The Restaurant (Weight Gain/ Stuffing Story) by bobiscool18, literature
The Restaurant (Weight Gain/ Stuffing Story)
"Hey Annie! Are you ready? It's already been two hours."Michelle asked her petite roommate as she patiently waited for her to finish getting ready. Annie always took way too long when she had to dress up. Michele tried to be nice, but that girl was just a perfectionist in every way."Give me two more minutes, sorry."Michelle heard Annie's voice through the door of her room. Michelle audibly sighed as her belly rumbled. They made plans to eat out at this new restaurant that had just opened. Apparently, the food was amazing, according to her friend Jenna. Jenna knew her food well, as she was well over 300 pounds of pure fat. Michelle, the 24-...
Teacher Fattens Hot Students (Weight Gain Story) by bobiscool18, literature
Teacher Fattens Hot Students (Weight Gain Story)
Another long day of Katy's seemingly pointless life has ended. She was currently teaching English at a local high school. She taught the 12th grade seniors and, for the most part, liked her job. Still, she was longing for some love from her husband, Andrew, but there was one massive problem. Katy had been steadily gaining weight since she got married to Andrew. During their marriage, she weighed an extremely slim 125 pounds for her 5'5 frame. At this point, she was ideal for almost every straight and possibly even some gay males. Her perfectly coiffed blonde hair. She had perfect c-cups, a somewhat plump waist, and a perfect ass. She worke...
The American Obesity Problem by LightningRodOfHate, literature
The American Obesity Problem
I have no face. There was a time when I may have owned one, but this is a fuzzy half-memory. In fact, it may be entirely an invention of fantasy. These days, regardless of my history, I know for a fact that I have no face. However, I have been granted a name: The American Obesity Problem. And I am growing in the United States. You may have seen me on television. You may have been witness to my disconcerting back cleavage and mystified by the seamless transition my legs make from my calves into my ankles. You probably saw my unsettlingly large, shelf-like behind as it strained against my tight Capri pants that I swore I would...
Happy Heavy Holidays 4 by undertaker33, literature
Happy Heavy Holidays 4
“Ngghhhhhh…” Oliver groaned, leaning back in her seat. She looked almost drunk, head bobbing, stifling a burp and an ill-timed hiccup, but in truth the girl had only drank soda. No, Oliver wasn’t drunk. She was passive, bloated, stuffed to the point of debilitation. On the table was a holiday massacre. A Christmas ham, nearly a dozen pounds when they had begun, was just scraps and bone. A bowl of mashed potatoes was emptied, with only little trails of thick creamy sludge mixed with the brown gravy and heaps of butter remaining to define the container. A bread basket completely vanished, save for flecks of buttery crescent roll...
The Cell: Prologue (part 1) by Chickysammich, literature
The Cell: Prologue (part 1)
Before you get involved in this series, know that there will be many more disturbing themes such as kidnapping, force feeding, mental distress, body shaming, and rapid weight gain later on in the series.
I’m putting this here as a disclaimer so you don’t get halfway through the series and realize this stuff is too intense.
This part includes belly expansion, overeating, hints at weight gain, and public embarrassment.
“You know Piper, I've been noticing some weird shit happening around town recently.”
Piper’s friend Rina always seemed to be over exaggerating or freaking out over any minor inconvenience in her life, but what else could you expect from an Aspen. They were the wealthiest family in town, and with money comes paranoia.
“You remember that girl who went missing like 4 months back?”
Piper tried to remember for a moment
“Yeah, Amber right? She was the girl who hosted that party where you fucked those……..”
“You know we don’t talk about that night!”
Whined Rina
Responded Piper
“Well apparently they decided to call off the search for her completely out of the blue, even after they found all that evidence just last week”
“Rina, I know your dad owns the Prison and all, but that doesn’t mean you're an expert on police cases. Just let the police do their jobs.” Said Piper in a patient tone.
“Yeah but, I swear I saw a bunch of creepy ass shadows outside my bedroom window last night.” Rina whined.
“You're kidding right? It could’ve been anything Ri, you live in a big ass house with like 7 other people for god's sake. Plus, that has nothing to do with the Amber thing” Said Piper, obviously tired of her friends over exaggeration.
“Maybe, but they kept whispering. All I heard was that “she’s ready” whatever that means.”
“Rina, it’s probably just a dream. No need to get all anal about it”
The two girls sat in silence for a moment waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.
Rina slouched down in the crumbling leather seat.
“Girl, you know my parents could hook you up with a decent car right. Like, one that actually has a radio, or AC”? moaned Rina
“Oh really? Your dad would rather start the second siege of Mount Carmel than pay his taxes. You really think he’d help buy a car for the girl surviving off food stamps?”
“Piper, my parents adore you. Plus they HATE how often I let you drive me around in this hunk of junk. I’m sure they’d be willing to spend some dough to protect their little princess.”
