Nessa and Sonia's Tickle Challenge!!! by ghkngyfhkkuuy, literature
Nessa and Sonia's Tickle Challenge!!!
*Intro Plays*
*The music is rather catchy and sounds like a remixed version of Sonia's theme with a bit of a spiced up tempo and some more jazzy instrumentals. While the music is playing, pictures of both Nessa and Sonia appear on the screen. First there is a clip of Nessa walking into the Hulbury Gym. Second is a clip of Sonia in her lab patiently examining some machinery. The next scenes then include the couple interacting with each other. We see a short clip of Nessa diligently brushing Sonia's hair while Sonia's Yamper sits in her lap and is tended to by her trainer. This is followed by the two showing off an outfit swap they had with Sonia looking very embarrassed about how exposed she is as Nessa simply tries to comfort her by holding her close. The final clip we see is an affectionate hug from behind as Sonia nearly tackles her girlfriend to the ground from the embrace. Finally, the channel logo "Nessa & Sonia" appears in a slick, turquoise font.
The set opens up with Nessa
Don't Blink Author's Note: Lots of feels. You didn't know how long you sat there crying. But in the end, you did stop. You wiped the last of the tears away, and sat staring miserably at the bookshelf opposite the chair. How could Whis abandon you like this? You went over all the interactions you could remember in the last seven months; the waning interest, the increasing lack of eye contact, the complete absence of any kind of touch...and you couldn't explain it. As you went to the library's bathroom to wash your face, your mind wandered on. You sat back down a few minutes later. That visit from the strange man had had to be the origin p...
Chapter Five. Above My Strength.“So,” Raven began as her surroundings melded into a stark white laboratory, a sharp contrast to the African rainforest she'd been standing in only moments before, “Where are we now?” Beast Boy had taken them into another memory, this time intentionally. Ignoring her question, he pulled her behind one of the glass counters and crouched low to the ground.“What are you doing?” Raven sighed as she knelt beside him.“Can they see us?” the green Titan asked her nervously, indicating a couple of white-robed scientists conducting some type of experiment in the corner.“No, this is a memory. We're only observers,” she ...
Sonic: Friendship is Eternal Ch. 53 by VGFanatic23, literature
Sonic: Friendship is Eternal Ch. 53
A Star Dies"You think a second round can even hope to make a difference?" Stargazer asked before Sonic ground his fist into his stomach. Stargazer felt the blood trickle out of his mouth before he completely threw some up to the side."I think it'll be enough to defeat you" Sonic said with a smirk before removing his hand and slugging Stargazer in the face. Stargazer reeled back, clutching his face with one hand and his stomach with the other.Twilight helped Luna to her hooves getting her out of the crater she was still in. She looked up to see Sonic deliver those hits to Stargazer. A smile to her face that she seemed unsure to have."What's...
Never Poke a Resting Harpy Part 3 by gothpox, literature
Never Poke a Resting Harpy Part 3
Millie takes a moment to check her handiwork. Erica’s feet strain against the tight bonds the sadistic sibling has improvised from hair ribbons found in a supply drawer. The ribbons wrap around Erica’s big toes, keeping her feet together side by side, then run back to knots on the cutout handle in the sawing prop’s ankle stock. Millie tests the tension on the ties and nods in satisfaction. “You’re not going anywhere. It’s time for your warm-up, Granny!” Millie sneers at the immobilized feet. She picks up a bottle of massage oil and drizzles some at the base of Erica’s tightly bound toes. Millie carefully smears the oil over the singer’s stretched soles, making sure every inch of them gets covered. The wicked young woman wipes her hands with some paper towels before gathering the rest of her equipment. She pulls a stylist’s cart in front of Erica’s glistening feet and retrieves a hairdryer from one of its shelves. Millie plugs in the dryer, inverts it on a stand atop the cart and flicks it on its highest setting. She positions the dryer to blow on her captive’s soles at only a few inches’ distance. Millie tests the airflow with her fingers and shakes her head disapprovingly, prompting her to pull a second dryer from the cart and set it up alongside the first. With both dryers blasting away on high heat, Erica’s feet start to wriggle in the torrent of hot air.
Back in the studio, Erica winces in growing discomfort. “It’s getting hot, Dax. Where’s Loni?” she asks anxiously. Dax holds her hand and tries to comfort her. “She’s still on her way. Malcolm will let her in here as soon as she arrives.” He pats her hand sympathetically as she lets out an occasional whimper.
Loni zooms toward the “laundromat “ in her forest green Saab, frequently glancing in her rear view mirror. So far the lightly trafficked evening streets have allowed her to speed to the scene, but she remains cautious to avoid any encounters with local law enforcement. As she pulls to the curb in front of the hidden studio, she looks in the mirror one last time before exiting the vehicle. Loni’s eyes shine yellow in the reflection. “Cutting things too close once again!” she humorously rebukes herself as she walks to the storefront door under a bright full moon.
Malcolm leaps from his seat when he hears footsteps approaching the reception area. Loni steps into the room to an unusually warm reception. “Oh, Loni—I’m so glad you’re here!” the worried young man exclaims as he throws his arms around the startled realtor. Loni growls, causing Malcolm to break off his embrace and take a cautious step back. “Too soon? If you’re still mad at me, I get it,” he says sincerely. Loni answers awkwardly, “No, no, Mal, we’re good. It’s not you, it’s me, heh heh. Uh, do you have a dressing room or wardrobe closet I can use real quick? I have to change NOW.” Malcolm looks puzzled, but offers, “There’s a room right off the practice studio, but you didn’t bring in any other clothes. What are you going to change in…to?” The question dies in his throat when Malcolm sees Loni’s gleaming yellow eyes and mouthful of increasingly pointy teeth. The studio manager smacks his forehead with a damp palm and laughs, “Oh, of course, THAT kind of change! I forgot about the moon tonight. Follow me, please.”
Loni steps out of the dressing room in her werewolf form, but modestly wrapped in a dark blue robe spangled with gold moons and stars. She quickly crosses to the studio door and enters the practice space. Malcolm mops his brow with a handkerchief as he stands by the Zig-zag Cabinet, while Dax hovers protectively over Erica’s upper half. The frontwoman herself is straining to keep from crying out. “Oh look—you’re a wizard, hairy!” she jokes in a cracking voice, trying to keep her girlfriend from getting upset. Loni snuffles at the jape, then hurries to Erica’s side to give her face a lick. “It’s good to see you, dear. Millie’s been roasting my feet for nearly half an hour,” Erica reveals. Loni turns her shaggy head to growl and bare her fangs at Malcolm. The studio manager raises his hands defensively and sputters, “I didn’t know what she had planned, I swear! It looks like Millie wants some payback for the way Erica and I went at each other when you came to get help for Bella.”
The tense moment passes when Loni tilts her head curiously and leans toward Malcolm, sniffing the air near him. She wrinkles her snout and asks, “Redicine?” Malcolm quivers, “What?! Oh, medicine, right! This is a bit embarrassing,” he states, dabbing his forehead again. “I—well, Millie and I—suffer from hyperhidrosis. The Van Helzen twins are very sweaty people, in case you hadn’t noticed. Millie and I signed up for a clinical trial antiperspirant last month, but it hasn’t been working too well.” Dax interjects, “If it’s any consolation, Malcolm, it is working in some respect. I don’t notice any odor at all.” A sudden realization brightens the master illusionist’s clouded countenance. “But Loni obviously does! Loni, since Millie’s been using that preparation as well, do you think you could track her by its smell?” Loni barks and nods vigorously. Following the new lead, Loni starts sniffing and prowling around the people and props standing about the studio. She works her way to the mirrored wall on the far side of the space and cautiously pushes on it. The panel gives way under her clawed hands, and Loni bounds excitedly into the passage behind the hidden door.
Malcolm exhales in relief with the promise of an end to Erica’s ordeal. However, his face soon becomes a mask of fear and he worries aloud, “Is it really such a good idea to have a werewolf hunting down my sister? I know Millie’s been acting like a fool and all, but…” Erica smiles and replies evenly, “I promise Loni won't do a thing to her, Mal. Omorose gave her a remedy some time back that calmed her feral nature. That sweet girl’s basically an oversized Golden Retriever.” Dax and Malcolm grin at the wholesome image until Malcolm’s smartphone rings in his jacket pocket. The studio manager looks at the phone screen and notes, “Hmmph—unlisted number. Probably a telemarketer, but you never know,” as he connects the call and answers with a crisp “Hello.”
