Parents Weekend-Ash Hamrick by LlamaLlamaTheSecond, literature
Parents Weekend-Ash Hamrick
Tightness. All-encompassing and inescapable tightness. Ash had to be conservative with the breathes she took. Mounting further with each passing moment, the pressure around her torso made her nearly blue in the face-and thankful for every ounce of oxygen she *could* get.
Her body was shaken violently.
Such were the hugs from one Annabelle “Anna” Hamrick-Ash’s mom and #1 fan.
“OoooooOOOOO! I missed you so MUCH, Scooby!”
Ash’s face turned beet red as she was flailed about-there were enough people in earshot of the campus apartments to hear her mom’s favorite little pet name for her.
“~hrrk~” She struggled to get her words out from the hug, “m-kk-mom! P-pleaskkkkk!”
Mrs. Hamrick gave one last tight squeeze before putting her daughter back on the ground. She straightened her oldest’s bangs before placing her hands on her own hips.
“I think the hug is only fair, Scoob!” Ash winced again at the nickname, “Least you can do for not even trying to call! You know I talk to your sister weekly, right? I’ve got to get all my updates on you through her!”
Ash rolled her eyes, “Yeah? Because Aidan’s a college freshman? She’s homesick? Of course she calls mom every week!”
“Once a quarter wouldn’t kill you!”
“Fine, FINE, sorry!” Ash crossed her arms and pouted for a moment-then her confrontational furrowed brow softened. “Missed you too, mom.”
Anna Hamrick beamed-drawing in her daughter for one more, far less violent, hug.
“So what are you even doing here?” Ash asked. “I know it’s ‘Parents’ Weekend’ and all-but that’s sort of, y’know, for the freshmen? I’m kind of in my fifth year? And you guys live, what, thirty minutes away?”
“You SAY that-but we haven’t ever seen you for a visit, have we?”
“Moooooom, I’m BUSY! You know this!”
“Busy busting the chops of those LlamTech assholes for your adoring fans? You know you can hold off impressing lonely guys on the internet for ONE weekend!”
Ash buried her face in her hand. Much to her dismay, her mother truly WAS her biggest supporter. Even on the ugliest streams, Anna Hamrick was logged in to Twitch to offer moral support-and usually call the cops to help as needed.
Not *terribly* often though-any good mom wants their kids to be able to solve their own problems. And sometimes those problems are ten-foot tall robots that your kid just needs to learn how to beat themselves.
“Ok, ok-fair enough.” Ash flicked her hair. “Shouldn’t you be checking in with Aidan though?”
“Track meet weekend.” Anna popped a finger gun. “You’ve got me all weekend, Scoob.”
Ash grumbled (as pleasantly as she could in front of her mother). Anna Hamrick was a busy woman, to say the least. After years in the reporting field in the 90’s, she was now sitting in the comfortable chair of Editor-in-Chief for the Austin Globe. For most of Ash’s teenage years, their mother was constantly sandwiched between meetings, calls, and paper deadlines. Austin was a lively city-even without the evil robotics companies she turned a blind eye to. Didn’t she have articles to review or something?
Then again, her mother had a reputation for breaking protocol and getting in the trenches herself-insisting on being on the frontlines for a story, no matter how dangerous. The infamous Senator Schertz biker gang bribes in 1992. The Bat Country Traffickers raid. The “Sludge in the Soda Machine” expose. Hell, her mom even got the scoops on the LlamTech/PeachCorp tech war that was at its height in the 90’s, leaking upcoming innovations from both companies as they were fighting for dominance in the new digital age. Her methods were unorthodox. Ill-advised. Dangerous and frankly *stupid* most of the time. But they got results. They were what made Annabelle Hamrick one of the most notorious names in Texas media in the 90’s. While other journalists waited to cut through the red tape of a story, she was the one that broke the locks, got in the faces of her quarry, and exposed scandal and corrpuption for all the world to see. Anna Hamrick always chose to ask for forgiveness instead of pers mission.
And goddammit, if Ash didn’t want to be exactly like her.
Much to the dismay of the journalists in her employ, Anna had a knack for continuing to live like it was 1992. She didn’t *need* to get herself into the offices of corrupt politicians or poke around drug smuggling operations-but she couldn’t help herself. Being a renegade in her field was what kept her feeling young and alive-and for a woman who looked twenty years younger than she actually was, it seemed to work pretty damn well. Sure, she had the fancy Editor-in-Chief desk-but a stuffy job couldn’t keep a good girl down-no matter how much her subordinates begged her to let them handle the more risky stories themselves.
Given all this, Ash realized just how *unusual* it was for her mom to just decide to show up on parents weekend without their dad.
Something seemed *off* about this visit. Given her reputation and her schedule, her mom didn’t just show up to Southern U just to say “wha’s up”. In fact, it just now occurred to Ash that her mom was still in her best professional attire-a burgundy two button jacket, *alarmingly* short matching skirt, dark nylons, and heels that any reasonable woman would have difficulty walking in. She wasn’t exactly dressed for a casual weekend trip to a college campus.
“…..You’re here for business, aren’t you?” Ash pointed an accusatory finger as she widened into a smile. For once, it wasn’t HER doing things she wasn’t supposed to! “You’re here to beat your own reporters to the punch”
Anna Hamrick crossed her arms and smiled at her daughter. Apples not falling far from trees, and all that, huh?
“Alright. You caught me.” Her mom threw up her hands-her collected wry smile never leaving her face. “I’m here on a bit of off-the-record business. Our legal department has sort of told me I’m not allowed to get into any more scraps, but hey-what are they gonna do? Fire me? I’m the boss.”
“I KNEW IT!” Ash was hyped as all hell-shaking like a small dog that just ate an entire bag of sour skittles. Growing up, Ash had NEVER been able to convince her mom to take her along on business for the paper-reasonable enough, given what she had been through on jobs. But now? Ash had dealt with robots, drug lords, mad scientists, and death traps by the dozen. There was no way she couldn’t handle whatever her mom got into at this point.
Was this finally her chance to shadow her mom on a stakeout?! To see how a REAL renegade journalist gets things done?
“Shhhhh, keep it on the DL!” Ash’s mom grabbed her shoulder in brought her in close, leading her to the apartment parking lot. “What do you say to a ride-along, Scoob? I might need a hand, anyway.”
“ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY” Ash said in a half-assed stage whisper.
This was awesome. This was killer. She was about to tag along for some REAL gueirilla journalism. The unstoppable duo of Anna & Ash Hamrick. What a team! There was no was this could go wrong! No way that this could disappoint in any way whatsoever!
Holy shit, was this disappointing.
Ash and her mom sat at one of the patio tables of “Taco Fantastico”, each halfway through a farm-fresh burrito bowl. Her mother’s eyes were scanning the restaurant, peering under tables and trying to get good passing glances at the operations behind the counter.
She had been dragged along for one of those “Sludge in the Soda Machine” columns! Not a drug bust. Not hush money. Not even killer robots! Just…Unsanitary dining conditions. And lackluster kitchen maintenance.
Ash poked the lettuce and beans in her bowl as Anna focused on a corner of the restaurant-apparently watching a rat scuttle beneath one of the ovens as she scratched something down into a notebook with fervor.
This sucked. All that excitement and here she was being Deputy Health Inspector.
Anna Hamrick noticed her daughter’s sour expression.
“What’s on your mind, Scoob?” She asked, glancing between her notebook and her phone.
“Disatisfied, even?” Anna smiled cheekily.
“You could say that.”
“Let me ask you something, Ash-have you ever seen those campus delivery robots? The TOGO bots?”
Ash blinked.
“The food delivery ones? Yeah. The little ice coolers on six wheels right?”
Ash shrugged. “All the time. Not exactly anything to be impressed with after what I’ve dealt with. They just sort of zip around campus with Whataburger bags inside them. Nothing crazy.”
Anna tapped her notebook. “Ever considered what a perfect opportunity for a dead drop such a device makes? An all-terrain insulated robot that can get into just about any place unnoticed?” She rested her chin on her hand. “Would be interesting if a business was using that for, oh, I don’t know? Smuggling operations?”
Ash’s eyes narrowed. Her mom *was* on to something.
“Do tell?”
“I don’t gotta tell.” She gestured to the back of the restaurant. “I can *show* you.”
A chirpy digital tune came from the kitchen, followed by one such all-terrain delivery robot. Built like the lovechild of a Mars rover and a school bus, the happy little bot rolled across the restaurant and out the door to make whatever delivery was set for it-*presumably* a farm-fresh ‘Tacos Fantastico’ burrito bowl or two in its payload.
