if this is the place where Sun yee’s original shrine was, then We couldn’t be anymore luckier!
Tyler: I kinda get nervous around abandoned places. Even though Mei’s parents are outside, I feel like we’re not the only ones here.
Mei: Relax, it’s not like there’s anything’s spooky here.
Footsteps suddenly echo.
The teens freeze in their tracks. They didn’t make those noises, so who did?
Mei: What was that?
Miriam: Is someone else here? Maybe it’s just another caretaker.
Tyler: Maybe it’s a ghost.
Priya: really? I hope so.
Abby: It came from that way.
Mei: let’s go check it out… (goes deeper into the ruins)
Miriam: hey wait up. (Follows mei)
Tyler: guys where are you going? don’t leave me here!
Cut to another room. Mei Turns on a flashlight. The group looks around the darkness.
Mei: hello? Anyone here? (Echoes)
No one there. Mei slams her foot to make an echo, listens to it. She hears a sound like that only twice in a row.
Mei: hear that?
Abby: it’s not us.
Tyler: ok this has been fun right? Let’s go! (Tries to run)
Miriam: don’t get cold feet now, I’m sure there’s an explanation.
Priya: Are you a man or a mouse?
Tyler: squeak?
Mei: Smooth.
???: Mei-Mei?
The teens freeze. There was definitely someone else here.
Mei: I don’t see anyone here, but that voice sounded familiar. Maybe we should get back to mom and dad and-
She jumps at the sound of someone calling her name. More footsteps are heard as Someone was coming out from the shadows. The teens stand their ground ready to attack. From out of the shadows came…a group of older women.
Tyler: AGH! we’ve awakened the angry temple spirits!
Mei takes a closer look at these adult women, and she immediately recognized them, and they recognized her.
Mei: Wait a minute…Grandma? Aunties?
Wu: Mei-Mei?
Miriam: wait, Mei’s relatives?
The lee relatives immediately get excited to see each other. The aunt squad quickly start coddling their furry niece/cousin.
Mei: So it was you guys making that noise! What a surprise!
Chen: Sorry if we scared you there kiddo, we thought we were the only ones here. Still, it’s great to see you!
Lily: We’ve missed you!
Helen: You’ve gotten taller, not including your panda I mean.
Ping: You’re looking a little thin, have you eaten much today? I brought snacks. (Stuffs a cookie in Mei’s mouth)
Mei: (to her friends) guys, you remember my aunties and grandma?
Priya: totally.
Abby: yeah!
Miriam: it’s nice to see you again, Miss wu.
Tyler: you nearly scared us to death, but yeah. you’re the old ladies who helped stop Mei’s mom at the sky dome.
Lily: who are you calling old?
Wu: Ah yes, I remember you four. You’re the youngsters Mei hung around during the 4Town fiasco, who all somehow got the band themselves to help during the ritual.
Miriam: yep that’s us.
Abby: I still remember how amazing it was seeing you all turn into red pandas as well, you were all just as cute and fluffy as Mei and her mom!
Lily: My skin still itches from just thinking about being covered in fur.
As they got reacquainted, Ming and jin come into the ruins.
Ming: what’s going on? We heard something-
Wu: Ming?
Ming: Mother? Sisters? Cousin and niece?
Not even a second later, they all started gushing and surrounding her.
Chen: How you doing sis?
Helen: Long time no see!
Lily: Is that a new dress?
Ping: Are you using sunscreen? You look a little tan.
Ming: well I…
Wu: Ladies, please. It’s great to see you, ming. You too, jin.
Ming: likewise.
Jin: it is certainly a surprise seeing you here.
Though Ming and her mother were on better terms now than they were before Pandapocolypse 2002, there was still a lot of lingering awkwardness between them.
Mei: so, what are you guys doing here?
Wu: I suppose explanations are in order. let me explain…
Flashback sequence of wu and the aunt squad boarding a cruise ship and sailing to china.
Wu narrating: We took a ship across the Atlantic and Indian oceans, But we got off on the wrong port and ended up in India, (the group arrives in India by mistake) we got a little lost thanks to Lily’s lack of directions…
Lily: Hey!
Wu: But after taking some bus rides and staying at two different hotels, eventually we found ourselves here and that’s when we ran into you.
Flashback ends.
Wu: So how about You? What brings you here?
Mei: we’re on vacation too. We won a free trip here.
Miriam: So far it’s been great.
Abby: We took some pictures, got some souvenirs, and we heard that this is the place beyond the mist, and that other families have animal spirit powers too! It’s all so exciting!
Wu: So you’ve heard as well. In fact, that’s where we’re going.