“Mal? It’s me. I’m on a cheap prepaid phone, so you can’t track me. Put her on,” Millie insists. Malcolm nods and passes his phone to Erica, who continues to writhe painfully in the prop. “Millie? You do know you’re in a great deal of trouble, don’t you?” Erica snaps. Unfazed by the singer’s ire, Millie responds with a mean-spirited laugh. “At first I wanted you to apologize for how you treated my brother, but now I just want to hear you cry.” Erica proposes reasonably, “I’ve already made my peace with Malcolm, and there’s no reason to make things worse for yourself. Why don’t you just leave my lower half alone and tell me where to retrieve it.” Millie cracks, “Nope! That’s not going to happen, lady. I’m going to make you suffer all night!” Millie’s phone clatters on the other end but remains connected. A few seconds later, Erica yelps and nearly drops Malcolm’s phone as she experiences another unwelcome sensation on her distant soles.
Millie puts her phone on speaker mode and drops it on the counter. She abruptly turns off the hair dryers on the cart. The frontwoman’s feet flex weakly against their bonds, her soles an angry red from their prolonged exposure to heat. Millie then increases Erica’s torment by pressing a plastic bag filled with ice cubes against her steamy soles. The singer’s bound feet squirm feebly against the pressure of the shockingly cold bag, and Millie grins at their tortured movements. “Oooh, I bet that HURTS!” she cackles. Erica groans over the phone’s speaker. “Millie—unngh—it’s only fair to warn you—aaah—-my dear girlfriend Loni is coming for you. Do you think you can—neheheh—negotiate with a werewolf?” the pained performer bluffs convincingly. Millie snatches the baggie away from Erica’s feet and hastily disconnects the call. She sits in wary silence for a minute, then shakes her head and chuckles to herself. “Yeah, right. I don’t have to be afraid of the big bad wolf! Loni may be able to track me here, but she can’t get in without setting off the burglar alarm and making a big scene. Those Kastle Kreeps wouldn’t be happy to get that kind of publicity,” Millie concludes smugly. Reveling in her apparent impunity, the young woman lights a thick scented candle on the counter and laughs maliciously as she rummages through the supply drawers again.
Elsa and Omorose sit on the overstuffed sofa in the Doctor’s suite. Elsa’s booties lie on the floor and her bare legs are folded under her as she caresses her wife’s face. “Now that I’ve seen it both ways, O, I’ve gotta say I like your neck better when your head’s attached to it,” Elsa giggles. Omorose gives her a sultry smile and tilts her head back, sighing, “I like my neck whenever you kiss it, my love.” Elsa wraps her arms around her spouse’s slender torso and pulls her closer. “Oooh, good answer!” she approves with an impish waggle of her eyebrows. A few knocks sound at the suite door just before Elsa’s lips contact Omorose’s swanlike neck. “Aw, nuts!” the Doctor growls. “Patience, dearest,” Omorose advises soothingly, patting her love’s arm. “Please come in,” she calls to the unseen visitor.
Countess Bella enters the suite in merry mood. She is wearing her “Count Orlok” ensemble of high-collared brown frock coat over a sleek black bodysuit. However, instead of the glowing bald pate that originally inspired the look, Bella sports her familiar short, spiky hairdo. “Hello, besties. I have interrupted your lovemaking, yes?” the vampire begins with a mischievous fanged grin. Elsa quips not unkindly, “Yeah, you sure did, but… Hey, wait a minute—your hair’s grown back!” Omorose observes with characteristic grace, “Indeed, dear friend. You’re back to yourself with the return of the full moon.” Bella titters, “You are both so sweet to notice I am restored to my accustomed beauty!” She twirls in place and hisses playfully at her “besties” to show off her hair and outfit. “Be that as it may, I have come here with an important question. I greatly enjoy seeing my darlings standing beside my coffin when I rise for the night, but tonight they were not there. They weren’t in Loni’s suite, and the Harpy’s Nest was likewise vacant. Do either of you know where they might be?” Bella queries longingly. Elsa and Omorose collect themselves and sit up straight before hazarding an explanation of Erica’s and Loni’s whereabouts.
Digimon Survive - Raising Affinity by ShyTerr, literature
Digimon Survive - Raising Affinity
- M/M
- Foot Fetish
- Sweaty/Smelly/Dirty
- Domination/Humiliation
- Forced (kinda)
- Unaware
It had been approximately five days since the group of teenagers were sent to the other world mysteriously through a tunnel. Takuma, Minoru, Aoi and Ryo managed to find shelter inside the abandoned school that looked very similar to their school in the original world, except that not only did it look older, but it was also in very bad condition.
Despite this, medicines and other items were mysteriously brand new. The building also seemed to have clean water flowing through the facility, which solved one of the many concerns of the gang regarding their survival in this unknown world full of monsters.
At the moment they were organizing themselves to take turns looking for more food and finding the rest of their friends who were lost out there. It was risky to explore the surroundings of that world, even if they had trusted fellow Digimons who were providing support from the start, and the teenagers were relatively nervous about the possibility of never returning home, which was serving to unsettle everyone from time to time.
After the group decided to split up into groups of two to considerably increase their productivity, Takuma and Minoru were in charge of searching the forest for more food and keeping an eye on the outskirts of the school in case the rest of their friends found the building by chance, while Aoi and Ryo were in charge of exploring a bit beyond the school in search of the rest.
Takuma Momozuka, a teenager with short black hair and brown eyes. He wears red-framed goggles on his head, a black shirt, and a white hoodie with blue sleeves, hood, and hemlines. He also wears grey pants and white sneakers. Acting as the current leader, he has the help of Agumon, a small orange Digimon with the appearance of a dinosaur... or lizard depending on the interpretation.
He was returning carrying fruits and berries alongside Minoru Hinata, a teenager with brown eyes, and spiky brown hair. He wears a turtlenecked orange jacket with long sleeves and black stripes on the neck. The jacket's sleeves also have a red circle print on it, and a black vertical stripe, which also makes a border around the circle. He also wears grey shorts, black leggings, and black sneakers with green soles. His companion is called Falcomon, a bird-like Digimon who serves almost as a mentor to Minoru, giving advice and trying to keep the silly teenager under control.
"Should we try to get together with the others after we put this food away, or are we going to get more? I honestly think we have enough for the next two days..." Minoru said to his friend next to him in a tired voice, not seeming to be all that excited about being in charge of this task.
"We should be prepared if they take too long, but we also need to take care of the base in case Shuuji and the others show up here." Takuma replied, opening the main door of the school before entering.
"I know, I know... it's just that I wanted to be around in case something bad happened."
"Don't worry, you'll get other chances to play the hero!"
"H-Hey! It's not like that- Oh man, you know me too well." Minoru replied blushing embarrassed to see that his friend saw right through him, immediately giving up trying to hide his motivation.
"Haha, don't sweat it! Here, let me put the food away. You can rest for a while." Takuma suggested picking up Minoru's share, watching the brown haired boy arch his back dramatically as if he had been carrying something heavy for hours.
"Thanks! I think I'll go in the bathroom and scour the school again to see if any of them are back. Just yell if anything happens, me and Falcomon here will come flying!"
"Okay! You do the same if something comes up." Takuma consented, concentrating with Agumon on the task of storing the food they had collected.
Everything was going fairly smoothly. Takuma and Agumon were managing to organize this task as best they could, even talking as they did it. However, at least about ten minutes after they had started to organize everything in the kitchen, a loud hollow sound could be heard in the distance, followed by a shrill scream that was quite familiar to Takuma and Agumon.
"Huh? Isn't that Minoru's voice?" Agumon questioned confused, resting the tip of his claws on his chin.
"Yes! That's Minoru's voice! An enemy has invaded the school?!" Takuma exclaimed worriedly as he got up and ran toward the kitchen door.
"I don't think that's the case, I don't feel the presence of anything malicious..." Says the clearly confused Digimon.
"We still need to make sure he's safe, let's go!"