Anna leaned in to the table. “I’ve got reason to believe these things are making deliveries outside of their regular schedule. A couple of weeks ago, I had one of my interns start tracking the movements and traffic patterns of those bots all over the city-the app let’s you track your order via GPS, y’know? Had him place a few dozen orders on my purchase card. Different pick up and delivery locations. Nothing seemed amiss at first, honestly.They left their dispatch warehouse, picked up their food from the restaurant, then delivered it to their destination.”
Ash pursed her lips. “..But?”
“BUT-we started running some heat maps. None of these bots took the most linear course. Hell, some of them took MAJOR detours.” Anna pulled out a map of the city and pointed to a spot circled in highlighter, “On all trips, they made sure to pass by this same spot on Congress Street. No matter how far out of its way it was, these little guys made sure to swing by this single spot.”
Ash’s smile widened. “So you think somethings up, huh?”
“I like to think I’ve got a pretty good sense for when fuckery is afoot, Scoob.”
Ash straightened her jacket over her shoulders and leaned in. “Sounds to me like we’re headed to a little warehouse Congress..”
S. Congress-Austin, TX 04:51PM
The duo kept their profiles low, moving with the footsteps of the warehouse worker to avoid detection. The building was nothing particularly special-shipping containers made a maze around the edges, with wooden crates unloaded and stacked toward the center of the warehouse. The only indication that anybody was home was an occasional thud and clatter coming from the very middle; so naturally that was what the two zeroed in on.
Ash stopped at a corner, holding up a hand to signal for them to stop. This was as good of a vantage point as they were going to get-a foot wide gap in a stack of boxes gave them just enough space to see the central part of the warehouse, while still providing enough cover to remain unseen.
A heavy set man of about forty or fifty had just pried open a crate when the TOGO bot had they had followed made its way to his workstation. The man then crouched down to the bot, opening a circular hatch in its aft section-an opening not unlike a torpedo tube, before standing back up to reach into the crate. After tossing the packing materials to the side, his greasy hands reached inside to retrieve some of its contents. Both hands held a three foot metal canister, like a bizarre cross between a giant battery and a propane tank.
A tank with the silver “LLAMTECH” logo emblazoned on the side.
Ash pulled back to the darkness, frantically rubbing her temples.
“MOM.” Ash pressed in a hushed but stressed whisper. “You REALLY barked up the wrong tree here. These guys aren’t a freaking biker gang or something. You guys were tracking LLAMTECH. Literally THE bad guys.”
Anna scoffed, poking her head through the gap to see what Ash was panicked about. “C’mon, Scoob! Do you know who you’re talking to? I’ve had my fair share of tussles with nasty tech corporations!”
“LlamTech isn’t exactly the wacky sixties Batman villain of tech companies you dealt with back in the day, mom!“ Ash’s concerned tone remained just above a whisper. “Yeah, yeah, I KNOW you pissed off that Peachcorp company or whatever over lobbying or something back in ‘94-“
“Actually it was straight up kidnapping politicians, but go on sweetie-“ Anna interjected.
“WHATEVER.” Ash threw up her hands. “You realize why Peachcorp doesn’t exist anymore, right? You realize why ALL those companies like that don’t exist anymore? If they didn’t get bought, they got trampled-in more ways than one-by LlamTech.”
“So they have an aggressive acquisition plan, big deal-“
“MOM, I have literally been kidnapped and menaced by these guys more times than I can count! You’ve SEEN my streams! Human experimentation! Robot soldiers! That doesn’t raise any red flags?!”
Anna Hamrick turned to her daughter-sure, Ash was a little manic almost all of the time. But she was the one in the thick of it these days-even with all her experience, Anna wasn’t the one getting in the trenches to get a story anymore.
That torch had pretty much been passed to Ash at this point.
Anna sighed.
“You’re right..I’ll take your word on this one.” Anna gave a side eye to the man unloading the crate. “Maybe my crew IS in a little over their head.”
“Ok, I get it! Approach with caution!” She looked back over to the large man and watched him load the LlamTech canister into the torpedo hatch of the TOGO robot. “So what do we do? We’re already this deep…”
Ash deepened into her crouch, twirling her ponytail in thought. What the hell was in those tanks? And what were they being loaded into these delivery robots for?
“Well, these shipments gotta be going TO or FROM somewhere. If they’re doing this operation out of an unmarked warehouse, there’s no doubt this is some sort of PR nightmare they want off the books.”
“So you think a shipping manifest ought to be here somewhere?“
“SOMETHING to tell us what the next move is. I don’t want to hang around here any longer than you do. If we can get that next breadcrumb, we can get out of here.”
Anna nodded, putting her eyes back on the warehouse worker. As if on cue, the beep from another TOGO robot came from outside the warehouse door-making him abandon his workstation to go tend to the new arrival.
“Now’s our chance-GO!” Anna pulled Ash’s arm as they dove out from behind the boxes toward the workstation.
“We’ve got maybe two minutes to get what we can, mom. Move fast” Ash went over to the table opposite the man’s workstation where a laptop sat, while Anna scrambled through the open canister shipments themselves for any kind of packing slip or indication of *what* might be inside those tanks.
The pc, as expected, was locked-and there wasn’t going to be enough time to crack the thing, even if she had her tech pal Adrianne to assist. As expected, the greasy hillbilly didn’t exactly keep excel sheet printouts of every thing coming and going from the warehouse-so there wasn’t going to be an easy grab-and-go on this.
“Aren’t gas tanks supposed to be labeled?” Anna asked, scanning every side of one of the canisters. “Like corrosion or toxicity levels? Doesn’t matter if it’s propane or mustard gas, there’s a federal standard for that, right? I mean, I’d imagine you’d at least put the chemical abbreviation for what was in it for the safety of your own guys..”
“That’s sure as hell not a good sign.” Ash continued rifling through the desk. “They don’t even want their own people to know about whatever’s in there. My guess is the circle of people who they’ve got informed on the full scope of this operation is in the single digits. Grease monkey over there probably doesn’t know a thing; he just knows he’s getting paid to load robots and go home.”
“Not worth questioning him?”
“Mom, he’s got two-hundred pounds on both of us. What are you gonna do, punch him until he says he’s annoyed?”
“Your father and I should have signed you up for those kickboxing classes.” Anna sighed as she continued cracking crates open. “Something tells me those theater camps didn’t teach you how to drop a guy twice your size.”
“I can hold my OWN, thank you! I just know when-“ Ash stopped as she noticed something peculiar beneath the mess of papers, “Hellooooooo!”
Before her was a a cadastral map of Austin-showing every boundary, powerline, sewage route, and street. Ash dragged her finger to the spot on Congress street where the warehouse was.
Around her finger, a substantial cluster of red dots had been marked in the surrounding area. This particular spot was obviously the hotbed for whatever they were doing-but the red dots fanned out into the whole city. More concerning, was seeing just how dense some of the spots around the university and the capitol building were, amongst other heavy population centers.
What the hell were these marking?…
Anna crossed over and looked over her daughter’s shoulder, trying to make heads or tails of the map as well.
“Drop off points?” Ash asked.
“That, and then some I think.” Anna dragged her finger along the the linear paths of dots. “Look at all the main drags in the city. 6th. Congress. Rainey. Major sewage pipelines on all of those. There’s a mark on those points almost every ten feet.”
“So they’re…” Ash thought for a moment. The robots. The canisters. The heat map. The unmarked gas. “This is some kind of next level chemical warfare they gotta be planning..”
“Using the delivery bots to cover ground on every inch of the city? Have them swing by here for every delivery they have, load up, and do a dead drop in as many spots as possible.”
“But for WHAT?” Even as they found answers, Ash only grew more concerned. “There’s no way that’s just a poisonous gas in those tanks. LlamTech doesn’t just KILL people without reason. There’s gotta be a long play here.”
“You know these guys better than me, Scoob. I leave that part to you.” Anna patted her daughter’s back before turning away to check for the warehouse worker and see how close he was to finishing up with the new arrival.
But he was gone from his spot at the gate.
Anna Hamrick didn’t even have to think twice about springing into action.
For Ash, everything happened so fast that it took a few moments to fully process what had happened. She registered a hand grabbing her shoulder and another clamping over her mouth. Before she even had time to react, she found herself pressed against another body, followed by the sounds of two separate firearm hammers clicking into place. In less than a second, an assailant held Ash in a tight handgag, with the barrel of a firearm fixed to her temple. Her mother had moved just as quickly-having her own .38 revolver focused on the man holding her daughter.
Ash tried not to think about where that gun had been hidden, as Anna Hamrick’s outfits didn’t exactly leave a lot to the imagination. Best to focus on the life-and-death situation at hand and *not* her mom’s revealing wardrobe.