“Look Rina, I know you want to help, but I don’t need your parents handouts. I’ve been fine for the last 18 years on my own.”
Defeated, Rina pouted and crossed her arms, clearly not used to being told no.
Petty squabbles Like these were common with the two girls, but it honestly seemed to help the friendship. Rina always enjoyed poking a bit of fun at people and mentioning how much cash her parents had, and Piper enjoyed reminding her about normal, non rich people stuff in an almost motherly way.
Piper's car honestly was a piece of work though, sporting two doughnuts and a cracked back windshield that leaked when it rained, but she loved the idea of being independent. Once she graduated High School, she was done living in her parents trailer. This wasn’t an out of the ordinary living arrangement for most people in town, but she hated the idea of being actual trailer trash.
After pulling up in front of the local highschool, Rina hopped out of the car, grabbing her pink designer backpack. She hastily pulled out a notebook and an overstuffed bacon egg and cheese bagel wrapped loosely in tin foil.
“I’ve gotta head off to finish a test in Mr Jacobs class. I guess I’ll see you later?”
“Uh, yeah sure, see you later” yelled Piper.
Rina was already hustling away from the curb at this point.
Piper couldn’t help but notice how good Rina looked from behind as she walked away devouring the greasy breakfast sandwich. She had a sloppy fat ass that looked like it was about to pop out of her tight pink yoga pants like a warm tube of crescent dough, with complimentary thighs that were thick but cute that always rubbed together when she walked. To round it all out were her huge DDD cup breasts and a bit of chub around her midsection that poked out through her crop top. How all of this could fit within her 5 foot 3 inch stature was unknown.
Most guys don’t think she was the same 10/10 she was just 6 months ago. Since her appetite spiked during the summer, her face has rounded out and is now dotted with light acne. She sports the same blonde ponytail everyday, as well as a repetitive rotation of similar glossy pink colors of lipstick and the same five or so outfits. It’s hard to imagine that last year she won best dressed. It didn’t help the odds that she still dresses like a 120 pound pornstar, with most of her clothes being crop tops and tight booty shorts that showcased the new gallery of stretch marks and cellulite that have appeared recently in the last few weeks. The only thing that’s stayed the same is her gorgeous ocean blue eyes.
A lot of guys still wanna fuck her, but her weight gain and lunch time shenanigans are changing that fast.
Piper wasn’t very intrusive, but she had overheard from Rinas mom that she shot past the 180 pound mark during the last week of summer while her parents and sisters were out of town for the weekend, meaning now she’s probably close to 190, putting her scarily close to crossing the line between overweight and obese.
Piper enjoyed the look, but definitely didn’t want to be that chubby herself, being absolutely disgusted by the idea of letting herself go like that. She was attractive, but in a completely different way. Standing at 5 foot 10, she had barely an ounce of fat on her body. Her thighs and ass were slim, but toned and somewhat prominent with her Abdomen being impressively lean, giving her a slight hourglass figure. Her breasts were microscopic AA cups that she strapped in tight with a sports bra,
But her most prominent feature was her adorable face. She had a fairly thin jawline, a cute little freckled nose, and the most gorgeous emerald colored eyes. Her brown hair came down to just above her shoulders in perfect curls, sometimes falling in front of her almost inch thick glasses.
If not for her cute face and clothes, most people could easily think she was a 14 year old boy.
(Honk) (Honk)
Startled, Piper snapped out of her daydream and whipped her head around to see a truck stalling behind her. She shot the kid behind her a middle finger ,and whipped her steering wheel around to find a parking spot.
Douglas McArthur public High School was a very......interesting place.
It was made up of a bunch of small concrete buildings connected by covered sidewalks. The front entrance was a large gate in the middle of two conjoined offices. Right outside the gate sat a large Brutalist style fountain, which gave the whole area an unnerving feeling.
Piper sat in her seat for a moment, dreading the day she was about to have. Stepping out of the car, She grabbed her mangled faux leather bag from the back seat of her car and shut the door, making sure to lock it twice.
Looking around for a second, she quickly pulled a small black vaporizer out of her bag and took a hit, almost immediately feeling a light buzz. She had been trying to stay off the dab pen since lacrosse season started, but on a chilly morning like today with only two periods to get through, it was irresistible.
“Rina is such a bitch for getting me hooked on this shit” Piper joked in her head.
After collecting herself she started the short trek towards the gate. She kept her pace quick and eyes forward trying to make herself as unapproachable as possible. It was 9 am and she just didn’t want to deal with anyone.
She walked through the gate, narrowly avoiding a group of the more preppy lacrosse girls. Once inside, she immediately took a sharp right hand turn towards building 500 and felt someone slam right into her chest. She dropped her bag, and all of her books dumped onto the cement.
“I’m sorry miss”
Shifting her gaze towards her chest, a freckled kid that looked like a boarding school student slowly pulled away from her flat breasts and fumbled trying to pick up her books
“Y-you dropped these” the kid stuttered with a slight lisp, giving her a meek look.