With that, they both took off down the halls toward the noises they had heard earlier, leading them to the abandoned school gymnasium. Once there, Takuma and Agumon immediately saw Minoru sitting on the floor with one foot sunk into the gym floor as he tried to free himself with Falcomon's help.
"What happened?! Are you guys okay?" Takuma asked altered as he ran toward the two.
"...I saw a g-ghost of a boy here, I s...swear! This building is really cursed!" Minoru said visibly shaken, not managing to make much of an effort to free himself before Takuma did something.
"After that, he stepped wrongly trying to run and a piece of the wood broke under him!" Falcomon complemented, managing to free Minoru with Takuma's help.
"Ghost of a boy...? I had seen a girl's last night. That's very strange..." Takuma commented quietly, trying to think of some coherent explanation for the situation, but was quickly cut off by Falcomon.
"I haven't sensed any hostility since we got here, so I guess I'd better think about that later."
"You're right! Are you okay, Minoru?" Takuma inquired, noticing that his friend was rubbing the leg of his right foot with a pained expression.
"I didn't cut myself or anything, but I think I twisted my ankle- Ack! Y-Yeah, now I'm sure that's it..." Minoru complained, trying to get up but falling on his butt on the ground at the same instant.
"Don't push yourself so hard! Agumon and Falcomon, can you two get first aid? I believe Aoi left them on the second floor. A bandage and some salve should do the trick." Takuma asked the two Digimons who seemed willing to help.
"On the second floor? Got it!" They both replied in sync before running out of the gym.
Looking away from the two determined Digimons, Takuma turned his face to Minoru again as he noticed that Minoru was still whimpering quietly.
"Let me see what I can do." says Takuma bluntly as he gently wraps his hands around Minoru's sneaker to begin untying his sneaker.
"W-Wait! Trust me, I don't think it's a good idea to take my sneaker off now!" Minoru suddenly raised his tone of voice, sounding slightly embarrassed for some reason.
"Why? How do you expect to receive first aid then?"
"I can take care of myself. Let me do it-" Minoru was saying until interrupted by Takuma, who ignored him and promptly removed his sneakers, exposing an orange sock where the toes and heel were yellow.
But that was only one of the particulars that exploded before Takuma. Removing that sneaker made a strong gust of characteristically sour and steamy scent control the air near them, even passing a feeling of slowly warming the oxygen between him and Minoru's foot.
Dropping the sneaker to the ground, Takuma used the palm of one hand to serve as a support for the bottom of Minoru's foot, consequently feeling his hand become wet with the moisture present in the fibers of that sweaty fabric.
"Uh... Got it now?" Minoru asked with an annoyed expression to Takuma, who was unable to hide his difficulty breathing near Minoru's foot.
"That's n...nothing, really! Just...a little stronger than I was expecting, but it's not your fault. Don't feel embarrassed!" Takuma instantly responded as he saw his friend bothered by his grimace.
Still, Takuma was being sincere. To think about it, they had all ended up in an unknown world with only the clothes on their bodies. They had already been there for a few days and, as much as they had access to some rivers and clean water inside the school, they had no other clothes to change into, so it was completely understandable how intense Minoru's feet smelled at the moment if you consider that his feet are marinating inside his sneakers until bedtime.
"There's no point in lying. I mean, it's not like I can't smell the stench from here, you know?"
"Right... Anyway, the important thing is to treat your injury. Leave it to worry about washing your feet later." Takuma stated, pinching the end of Minoru's soaked sock to peel it off.
Minoru showed a little pain at that moment, but it didn't stop him. When his foot was exposed, Takuma ignored the tiny particles of lint scattered on both the top and bottom of Minoru's foot, again using the palm of his hand as a pedestal for his friend's foot.
Now that his palm was glued to Minoru's heated sole, he was able to grok the conditions of the teenager's foot more easily; the sweat sticking to his hand was much more present now than with the sock, which was not as pleasant to feel. He was also able to feel the unexpected softness in the sole. For some reason, he had expected the skin on this area of the teenager's foot to be rougher, so it was a surprise to feel that it felt almost squishy.
Putting these superfluous details aside, Takuma moved his face closer to inspect Minoru's foot more closely, being relieved to see that it had no worrying signs.
"I'm no doctor, but it doesn't look like it was anything serious, thankfully! How are you feeling?"
"Ngh! Hey, don't move so fast holding my foot! Well, I feel like I'm throbbing inside... my whole foot hurts, my ankle especially. I don't think I'll be able to walk normally for a while..."
"I see..." says Takuma clearly disappointed to hear that, especially seeing that his friend looked just as disappointed, "Maybe there's something I can do to ease this. "
"Like what? Don't you just wait for them to bring the first aid kit?"
"You're not wrong, but isn't it common to use massages in this kind of situation? Like, usually some kind of oil or balm is given beforehand, but a massage should help regardless."
"Hmm... Are you offering me a free foot massage? Even though my foot is smelly and disgusting right now?!” Minoru asked with wide eyes turned to Takuma, visibly surprised.
And he was right to be surprised. For Takuma, that high avinaginous concentration evaporating through Minoru's foot was simply overwhelming. Perhaps if both of the teenager's feet were bare, the task of keeping himself without coughing in front of his friend to avoid embarrassing him would be more difficult.
"I can't leave either of us at a disadvantage under these circumstances, so I'd do anything to help! But I've never rubbed someone's feet before, though."
"Well..." Minoru began to speak in a more excited voice, scratching his chin with his index finger before continuing, "No one has ever rubbed my feet before either, and I don't think it would be nice to refuse a massage from a friend as good as you. That offer is too tempting to pass up! I hope you're really willing to face the smell of my foot a little longer!"
"Phrasing it that way is kind of disheartening..." Takuma commented with a sigh as he heard Minoru's brief laugh.
With that, Takuma tilted Minoru's foot a little, trying to get more access to the sole of his friend's foot. The pinkish skin would even look fluffy if the teenager's foot wasn't soaked with stinky sweat and full of lint stuck to the surface of the foot.
Wrapping the foot gently between his hands, Takuma positioned his thumbs on the ball before beginning to squeeze and rub that area slowly. The mere rubbing almost made it seem as if he was squeezing even more sweat from his friend's foot with these gentle movements, which made him ignore the mix of expressions that were being wracked on the teenager's face. Sometimes he displayed a slight expression of pain, while other times the teenager seemed to be feeling pure bliss with those touches.
Minoru did not expect that he would feel so good receiving a massage. The way Takuma's fingers glided across the sole of his foot using the excess sweat as a natural oil to make the movements faster and more concentrated didn't seem intentional, but he appreciated them nonetheless.
For Takuma, it was a rather questionable experience. His hand seemed to be gradually warming up given the current temperature of Minoru's foot. The sweat was not entirely liquid consciousness; as he rubbed devotedly, he began to get the impression that his hands were beginning to feel sticky. However, the main thing was obviously the smell.
Minoru's worn sneakers still seemed to be releasing concentrated fumes of sour stench mixed with the characteristic steamy air that he could swear was managing to escape from inside the sneaker for a second.
The scent was naturally raw, intense, intoxicating and uncomfortable to feel, but Takuma stood there, with that foot only a few inches away from his face, working as if it were no inconvenience at all. He almost looked professional, but why on earth would a teenager bother to look professional in this situation if he wasn't even a real masseur? He didn't need to have the commitment to show indifference with that gust of acrid stench constantly disturbing his nostrils.
Mysteriously, even Takuma was unable to explain how he managed to stay so centered under these circumstances. He could only feel his face warm slightly as a sense of duty being done filled his ego with every little satisfied moan that escaped Minoru's mouth.
The skin felt so soft despite the fact that his friend was constantly running with his feet trapped in those sneakers for long hours every day. It was such a nice feeling for him to squeeze and rub that sole. He didn't even mind the slightly dirty and sweaty appearance exposed on his foot because of this, nor the smell.
Stopping to better inhale that aroma, he couldn't really feel disgusted by it. Raunchy, but not necessarily harmful to him now that he stopped to think about it. Takuma's mind almost seemed to be going numb with all these strange stimuli happening all at once. His face was unconsciously drawing closer to the sole of Minoru's foot as if it were a magnet, until the tip of his nose fit perfectly under Minoru's toes, preceding a deep inhalation of that hot, stinky odor straight from the source.