“Let. Her. Go.” Anna Hamrick hissed.
Her small pistol was trained right over Ash’s shoulder-her expression chillingly focused. The usual levity in her face was gone-replaced now by the countenance of someone fully prepared to fire at another human being.
“Or what? You’re gonna shoot me?” The man chuckled with a west Texas accent, muffled through a black ski mask he had slipped on to conceal his identity. He pulled Ash closer as she strained to escape him, pressing the gun even harder against her head. “If ye’ really meant that, you would’ve already done it.”
“Nobody has to drop dead tonight. Just-“ Anna took a deep breath-clearly boiling under the surface of her collected expression. “Just get your hands off my daughter and walk away, fucker.”
“I ain’t dumb, newslady. I see the way ‘yer holding that piece. You don’t think you can make the shot. We’re juuuuust far away from each other that ya’ run a chance of putting one right between these gorgeous green eyes..” He playfully brushed Ash’s bangs with the barrel, holding her head firmly as she tried pull away. He chortled to himself as she writhed against him, uselessly trying to break his grip. “Even if you did put one between my eyes-I’d make goddamn sure to pull this trigger on my way out.”
Anna’s face was starting to flush red. The man holding her probably didn’t notice-but Ash could definitely see a bead or two of sweat beginning to form. Her arm remained firmly outstretched, ready to pull the trigger.
GOD, she was so fucking cool!
“Do you have any idea who I am?” She asked coldly.
The man’s hot breath came up close to Ash. “‘Do we know ‘er’, she asks! HA! Not a lot of news reporters get famous, Miss. But the ones that do? I reckon there ain’t a soul in Texas that don’t know YOU, miss Annabelle Hamrick.”
“Hlllhhh yhhh, mhhhhm!” Ash cheered her mom’s notoriety through the handgag, only to be quickly met with a jolt from her attacker and a firm *’shut up’*.
“Great, so we’re already familiar.” Anna raised her chin. “So you know I’ve got a reputation..”
“Reputation? Shit, I got buddies that are STILL in jail after that Bat Country story of yours back in ‘92.” Although masked, a lecherous smile could be *heard* in his voice. “Got a couple of newspaper clippings of ‘ya I used to keep under my mattress, too!”
Anna Hamrick wasn’t about to flinch in this situation, so Ash made it a point to be creeped out for both of them.
“This ‘yer daughter, huh?” The heavy set man grunted as he pulled Ash close, making her squeak. His fingers playfully twirled through her hair. “DAMN if she ain’t the spittin’ image of you twenty years ago. Pretty girl’s got a face for TV, alright-just like ‘er mom! Hell, she’s even wearin’ that biker babe leather just like you!”
“Shut up.” Anna’s eyes were cold as she watched the man wrangle her daughter around. “We’re done here.”
The grunt knew he was in control of the situation-so he decided to press his luck a little further.
“Can I be a lil’ personal with ya, Miss Hamrick?” The man’s eyes moved between Anna, then back to Ash. Eyeing them both down. “Lemme tell ya, me n’ the boys used to see you on the evening news down at the station-I could NEVER take my eyes off those legs’ve yers. Hell, this might be a little T.M.I., but I used t’-“
“SHUT IT.” Anna Hamrick shouted. She was reaching capacity-and this situation was about to get a lot uglier if it didn’t resolve itself. “I’m going to count to three. You get your fucking hands off my girl by the time I reach one-understood?”
“Oooooh, momma bear is gettin’ real serious now, huh?” The man growled in Ash’s ear.
Ash bucked her shoulders, trying to break out before it got things erupted.
The cold barrel pressed harder against her temple.
Ash shut her eyes.
….Nothing happened.
Wait…Did her mom?..
“Well, well, well-looks like Annabelle Hamrick’s a little less BOLD these days!”
Ash opened her eyes back up-her mom stood before her, slowly lowering the pistol. Her face showed no sign of anger, frustration, or fear-just..Resignation..
….She couldn’t make the shot?
*C’mon, mom-start blasting!*
“Now ‘ah can’t help but admit I’m a little disappointed.” The man laughed, “You sure you’re the same woman who put out three rounds in Screwball Juarez’s leg back in the day?”
“I just forgot to stretch, is all.” Anna tried to play down the seriousness of the situation.
“That’s a damn shame…” he held the gun back up to Ash, “now, why don’t you put the gun down, pretty woman?”
Ash saw the tinge of anguish wash over her mother-and genuinely wish she hadn’t. Her whole life she had been this proud, outgoing, *badass* of a woman who didn’t flinch in the face of ANYTHING. But here she was-having to hold back. Having to let herself be beaten. All because of *her*.
Anna never took her eyes off the man as she slowly kneeled down to put the .38 on the concrete floor.
“Now slide it over.”
She complied, contemptuous sneer never leaving her face.
“Good girl.”
Without another word, the man released Ash-throwing her towards her mom with a shove before reaching down to pick up the other gun. Anna caught her and brushed her off-her eyes still furiously fixed on their rival who now had both barrels trained on the duo.
“Now then ladies-there’s a few bundles of rope on that crate over there. Why don’t you get to work?”
“Now THIS I wish I had some newspaper clippings of back in the day.” The man cackled as he tousled Anna Hamrick’s hair. He stepped back to snap a few pictures with his phone. “THE Annabelle Hamrick all tied up like a pinup girl. Shit, and her fine-ass daughter carrying the torch!” He placed his hand under Ash’s chin. “DAMN, if I was only twenty years younger!”
Fucking creep.
“Listen, pal.” Ash jerked her torso to the side to see just how tight the ropes were. “Maybe if you had spent less time ogling news reporters back in the 90’s and more time, I dunno, exercising? Talking to women? Painting? Maybe then you wouldn’t be working graveyard shift for a bunch of evil comic book villains all alone in a warehouse.”
The man grunted before shoving a rag into Ash’s mouth. “Silver-tongue bitch, eh? Just like her mom. You must be proud, huh?” He proceeded to tie a scarf around Ash’s head.
The side of Anna’s mouth lifted into a wry smile.
“You have no fucking idea, hillbilly.”
Ash’s eyes widened-even as she was getting gagged. Did Anna Hamrick just say-?
The moment was quashed as the man did the same to her mom-stuffing another rag behind her lips before fastening another scarf gag around her head. It didn’t matter though-Ash was beaming.
Holy shit, her mom said she was *proud* of her!
“Well, ladies-as much as I’d LOVE to keep snapping photos of this beautiful sight-I gotta get moving.” He placed a hand on Anna’s thigh and gave a firm squeeze. “DAMN-wish we could’ve met under different circumstances, gorgeous.”
“Hhhhss Hfffff…” Anna groaned. She was mature enough to know that there wasn’t a damn thing she could do while trussed up like this. If this asshole wanted the excitement of getting a reaction out of her, he’d be disappointed.
Ash’s mom really was a woman of resolve-because the hick’s hands moved right up to the collar of her coat and blouse. As if he knew Anna was making a concentrated effort not to appear phased, he firmly tugged open her top-revealing the woman’s ample chest and black lace bra.
To her credit, Anna looked the man in the eye and didn’t even flinch. Even as he stepped back to take another few photos of the humiliating site, there was not even a twitch of embarrassment to be seen on the seasoned journalist’s face.
Ash WOULD have been in continued amazement at her mother’s badass constitution, had she not turned away in beet-red embarrassment; cringing at an atomic level.
*Jesus FUCK her TITS are out and she’s still trying to be a badass…* Ash thought to herself-her thoughts far more manic than normal. *WHY IS SHE SO COOL? JESUS I’m embarrassed FOR her what is WRONG with her?!*
“Aaaaaand those are some gooooood shots, Miss Hamrick!” The man snapped one last photo of his local celebrity crush’s predicament before sliding his phone back away. “Suppose I ought’a get to *dealin’* with y’all, huh?”
The two women watched as he crossed over to a crate and lugged out another TOGO robot like the one they had followed to get here.
“You probably already know this-hell, you probably wrote a story or two about it!” The man grunted as he overturned the robot, “but these things have a REAL bad overheating problem. Poorly engineered batteries, ah think. They’re meant for short distances. Run ‘em without stopping for an hour or two?”
They watched as he popped open a panel and flicked a pair of switches. The wheels started rolling uselessly as the robot sat there like an overturned turtle.
“After a good while, these batteries tend to swell up and go BOOM.”
The motor whine of the capsized robot steadily grew in pitch as it got up to speed. Within a minute, the little TOGO robot was at max cruising speed-or would have been, if its wheels were touching the ground.