Ming: you’ve heard of what’s beyond the mist too?
Wu: We heard from locals on the way here, and were intrigued. Plus, I think it’s best that we come along as well. You really don’t think I’m going to let one of my daughters have this vacation and go off and discover something new here without the rest of the family do you?
Ming: Well...we really appreciate it.
Jin: I think it’s a great idea.
Mei: Works for me. Grandma, aunties, welcome aboard!
Abby: the bigger lee family together as we start our journey to go beyond the mist! Let’s go!
Wu: Is she always like this?
Miriam: got enough energy to even outrun a cheetah if she could.
The whole group heads out of the ruins.
Boat ride: Originally the way to get to claww city was by boat.
View of the group walking towards a river.
Mei: So how are we gonna get to this place?
Xang: We’ll take the boat.
Mei: You have a boat?
Xang leads The lees and company to take a boat sitting at a dock by the river.
All: ooh.
Mei: are you sure it’s big enough for all of us? Even my panda?
Xang: positive. Now everyone hop in, no time to waste.
Everyone gets onboard.
Abby: I call on being skipper!
Chen: Good thing I took my nausea medicine earlier, I don’t do boat travel well.
Everyone climbs onboard, sets their backpacks down and put on life jackets. Tyler tests out his and pulls the cord, his life jacket inflates so much he looked like a roly poly. The girls snicker at this.
Tyler: i think these life jackets work too well.
Mei: haha, well at least we have a beach ball to use later on.
Fade in sometime later. The boat sails down the river, so far a calming ride. Some take pictures with their cameras, others just sit and relax. Miriam records the scene on a video camera.
Mei: day 2 of our vacation, we are now cruising along this river, eagerly waiting for whatever lies ahead, thanks to our new guide Xang!
Miriam: say something to the folks back home, Everyone.
Ming: oh um, hey there.
Jin: Everything’s smooth sailing from here.
Priya: what’s up?
Abby: Hey mom, hey dad, hey Mary!
Tyler: (rolls by) hey guys!
Chen: hey Leo!
Helen: Hey Robin sweetie!
Lily: hold it, I’m not camera ready yet! (Puts on lipstick) ok I’m ready! Hey Vivian, hope things are going well for you at camp!
Wu: (covers the camera lens) Please don’t film me while I’m soaking some sun.
Mei: come on grandma!
Tyler: How much longer is this boat ride gonna take? I feel like it’s been forever!
Mei: don’t worry, It’ll be worth it once we get there.
A wave splashed onto them, soaking them. Fortunately the video camera didn’t get wet.
Tyler: (rolls by) We can’t get there fast enough.
Mei: (shakes her fur dry) well that counts as something.
Ming had her tamagotchi safely dry, then she tended to its needs.
Wu: You’re really into taking care of your panda I see.
Ming: what can I say, ever since ours have been sealed, I’ve had more time on my hands. It’s a tough job, I can understand how Mei felt back when this was her “Robaire jr”, but I’m not complaining.
But just as she was about to say another word, Ming spots something up ahead.
Ming: Oh no!
Wu: what?
Ming: RAPIDS!!!
The boat goes faster entering the rapids, everyone holding on for dear life as the boat rocks back and forth, zooming every which way.
Xang: Don’t panic! Just keep calm and hold on and we’ll pass right through!
The boat rocks side to side, Mei grabs Miriam in the nick of time, the others tumble and crash into her belly.
Tyler: (bounces) Somebody do something!
Lily slips, comes back up, her makeup was running and looked horrifying.
Lily: (Screams) my makeup’s washing off!
Chen: is that all you care about?!
The boat speeds up to a part where there was a bunch of rocks.
Mei: oh crap!
Jin: we’re gonna need a bigger boat!
Ming: Everyone get below deck!We’re not gonna make it!
Xang: trust me we will!
Swerving the boat left to right, dodging rocks, but one rock hits the boat, but luckily didn’t puncture it. Everyone was holding on for dear life.
Lily: mom, in case we go overboard, I just wanna tell you that I love you, and I was the one who used the rest of your pineapple shampoo before we got here!
Ping: it’s ok! I didn’t like it that much anyway!
Mei: (hugs her friends) you guys were the best friends I’ve ever had!
Ming: jin I love you!
Jin: I love you too!
Everyone screamed preparing for the worst. All of a sudden, the boat stopped. Cautiously opening their eyes seeing that the boat had stopped in calm waters.
Mei: Hey, we stopped!
Ming: We’re alive? We’re alive!