"T-Takuma...? What are you doing?" Minoru inquired in a calm, confused voice, immediately watching his friend open his eyes wide and drop his foot abruptly in genuine shock.
"N...No! That was—" Takuma said before being interrupted by the loud footsteps echoing from outside the gym, ignoring the drama of Minoru, who was rolling from side to side in pain.
"Takuma, Takuma! We found the first aid kit you talked about!" Agumon shouted happily as he arrived with Falcomon.
"However, I checked inside and there's not much left since Aoi used it on Labramon recently. I hope it's still of some use to help." Falcomom complemented, approaching along with Agumon to hand over the box.
"Th-Thanks you guys! Great job!" Takuma said nervously as he opened the box and inspected it with his face slightly flushed.
To his surprise, there was no cream of any kind to aid in the massage, just some medicine to treat infections and some bandages; bandages that the teenager decided to use to wrap Minoru's ankle tightly.
At this point, the atmosphere between them became somewhat awkward. Takuma didn't know what to say, so he remained focused on the task of wrapping the bandage around his friend's sore ankle. Minoru in turn, stared at Takuma with a confused look as if he wanted to ask him a few questions, but he refrained in the presence of the Digimons, as ignorant as they were in these matters.
When Takuma finished, he got up from the ground and started marching towards the door like a rusty robot with Agumon following him, leaving Minoru and Falcomon extremely confused behind.
From then on, every interaction he had alone with Minoru became very distressing situations. Although Minoru did not bring it up again for a while, Takuma always felt that his friend was constantly looking for an opening to ask him about it, and this made Takuma really nervous; basically because Takuma had no plausible explanation for the situation.
He could remember that his mind seemed to be anesthetized, and that the stench from Minoru's foot didn't seem as horrible as he initially thought, and before he knew it his nose was already pressed against the sole of his friend's foot in an embarrassing way. He wanted to say that he slipped or something convenient like that, but that was clearly not the case.
In fact, what was disturbing the confused teenager's own mind the most was that Minoru's foot had become something he remembered easily since then, but not because of the negative traits, but because he couldn't consider Minoru's dirty foot as bad now; he could still feel the softness of its sole on the palms of his hands, as well as the perspiration that dried on them. It was all too strange for him to begin to reflect on someone else's foot and judge it as something attractive.
Fortunately for him, a few days had passed since this had happened and other much more important things for him to worry about had come up. The rest of his friends managed to reunite with the initial group, making the school a more populated and lively place, which served to distract Takuma's mind temporarily.
However, one night a few days after the event, Takuma was sleeping in the same room as the other boys and their Digimons before he was awakened by someone poking him.
"...Mhmm... Minoru? Did something happen?" Takuma asked groggily before sitting up and facing his friend.
"Shhhh! You woke up the others!" Minoru whispered angrily while keeping his index finger in front of his lips, "Follow me! I have something really cool to show you!"
Upon finishing saying that, Minoru from the room and waited for Takuma outside. Takuma was too sleepy to ration about what could be so important for Minoru to wake him up in the middle of the night and make him follow him to the music room.
Although the building was very old and no electricity was working, all the rooms were well lit by the light blue moon reflecting off the windows. Takuma had no trouble seeing clearly the moment Minoru entered the room and used the piano stool to sit down.
"So... what's this cool thing you wanted-" Takuma said until he felt his mouth freeze as he watched Minoru begin to untie his own sneakers.
"Here, take a look at my socks!" Minoru said pulling his feet out of his sneakers and lifting his legs so that the bottom of his feet were visible to Takuma, "Remember the last time you saw them? Maaan, they managed to get a lot filthier than they already were last time! Now they're a lot blacker on the bottom and I can almost feel them kind of crusty too.... Oh, and the smell! Isn't that smell just the worst?! My feet have always stunk, but I've never worn the same sock for a week!"
Chuckling softly, the teenager stood with his feet in the air while moving all ten of his fingers inside that dirty fabric in a mesmerizing way, almost being able to leave Takuma stuck in a trance with just that.
Takuma's only reaction was to remain petrified in place as he watched his friend having fun showing off his feet for some reason. It also didn't take long for the air that entered Takuma's nostrils to become thicker, almost suffocating as that hot and sour odor assaulted his system with each sniff.
"What do you mean by those things? I don't think I get it..."
"Oh. Okay, then. Well I thought your reaction was strange and the way you avoided me this whole time, but you don't have to be shy, really! Why don't you come closer and let me rest my feet on your face? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Minoru asked with a huge smirk, watching Takuma's face turn as red as a tomato in seconds.
"Wh-What are you saying, Minoru! That's not funny! Why would I want to get anywhere near your stinky feet..." Takuma said with an audible 'gulp', turning his face away.
"Are you suuure you don't want to sink your nose into the sole of my foot again? You seemed so passionate last time. Come on, now." Minoru demanded still smiling cockily, but displaying a clear authority in his voice that made Takuma's knees tremble for an instant.
"M-Minoru... please, that was an accident! I... I don't even know what got into me..."
"Hey, hey! Relax... come here. Kneel in front of me and I'll do the rest, okay?"
Hearing this, Takuma's body unconsciously surrendered, following the instructions of that manipulative teenager and kneeling in front of him.
At the same time, Minoru's eager feet practically embraced Takuma's defenseless face, exploring every inch of the underfoot. Takuma was enveloped by the slightly rough feel of the encrusted sock, stained with dirt and sweat, almost beginning to feel himself sweating next to the teenager's feet with the heat emanating from those rancid socks.
Evidently Minoru's feet were scenting much more potently than last time. More aggressive, more acidic and muffled. Yet, Takuma remained in that position inhaling those toxic fumes deeply as if it were nothing, which only made Minoru smile even more cheerfully before rubbing his feet harder against his friend's face.
"Enjoying the smell of my feet? They're even more fragrant now, but the cool thing I wanted to show you is here! Look!" Minoru exclaimed static before he began to pull the sock on his right foot out, exposing his foot glistening with sweat and still with the bandage tied on.
However, the bandage was no longer in as normal condition as Takuma remembered; it was grimy, with dark sweat stains all over it. The mere sight of it made it clear that they were simply repulsive, and Minoru was showing this to Takuma as if it were something to be proud of.
"That's...!" Takuma thought out loud for a moment, automatically recognizing that.
"Yes! The bandage you tied around my ankle after rubbing my foot! I must say, you have magical hands for a first time massage! I'll definitely want to see more of your talent, but right now I'm more interested in trying new things..." Minoru said as he removed the bandage from his foot, holding it in front of Takuma's face.
Not understanding what Minoru wanted at first, Takuma was taken by surprise the moment Minoru squeezed the salty liquid-soaked cloth with one hand and pressed it against Takuma's lips and stuffed it inside his mouth, forcing the teenager to feel sharp, salty, bitter and slightly earthy tastes dancing on his tongue.
Startled by Minoru's sudden movements, Takuma tried to resist and pull away for a second, but Minoru was quicker to grab Takuma's wrists before lifting his legs again and pressing his feet into the teen's face almost aggressively.
"That's no good, Takuma! You need to keep it down! We don't want the others to show up and see you sniffing my feet, right? Stay calm and take a deep breath..." said Minoru in a calm manner, but without taking his smile off his face.
Minoru came to enjoy it even more when he saw that the stench of his feet was acting as a tranquilizer on his friend. Under normal circumstances, Minoru would hardly be able to restrain Takuma using force. Although they were the same age, Takuma was bigger, so Minoru himself was amazed to see his friend succumbing to his feet, becoming docile with each deep inhale he was being forced to smell and slowly feeling the strength of his body fading more and more. The contrast of having one foot barefoot and the other in a sock also came in bringing a complexity to Takuma's senses.
The strong fumes of gold stench invading his nostrils in conjunction with the salty tissue in his mouth for some reason were making the kneeling teenager ecstatic. The absence of strength in his body eventually brought him back to the ground, where Minoru remained holding his wrists and keeping his feet covering the boy's face at all times, but now in a more convenient and interesting way for him.
The effervescent liquid inside his mouth only made him salivate even more, turning the inside of Takuma's mouth into a natural washing machine that kept constantly cleaning all the dirt and salt residues absorbed by the bandage, "You can spit it out now." Minoru commanded by releasing Takuma's wrists and moving his feet a little away from his face, giving his friend the chance to do as he said.