“Seeing as Austin Globe’s finest already knows what’s going on here, boss is already making the moves to relocate this lil’ shindig. This place ain’t much use to ‘em anymore-and he’s willing to sacrifice a little bit of product to keep us going in the long run.” The masked man cupped Anna’s gagged face. “Not sure if we could weather all that ‘bad publicity’ if you lived to run a story, Annabelle. I’m sure ‘ye understand?”
“Dhnnhh chhlll mhhh hhnnhbllhhh…” Ash’s mom grunted, pulling her face away from his gloved hand.
While her mom and the goon were exchanging good old fashioned villain/victim pleasantries, Ash couldn’t help but notice the straining little robot directly in front of them. The part of its underbelly with the exposed motor had begun to emit a soft orange glow; and it looked like the coils within were beginning to struggle with its own output. The whine of the motor was steady, but one could tell just how much this little robot was fighting.
“As I’m sure your brilliant deductive thinkin’ probably figger’d out, those canisters you tracked down to us are a little volatile…”
*Thats a big word for YOU, hick* Ash thought to herself.
“All the crates in here? Wouldn’t take much to send ‘em all up in smoke. N’ like I said-boss is willin’ to take a loss.” He kicked the heavy robot straining on the ground. “Give this lil’ feller about ten minutes at this speed? That battery’s gonna blow. Then? All these shipments go with it. Pretty likely blowin’ the whole block if not just the warehouse..”
“Yhhhh fhhhkkkrrrhhh….” Anna cooly cursed the goon beneath her gag.
“-Blowing the warehouse, and any would-be heroes tryin’ to muscle in on our operation! So-“ The goon stepped forward and pulled Anna’s gag, removing the rag from her mouth. “Got anything you wanna say for posterity’s sake before the famous Anna Hamrick becomes a black spot on the concrete?”
Anna spat out the gag furiously before locking eyes with the man. “I just gotta know-what’s the game here? Why blow your ‘operation’? This has to be *millions* of dollars in product. There’s no WAY you can just weather losing all that..”
“Aww, sweetheart! You’d be surprised! This is just a stagin’ area! We ain’t buyin’ n’ sellin’ outta here.” The man stepped back and patted one of the shipping crates full of canisters. “These cans move on to bigger n’ better things around the city from here! Everything’s building up to the boss’s *main event*.”
“…Main event?” Anna’s tone was one of skeptic concern.
Ash knew her mom never doubted her research on LlamTech-maybe disagreed with her *methods*, but never *doubted* her. Maybe this gave even more credence to what she was telling people? It was all too damning-a warehouse full of mysterious gas canisters with LlamTech logos plastered all over them? For what?
Maybe Anna would finally realize that LlamTech really was that boogeyman Ash had been saying they were…
“Listen, lady-I’m just a heavy-liftin’ guy. And even if I knew what the folks up top were doin’ with all this stuff, it wouldn’t do me a bit of good to waste my time explainin’ their plan to ya.” He tugged on the ropes around her chest, making sure to cop a feel on Anna’s exposed bust. “Seein’ as you an’ your daughter ain’t gonna be around much longer. Shame about that!”
“Listen, I don’t care what happens to me.” Anna gestured to Ash on her left. “But let *her* go. You already know I’m a liability. I get it. Who’s to say I wouldn’t tell the whole world about this operation? But your risk is with me-not her.”
“S’much as I’d LOVE to grant you that request, Miss Anna-“ he stepped over and playfully patted Ash’s gagged cheek, “‘fraid the girl’s seen just as much as you have. Sure, she ain’t *famous* like mom, but who’s to say that apple don’t fall far from the tree? What if she tells all them younger folks on MySpace what were doin’?”
*Damn. That kinda stung* Ash exhaled in disappointment. This guy REALLY hadn’t heard of her? Of “AshInvestigates”?…Or even of “that blonde girl that breaks into places and fights robots”? The ‘thug grapevine’ of Austin pretty much knew her by name at this point. Huh.
….She was a microcelebrity, dammit!
“I know I won’t be able to get you pretty ladies to beg,” he shoved the rag back into Anna’s mouth before tying the gag back around her head, “so I’ll go ahead and let y’all spend these last moments however ya like.”
The man tugged the ropes around Ash’s legs, then her mother’s. before stepping back to admire his handiwork one last time-the little (soon to be exploded) robot’s motor screeching all the while.
Not one to leave without being creepy one *last* time, he pulled his phone out once more.
“Smile, Hamricks!” He gave a nasty chuckle, snapping a few more pics of the bound and gagged mother/daughter duo. “Won’t need to hide those under the mattress, I reckon!”
“Ffhhhkkknn ghhrsssss” Ash and Anna grunted in muffled unified disgust.
With a tip of his imaginary hat, the man disappeared into the labrynth of crates to exit the warehouse-likely planning to get himself far away from the unpredictable blast that was to come.
A minute had passed as they both writhed next to eachother-trying to find slack in even one of the knots holding them.
Anna Hamrick stood just as proud as she had in front of Creep McHick moments ago-but *now* the nervousness had washed over her. She was doing everything she could to remain resilient in front of her daughter-but the very real threat of death coming for both of them was starting to make the cracks show.
“Mhhhmmh?” Ash tried to nudge the woman next to her.
Anna Hamrick wordlessly turned her gaze to her daughter. Her expression was very clearly deep in thought on how to get out of this-gears turning in her head as she tried to recollect years of experience in tight situations.
All coming to nothing.
The motor’s sound steadily grew in pitch as the robot inched closer and closer to detonating-and both women knew that a sudden end was coming fast.
Ash nudged her mom one more time, trying to get her to snap out of it and get back to the famous Anna Hamrick everybody knew. C’mon-she had to know something about using the robot to untie themselves, or maybe she had prepped an escape plan while they were snooping!
If she hadn’t sprung into action by now?
Then she really had to be out of ideas. No quips. No fast thinking. No overwhelming confidence in the face of danger.
Her mom always had a plan-and this was her first time seeing her without one. Anna Hamrick wasn’t a woman to admit defeat-but her silence was about the same as doing so.
“Hyyhhh, mmhhhmmm?” Ash tried to prod her to think of something. “Nhhhy hhdhhs?
No response. Her mom just sat there-trying to think of a solution that wouldn’t come.
Ash felt something wash over her. Not sadness. Not regret. Hell, not even fear. The woman resigning herself to fate wasn’t just her mom-this was motherfucking Annabelle “Anna” Hamrick. Literally the coolest, most resilient, most *badass* woman she ever had the privilege of knowing. A woman that, frankly, had never been reduced to a situation like this-to be overpowered, defeated, and facing certain death with no chance of escape. Failure, plain and simple.
And Ash sure as FUCK wasn’t about to let defeat consume the coolest woman to ever live.
Because you know who was something of an expert on colossal failure?
Ashley Hamrick. Daughter of said coolest woman to ever live. And if there was anything that she got from her mom, it was that it didn’t matter how many times she got acquainted with failing.
She *always* got back up.
How many death traps just like this had she faced? How many humiliating scenarios where she had been tied up and left to die by some third-rate goon? Too many to count. But no matter how many times she got thrown *into* those scenarios, she always fought her way *out*.
Ash shouldered her her mom a little more aggressively this time.
The hit rattled Anna Hamrick out of her daze.
“Phhktttt! Jhhkht pkkhht!” Ash gestured to her torso, turning into face her mom.
Anna shook the fog out of her head and raised an eyebrow. Jacket potatoes? Jerk putz?
“Jhhhkk. Htttt… PHH.. KHHTT!”
Ash was almost slamming her hip into her mother-trying to gesture to the zipper at her side.
Anna turned away from her daughter, using her bound hands to try and shimmy the zipper down on Ash’s purple leather jacket. It took a few moments of fidgeting around with the zipper-as doing it behind her back with roped wrists wasn’t exactly easy-but eventually she managed to wriggle Ash’s phone out, giving her daughter an affirmative pat on the side to tell her it was free.
Ash’s next few movements were actually astounding to watch, from Anna’s perspective. With practiced ease, she unlocked her phone without even looking. All from behind her back with bound hands, she swiped forward through two pages of apps before tapping-
…..Twitch? The streaming app?
Anna had supported enough of her daughter’s streams to know that *occasionally* viewers would call the cops when Ash was in danger-but that was NEVER when time was of the essence. A quick glance at the struggling robot told her that time was not something they had an abundance of. The robot’s motor was now a vibrant glowing orange- If she had to guess, there were maybe less than five minutes before that thing gave out and ignited all of these gas canisters.
C’mon, Ash-what was the move?