“Uh, thanks” responded piper
“Hey, you're that girl who sits in the back of Miss Rosenblooms class!” Spouted the kid
“Oh, it’s good to see you.......”
“Henry, it’s okay, m-most people d-don’t remember my name, especially pretty girls,” the kid said, simultaneously embarrassed and flustered.
“Just don’t cum in your pants dude” piper thought looking down at the pitiful welp, unable to hide a smirk.
“Well, I’ve g-g-gotta go, maybe I’ll see you in class later?” Asked henry.
Piper awkwardly shifted her gaze
“Uh, yeah man. Let’s talk later.”
Piper gave the kid a pity fist bump, then trotted towards her first period to avoid being late.
Jogging around the corner of the hall, and making a beeline towards a sign reading
Piper could already tell that she wouldn’t make it. The hallways had already emptied out, with only a few miscreants wandering about.
Her teacher, Mr Alford, stood holding the door open with arms crossed and face scowling thanks to her imprudence. Somehow she was actually able to get through the door on time, bursting into the room just as the bell rang.
Mr Alford gave the girl a stern look.
“All right miss Piper, I guess you made it. Please take your seat”
Mr A was kind of an asshole, but in the same endearing way as a grumpy grandpa.
Piper locked eyes with a few of the other students, mostly meatheads who just needed another elective so that they could graduate.
The winded girl rolled her eyes and strolled to the back of the class, sitting in the back right corner, three seats away from the closest person.
Once she was seated, Mr A Began one of his expected tirades.
“Now that everyone is here, I have to make very clear that absolutely NO pornography is allowed on these computers! I don’t care what you do at home, but…….”
As Mr A continued, Piper began to drift off. Catching her breath from earlier, she slowly took off her glasses and rested the side of her head on her hand. She didn’t really care about what her teacher was saying and was too high to really understand anyway. She just wanted to get this stupid class over with for the day.
“Now that we’ve dealt with that, you can turn on your monitors and get to work on your projects. Remember, they’re due next Monday.”
Mr A then sauntered off to his desk to play solitaire for the rest of the period.
Piper slowly sat up and stretched, having dozed off for a minute. She switched on her assigned computer, but left it on the home screen since she had finished the project a week earlier.
She then stealthily pulled out her sketchbook and cracked it open.
She didn’t really like to be seen as an artist, but she dabbled enough to be called one.
“Let’s see what’s up in the noggin today” thought piper
She slowly flipped through the sketchbook, but no new ideas really came to mind.
“Damn, I guess The vaults been pretty vacant lately”
The contents were pretty generic. In the front of the notebook were drawings of Roses, a few Eyes, a couple of local deer she saw last year, and a self portrait.
As she continued to flip through the book, the generic art girl drawings slowly changed into portraits of figures in different poses. At first androgynous and intermixed with the other drawings as just some other doodles, but recently they have received increasingly detailed features, and their “appropriate” anatomy. These types of drawings now make up almost all of what Piper draws.
The monotony came from the fact that she, for the most part, rotates the same few poses, traditionally attractive body types, and other features.
She tried to tell herself that she didn’t change things because she already has a safe formula, or that she just didn’t have the artistic ability to draw more complex details. In reality, she just knew where her mind would wander if she let it.
It seemed today she wouldn’t have that kind of control. Piper began to draw like she usually would, starting with an outline of the figure. At first she methodically drew a thin feminine figure in a very sexual position, With her hands on her hips thrusting her ample breasts towards the viewer. It was a noble effort to be original, having never used that pose before, but it just didn’t feel right to her. She stared at the page for a moment, then, in her dumb little high brain, remembered how Rina made her feel this morning, and just how good she looked. She just couldn’t suppress the thought of her gorgeously imperfect figure. With a new unintended muse, Piper began to scribble away. As she drew, her mind started to relax, and her lines became a bit rounder and fuller. It felt as if her hand was doing all the work, leaving her rational thinking behind.
She knew exactly what she was doing but couldn’t stop herself. As she paused her scribbling, she realized that she was becoming slightly aroused by what she had created. On The page stood a short figure. She had a slight amount of chub giving her a small paunch that stuck out but didn’t sag in the front, as well as cute pudgy love handles on the sides. Her thighs came millimeters from touching one another, and her thick ass could be seen between her legs from the front. Along with this, her breasts were quite impressive, but were becoming almost too big, beginning to feel the effects of gravity.
In a way that was very unusual to the art style of Piper, The girl was in a very bashful position, unsuccessfully trying to hide her large breasts with one arm, and covering her exposed vagina with her other hand. Her feet were pointed in towards each other and her head hunched down as if she was trying to hide as much of her exposed self as possible in embarrassment. Weirdly, Instead of being up front and center, she was almost in the background, seeming far away, but big enough to see every detail. The most unusual part of the picture were the last details. On the poor girl's blurry face and hands was a dark smear of frosting and crumbs, and at her feet sat a half finished cake that lay on its side as if dropped in front of her without care, with the person who put it there knowing she would still finish it.