Spitting the blistered tissue out of his mouth, Minoru laughed softly as he saw that that blackened bandage was now as clean as the first time they saw it.
"What was it like to taste the sweat of several days on that bandage? Is it tasty?"
"Huff... huff... I don't know... it's very salty and lingers in the mouth." Takuma replied half gasping, watching from below as Minoru crossed his legs and left his right bare foot hovering over Takuma's face, intimidating him with the drops of sweat dripping down his pinkish and slightly wrinkled sole.
"So how do you feel about licking my foot? I'd love for you to clean them like you did the bandage! It would be wonderful if you could also clean between my toes... They're just a little nasty about this whole situation of not having decent showers and us not having spare clothes here. I can feel the toejam between each of them and it's disgusting! Be a good friend and do me this favor, will you?" Minoru suggested grinning, watching Takuma's trembling lips hesitate for a second.
Listening to Minoru acting that way with him was very different. It was as if he was completely confident in the control he had over Takuma, and Takuma was strangely starting to feel turned on by this dominant attitude from Minoru, exploiting him in a moment of weakness.
For Minoru it was being perfect. Seeing his friend raising his neck, sticking his tongue out obediently and starting to lick the soles of his feet like a kitten drinking milk out of a pot made him feel so superior for once in his life. Takuma, his friend who was respected by everyone there and who acted as the leader of the group was using his own mouth to clean his dirty foot as if he were starving, all while Minoru just had to remain seated and watch the absolute degradation of his friend.
Takuma's mouth oscillated between licking, sucking and nibbling, slurping and all over Minoru's foot in a manner most efficient and relaxing to the teenager who remained sighing occasionally.
"Good boy, Takuma! Who knew you of all people were such a pervert..." Minoru teased laughing innocently, noticing Takuma's body trembling beneath him at his words, "Wipe between my fingers now. Eat all the grime I've accumulated over the past few days!"
Blushing intensely, Takuma gave in to his friend's sadistic order and stuck his tongue between the first digits of his foot, feeling an even saltier and stickier substance on his tongue before returning his tongue into his mouth, tasting that dirty mass inside his mouth before swallowing.
"Good, good. Do the others now, my other foot is starting to get jealous." Minoru said sarcastically before spreading all of his toes before Takuma's eyes, showing the thin line of sweat connecting each of them.
Tempted to continue, Takuma continued his task of cleaning Minoru's feet with his tongue, feeling ashamed to be doing something so humiliating to his friend who couldn't help but laugh at him during this moment, but at the same time enjoying being in that position.
It was embarrassing, but Takuma finally understood that he had a thing for feet, and apparently Minoru was perceptive enough to suspect this and use it to his advantage, turning Takuma into his private little servant secretly to relieve all the tension and stress they were feeling in this mysterious new world.
The next day, Takuma woke up still being able to feel the characteristic salty taste wandering around inside his mouth. He had no idea how long Minoru held him hostage to his feet last night, he only knew that he had gone to bed later than he was used to because of it.
"Good morning, Takuma! Let's get something to eat, I'm hungry!" Agumon exclaimed raising his claws.
"Okay, okay... easy." Takuma said with a yawn, being confused to see Agumon sniffing around him suddenly, "Hey, what's up? Something wrong?"
"No... I just think you smell funny."
Staring at Agumon, Takuma began to breathe deeply, being able to smell the sweat from Minoru's feet permeating him. It was subtle, but noticeable.
At that moment, all the other boys inside the room started commenting the same thing, making Takuma blush the moment he saw Minoru smiling at him from afar.
"I... I'm going to wash my face first! You can go ahead, Agumon!" Takuma nervously announced before running out of the room and leaving his other friends and Agumon confused.
"How weird that Takuma would act like that. What's gotten into him, huh?" Ryo asked Minoru, arching an eyebrow.
"Ahahah, who knows..." Minoru replied crossing his arms behind his head, appearing to be particularly cheerful today.
AbsenceAs much as I didn't like how the show ended, I'm challenging myself to write a story about how I would continue it(kinda like if Nickelodeon came to me and let me write a Danny Phantom movie and told me I could do whatever I want).Now I'm going to warn you, Vlad is going to be a little . . . different in this fic, I figure a few years in outer space would have that effect on him. Not to mention Danny is older and therefore isn't going to be the same as he was when he was fourteen year old(So expect some OOCness).**Just so you all know, there will be a lot of Vlad's inner monologue and thoughts, which will be represented with italic...
Inara Daragh Artu - FotJ by tyrannusBE, literature
Inara Daragh Artu - FotJ
Basic Information || Name: Inara Daragh Artu Nickname/Alias: Deep Space Maiden; (formerly) Pirate Empress Gender: Female Race/Species: Arkanian Offshoot Current Age: Early twenties Profession: Pirate captain Physical Information || Height: 1m76 / 5'8ft Weight: 59kg / 130lbs Appearance Inara looks to be in her mis thirties by human standards, which is about the equivalent of her own age for her species (which only grows to be around 55). She has her offshoot species' stark white skin, icy blue eyes and white hair, that is long and wavy, reaching to the nape of her back. Depending on the situation, she wears it loose (for soci...
Badge, Gun, Handcuffs (Ver 2) - Prologue by tsukareta819, literature
Badge, Gun, Handcuffs (Ver 2) - Prologue
No matter how old you were, first days sucked. Your hands shook like crazy, your heart beat as fast as a jungle drum, and suddenly you seemed to have that voice crack you should have gotten rid of 15 years ago.
Kaz gulped down a hiccup bubbling up and breathed deeply, watching as the numbers on the elevator display increased.
“Nervous?” The precinct receptionist smiled at him.
Kaz glanced at her, slightly surprised, but then nodded with a weak smile. “Just a bit. I’m really not the one for good first impressions.” He sighed and looked down at the cardboard box of possessions he carried in his arms. “I hope I don’t mess up.”
“Oh you’ll do fine, I’m sure of it,” the woman winked as she tucked a stray strand of curly hair back into her bun. “Day shift Violent and Property Crimes, yes? They may not be the luckiest bunch, but they’re a decent squad. And your captain is a wonderful person.”
Kaz raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean they aren’t –” His question was cut off by a pleasant ding as the elevator reached the fourth floor.
“Well, here we are! Wish you all the best, Detective Miyamoto,” the woman patted his shoulder encouragingly.
Kaz smiled as he stepped out of the elevator. “Thanks. It was nice meeting you, Ms…”
“Oakley. Olive Oakley. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around quite often, so let me know if you ever need help with anything, okay?” Olive grinned and gave him the thumbs up. Her eyes then slid off him for a second, and her smile widened as she waved at someone behind him. Curious, Kaz turned his head and saw a group of people crowded around an empty desk. His desk.
Immediately forgetting about Olive and her mysterious friend, Kaz’s pulse jumped into overdrive, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep his face straight. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the open office area amongst the desks cluttered with case files, whiteboards covered in scribbled notes, and the persistent ringing of telephones contributing to the organized chaos that was the heart of the precinct. He was met with the collective gaze of his new colleagues; detectives, uniformed officers, and support staff glanced up from their tasks, curious about the fresh face in their midst. Kaz nodded at them, trying for a friendly smile, although it ended more as a nervous grimace.
He reached the group of detectives huddled around his desk, still unaware of his arrival as they were caught up in enthusiastic chatter.
Kaz coughed politely. "Excuse me."
The detectives closest to him - a tanned woman with a pierced nose and her shiny black hair with dark red tips done in a side braid, and a man with short wavy golden brown hair and a cheerful sparkle in his eyes - jumped and turned around quickly.
"Hi, I'm Kazuya Miyamoto, I've been newly assigned to the Violent and Property Crimes Unit. I'm told this is to be my new desk?" Kaz nodded at the empty desk standing between them all.
"Oh great, you're here!" The brown-haired man's face blossomed into a bright grin, crinkling his cornflower-blue eyes at the corners and accentuating the freckles that lightly dusted his nose like stardust. He stepped back to allow Kaz to place the heavy box on the surface of his desk. "We thought the elevator might have suddenly stopped again while you were on it, but I guess Olive was just being thorough with the paperwork. I'm Aleksandr Zakharov by the way, your designated babysitter, a.k.a mentor. Just until you learn the ropes, don't worry."