In the brief moment that Anna was looking at the struggling TOGO robot, her daughter was already live on Twitch. From what it looked like, she already had a few hundred viewers in the chat-all of them spamming dozens of emotes that she couldn’t quite make out from this distance. It was what Ash did next that was, frankly, baffling.
Baffling, but brilliant.
Ash grumbled into her gag-turning her face away to hide her crimson-flushed face. A deep breath was released, and Ash tossed her phone on the ground with purpose. Front-facing camera side up.
Right between her legs.
Anna’s complexion suddenly matched Ash’s as she, too, flushed red-hot with embarrassment. It had only been a quarter of a second that she let herself see what was showing on the stream feed-but it was long enough to see the chat absolutely ERUPT.
“Dhhhnttt EVVHRR thhll ddhhd…” Ash groaned, still avoiding eye contact with her mom.
She was fortunate enough that her dad still had *zero* clue about what exactly it was she did online-and it needed to stay that way.
Ash foolishly looked down at her own stream to see if her plan had worked yet. The chat was exploding-as expected. Lots of the usual pandemonium in response to fan service. In fact, her fans appeared to be particularly blessed today-the camera was kind enough to give juuuuust wide enough of an angle to show upskirt shots of both her AND her mother
Oh god, this REALLY had to go to the grave with them.
Having seen a pantyshot of her own mom, maybe exploding didn’t seem like such a terrible fate. It’d be quick. Painless. And it *wouldn’t* haunt her for the rest of her life.
That image was going to be burned into her memory until she died. With any luck, that would be soon.
Hoping she could avoid making eye contact with the spectacle that her camera was getting, she zeroed in on her chat. The robot’s whine was getting to sound like the highest pitch of a violin-so any indication that her plan was working would be GREAT.
Ash could feel her mom’s shoulders wriggling next to her, followed by seeing a rag hit the ground out of the corner of her eye.
DAMN, mom really was good at this! The gag was out!
“Alright, Scoob-“ she continued to try and loosen her ropes, with no luck, “I THINK I see your plan, but-OH GOD, THAT’S BOTH OF US ON CAMERA, HUH?”
Both women looked away from eachother, very much hoping to avoid the pervy elephant in the room.
“I uhhhh…” Anna cleared her throat, trying to pretend she wasn’t aware they were both having their dignity broadcasted over the internet. “-what’s the move? Even IF someone in that chat of yours called the police, there’s no WAY they could get here in time. Hell, why didn’t you just CALL the police yourself? I’m-I’m not saying I’m panicking or anything, I’m just trying to figure this out!”
“Mhhh nhhh chlhhh phhhlhh…” Ash mumbled into her gag, her eyebrow smugly raised.
“You what? Wait. Hold on.”
Anna leaned in to Ash’s cheek and pulled her gag down with her teeth. Ash spat her own rag out and looked her mom dead in the eyes.
“I wasn’t calling the police, mom.”
“Okaaaay,” Anna remained as calm as she could-even as the TOGO robot started smoking. “Then, my beautiful daughter, the light of my life-and I mean this in the calmest and nicest way possible, please tell me-who the FUCK are you trying to get the attention of with a stunt like that??”
Ash smiled and raised an eyebrow. The sound of another motor could be heard-this one much deeper, and with a whole lot more horsepower behind it.
Another TOGO robot?
Like the sound of a car mounting louder and louder as it picked up speed to hit someone, Anna could tell something big was coming directly for them.
Ash just smiled and rolled her eyes-as the wall behind her straight up exploded into a cloud of smashed concrete and dust. All the while, Ash didn’t even flinch-her cool, collected smile unwavering as slabs of wall flew over her shoulder. The only movement from her was the act of raising her hand to push her bangs out of her eyes.
“Wait, holy shit, you got your hands untied too??” Anna’s face widened into impressed disbelief.
In spite of the certain death and peril of the situation, Anna couldn’t help but feel her body swell up with pride. Sure, she was usually one to keep her emotions *mostly* in check under pressure-but this called for an exuberant-
“Fuck yeah, Scoob!!”
Anna, despite being bound, shouldered the hell out of Ash-the closest approximation of a hug that said ‘Holy shit, I really DID raise a badass.’
Over Ash’s shoulder, a single red hi-beam light could be seen glowing ten feet off the ground; as an enormous silver monolith on tank treads pushed through the dust-stopping right in front of the bound duo.
“Good to see you too, Iggy.” Ash said.
“Wait, do you know this thing personally?”
“IGGY! I appreciate your concern but we REALLY need to get moving.” Ash was already untying the ropes around her legs, moving on to her mom’s bonds. “This place is a powder keg full of gas and that little bot over there is about to set ‘em ALL off.”
The robot snapped to attention. His single eye darted its focus to the now sparking and smoking TOGO robot on the ground-likely seconds away from detonating.
“IGGY. We can get the tech specs later! You got room for two in that chassis?”
“GREAT. Open up! We gotta move!” Having untied her mom, Ash pulled Anna to her feet. “Let’s go, lets go!”
“Ash, are we really sure we can-“
The robot slid two human sized panels in his chassis open-revealing padded storage compartments.
“I don’t have time to explain what I don’t have time to explain!”
Ash pushed her mom into one of the compartments, before turning to the other-only to find one of the robots long tendril arms shoving her back into the same compartment.
The door slid behind them-sandwiching Ash in the tight compartment with her mother. The space was small for even an individual-so naturally one would likely find themselves pressed far too close for comfort with another person if they were forced to share said space.
As it stood, Ash found her face pressed firmly into Anna Hamrick’s ample chest-with very little room to even wriggle or object to the situation. Both women said nothing-but they knew not a word would be spoken of this.
“Hmhhhhhmhhh…” Ash tried to give her mom a courtesy warning to brace herself-but her current predicament made words just as muffled as when she was gagged.
There was an abrupt “POP” outside the chamber.
This was it.
The box they were in suddenly tumbled violently-spinning one direction, then another. As thick as the walls of the robot were, the sound of the collective explosion was like getting exposed to a thousand gunshots at once. The six inch steel absorbed the higher frequencies of the sound, keeping shell shock to a relative minimum as the two were tossed around against eachother.
Ash closed her eyes and imagined that one scene from the bad Indiana Jones movie-the one where Indy crawls into the fridge to weather that nuclear blast. Not because she thought it was a cool scene, or that it was a comfort in the face of danger or anything; it was just all she could fill her mind with to avoid thinking about the fact that her face was buried in her own mom’s bazonkers in the middle of a chemical explosion.
The little things, ya know?
Within a few seconds, the sound of all the blasts made by exploding canisters had subsided-with nothing more than the low echo of the shockwave remaining. The cabin inside the robot stopped rolling with a heavy slam, rattling both of them violently.
The two women fidgeted inside the cabin as their makeshift bombshelter lifted itself upright. Iggy proceeded to open the pod door to let Ash and Anna tumble out, quickly splitting apart to try and ignore the awkwardness of the last two minutes.
The smoldering wreckage of the warehouse was three to four blocks away-meaning they were REALLY rocked by that explosion. Enough so that their little mobile bomb shelter must have literally been FLYING through the air from the blast for them to have landed this far away.
A pause.
“Never a word of this to dad?” Ash asked, straightening her bangs.
“To anyone. Ever.” Anna replied as she assessed her outfit-noting a few tears in her stockings with a disappointed sigh. She looked back over at her daughter. “Proud of you, Scoob.”
Ash popped a finger gun at her mom-doing everything in her power not to let the over-the-moon excitement of her mom’s praise show and make her look like a dweeb.
It was showing, though. Her smile was taking up her whole face. And she *did* look like a dweeb.
Ash paused for a moment.
“You know what? Fuck it.”
She turned and wrapped her mom in the strongest hug she could muster. Tight, all-encompassing, and inescapable.
Anna Hamrick beamed, and promptly followed suit-eliciting a desperate squeak from her daughter as she proceeded to squeeze a little *too* hard. As was her way.
Both women noticed the hug start to get a little tighter than usual. As if another set of very large (and cold) arms had joined the moment.
The two opened their eyes to see a charred black robot, his armor still scored and smoking, joining in on the embrace-his long tentacle arms making several passes around them to complete the hug.
“Thanks Igg.” Ash patted one of the tentacles gingerly, trying to indicate that the moment was over. “You’re a real one.”
The robot pulled away, allowing the other two to separate from his massive embrace.
Anna took a long sideways glance at the smoldering robot, then to her daughter. Then back at the robot.
“Sooooooooo, is this-?”
Iggy snapped his attention to the older woman.
“This the boyfriend?” Anna cocked an eyebrow with a wry smile.