Piper sat and stared at this outline for a while. For some reason she felt a connection to this faceless character, almost as if she had empathy for her, and understood why she was trying to hide.
Unfortunately before Piper could start pondering what this meant about herself, she was pulled out of her stupor by the faint sound of snickering behind her back.
“Damn Twiggy, I didn’t know you thought about your beluga whale of a friend THAT way!”
Piper quickly shot her gaze up to the looming form, and rushed to slam her arms over the drawing to hide it. Flustered, she glared up at her heckler.
Looking down at the poor girl was Cameron, the football team's star kicker and the schools chief example of ignorant white trash. He was never that good at coming up with insults, but that didn’t matter all too much to his posse of knuckle dragging friends.
“How long did it take for you to think of that one”? Asked piper somewhat timidly
“Ohhhhhh, Skindiana Bones wants to act all tough now huh?” Shot Cameron.
“What if I told Everyone what you really think about that sentient trash compactor you hang out with? Judging by that drawing, you must be one nasty bitch, I mean, I like chubby girls as much as the next guy, but she ate herself out of that label 20 pounds ago.”
Leaning down, Cameron put a hand on her shoulder and got right next to her ear.
“I guess we were right to pass that bitch around like a stripper with daddy issues when we did. Back then we took her fat rack and pornstar ass for granted.”
Piper felt her cheeks start to turn red, angry and disgusted that he would say such a thing.
At this point a few of Cameron’s goons had wandered over, stopping her from lashing out at him.
“Yo cam, what’s got you talking to the virgitarian?” Shouted one of the jocks, evidently proud of his little dig.
Cameron pulled away from the girl, shooting her a smirk.
“Well, It seems like our little cud chewer here might have taken a liking to a bit of bacon” chortled Cameron.
He then swiped the Notebook from under Piper's arms, giving his friends a quick peek.
“Now why would you want to bump uglies with a porker like this when you’ve got something so much thicker right here”
Cameron then put a hand around her waist and pulled her in, giving her a wink.
Pipers instincts soon kicked in
“Get your hands off me you fucking creep!”
Everyone’s gaze shifted towards the pair as Cameron pulled back, giving the girl a murderous stare.
“You’ll regret that pig fucker”
As Cameron mouthed the words, the bell rang informing the students it was time for lunch and Piper couldn’t be more excited to get the fuck out of there.
Before lunch, Piper met Rina inside the bathroom where she had obviously been skipping gym. Washing sweet frosting off her hands, Rina tossed 3 empty cupcake wrappers into the trash. She then walked up to Piper and gave her a short friendly hug.
“Oh man, I’m fucking starving!” Complained Rina, rubbing her cake-filled tummy.
This unsettled Piper a bit, who couldn’t understand how someone could still be hungry after eating a meal sized portion of desert. Not wanting to upset her friend, Piper just smiled and let Rina lead her to the dining hall, keeping one eye over her shoulder thanks to Cameron’s warning.
In the past year or so, the school had been running low on cash, so the school board allowed a few food chains to sell meals in the cafeteria as an alternative to the cheap school lunches.
For Piper, this wasn’t even an option. Even though she was working 30 hours a week, she never had extra cash to spend, having to pay off her car loan and help her parents with the bills. Thus, she had to make her daily walk of shame with the other poor students and settle for whatever free meal the school was providing.
Rina on the other hand, made sure to always take advantage of her parents' generosity. She would usually hit up at least two of the restaurants during the lunch period, as well as get the school lunch on top of that if she’s really feeling adventurous.
Once Piper finished getting her food, she usually had to wait an extra 5 minutes for Rina to finish her daily pilgrimage to fat girl heaven. This let Piper scout out a table away from both the geeky kids so she could take a break from being drooled over, and those meathead assholes who would probably talk about wanting to cram Rina’s “porky pussy” or some shit.
Today, she chose a small four person table near the doors leading to the outside patio area. Once she sat down, she quickly pulled out her notepad to add a few final adjustments to her little doodle. Then out of the corner of her eye, she sees a large form saunter over and slam down a tray of food.
“Watcha drawing Piper?”
Piper then calmly folded the notepad and turned around.
She sat, looking up at the large form of Rina towering above
“Oh it’s nothing Rina, just a little doodle”
“Oh cool, can I sneak a peek?” Said Rina
Piper then paused for a moment
“Maybe later”
Piper said methodically. Rina then plopped down on the cafeteria stool, almost immediately forgetting about the notebook.
Piper kept her eyes glued to her chubby Friend for a few seconds. When she sat down, her ass seemed to swallow the stool, letting her cheeks spill off the side. Looking up a bit further, her portly midsection rested against the side of the table, making a slight indent where the two met.