Kaz shook the man's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you Detective Zakharov."
"Damn, you've got a firm handshake there!" The man smiled. "And hey, call me Alek, all the detectives here do." He turned towards the other people around the desk who had been watching their conversation. There were seven people in total including Alek; 5 men and 2 women. One relatively tall man with a shock of ginger locks had a leather eyepatch over his right eye, which Kaz studied for a moment before remembering that it was rude to stare. Everyone was wearing business casual except for a serious-looking woman with a bleached buzz cut, who was wearing her police uniform. Kaz recognised her as the precinct's C.O from Olive's short orientation of his new work place. He straightened up, trying to make himself look more composed than he actually felt.
"So yeah, this is the team! I guess I should start with the big boss, her being the Captain of this precinct and all." Alek gestured towards the woman in the uniform, who nodded and offered a hand to Kaz.
"Welcome to the 21st Precinct, Detective. I'm your commanding officer, Captain Rosemary Claude. Detective Zakharov will show you your way around, and once you've received the Policy and Procedure Briefing from Sergeant Taylor, we'll put you on your first case here." She gave him a small smile. "I'm really not supposed to have favourites, but you should be in good hands with this squad."
"Aw, you're so sweet Captain," Alek jested. "Brings tears to my eyes." He wiped imaginary tears off his face, to which the captain rolled her eyes.
"Complimentary ain't gonna get you a raise Zakharov."
"Eh, still worth trying."
"Alright, I'm gonna be in my office, pop in once you're done with the briefing, Miyamoto." She raised her hand in farewell as she walked across the bullpen to a closed-off office, shutting the door behind her.
"God, she's so badass," Alek whispered into Kaz's ear, grinning. Kaz jumped as the man's breath tickled his ear, just about suppressing a yelp at the last minute. "Okay, who's next? Sarge?"
A middle aged man with a warm smile and a bright twinkle in his eye reached over and shook Kaz by the hand. "The name's Jackson Taylor. Welcome to the Snakebit Squad, Kazuya."
"Thanks. Please, call me Kaz, that's what I usually go by." He frowned slightly. "Uh, you call yourselves the Snakebit Squad?"
"The one and only!" The woman with the side braid chimed in. She was perched on the desk beside his, a mug of hot coffee in her hand. She took a small sip and grimaced, sticking her tongue out. "Ugh, I need a bucket of sugar in this thing… Yeah so anyway, we've got a knack for getting into...interesting situations, but we've embraced it. Everyone on the squad has all had some kind of unfortunate encounter while on the clock, some worse than others, but we've managed to escape them with all our limbs intact. If you're lucky you'll get to hear about them at an after-work drink, Kaz." She smirked and winked at him. "I forget who started calling us the name first… Do you remember, Alek?"
Alek shrugged. "Nah, but it definitely stuck, right?" He laughed and gestured to the woman. "That's Esha Patani, our best puzzle cracker. If you need some help deciphering codes or messages or riddles or anything of the sort, she's your best bet. And, if you want to get on her right side, the one thing to remember is: don't mistake her for a teenager."
"Like seriously, can't a woman look young and be over 30 at the same time?" Esha scoffed and shook her head in bewilderment.
"And the guy who's introduction was rudely interrupted by her is Sergeant Jackson Taylor, the Squad Dad. Go to him if you have anything stressing you out, or if you just need a hug. Damn, can he give you a great hug! It feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter night with a mug of hot chocolate in your hands." Alek closed his eyes and smiled, reminiscing the feeling. "Mm, Sarge, can I have a hug right now?"
"After we finish introductions Alek. We still haven't gotten through half of the Squad, and we've got a full day of work ahead," Jackson laughed, and Kaz had to admit, it sounded as fatherly as laughs could get.
"Yeah Dad," Alek sighed, then clapped his hands. "Okay, let's get through this extra quick so I can get my well-deserved hug. Hamish, you're up."
"That's me," a tall muscular man with a dazzling white smile reached over and slapped Kaz on the back. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, so Kaz could see the intricate sleeve tattoo on his left arm in all its glory; a striking scene of a roaring dragon breathing vivid tendrils of flame, its tail morphing into a twisting jungle of ancient symbols, and then into the silhouette of a howling wolf. "The name's Hamish Rivera, born in Buenos Aires, raised in the heart of LA. Cool tatt, right? I got it as soon as I tur–"
"No one wants to hear about your tattoo Rivera. Especially this poor man on his first day of work," a contemptuous voice scoffed. Kaz turned to the owner of the voice, an east-Asian man with wavy black hair parted in the middle and wearing black-framed glasses. The dark brown eyes behind its lenses were regarding Hamish with a hint of disdain.
"Well, no one asked for your opinion, Kang. So why don't you do everyone a favor and shut your mouth for once?" Hamish growled and gripped his hand into a fist. "What, should I tape it shut for you?"
Alek leaned in and whispered to Kaz, "Hamish and Logan - the guy in the glasses - aren't… the bestest or buds, let's say."
"You bet?" Kaz said, and immediately clamped his mouth shut. He glanced at Alek hoping that somehow the man wouldn't have heard him, but no such luck, as Alek was staring at him with a look of delight, eyes and mouth wide open in a big smile.
"Ooh, a hidden sarcastic side. I think I like you." He winked and patted Kaz's back cheerfully. "Anyway, yeah, those two always seem to be at each other's throats for something or another. Usually it's because of their different attitudes on doing police work; Hamish is more off-the-book and spontaneous, Logan takes a more methodical and meticulous approach. But their arrest rates go right up when they partner on a case, so the Sarge always pairs them up. Of course, it's us that have to deal with this non-stop as the price." He eyed the two bickering men with raised eyebrows and gave Kaz an exasperated smile. "But really, they're great guys. More so separately. Go talk to each of them when the other isn't around, and you should get some great tips about working at the 21st.
"Alright while those two are at it, let's move onto our last guy." Alek patted the ginger haired man with the leather eyepatch on the shoulder, who gave Kaz a small smile.
"Hi, I'm Cecil Gray. Welcome to the team, Kaz." He offered him his hand, which Kaz shook with a smile of his own.
Even with the eyepatch, it was hard to hide the man's pretty features; his visible eye was a beautiful sage green, and brilliant golden-brown freckles scattered across his face haphazardly as if the sun had playfully splashed its golden ink across his skin. There was a kind of ethereal quality to the man, yet there seemed to be an air of tense unease surrounding him. Behind that visible green eye, there was a deep dark feeling of sorrow, and something else Kaz couldn't quite place.
Realising he sensed a bit of agitated anxiety in Cecil's movements, Kaz quickly let go of the man's hand and politely stepped away. He noticed Esha slide in beside the man and squeeze his arm reassuringly.
"Huh, so I guess that's everyone on the team then!" Alek said with a clap of his hands. "I think that went relatively well, no?" He gave the group a massive grin and a thumbs up. "Alright, now that we got that over with, I'll give you a full tour of the precinct, then the Sarge will give you the Policy and Procedure Briefing. I'm sure the 21st doesn't run that differently from your previous force, but you know, it's part of the rules and whatnot."
"I get it," Kaz smiled.
"Okay Squad, back to work," Jackson called, and the team groaned as they returned to their assigned desks. Hamish and Logan, who were still arguing, finally glared at one another and harrumphed, signaling the end of their bickering. Hamish made his way back to his desk, but Logan stayed a moment longer to tap Kaz on the arm.
"Hey, sorry you had to see that between Hamish and me. I'm Hyun-seok Kang, but I go by Logan. It's nice to have you on the team Kaz."
"Thanks," Kaz said, and the two men shook hands.
As Logan walked across the bullpen to his desk, Kaz turned to Alek, who was getting his promised hug from Jackson.
"Ahh, this is nice," Alek sighed, and squeezed the Sergeant extra tight.
"Alright Alek, that's enough. Don't leave poor Kaz hanging there," Jackson chuckled and untangled Alek's arms from around him, pushing him away. "I'll see you later, Kaz," he said, and walked over to the kitchen area to make himself some coffee before facing a full day of work.