Tyler: Land ho! (His life jacket deflates)
Wu: (shudders) that was certainly a wild ride. I think I’m having chest pains…
The boat parks at a small dock. The group gets off, Abby, Tyler and Chen get on the hands and knees and kiss the ground.
Chen: I’m never setting foot on water again!
Tyler: (spits out dirt) me neither!
Abby: oh sweet land!
Xang: That was more rough then the last time, but at least we’re all alright.
Ming: how can you be so calm when we could’ve died?!
Xang: luck is always on our side. This isn’t the first time I’ve stated danger in the eye.
The group heads on their way.
Ming’s nightmare: Originally Ming’s dream was gonna revolve around her transforming into her panda.
Shot of the lees’ condo, the clock on the wall strikes midnight. Ming is tossing and turning in bed, sweat trickled down her face. She gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom, turns on the light and drinks a cup of water. After that, she noticed something odd in her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Running her fingers through her hair to find what appeared to be red highlights in it.
Ming: I must be seeing things…
She splashed her face with cold water, but when she looks back up, her hair had turned entirely red. Now fully awake, she was startled upon seeing what was happening.
Ming: w-what happened to my hair?!
She felt something sharp poke her tongue. Lifting her upper lip, she saw that her teeth were sharpening into fangs. Looking down, Her hands grow brown and red fur. Ming was frightened, then she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, groaning in pain and falling to the floor. Intense music plays as the transformation commences.
Ming: what’s happening to me?
More fur grows all over her body, her hands and feet resemble paws, her nails became claws, a tail grows and rips out of her nightgown, which rips more due to her body growing larger and heavier, her ears becoming pointed, her nose and face extending to a snout.
Ming: Somebody help meeeee!
she screams for help but no one answered. Finally her transformation ends. She stands up and stares at her furry reflection. Ming backs away, but reality around her changes, and she finds herself at the sky dome. She sees concert goers running for their lives. She tries not to step on anyone. In her paw was Mei, struggling.
Ming: Mei? Are you ok?
Mei: THIS IS ME! (Transforms and bites Ming’s paw)
Ming screams in pain and let’s go. Mei survived the fall, and begun repeating the exact same words from that crazy night.
Dream Mei: I’m not your little Mei-Mei anymore! I lied mom!
Ming: I know and I understand, but-
But to make matters worse, the army and police have arrived.
Cop: freeze giant furry monster! Step away from the band and put your paws up!
Ming: What? No you don’t understand! I’m not a monster! I was going through some growing pains with my daughter! I’m past that now!
She dodges nets being fired at her. She tries to run for it but helicopters come in and drop a net onto her. Now reality shifts into her being locked in a cage and displayed for all to see like some kind of zoo animal. People take pictures, laugh and even scold her for being an “uncool mom” and “heartless monster”.
Suddenly, a bright light shines upon her, she could make out the fuzzy silhouette of Sun yee. A flash of light explodes and everything goes black.
Ming jolts awake. Panting, looking around the room. She sighs, trying to recover from that nightmare.
The thrill ride: originally, the other lee women were to release their pandas again from the thrills of riding a roller coaster during the claww city festival.
Montage of a claww city festival going on. Rides, booths, games, shows and a parade. Shot of a roller coaster entrance, wu and the aunties come into view and notice it.
Lily: Hey girls check it out. Never seen a roller coaster like that before.
Helen: Wow, it’s like the son of beast coaster I went on once.
Chen: It’s been a while since I’ve been on a thrill ride myself. Plus, this is another great thing to tell to the folks back home.
Ping: seems worth a shot. Let’s take a spin.
Wu: I’ll pass, I don’t do thrill rides.
Helen: Don’t be such a downer, come on this’ll be fun!
The red panda-shaped coaster is parked at the entrance. The women get on board, strap in and sit back as the operator turns on the ride.
Operator: keep your arms, legs and tails inside the ride at all times.
Wu: we don’t have tail-(coaster speeds off)-AAAAAAILS!!!
The coaster takes off fast. First POV shot, then shot of the family screaming with fear or excitement, then POV shot again, repeat. The track leads outside where the coaster goes around a loop, then some turns.
Chen: oh, I think I’m gonna be sick! (Gags)
Ping: please not on my shoes!
Wu’s talisman starts glowing a little, she starts panting and sweating.
Lily: You ok?
Wu: I don’t feel so good…
Lily: You don’t look so good. And is it me, or is your talisman glowing?
Wu: so is yours!