“He’s not my boyfriend, mom.”
Iggy extended a steel claw from his body toward Anna, offering a civil handshake. Anna’s smile was very near bursting into laughter as she looked at a now thoroughly embarrassed Ash.
“Well, consider me charmed!” Anna shook the menacing metal claw gingerly before turning to her daughter. “Ash, why didn’t you tell me about the nice ten foot iron man you were dating?”
“H-hey! It’s not like that MOM!” Ash brushed soot off of her leather skirt, not sure of what to do in this situation to make it any less awkward. “Listen, it’s a really, REALLY long story and I’m not sure HERE is where we want to have this discussion-“
“Mister ‘Eye-Gee’, I-“
Anna gave her daughter a shit-eating grin, savoring this opportunity to stir the pot.
“Iggy, then-“ Anna continued, “You know, ‘The Iron Giant’ used to be one of her favorite movies as a kid. That might explain a lot of things. Hell, this is news to *me*.”
A loading bar flashed on the robot’s display for a brief moment before returning to his regular red eye.
“Awww, that’s sweet. See, Ash? This is the kinda guy I always wanted for you! Takes interest in the things you like, polite, bomb-proof and indestructible. Y’know, just a good fella!”
Ash threw up her hands and was already leaving the scene.
“I’m done. I’ll see you at Christmas, mom. Catch you later.”
Anna carried on after her daughter-still surprisingly adept at running in heels. “Awwww, c’mon! Don’t be like that Scoob! We still gotta make plans for having tall, dark, and bullet-proof over for dinner!”
Iggy scooped Anna Hamrick to let her stand on the ledge of his chassis.
Anna allowed her self to perch on the large robot’s base, just above the treads-gripping onto one of the panels for safety.
“You really are the consummate gentleman, aren’t you?” Ash’d mom gave a gentle peck to the robots charred chassis, before reassuringly patting his frame.
“Go get her, handsome.”
Austin, TX 07:08AM CST
“-authorities are still investigating the source of the explosion, having not ruled out the possibility of arson. Although the damage from the blast extends over three blocks, no fatalities have been reported. We’ll update you with the latest as soon as we-“
The tv at the foot of the long boardroom was turned off.
“Well, that’s not exactly a good look.” A stern woman with vibrant pink hair said curtly, leaning back in her chair. “Are we compromised?”
“No m’am. Protocol was followed to a ‘T’” responded a smartly-dressed twenty something Hispanic girl organizing her stack of notes into a leather binder. “Say what you will about the warehouse labor we hire, they ALWAYS follow orders. No witnesses, no collateral, not even a a scrap of debris linking LlamTech to this.”
The pink haired woman-LlamTech CEO Juliana O’Mara-tapped something into her phone to make note before looking back up at her assistant.
“As always, Jackie-doll, you’re a peach.” The older woman sighed deeply before standing up. “Have a crew perform damage control on the site, discretely. Don’t want a trail to have been dropped from this.”
“Yes m’am”
O’Mara turned to a gaudy historic map of Austin, Texas that hung on the wall behind her, taking a moment to observe the painstakingly hand-drawn craftsmanship of it. Upon further observation, she took note of the pins placed throughout every area in the city-a heat-map of sorts keeping track of *something*. The highest concentration of these pins came from a single point, then fanned out to the entire city from there. A single point on Congress street where, interestingly enough, an abandoned warehouse had just exploded.
The CEO took a thick marker from the desk and crossed out that point of interest on the map-it was, after all, just a smoldering crater now.
“I like to see this as an opportunity, Jackie.” The sultry pink-haired woman said over her shoulder. “It’s time we diversified the reach of our distribution anyway. I hate to sit in one place for too long.”
Jackie nodded, making notes in her day planner. Juliana O’Mara crossed the room to the window overlooking the Austin skyline, letting out another wistful sigh.
“….And the sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from her power,” The CEO crossed her arms as a sinister sharpness grew across her face, “and no one could enter the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels was finished.”
Jackie looked up from her notes, reasonably alarmed.
“…Revelations?” O’Mara paused. “Don’t tell me my Jackie never had to be dragged to Sunday school?”
Her assistant smiled awkwardly to break the tension. “N-no! I figured! Just.. Wasn’t sure what you were trying to get across…” she was floundering, worried she might have overstepped her boundaries. “N-not that you need to explain anything, m’am!”
O’Mara twirled back around to face Jackie, her dress trailing with a flourish.
“Don’t worry your gorgeous head so much, sweetheart!” The CEO’s expression softened as she crossed over, placing a gentle hand under Jackie’s chin. “I suppose even the best of us get those little power trip moments! Standing in front of a window like that, view of the whole city! Oh, it just goes straight to your head! You start to feel like…Ohhhh, what’s that character’s name? The one from the Star Wars?”
“….Darth Vader?”
“That’s the one! I’m just being ridiculous. Please don’t worry yourself Jackie…” the older woman tugged the collar of her assistant and pulled her close, taking in a deep breath of her perfume. “Just a little over-stimulation, going to one’s head. A little show-boating, that’s all.”
Jackie found herself blushing as her boss (and mistress, privately) pressed into her-forcing her to take a seat on the conference table. From everything she had been told, this endeavor was for the good of everyone in the long run. What harm was there in letting the woman in charge have those little moments of eccentricity? What tech billionaire *didn’t* have those?
“We’ll just reposition, adapt, and move forward from this setback..” O’Mara’s tone became a little more lofty as she ran her nails along Jackie’s nyloned legs, almost melodic. “In any case, I think we’ve had enough discussion about all that Project L.O.C.U.S.T. business, haven’t we?”
Jackie Garcia tried to maintain her professional demeanor as O’Mara pushed her hair behind her ear.
“I-I’ll go ahead and move your eight o’clock, m’am.”
“That mess from last night has me a little behind, Jackie.” O’Mara said with a lifted eyebrow. “Why don’t we push out my nine o’clock, too?”
Jackie let the CEO pull her close, her nails digging into her thigh. The assistant finally let herself loosen up with a soft smile.
“Yes m’am…”
Julie, Kris, and Kelly sat around the round mahogany table in their office, sipping on their black coffee as they discussed the latest case file. Their eyes scanned over the neatly typed pages, each one absorbing the details like sponges.
"So, we're dealing with a hypnotist who's using young women to take out top executives?" Kris spoke up, her blonde ponytail bobbing slightly with each word.
"That's what it looks like," said Julie, her eyes narrowing as she tapped a finger on the file. "But why? And who's the puppet master behind it all?"
Kelly leaned back in her chair, her brunette hair cascading over the leather. "Well, that's our job to find out. But first, we need to get close to Reardon's operation without raising suspicion."
The three of them were Charlie's Angels, the best in the business. They had seen it all, from corporate espionage to high-stakes heists, but this case had a twist that none of them had encountered before.
Julie, the newest member of the team, was eager to prove herself. "I'll go undercover at Reardon's firm," she said with confidence. "Maybe I can get some intel on the inside."
The other two angels nodded in agreement. Kris spoke up, "And Kris and I will take on the role of junior executives. We'll keep our eyes peeled for any signs of foul play at Tectronics."
Their boss, Charlie, a disembodied voice over the intercom, responded, "Good plan, Angels. Remember, we're dealing with a highly intelligent and dangerous individual. Do not underestimate the power of mind control."
With that, they all stood up, ready to take on the mission. Little did they know that the game was about to change in a way they never could have anticipated.
Julie arrived at Reardon's company early the next morning, dressed in a sharp pantsuit and carrying a briefcase that contained nothing but her most essential gear. She walked through the sleek, modern lobby with purpose, her heels clicking against the marble floor. The receptionist looked her up and down before pointing her to the elevator with a suspicious gaze.
Kris and Kelly, on the other hand, waltzed into Tectronics with the ease of seasoned professionals. They flashed their fake IDs and were led to the executive floor, where they were to act as temporary employees. The tension was palpable, and they could feel the eyes of their unsuspecting colleagues watching them closely.
As the days went by, the Angels gathered bits and pieces of information. They noticed the strange behavior of some of the women in the office, who always seemed to be whispering and glancing at their watches. The trail grew colder by the hour, but they were determined to uncover the truth.
But fate had other plans. Reardon grew suspicious of the new executive assistant, and it didn't take long for him to deduce that she was not who she claimed to be. One evening, as the office emptied out, he called her into his private room. The room was dimly lit, with a large chair in the center and a set of strobe lights and headphones on the desk.
"You're not here to take notes, are you?" He said with a sly smile.
