Basic Statistics
Meaning of name:
Origin of name:
Blood type:
Sexual Orientation:
Current status:
Political Party:
Police/Criminal/Legal record:
Socioeconomic level as a child:
Socioeconomic level as an adult:
Birth date:
Birth place:
Current residence:
Past History
First Memory:
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her:
Other memories/events that still affects him/her and why/how:
Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why:
Dixie Kong propels herself into Death Battle! by DoctorMooDB, literature
Dixie Kong propels herself into Death Battle!
DISCLAIMER: YOU DON'T HAVE TO ASK ME PERMISSION TO USE THIS BIO. JUST PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHEN YOU DO USE IT. I REPEAT; YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK ME TO USE THIS BIO. I JUST WANT TO BE CREDITED FOR MY WORK ON IT. Also note that this bio has not been updated since 2018, so there's a chance it could be out of date if new media/information have surfaced since.
Dixie Kong First Appearance: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest (1995)
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Baseball player, Basket Ball Player, and Racer
Classification: Ape
Affiliation: Kong Family and the Mushroom Kingdom
Likes: Bubble Gum, Music, Bananas, Cooking, Eating/Food, Sports,
"It speaks?!" The King shouted, backpedalling away from Jack.
"Incessantly," Damien sighed, rubbing his temples. "Frankly, I'm surprised he managed to stay quiet for so long while you and Iridesia were speaking."
"Shutup leech," snapped the giant puma.
"Leech?" The bald woman who apparently could "feel" that Damien was dead echoed. "Why such a harsh nickname?"
"Because that is what he is," Jack grinned, showing off his rows of sharp white teeth.
"I was under the impression that you were dead," the redhead with glasses murmured.
"I am dead," Damien bristled. "It's complicated and not pertinent to this conversation."
"Where i
Golden Heroes 10 Metahuman Trafficking 1 by Nuclear-Fridge, literature
Golden Heroes 10 Metahuman Trafficking 1
Help is on its way.
-John Tracy, Thunderbirds Are Go
Monrovia, Liberia
The large oblong structure located halfway down Railway Avenue was nothing memorable. It had a small parking area out front and a set of glass doors providing entrance into the reception area. An access lane led around to the back yard, where several locked shipping containers were standing out in the open next to a roller-shutter door large enough to reverse a small truck into.
That shutter was partly open, just high enough for people to walk in and out. There was a clutter of crates, boxed supplies and larger objects under dust covers visible within. On all the paperwork, 160 Railway Avenue was a long-term storage business catering to private and commercial customers. It had been bought up by an overseas investor a little over a year ago, and it still did some storeroom work. The utility bills and corporate taxes were paid on time and as far as the neighbours were concerned, there was
SJvC Exceed Win Quotes: Kagura by OmegaMorph, literature
SJvC Exceed Win Quotes: Kagura
(Kagura) Stage Theme: “Pray”
It kinda is rowdy outside of Edo, huh. That's always how it is with stuff around Jump and Cap.
I stand on the battlefield to protect what's important to me. If you hurt my friends, then I'll crush you!
The planet I’m living on is a star of freedom, yes? Over there, it is okay to live the way you want to.
Without *partner name* saying, we're already living how we wanted to. We're here because we wanted to. We're with you because we wanted to
Even if it's a short life, burn hot and bright and overtake the moment. That's my way of life.
(vs Goku) I hear Gin-chan making that same Kamehame sound
In the dark, cold streets of Ilulissat, Greenland, silence hung like a frosty fog. The high-peaked houses that perched on every rocky hillock sat in blackness, belying the bright colors they would display when the sun finally found its way up later that morning. The barking of awakening sled dogs could be heard from every distant direction. The wind, mercifully to anyone up and moving through the frigid streets, blew weak.
In one long, low building, a few lights glowed. People nursed steaming mugs, trying to awaken before their coming days' work. The smell of cooking food filled the air, and the rustling of heavy coats competed with murmurin
History will prove this to be one of the most colossal blunders made by a Prime Minister in the history of Canada. History did just that. When Prime Minister Diefenbaker and his Conservative government shut down the Avro Arrow Program, it was out of pride, and an un-willingness to admit their mistakes. The events that took place before and after the termination of the Arrow Airframe and Iroquois Engine prove that the Diefenbaker government was most unwise in its decision, and made one of the biggest mistakes in Canadian engineering history.
However, before looking into the government and their decision, one must know the backgr