Finally, Piper brought her gaze up to eye level, showing Rina opening her first wrapper of food. Her large DDD cup breasts grazed the top of the table, bouncing slightly as she tried to rip into her wrapper.
Today Rina decided to first go to Burger King, getting two whopper juniors and a Diet Coke. She then made her way to a new local Chinese place to get a plastic container filled with chowmein, orange chicken, and two egg rolls.
Compared to Piper's soggy veggie wrap, applesauce, and carton of milk, it was an absolute feast.
Once Rina had managed to open her first whopper junior, she grabbed it in one hand, and held her Diet Coke in the other. She then began to slowly make her way through the first burger
“So…(MUNCH)...Christy told me those Beefcake bros were fucking with you earlier”
Rina then took two more bites out of the burger.
“They didn’t treat you like shit, did they?”
Piper realized she was staring at Rina’s belly as she ate. She quickly looked away slightly embarrassed that Rina might have noticed, and started to pick at her own food.
“Nah, no biggie, nothing I should take personally.”
Rina was now picking up the pace, grabbing her second burger and quickly unwrapping it.
“You know, the offer’s still there if you want me to help you out with lunch. It might help to keep those bro’s off your back if you get some meat on those bones.” Rina said kindheartedly, poking her friend in the ribs
Piper wasn’t the type of person to get offended, but something about Rina mentioning her weight set her off
“No, I don’t need your family's money Rina, for the last time!”
The response startled Rina, who stopped eating for a second
“Piper I’m just worried about you, You shouldn’t have to deal with all this bullshit with Your parents and now Cameron by yourself. I just want to help” Rina said with a small quiver in her lip.
Piper looked at her friend regretfully, then reached in for a big hug. Rina pulled her in, squeezing her head in between her huge tits
“I’m sorry, I don’t want you to worry about me” sighed Piper
“I just wanna make sure your doing alright, especially with what happened to your parents” responded Rina
The two hugged for another minute or so before Rina pulled away to focus on more “important” matters as if nothing had happened.
Rina began to eat with a new found desire. She quickly slammed through the other burger, getting a bit of mayo on the corner of her mouth, and finished her Diet Coke. She tossed both of the wrappers onto the tray and grabbed the container of Chinese food. She opened the container, basking in the steam and savory aroma emanating from the box of goodies.
She started with one of the egg rolls, taking it out of commission in just 4 bites.
Her belly now stuck out an extra 3 inches, pressing snugly against the side of the table.
Rina then pushed herself up into a standing position, showing off her new paunch that stuck out from under her crop top and over the front of her leggings by about an inch or two. She grabbed her large fountain cup and with her new off balance posture went careening towards the soda fountain.
As Piper watched, her head filled with new fanciful ideas.
I mean.....she wasn’t gay or anything, right? There’s no way those jocks from earlier were right. Plus she’s definitely not into that unhealthy physique. It’s normal for girls to find each other attractive, and Rina just happens to be attractive, and chubby!
Rina slowly shuffled back towards the table, getting used to the new weight.
Her belly still had a good bit of jiggle as she walked, meaning there was room for more
She placed the cup on the table, took a long stretch, then sat down and started to shovel chowmein into her slightly full belly with a fork one hand, cupping the bottom of her belly with the other.
“Is it good?”asked piper
Rina quickly responded with a full mouth
“chomp...mmmgh yeah”
Most who knew her knew trying to talk to Rina while she was eating was almost useless. It was like she was in a trance whenever food was put in front of her.
As Rina shoveled more Chinese food into her gut, Piper could feel her heart start to flutter.
Once the container was around halfway empty, Rina started to slow down, taking deep breaths between each bite, stabbing at her prices of orange chicken like a beast killing its prey.
The hand holding her belly now rested atop the mound instead of squishing into pudge.
“Jesus, I think I overdid it this time” huffed Rina
She tossed the plastic fork onto the tray and leaned back to let her belly rest.
A few of the neighboring tables had caught wind of the current situation and were trying to catch glances at the front heavy girl, wondering how far she would take it today.
“I don’t think I’m gonna finish this time Piper” groaned Rina
“You say that every day dude, you’ll make room”
Piper grabbed the Diet Coke and put it up to Rina’s lips. She took a few massive gulps of the drink, making her cheeks puff like a chipmunk.
Piper started to feel hot as she feasted her eyes upon the blubbery mess sitting in front of her.
What the hell was wrong with her today!
Rina reached down, pulling the front of her yoga pants an extra inch down letting her belly surge out even more.
“I’m tossing in the (hic) towel piper, I’m stuffed”
This wasn’t enough for Piper. She wanted more.
“I’ve seen you eat more than this before, don’t you wanna see how far you can really go?”
“Sorry to disappoint Piper, but I’m done” slurred Rina
Piper sat disappointed for a moment, then without thinking reached out and grabbed Rina’s tummy
“Aah aaah mmmmmmmh”
Rina moaned as the girl's thin fingers pressed into her tender belly.