"You should really ask him for a hug yourself when you get the chance," Alek said as he placed himself beside Kaz. "Okay, so are you ready for the tour?"
"Sure," Kaz said as he tucked a notebook and pen into his breast pocket. "Take it away.”
Yandere Kokushibo x Reader Ch10 by itshauntedtoon, literature
Yandere Kokushibo x Reader Ch10
(WARNINGS: Kokushibo is in pretty rough shape with bad wounds and some blood loss, mentioned blood, Kokushibo murders two rivals later, koku gets stabbed, mentioned killing/attempted murder, Y/n gets cut when someone tries to attack Kokushibo, Kokushibo breaks someone's hand, spicy-ish near the end, mentioning of a corpse, someone gets burnt to death in a house fire, yandere possessive themes, etc. Again I don't support toxic relationships this is pure fiction.
The song Y/n sings is A Thousand Years (Lullaby Version) by Christina Perri.)
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly behind the henhouse you went and stopped right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air.
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise.
In your backyard and lying right in front of your face. How-...How did this happen?! Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on your property! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murders-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood with a gash on his back. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head....It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long hair and bangs that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself. But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long bangs covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you. You nearly jumped back at what you saw.
"Oh my gods...KOKUSHIBO!!"
The demon that you had seen many times before, who had been patient despite the stigma and rudeness of the people who hated his kind, was before you. Splayed out on the cold unforgivable ground unmoving. His right eyes exposed from pulling his bangs back was closed obviously either unconscious or dead, and read streaks ran down his face in water dripping patterns from a cut on his forehead. However...that wasn't the strangest bit. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warm breath blow across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping
Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon turquoise eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. He had the front of his shirt ripped to pieces to where it was barely hanging on over his shoulders. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. Definitely bigger than the gash along his back. And there was a third smaller gash along his right collar bone ending near his bicep. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? Wha-..What happened to him?! What caused him to get like this?! You reached out to touch it his neck for a pulse- But froze as a strong hand snatched you hand.
Six eyes opened up and gazed up at the blurry figure above him. Not making any sense of the blurry, spinning vision. Until the eyes rolled up into the back of his head and the last thing he saw was a glimpse of turquoise.
Everything was warm once feeling returned to his body. Which was odd. He was lying on the cold hard ground last he remembered. Logic was of course the first thing to return to him. His thinking was always faster than his reflexes. Then the feeling of his body settled in. Warmth...but incredible aching, throbbing soreness. It throbbed and pained his body. Hmm..So he wasn't dead after all. It was too painful to be heaven and not painful enough to be hell, and too annoying to be purgatory. So he was still alive but had passed out for a short while. An acceptable fate. Now...where was he?
Eyes slowly opened themselves up to the world blinking rapidly at the light and his vision blurred until he could see...A one roomed house? It was mostly empty. A coffee table square in the middle, a picture frame or two holding a painting of someone on the walls, a basket in the corner, a shelf full of dishes and other small items, a fireplace with a fire currently going, and a few other bland things. Nothing that really stood out as anything important to him. But who lived here? Why was he inside? How did he get here? And who touched him?
Wait...This place looked familiar but his throbbing head couldn't pinpoint why or how.
His question was answered when the door opened and the figure of a woman in a blue kimono walked in. The smell of wood drew his attention to the logs she was carrying. Silently he watched as she slid the sliding door back closed with a foot before continuing on to the fireplace and proceeding to feed the fire the wood. He laid there silently staring at her legs as she worked, feeling too weak to look up just yet and not wanting to give himself away just yet. The sounds of a metal poker scraping against the fire appeared for a little while before it too went away and the legs turned to face him. They didn't move again for a long moment before he felt a hand touch his blanketed shoulder- Faster than either expected his left hand shot up to tightly grip a much smaller wrist and squeezed down just enough to get the other body to freeze.
"Who are you and where am I?"
His eyes turned upwards slowly tilting his head...and he gave pause at the shocked face staring at him. The soft features looking as if sculpted by an angel. Soft, warm, and very beautiful. Definitely a woman.
Wait a minute. He knew this troublesome woman.
You stared at him in shock at how fast the man moved despite the fact that he was still extremely hurt and had blood loss. He was extremely trained if he could react this fast. You jumped as he lightly squeezed your wrist. It didn't hurt, not at all, but you couldn't move. This man was obviously serious and probably still on edge from whatever happened to him. So taking a exhaled slowly to calm yourself.
"Calm yourself," you spoke holding up your free hand despite his face already being an odd calm, "Relax back. You might reopen your wounds-"
"Must we always meet at such ridiculous times?," he asked annoyed slightly, "How did you even move me?"
"This is my home. I found you unconscious outside last night and brought you in here, and let me tell you it wasn't easy. You're very heavy and I had to drag you foot by foot. I was so scared I'd open your wounds more."
You watched his eyes looking you up and down.. before he slowly let go of your wrist and lowered his arm back down but paused when he saw the white wrapped around his palm and held his hand out to look at the bandages wrapped around it. Before his eyes slowly looked down at his now uncovered torso and saw even more bandages snuggly wrapped around his entire upper body, over his right shoulder, and part of his upper right arm. A hand reached up to feel his head and again found more bandages wrapped around his forehead. The throbbing soreness he's been feeling throbbed from most of the bandaged spots. And a deep inhale made him aware of some kind of ointment or herbal treatment under them.
"...You have treated my wounds."
You nodded finally smiling at him. "I did."
He slowly looked back to you and blinked. "I wasn't aware that you had medical training."
"I don't. I only know so much because I accidentally cut my hands a lot when I carve soaps and candles." You held up your palms displaying the years worth of scars from cuts of all sizes you've gotten over the years from your job.
He hummed. "My sword. Where is it?"
"It's by the table. You were passed out so I didn't know what to do with it otherwise." He looked back to you. "Your shirt was also ruined but I managed to save your other clothes. They're washed and drying outside so you should be able to get them back soon."
"I see." Again he looked back to his body. "What of the state of my injuries?"
"You have a few large gashes across your back, chest, and shoulder here," you gestured to his torso. "But they're not deep at all and should heal rather quickly. You have a few cuts also but they're even smaller and should heal faster." You then frowned. "However I am worried about how much blood you managed to lose. There was so much. I honestly thought you were dead when I first saw you."
"I'll live," he said simply before sighing through his nose. "Is there anyone else that lives here?"
You shook your head. "No. Just me-"
"Where does that door there lead?" He pointed out the Smaller sliding door near the shelf.
Oh right. You never told him that whenever he was here. "Oh. That leads into my bathroom." You blinked before looking at him. "My house isn't that-"
You blinked at the man who was sitting up. ... Kokushibo was .. sitting up. The man was sitting up despite his blood loss- He sighed through his nose before pulling the blanket to drap around his shoulders and slowly struggled to stand up. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as he was able to stand up and turned keeping the blanket draped over himself. Eventually you shook you head and snapped after him.
"Hey! W-Wait a minute!" He stopped when you grabbed the blanket around him and tugged back. "Where do you think you're going?!"
"To bathe." He turned his head back to you. "Please bring me my clothes." He then tugged the blanket out of your hands and continued on his way. Grabbing a towel from the shelf and entering your bathroom.
You stood there stunned for a very long time opening and closing your mouth like a fish before you looked at the empty futon and then back to the door as the faint sounds of running water started up. ....HOW WAS HE ABLE TO STAND AND WALK RIGHT NOW?! HE SHOUDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO SIT UP!! But there he was. You were absolutely stunned to say the least, but did as he asked and got the clothes you cleaned from the line. You ended up just quickly shoving them inside closing your eyes and slamming the door back shut to give him respect of privacy. He still took his sweet time however and the next time he opened the door he was fully clothed minus a shirt. Steam escaped from the room behind him as he approached your sitting form at the table but he didn't even acknowledge you. Just reaching out to grab the sword off the table. He stood there examining the sheath of the blade with a calm face... before he paused. His eyes went wide as his arm flew to clutch his stomach as a wave of pain and dizzying nausea came over him. He stumbled two steps to the right before something grabbed onto him barely able to lift him up.