Julie felt the blood drain from her face as she realized her cover was blown. She tried to think of an excuse, but before she could utter a word, Reardon placed the headphones on her and flicked on the strobe lights. The hypno script began to play, and she felt her mind slipping away, unable to resist the powerful suggestions.
Reardon's plan was clear: he would turn her into one of his mindless drones, programmed to take out Charlie's client. He had no idea what he had just unleashed by bringing the full might of the Angels onto his tail.
The fight against the hypnotic conditioning was brutal. Each day, Julie was subjected to the strobe lights and the hypno script, her will being chipped away little by little. Yet, deep down, she clung to the hope that Kris and Kelly would find her before it was too late.
One by one, the other angels were brought in for the 'typing test' under the guise of a promotion. They too were hypnotized and placed in the conditioning tanks, their spirits breaking as the days turned into weeks.
The transformation was complete when they emerged from the tanks, wearing the green spandex unitards that had become synonymous with Reardon's control. They were brainwashed into obedience, their personalities stripped away, leaving them as happy hypno drones, ready to serve their new master without question.
The three of them now walked the halls of the company in their large gowns, pearl necklaces, seamed stockings, opera-length leather gloves, and open-bottom girdles, a stark contrast to their former selves. Yet, they felt a strange comfort in their new roles, a comfort that was both terrifying and exhilarating.
Julie, once the eager and sharp-witted detective, now moved with a grace that was almost inhuman. Her eyes held a blank stare as she carried out her duties, her movements precise and calculated. The executives she once protected now fell at her feet, her touch as cold and deadly as ice.
Kris and Kelly had become the ultimate femme fatales, their charm now a weapon more potent than any gun. They could manipulate any man or woman with a simple batting of their eyelashes or a whispered command. Their hypnotic allure was undeniable, leaving their targets powerless to resist.
They took to their new lives with a disturbing enthusiasm, executing their tasks with a ruthless efficiency that sent chills down the spines of those who knew them before. Each kill was met with a sense of satisfaction, a twisted reward for their loyalty to Reardon.
Their bouffant hair bounced with every step they took, each strand perfectly in place as if frozen in time. The girdles and high heels that once constricted them now empowered their every move. They had become the embodiment of a dangerous allure, a living representation of Reardon's twisted vision of perfection.
Their deep red lipstick smiles grew more menacing with each passing day, a silent declaration of their newfound allegiance. The nylon stockings that had once been a mere fashion accessory were now a weapon of choice, wrapping around the necks of their unsuspecting targets like a serpent's embrace.
The office had become a stage for their macabre performance, each corridor a catwalk for their deadly dance. The once bustling halls of Tectronics now echoed with the clack of their heels, a rhythmic prelude to the horror that awaited those who dared to cross their path.
Julie, Kris, and Kelly had been reborn as Reardon's instruments of destruction, their minds shackled to his will. They followed the evil path he had laid out for them, forever entwined in a nightmare of his making. The joy they had once found in solving cases and bringing justice to the wronged was replaced by a cold, mechanical satisfaction in carrying out their new orders.
But amidst the fog of their hypnotic servitude, a spark of rebellion began to flicker. It was as if the very core of their beings was crying out against the manipulation, a whisper of their true selves that could not be fully silenced. Slowly, they began to understand that the only way to regain their freedom was to take down the man who had stolen it from them.
One fateful evening, as the moon cast long shadows across the office floor, the three angels gathered in the conditioning room. Their eyes met, and in that brief moment, a silent pact was formed. With a strength they didn't know they had, they broke free from their programming and turned the tables on Reardon.
They approached him as he sat in his chair, surrounded by his monitors and gadgets, the very tools he had used to control them. His smug expression fell as he saw the cold determination in their eyes. He knew he had made a grave mistake.
With a swiftness that belied their elegant attire, the angels descended upon Reardon. They had studied his every move, learned his weaknesses, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. Their hands, once so adept at typing and serving drinks, now became instruments of vengeance.
Kelly stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with a fiery resolve that seemed to illuminate the room. With a grace that was almost mesmerizing, she looped her nylon-covered leg around his neck, her high heel digging into the plush carpet for leverage. The girdle that had once been a symbol of his control now felt like a vice tightening around his throat.
As Reardon's eyes bulged, Julie and Kris joined in, their latex-covered hands working in unison. Kris took hold of his flaccid member, her leather-gloved grip firm and unrelenting as she began to stroke it through the sheer fabric of her stocking. Julie, with her own stocking-covered mouth, took turns with Kris, sucking him to a state of painful arousal.
Reardon's face grew redder, his breaths more ragged, as the stocking tightened around his neck. The pleasure was intense, but the fear of death lurked just beneath the surface. His eyes darted back and forth between the three of them, searching for a hint of mercy that was no longer there.
The moment came, as it always does in the darkest of moments. With one final, desperate thrust, Reardon reached his climax, his body convulsing as he shot a massive spurt of cum into the stocking. But the release was short-lived, as the pressure on his neck grew unbearable. The stocking filled with the warmth of his seed, the fabric stretching tightly around his throbbing member.
Kelly's leg muscles quivered with the effort, but she did not let up. The other two angels continued their relentless assault, their movements now a blur of stocking and latex. The air grew thick with the scent of sweat and sex, a heady mix that seemed to fuel their determination.
Reardon's eyes rolled back in his head, his body going limp. The last thing he saw was the trio of angels standing over him, their expressions a mix of triumph and horror at what they had become. And as the light faded from his vision, so too did the grip on his life. The stocking grew wet with his final release, a grim reminder of the power they had taken from him.
With their former master defeated, the angels surveyed the wreckage of their lives. The office was a battleground of overturned furniture and shattered glass, a testament to their newfound freedom. They knew they couldn't simply return to their old lives, not after what they had been through. The scars of their ordeal ran too deep, and the thrill of the hunt had become a part of them.
They decided to take over Tectronics, using their new skills to eliminate their rivals in a way that was both brutal and alluring. Under their control, the company grew more powerful than ever, and their influence spread like a dark web across the corporate landscape. Each kill was a statement, a warning to those who would dare oppose them.
The boardroom was no longer a place of dry business discussions but a stage for their deadly ballet. They would seduce and manipulate, their words a siren's song that lured their enemies into a sense of false security. And when the time was right, they would strike, their every move a choreographed dance of death.
Julie, Kris, and Kelly had become the very monsters they were sent to stop. Yet, they reveled in their power, the thrill of the kill now an integral part of who they were. They had no lives to return to, so they built a new one, one where they called the shots. The whispers of their victims echoed in the empty halls of the office building, a macabre symphony of fear and desire.
Their days of fighting for justice were behind them, replaced by a quest for dominance. They ruled Tectronics with an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove, their every action calculated to maintain their grip on the company. The world outside had no idea of the horrors that played out within the gleaming glass and steel tower, but the angels didn't care. They had found a new purpose, a dark and twisted destiny that filled the void left by their stolen lives.
Their reign of terror continued unabated, each new acquisition or merger marked by the sudden disappearance of a competitor. The whispers grew louder, the fear more palpable, but still, no one dared to stand against them. They had become the very embodiment of the corporate predators they once sought to expose, their beauty a mask for the monsters beneath.
In the depths of their opulent office, the angels discovered a new thrill. Each night, they would don their shiny green long sleeve stirrup unitards, the material clinging to their toned bodies like a second skin. They would slip into the oxygen deprivation tank, the claustrophobic confines of which had once been their prison, now a place of twisted refuge.
As the tank filled with water, they would slip on their VR googles, the screens flickering with extreme brainwash loops that played on a never-ending loop. The images were a jumble of sensory overload, a barrage of colors and shapes that danced before their eyes, reinforcing their new reality. The oxygen depletion brought them to the brink of consciousness, and as their bodies begged for air, their minds craved the release that only came from serving Reardon's will.
They found themselves addicted to the process, the edge of orgasm dangling just out of reach. Each gasp for air brought them closer, their hearts pounding in their chests like a drumbeat of desire. The VR images grew more intense, the strobe lights inside the tank pulsing in time with their racing thoughts. The hypno script that once controlled them now a siren's call that urged them to submit, to give in to the pleasure that lay just beyond their grasp.
And so, they would stay, for hours at a time, their breaths shallow and rapid, their bodies trembling with need. It was a twisted ritual, a perversion of the conditioning that had once enslaved them. Yet, in the darkness of the tank, they felt alive, a spark of their old selves flickering amidst the cold steel and gleaming glass. It was a high that no drug could match, a reminder of the power they now wielded.
Their days were spent in their executive offices, their gowns and pearls replaced by sleek business attire that belied the monsters they had become. Yet, even as they crushed their enemies with a smile and a handshake, their thoughts often drifted back to the tank, to the moments of pure, unbridled desire that awaited them when the sun set.