Piper began to make circular rubbing motions with her hand, absolutely mortified about what she was doing.
“(Hic) what the hell are.......ohhhhhh that’s nice” moaned Rina
Piper stared unceasingly at Rina’s gut, watching it slowly rise and fall as Rina struggles to catch her breath.
“Piper (pant) I think we’ve got a few spectators”
Piper shifted her gaze to the 20 or so people watching them in silence. Blushing, she quickly pulled her hand away from Rina’s belly.
“Uh....sorry, I just thought you needed some help” Piper blurted.
“It’s okay, it honestly felt goo....”
The two girls looked down to Rina’s belly before.......
The noise ricocheted off the walls of the building, lingering in the air for what seemed like a whole minute.
Now everyone was staring at the two. They sat in awkward silence for a moment before everyone returned their attention to their own tables.
“I guess that belly rub really did help” said Rina, who seemed much better now
“That’s good” said piper, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck
“Dude, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, stop acting all awkward” said Rina, in a slightly defensive tone
“You don’t care that everyone was looking at us? Does this mean you're actually gonna finish?” asked Piper, obviously a bit giddy
“Probably, like you said, I’ve eaten more than this before” declared Rina proudly.
With her belly sitting snugly on her thighs, the girl grabbed her fork and started on the noodle dish once again.
Her pace was definitely slower than earlier, with every chew looking like hard labor.
“Piper, if I’m gonna finish, your gonna have to start rubbing again”
Piper was stunned for a moment
“Are you sure? What if someone sees us again?”
“Just huddle over and keep your hand under the table, that’s what I do in class after lunch and no one notices”
Piper scooted herself next to Rina and cautiously pressed her hand onto her swollen tummy.
She resumed her prior motions, rubbing circles around her belly button. She could feel Rina’s stomach swell like a balloon, slowly pushing her fingers apart as she ate.
Bite after bite, the savory starches and sweet meaty chunks crowded every nook and cranny of the big girl's belly.
Piper just rubbed and watched for a good five minutes before she heard the scraping of the plastic fork against the container
“Ohhhhhhhh, I think I’m gonna burst” moaned Rina painfully
Her friend's belly was now packed as tight as a drum, and felt hard under Piper's hand.
“You definitely feel like it” responded piper
The only thing left on the tray now was the egg roll. The two girls eyed it and gave each other a look.
“I (burrp) can’t do it piper”
The two girls knew she couldn’t just give up here.
“It’s just one egg roll, I’m sure you’ve got room in the tank” Piper said as she poked Rina’s rock hard belly with a sinister smile.
Rina gulped, then said
“Feed it to me, I just want to get it over with”
Piper grabbed the egg roll with two fingers and waved it under her incapacitated friends nose.
“Stop teasing me (hic) you bitch” Rina joked
“Am I really about to feed my friend in public?” Piper asked herself.
Before Piper could change her mind, she clumsily shoved the deep fried delicacy into Rina’s gorge of a mouth.
A surprised look washed over Rina’s face as she slowly choked down the egg roll, not even noticing bits of wonton wrapper falling into her cleavage.
“ didn’t have to do it all at once” whined Rina
“You did say you just wanted to get it over with. I think I did you a favor” remarked Piper snarkly.
Rina gave her an annoyed stare ”Oh god, I feel like I’m gonna heave”
Piper pulled her hand off Rina’s belly, which was now lightly dotted with sweat, and stopped huddling over her friend's packed tummy. Piper was now able to see the end result of today’s escapade. The differences between the two girls were now extremely obvious. Rina’s belly stuck out a good 6 inches, with her belly button being somewhere in between her normal innie and a full outie. The bottom half of her gut was covered in light stretch marks that streaked like lightning down to her pelvis, showing the stress resulting from its owners habits over the past few months.
“God, you must’ve put on at least 5 pounds” said Piper
“Man, you really don’t know how food works huh? It’s not that much, I (URP) ate like this three times a day last summer and I’m only kind of a fat ass now” replied Rina
The two girls sat and laughed about the situation, and the fact that this was only slightly abnormal from the daily routine made it that much better.
Rina clutched her belly on both sides
Her belly whined, obviously very upset with its owner.
“You gonna be alright big girl?” Asked piper
She gave Rina’s belly a little poke, making a small ripple on the surface
“Piper, I swear to god I’ll smoosh your twig ass” Rina smirked, grabbing her belly, pushing it towards her friend.
Piper could already feel the eyes on the two of them and gave Rina’s taught belly a quick shove to get her to stop.
“Hey, I know you don’t care what people think about your weight and all, but it might be best if we head somewhere less crowded.”
Rina sat her hands on her hips
“Sorry my appetite hurts your ego Piper, but I remember you being the one who made me finish”.