The coaster goes faster, the wind blowing hard on their faces, forcing them to shut their eyes as the ride continues. With their eyes closed, they couldn’t see what else was happening. Their talismans were cracking bit by bit, glowing more and more brighter, their excitement and emotions getting stronger fueled the pressure. Finally, the talismans broke apart! The lees’ panda spirits flying out, catching up to the coaster and entering their respective hosts.
The women screamed loudly before a cloud of pink smoke exploded all around them! At last, the coaster came to a stop, the cloud still lingering around them. Cut to a ground shot, the coaster opens and from the thinning smoke came large furry feet.
Lily: Oh man that was a crazy ride…
Helen: I’ll say. Better than anything six flags has to offer.
Wu: Ugh, my head hurts.
The group walks away oblivious to what happened. It didn’t take long for them to realize that something was wrong.
Lily: Ugh, why am I itchy all of a sudden? (Scratches herself)
Chen: Ow, why are my teeth sharp?
Helen: what is that pungent odor?
Ping: Where are my glasses?-Yeowch!
Chen: what?
Ping: you stepped on my tail!
Chen: oh sorry I…0_0! Wait a minute, did you say tail?
Wu: what is going on-(turns around) gasp!
Now full reveal of the group, all now transformed into large red pandas. One look at each other and they scream. Looking into a fountain and seeing their reflections, they scream again. Feeling their fur, ears, tails, big bulk, paws and snouts as they panic.
Wu: This can’t be happening!
Ping: How did this happen?
Lily: Our talismans are gone. You don’t think…
Wu: It is. All that adrenaline and strong emotional bursts while we were on that ride must’ve awakened our pandas.
Lily: Well uh, maybe that’s a good thing! I mean everyone in this city has always been meaning to see our pandas, so here we are.
Helen: It may be great to you! I don’t think I’ll be able to go out in public ever again when we get back home! What are we gonna do?
Chen: Get a hold of yourself! (Slaps her)
Helen: I’ll get you for that, you know.
The squad continues to argue until wu has had enough.
Wu: QUIET!!! Look, I don’t like what’s happening either, but we mustn’t panic. All we gotta do is calm down and-
Someone is heard coming. Quickly they take cover in an empty tent.
Wu: Ok, scratch calming down here. We just gotta lay low until we figure out something.
Helen: what about Mei and the others?
Lily: Yeah this place is huge, we can’t lay low like this.
Wu: trust me, I have a plan.
Shot of the festival grounds. A dragon parade costume lumbers about. Inside view of the costume is the five red pandas sneaking about.
Wu: let’s go, move move move!
Chen: Ow, watch the tail!
Ping: don’t kick me!
Lily: stop pulling my fur!
Helen: Get your elbow out of my face!
They stop when they see and hear Mei and the others.
Ming: Hey, has anyone seen mother?
Roxanne: I haven’t.
Xang: neither have I.
Tyler: Yeah Where’s wu and the aunties?
Miriam: they’re probably busy with something.
Mei: they gotta be somewhere.
The pandas walk faster until Lily spots something on the ground just as they about to move again.
Lily: hey a coin. (Bends down to pick it up)
Helen collides into Lily’s butt, causing a domino chain. The costume falls off and the pandas were lying on the ground. As they got up, the rest of their group are standing there shocked at what they saw.
Ming: Mother?!
Mei: Grandma? Aunties?!
Wu: Uh, surprise?
They had some things to explain no doubt.
Ming and Sun yee: Ming discovers another way to get to the spirit realm without the red moon ritual. It involves another Sun yee statue in the mountain range. From there, she talks to her ancestor about wether or not she should release her panda and even apologizes to Sun yee for the way she and the other older lee women were disrespecting her all these years by sealing away their pandas. This would’ve taken place after the family argument scene and before the flashback sequence of Ming’s childhood.
Shot of a small shrine in the mountains outside the city. Ming sits on a bench crying, trying to recover from the heated argument she had with her mother and the other women at the karaoke bar earlier.
Ming: Maybe they’re right, no one else in this family is ready to give the panda blessing another chance. (Sobs) What was I thinking?!….but, Mei said that it might be good if we give it a try…I don’t know what to do!
It seemed hopeless for Ming, she seemed to have run out of options. But Then she remembered something she learned from back at the outpost museum. She remembers reading a scroll explaining that there was another way to enter the astral realm without the red moon ritual. It involves drawing a symbol on the ground and praying to the statue. Fade in to Ming having completed drawing a sand symbol on the ground and starts praying to the statue.