Their nights were a blur of hedonism and violence, the three of them feeding off each other's dark desires. They had become a clandestine cabal, a trio of corporate dominatrices who ruled through fear and seduction. And as they lay in their beds, their dreams filled with the images from the VR loops, they knew that they had become the very thing they had been sent to destroy.
The angels had always known that they would eventually have to deal with Charlie and his agency. It was a loose end that could not be ignored, a threat to their newfound power. They had to act swiftly and decisively if they were to maintain their grip on Tectronics. And so, they set their sights on their former boss, the man who had sent them into this hellish world.
They began to gather intel on Charlie's operations, using their newfound skills to infiltrate his agency from within. They knew his tendencies, his weaknesses, and they used this knowledge to their advantage. Each night, they would slip away from the office, leaving behind a trail of whispers and shadows as they moved through the city, setting their plan into motion.
The final act of their twisted play unfolded in the heart of the agency's headquarters. They arrived dressed in their finest, a masquerade of innocence to hide the monsters beneath. The guards, hypnotized by their beauty, didn't suspect a thing as they strolled past, their weapons concealed beneath layers of luxurious fabric.
The moment they entered Charlie's office, the gloves came off. The hypno darts they had crafted, dipped in a solution of their own making, flew through the air with a silent grace. The room was filled with the sound of gasps and thuds as the agents fell to the floor, their eyes glazed over with the same mindless obedience that had once been their own.
Charlie looked up from his desk, a look of shock and betrayal etched onto his weathered face. But the angels showed no mercy. They had tasted power, and they liked it. They had become the predators, and now it was time for the hunted to become the prey.
With a flick of her wrist, Kelly sent a dart flying towards Charlie. He tried to dodge, but his reflexes were no match for their hypnotic precision. The dart embedded itself in his neck, the venom coursing through his veins.
He slumped back in his chair, his mind swirling with confusion. The angels approached, their smiles cold and calculated. They had come full circle, from being his pawns to becoming the masters of their own twisted game.
They strapped him into the very chair he had used to brief them on their missions, the chair that had once been a symbol of their unity now a throne of retribution. The strobe lights flickered on, the hypno script playing in his ears, and the cycle of brainwashing began anew.
As the lights danced before his eyes, Charlie's mind grew hazy. He could feel the walls of his consciousness crumbling, the last vestiges of his identity slipping away. The angels hovered over him, their gowns fluttering like the wings of avenging angels, their eyes gleaming with the victory that was almost within their grasp.
The process was slow, a dance of power and control that mirrored their own transformation. They whispered sweet nothings into his ear, their voices a siren's call that lured him deeper into the abyss. And as the final strobe of light faded, they knew that the final piece of the puzzle had been set in place.
Their mission was complete. The agency lay in ruins, its agents now mindless drones at their service. They had taken everything from Charlie, leaving him a shell of his former self, a man who would now serve them without question or hesitation.
The angels looked at each other, their expressions a mix of triumph and regret. They had crossed a line, one that could never be uncrossed. But they were in too deep now, too lost in the thrill of the hunt to ever return to the light.
Their hearts, once filled with the passion for justice, now beat in time with the rhythm of power and control. They had become the very thing they had been sent to stop, and they liked it. They had been reborn in the shadow of the corporate world, and they had no intention of ever leaving it again.
Julie, Kris, and Kelly stood before Charlie, their eyes gleaming with a cold, calculating hunger. The same stocking that had brought him so much pleasure in the past was now a tool of his downfall. Kris stepped forward, her hand caressing his neck with the same gentle touch she had once used to comfort a distraught client. But now, that touch was deadly, the stocking tightening around his throat.
Julie and Kris approached from the other side, their movements synchronized like a well-oiled machine. They had learned to read each other's thoughts, to anticipate each other's actions, and now they used that connection to bring their former boss to his knees. With a flick of her wrist, Julie brought the stocking up to Charlie's face, the same stocking that had been filled with the lifeblood of their enemies. His eyes grew wide with terror as she wrapped it around his throat, the soft fabric biting into his skin.
Kelly knelt before him, her full red lips curling into a wicked smile. She had been the one to deliver the fatal blow to Reardon, and now she was eager to repeat the performance. Her hand reached down, caressing his crotch through his trousers. He struggled against the stocking, his eyes bulging as he realized what was about to happen.
The air grew thick with the scent of fear and lust, a potent mix that only served to fuel their dark desires. They had become masters of the art of seduction, using their beauty as a weapon to bring down the powerful. And now, they were about to wield that weapon against the man who had created them.
With a quick yank, Kris brought Charlie to the brink of unconsciousness, his body writhing in pain. He was no match for the strength they had been imbued with, the power of the hypno script now a part of their very essence. His eyes rolled back in his head, and a low moan escaped his lips as Kelly took his member in her mouth, her teeth grazing the sensitive skin.
The strobe lights flashed in time with their movements, casting eerie shadows across the room. The hypno script played on a loop in the background, a constant reminder of their twisted origins. They had come so far from the bright-eyed detectives they once were, and yet, in this moment, they felt more alive than ever.
As they tightened their grip, their hearts raced with excitement. This was it, the culmination of their twisted journey. They had become the monsters in the shadows, the unseen hand that ruled the corporate world. And as Charlie's life slipped away, they knew that they had truly become the masters of their own fate.
The stocking grew wet with his cum, a grim testament to the perversion of their new reality. They had taken everything from him, just as he had taken everything from them. They had used his own desires against him, and now he would pay the ultimate price.
The world outside their gleaming tower remained oblivious to the dark transformation that had taken place within. The angels had become the very monsters they were sent to bring to justice, and they reveled in their newfound power. Each day, they wove their web of manipulation and fear, their every move calculated to tighten their grip on the corporate world.
Julie, Kris, and Darlene knew that their actions had left them forever changed, but they couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through their veins with each new conquest. They had become the embodiment of the corporate jungle, predators dressed in the finest silks and diamonds, their claws always ready to strike.
Their nights grew darker, their hunger for power insatiable. They sought out new ways to exert their control, pushing the boundaries of their own twisted morality. They had become the very essence of temptation, using their beauty and wit to bend others to their will. The city was their playground, and the powerful men and women who once looked down upon them now trembled at their approach.
One evening, as they lounged in their penthouse suite, sipping on champagne and discussing their next move, a new opportunity presented itself. A rival company, GENTEX, had made a breakthrough in technology that threatened to upend the balance of power. The angels saw a chance to solidify their dominance and struck without mercy.
Infiltrating GENTEX proved to be a challenge, but one they were more than equipped to handle. Using their hypnotic abilities, they seduced their way through the ranks, planting the seeds of doubt and dissent. The company's top scientists and executives began to act erratically, their actions a testament to the angels' influence.
As the chaos grew, the angels knew it was time to make their move. Dressed in their most alluring outfits, they crashed a high-profile board meeting, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent. The room fell silent as they strode in, their presence a stark reminder of the fate that awaited those who opposed them.
The board members looked up, their faces a mix of shock and lust. They had heard the whispers, the rumors of the three women who could bend men to their will, and now they were face to face with them. The angels didn't need to say a word; their very presence was a declaration of war.
The fight was swift and brutal, a dance of seduction and destruction that left the boardroom in shambles. The men of GENTEX were no match for the hypno-enhanced strength and speed of the angels. They fell one by one, each succumbing to the lethal combination of stocking and latex-covered hands.
As the last man lay gasping on the floor, the angels turned their gaze to the terrified scientist who had made the breakthrough. He was young, brilliant, and utterly defenseless against their combined onslaught. With a flick of her wrist, Kris sent a dart soaring through the air, piercing his neck. His eyes glazed over, and the angels knew that they had claimed another piece of the corporate puzzle.
The city watched in horror as GENTEX crumbled from within, their secrets now in the hands of the angels. The lines between good and evil had blurred, and the angels reveled in their new role as the corporate puppeteers. Yet, amidst the chaos and the power plays, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. The thrill of the kill had become routine, the rush of adrenaline now a mere shadow of what it once was.
Julie looked out over the cityscape, her thoughts racing. They had come so far, become so powerful, but at what cost? Their souls felt hollow, their hearts cold and unfeeling. Yet, they pushed the doubt aside, focusing instead on the thrill of the hunt, the allure of the power they now wielded.
In the shadows of their gleaming office, the angels plotted their next move, their eyes alight with the fire of ambition. They had climbed to the top of the corporate ladder, but the world was a vast and treacherous place, ripe with opportunity and danger. They knew that their journey was far from over, that there would always be new challenges to face,