Rina wasn’t really upset, she understood Piper wasn’t completely used to her public habits yet. She just wanted to poke some fun.
“I didn’t mean anything like that Rina. I just thought it would be easier to rest without as many people around” spoke Piper in a motherly tone.
“Fiiiine” sighed the portly girl “but you're gonna have to help me get there”.
Piper got up out of her seat and grabbed both her and Rina’s bags. Rina tried to do the same, but struggled to lift her ass a few inches off the stool.
“Come on you big chubster” said Piper sarcastically, grabbing Rina’s arms and lifting her to her feet.
“I really should take a break from stuffing my face, shouldn’t I?”
Huffed Rina
“You know you could always...”
“Nuh Uh, I’m not eating that vegetarian crap Piper” Huffed Rina persistently.
She then grabbed her belly like a pregnant woman and started to shuffle out into the hallway.
Piper followed closely, catching an eyeful of the butterball huffing her way around crowded tables and cafeteria monitors.
As Rina waddled, she clutched her huge belly that stuck over her waistband like a half deflated basketball. Her tummy was so tight that every step caused the whole thing to bounce up and down in one motion.
Once Rina finally made it out of the cafeteria, she braced herself against one of the poles holding up the outside walkway.
(HUFF) “Piper, this was really dumb. Let’s just go back”
Piper walked over to the poor girl and put an arm on her shoulder.
“We’re almost there, let me help”
Piper then grabbed Rina’s arm and let her hold on to her shoulder for support. She then wrapped her own arm around Rina’s back to give her enough support to stand up somewhat straight.
The two girls then once again began to hobble towards the library, taking a few breaks to let Rina rest or to thwart the eyes of onlookers. After what felt like an entire excursion, the two girls crept through the side door of the library. Piper let go of Rina, who waddled on her own over to a Couch in the back corner where no one would see her. Piper took a few minutes to find the librarian and tell her that they were there working on a project so she wouldn’t disturb the two girls. She then sauntered back to where the couch was, wondering what her friend was up to.
Rina was doing exactly what Piper had expected. She was laying flat on her back on the couch, rubbing her tight belly trying not to groan in case the librarian heard her. Piper thought it was the cutest thing ever, starting to feel hot again.
“Damn, you look like you're about to go into hibernation dude. Need a hand?”
Rina opened her eyes
“Mhmmm” groaned the stranded teen, rubbing her belly with a pouty look on her face.
Rina slowly scooted her back up against one of the arm rests of the couch and pulled her feet up towards her ass to make just enough room for the slim girl to sit.
The two girls relaxed on the couch in silence, Rina continuing to wince and rub her belly while Piper tried to catch a few glances for a future artistic reference.
“Uhhh Piper, are you gonna rub my tummy or not?”
Whined Rina, jumping straight to the point.
“My bad, I gotcha” said Piper
She got up onto her knees and leaned over Rina so she could reach her belly. She brought her hand up through Rinas spread legs and slowly rubbed the underside of her friend's bulging abdomen in a side to side motion.
“Ohhh, this feels soooo gooood. I should have you do this more often!” Groaned Rina through strained breaths
Piper didn’t respond right away, instead choosing to actually think the proposition over. Obviously she really enjoyed this for one reason or another, but it definitely couldn’t become a habit.
“Sure” Responded Piper awkwardly, trying to stay neutral.
Fueled by Rina’s enjoyment, Piper leaned in further. She crawled forward a bit, placing her left hand on the couch next to Rina’s waist, and slowly brought her right hand up to her friend's belly button.
As she started rubbing again, Piper could feel the percussive rumbles of Rina’s meal digesting inside her still tight belly, which made her feel a small wet spot in her own pants. She then ran her fingers along Rinas stretch marks, which were now accentuated by her tummy’s size.
“What the hell am I doing?” Thought piper, inching ever closer to her friend.
She then without warning pressed her ear up against the top of Rinas belly as she continued rubbing the sides
“Am I that comfy?” Asked Rina awkwardly
Piper didn’t respond, instead focusing on the cacophony echoing around her friend's abdomen.
The two girls lounged like this for what seemed like forever, Piper continuing to pet Rina’s Tummy, and Rina reaching up, pulling Piper's torso down so that she was basically curled over top of Rina’s dome.
After some time, Piper lifted her head, staring into her best friend's eyes, not knowing if she should make the next move. Piper just continued to gaze longingly, tracing circles around Rina’s belly button with her finger.
Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, a loud ripping noise broke the two girls eye contact
There was silence for a moment.......
“Oh god Rina, what the fuck”
Piper pinched her nose so she didn’t have to breathe the putrid fumes that had just come out of Rina’s ass.
“Sorry, Chinese always does that” said Rina, playfully embarrassed.
Piper hopped up off her friend and looked around the bookshelves to see if anyone was getting suspicious of their presence. Turning back to her friend, She gave the poor thing a pitiful look as she watched her try and fail to sit up on her own like a tortoise stuck on its back.