Ming: hope this works…
It’s eyes start glowing, then the symbol glows. It opens up in a bright flash and everything went white. Fade in as Ming opens her eyes and looks around. She was now in the astral realm. As she walks through the forest, a floating orb of light appears in front of her. Flower petals and leaves blow all around it, it takes a humanoid form. Ming gasps as she sees who it was…Sun yee herself. And unlike previous encounters where she was silent, this is the first time she is heard speaking.
Sun yee: Hello Ming.
Ming: Sun yee, I…I…I…please forgive me, it’s been a long time since we’ve last seen each other. I mean, I thought we’d meet again back in my second visit here during pandapocolypse.
Sun yee: No need to feel sorry, But why have you come here.
Ming: I’ll explain…
Fade in to the two walking (or floating in sun yee’s case) through the forest, Ming having explained Everything that’s happened so far.
Ming: Although I didn't see it at first, I now recognise how much your blessing has changed my daughter’s life, and for that, I'm grateful.
Sun yee: Yes, I know how much Mei’s life has gotten a lot more better, and fun since She got her panda, and I’ve heard and seen that she appreciates the new freedom you’ve given her because of all it brought. I feel a lot happier with it,
Ming: and that's why… why…I’ve been thinking about releasing my panda as well. It was a tough decision, but I think I’m finally ready for it.
Sun yee: And what about your family?
Ming: well, I know Mei will be happy to hear that ice finally embraced my panda like she’s always hoped for since heard that she felt lonely being the only in the family to keep her panda. But when I tried to explain what I’ve learned and thought of to my mother and the others, they didn’t take it so likely. I got so upset I…
She cries.
Ming: I’m sorry. I’ve been through a lot lately. All these years I’ve never realized that rejecting our pandas would be very disrespectful to your legacy, especially the lengths you went through to protect your family and help future generations defend theirs! I mean sure, going panda in a modern setting like today seems difficult, but if Mei can make it work, and everyone in claww city can make it work. So can I. But now I’m back to square one and I can’t take the pressure anymore!
Ming sobs. A comforting paw touched her shoulder. She looks up and sees sun yee now transformed into her red panda persona.
Sun yee: Don’t feel sorry for yourself, I understand how it feels. After my passing and ascending to this realm, i would grant all the women of this family their own panda forms at some point during their adolescent years to protect themselves, Their families and people they knew and love. But when came the time that Yang and her daughters rejected theirs because of people fearing the panda's immense power and ostracized them because of their spirits, and she had created the red moon ritual to rid her and her daughters of their spirits in order to protect themselves and their descendants from the violent wrath of the townsfolk without resorting to bloodshed and in a bid to appear normal, I was upset when that happened. I remember when You and your sisters, as well as your mother, pleaded to me many times, wishing for me to remove your pandas forever instead of storing them in talismans. But i never responded, no matter how hard you tried.
Ming felt guilty remembering that.
Sun yee: I’d thought I’d never seen the day that one of my descendants would embrace her panda instead of rejecting it, and that day came when Mei came along. I was so proud of her for making the right choice and when you learned to accept her for who she is. If you truly believe that you too can put enough faith in embracing your panda once more, then it’s your choice.
Ming wipes her tears, she finally understood now. Why should she listen to what others or even herself say? After everything she’s learned from arriving at claww city, making new friends and memories, she’s finally ready to do what she’s always wanted to do, unleash herself panda.
Ming: Xiexie sun yee…I promise just like Mei, I’ll make you and the ancestors proud.
The two hugged it out, fade to white. Ming finds herself back in the mortal realm. She leaves the shrine but is stopped when she sees jin, Xang and Roxanne coming her way.
Jin: Ming there you are!
Xang: Are you alright?
Roxanne: We got so worried back there, we went around looking for you!
Ming: I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine. I feel great!
Jin: How so?
Ming: I’ll explain once we get back, and I can finally unleash my true self.
The four walk down the path back to the city.
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Joe begins to stir as he notices he is in an infirmary, a far cry from the Windwail Highland he remembered last. In fact, the last thing he remembers before he was on the wrong end of a hilichurl club was an Abyss Mage laughing as a spell was being prepared. He notices a lack of clothes on his body and then looks at the bed he is on, noticing something off about it, mainly at how big it is. The room he is in is as big as several city blocks. Such a scale both amazes and terrifies him as it hits him: The young adventurer was shrunken down by Abyssal magic! It could even be safe to say he is cursed as he tries to take everything in.
Moments after waking up, the door opens, and he instantly turns to face the figure that enters. To his surprise, his brown eyes gaze upon no run of the mill nun but the deaconess herself, Barbara! Just the sight of her bright blue eyes and beautiful smile is enough to both feel at ease and excited at the same time.
“Oh, you’re awake!” Barbara remarks