His light snores mixed with the faint noise of slithering across hardwood floors, of a rigid face impossibly dragging itself closer and closer to his makeshift bed. Soon the horrifying creature had caught him! It began to coil itself eerily around his limbs as he slept...
It'd been a long day. Her fingers were freshly laundered, and the breezy smell of soap wafted over him. All she wanted was to hold him close, run her digits through his hair, and give a silent reassurance. Her frozen lips remained as still as ever, but she wordlessly caressed his sleepy head, feeling his slow breaths brushing against her featureless skin.
Life with Autism - Pt. 1 by MonocerosArts, literature
Life with Autism - Pt. 1
Part 2 available here:
I've hesitated for my as long as I've been online about whether or not I should openly post about this, but lately I've come to the conclusion that if we neurodiverse people don't speak for ourselves, no one will. Will people try to use this as a weapon against me to invalidate what things I have to say? Undoubtedly. But I think it's my responsibility to share it despite the bullies and small-minded haters.
I'm autistic. I've shared this with people individually. You might already know. I was diagnosed with a nonverbal learning disorder when I was 17. It's a diagnosis which essentially boils down to "she's on the auti