“Come on Tubbo, let's get you to class”
Cooed piper in a mocking tone.
She then grabbed Rina by her Chubby arms, and after three pulls, hoisted her onto a standing position, where Rina immediately embraced her friend
“Thanks Piper, I don’t know what I’d do without you”
Shocked by the sudden sincerity, Piper returned the hug
“Yeah, I know” responded Piper
The two girls then Gathered their bags and left for their last class of the day.
The Fattening Cruise (Weight Gain Story) by bobiscool18, literature
The Fattening Cruise (Weight Gain Story)
"I am kinda nervous about this cruise. I am already so not fit."Victoria looked at her best friend, Morgan, disappointingly. They had been planning their month-long cruise for years. Morgan and Victoria had known each other since the 9th grade, when they both made the school dance team. They were supposed to go on this long cruise after they both got their Bachelor's degrees. They had this idea since the first day of college. It took four long years for the young ladies to finally earn their bachelor's degrees in marketing. Victoria soon responded to her best friend calmly,"You are still super hot. I bet the guys are going to droll over yo...
Skyler's Weight Loss Program pt. 5 by bob123456789123, literature
Skyler's Weight Loss Program pt. 5
Part 5: Finishes and Fallout Tuesday morning found both girls asleep in their chairs, naked except for crumbs and spilled sauce, leaning back to give room to their guts, and virtually buried in wrappers and boxes.Kelsy was the first one up, helping her slovenly self to the last slice of pizza in the dorm, drinking water from a two-liter coke bottle and grinning. Skyler was in her chair, Nutella smeared across her stomach, looking huge. "Hey, get up already!"Skyler cracked open her eyes, groaning, " Nngh What?" She grimaced, scanning the room, disgusted by the mess, "Ugh. I feel gross.""Yeah, well, if it makes you feel better, you look j...
"Phew, I am spent!" came a familiar voice, following the sound of the door bursting open.Meagan looked up from her schoolwork to see Chelsee walking in through the front door, carrying a load of stuffher handbag, as well as what looked like a dozen brightly-coloured shopping bags. Leaving the door open behind her, she dropped the numerous paper bags onto the floor.Chelsee stood there in the doorway for a few moments, catching her breath. It was a hot day outside with the summer having very much arrived. The golden rays of the sun poured in through the open front door, causing the beads of sweat that had collected on Chelsee's soft, bare a...
Weight Gain - The Health Resort - Chapter 1 by ProfessorDoctorC, literature
Weight Gain - The Health Resort - Chapter 1
Day 1
I slept through most of the boat ride here, and now that I’m in my room I feel I could go for another nap. Between the jet-lag and the heat, I have no energy all day.
I’m sure my weight has something to do with that as well. My body has been flirting with obesity for most of my adult life and every time I try to stick to a diet I end up exhausted and miserable for days.
I’m hoping this will be different. When I first saw the brochure for this hotel it looked exactly what I wanted: a health spa where I can relax, eat well and exercise without having to starve or suffer. On top of that, I didn’t have to be afraid of being shoved in bet...
The Pillow Girl - WG Story by ScareGlow, literature
The Pillow Girl - WG Story
The first time I ever did it was with Lily when we were in third grade. We were laying on my bed watching the episode of Tiny Toons where Buster Bunny takes all this food and stuffs Babs until her belly gets really huge and she can't move. I took one of the pillows from my bed and stuffed it in my shirt. Lily did the same thing, and we pretended to be really fat and we bumped our bellies together.
I would stuff myself with pillows once in awhile because it felt so good. One time I was doing it alone in my room and my mom walked in.
Danica, you're so silly. Take that pillow out. You'll ruin the shirt that I just b...
Weight Gain Mission- Penny by ChubbaDubDub, literature
Weight Gain Mission- Penny
They were having a wonderful time, eating and laughing and having fun, but the celebration was replaced with a unanimous, melancholy sense of self-loathing when they read those two words on the bottom of their check: "fat girls" It was scrawled in bubbly english script where the table number was supposed to go.
A party of four customers found this at the end of their night at the restaurant. Undeniably, they were all different shades of heavyset, and they were all insecure about it. In light of this, the name calling proved to be an especially low blow. They were quite justifiably furious. When the waitress came...
Fattened Faculty (Chapter 13) by ChubbaDubDub, literature
Fattened Faculty (Chapter 13)
Bare feet on the cold, tile floor of a high school locker room—now that was a nostalgic sensation. The memories associated with the feeling may have been largely negative, but the whole situation held a warm familiarity nonetheless. Last time Vicki had set foot on a floor like this, it had been as an embarrassingly fat high-school student forced to take her clothes off in front of skinnier, prettier peers. Since then, a lot had changed, but the tiles were still cold, and she was still embarrassingly overweight. Heather finally broke the silence, shouting at her friends so that they could hear each other over the walls of their res...