"I TOLD you! You're body's too weak to stand yet. C'mon. Come lay back down." You some how managed to hold up his heavy body just enough to make it back to the futon and help him sit down but he refused to lay down no matter how hard you pushed him to lay back so you gave up and just looked at him breathing heavily. "There. Now don't try that again. You need to recover."
His hair was down now completely cascading down his body and slightly wet covering most of his back but he still turned to you peeking through his hair. "It I must take some time to recover."
"I also need you to remove your coat." He raised a brow at you. "To replace the bandages you removed. It'd be better if I treated them properly."
He remained silent but placed the sword on his lap and reached up to silently remove his black and purple checkered coat. You blinked but quickly looked away with red rising to your cheeks. Right! You'd better get those bandages. You were surprised at how silent and calm he was. Not once did he flinch or make a hurt face when you retreated his injuries. Only silently raising his arms and moving his hair when you wrapped new clean bandages around his torso red faced. He was...very physically fit. When you were finished he just silently pulled the coat back over his shoulders.
"You should be fine now but you should rest." He hummed in response. ".... Why were you behind my house?"
"Why do you need to know?"
You rose a brow. "Well considering I found a demon bleeding near my home and treated him without asking for payment in return I think an explanation would be the least you could give me."
"I owe nothing."
"Maybe not but it would be polite."
There was silence again before he said one word. "Fine."
You blinked before smiling. "Well good. Now-..Would you tell me what you were doing outside my home?''
He hummed again cracking an eye open at you. "Nosey aren't you?"
"Concerned is more like it. You'd be too if you found a bloodied man outside your home." You then glanced at the sword on his lap. "...Were you fighting?"
A large hand clasped around the sword in an instant. "....Yes." He settled on saying carefully after studying your face for a long moment. "I was engaged in battle before coming here."
Your brow rose. "Combat in the middle of the woods?"
"I prefer traveling without trouble following. The forest provides a peaceful cover. However I miscalculated an ambush. I will not make the same mistake."
Who attacked him? Other samurai? You've seen these men a few times while in town from the waring clans but never spoke to one until Kokushibo. "....But do I have to worry about trouble coming here?"
"...No. I have already assured that I wouldn't be dealing with them again."
You decided not to delve further into that. Wasn't your business anyways. At least you didn't have to worry about trouble showing up on your doorstep. You slowly closed the box containing your medical kit. "I'll have to buy some more supplies in town. ...Are you hungry? A full stomach would help you feel better."
He hummed again. " You're cooking beef stew in the fireplace." He nodded. "I will take it."
"And water." He again looked at you. "You lost a lot of blood. You need fluids and get rehydrated fast or else something bad might happen." You stood up and turned away from him. "I'd rather not have my guest collapsing on me again." Walking over to the shelf, you placed the box back. "You can stay here until you recover, but I think it might be a good idea if I had the village's doctor come look at you-"
"NO." You turned around blinking at him as he narrowed his eyes at you. "I won't have anyone else seeing me or knowing I am here. I will stay until I am well enough to walk within a week but until then no one else will know I'm here."
The intensity of the state he was giving you reminded you of a wolf staring at a rabbit. ..And you suddenly had a thought that perhaps you had better stay out of whatever business Kokushkbo had. So you nodded and he relaxed back but still stared at you. Watching as you set about getting him a plate stuffed full of rice and beef and whatever else you decided to give him.
"Thank you." He said plainly before just grabbing a pair of chopsticks to start eating.
"I hope you don't mind such a meager meal. I don't have exactly have access to top meat."
"This will be enough for now but I will need more later to fuel my body's regeneration rate." He said before just silently putting a chunk of the food in his mouth...and pausing before just looking at the food.
You noticed that and tilted your head. "Is something wrong? It's too hot isn't it?"
He was slow to respond. "No... It's quite good. I rarely have home cooked foods." Mostly he feasted on prey he caught these last few months between the battle fields and missions and home cooked meals like this were rare these days.
You smiled at him. "Thank you. If you're still hungry later then you're welcome to take more of it. If you can't move just ask me and I'll get you more." A jug full of water and a cup was placed next to him. "Here's some water. Drink some. I'm going to clean up the mess you made of my bathroom. Next time don't leave your old bandages next to the tub."
"My apologies."
He did not say anything else as you left to clean up the bathroom and dispose of the old slightly bloodied bandages he had wrapped around himself.
"Burn them."
You paused in the middle of carrying the small pile of bloodied bandages in your hands. "What?"
"Burn them in the fireplace." His eyes glanced to the fire. "It'll better for any trace of me to be cloaked for now." He took another sip of his tea before looking at your face calmly but seriously. "When you are finished, I want you to take the ashes from the fire pit and go outside. Cover any pools of blood I might've left behind with them. It'll mask the scent until the dirt fully absorbs the blood away."
"Mask the scent from who?"
"Anyone wishing to find me and finish what the others failed to do. Try not to let anyone see you do it."
You weren't exactly sure who these 'people' were, but you'd rather not risk it considering the spike of fear from his words. So you did what he asked with an approving hum from him. Throwing the old bandages into the fire until they burnt into ash and collecting the burnt out ashes and logs in a metal bucket nearby. He only watched silently still eating as you heaved the heavy bucket out of your house, around back, and where you found his collapsed body. Sure enough there was some red blood stained there from where he laid for who knows how long before you found him. Taking the still hot ashes, you made quick work of it looking around yourself to be sure no one else was watching you before all the red ground was covered up. Leaving you to scurry back inside to him.
He seemed pleased with your work and just finished eating silent before you began collecting the dishes he set aside once he was finished with it. He stayed like that for the rest of the day, just silently sitting there and looking like he was in deep meditation. You didn't disturb him still feeling strange from the intense look he gave you earlier. However you did comply with him when he asked for more food before retiring to the futon you set up. Not wanting to disturb him, you just pulled out a spare set of blankets from the shelf and curled up near the front door just in case you needed to jump out for whatever reason. However you woke up the next morning in surprise to find him sound asleep still.
Seeing as you still had a quiet morning to yourself, you quietly made your way out to go to work which wasn't too long a job but you thought that the man would've been awake by the time you came back. You were surprised to see that he wasn't. Instead he remained there in the same position you saw him in when you first got up. Long hair splayed all around him. But what caught your attention towards him was the twitching of his eyelids. He looked incredibly bothered by something. So when a hand touched his forehead, his eyes snapped open immediately to look at you.
"You're running a fever...It doesn't feel too high thankfully. I have some fever medicine in my kit. I'll give you some and you should feel fine later."
He merely hummed before closing his eyes back shut. "Do what you must."
You smiled and made to move..but paused. Removing your hand you stared at his bare forehead in confusion. ".... That's strange. Didn't you have a cut on your forehead?"
"You're mistaken." He didn't bother opening his eyes.
You stared at him before opening your mouth. That's not true. You DID treat a cut on his forehead but again you decided not to bother fighting him and again treat him with a herbal tea infused with the medicine. He opened his eyes and would've sat up to take the drink from you, but blinked as all of a sudden a hand pushed itself under his head and lifted him with extreme gentleness he'd never felt before. As if he was cracked glass and at any moment could shatter. Something warm and herbal smelling wafted over his lips as you cradled his head and held the cup to his lips.
"Here. Drink."
The eyes stared up at yours and how soft your features were... before they glanced at the cup, and slowly opened his mouth. It was enough for you to tilt the cup for him to drink taking great care to not spill any on him. Making sure to also give him breaks between gulps to allow him to breath until it was empty. He'll also need something solid in his stomach. Good thing you still had leftovers from dinner last night. He didn't make any moves to stop you from cradling his head and feeding him until he seemed to be full enough and you gently encouraged him to sit back up. You needed to treat his wounds again. He seemed to struggle to sit up by himself so you had to push him up into a sitting position before you could again treat him. He just remained silent and compliant throughout the entire process until he was laying back down and a cool wet towel was being pressed against his forehead.
"There you go. You should feel better soon. Is there anything else you want?"
"No. This should suffice."
You smiled at him again. "Well you should be well for now. I'll come back later and get you some more water after I finish cleaning the house. For now rest."
He looked at you closely. "You're doing your duties even while caring for someone else fully?"
"Well ..Yes. You're my guest, and I should be a good hostess but I shouldn't neglect my chores either."
"Hm. The markings of a devoted housewife." He nodded. "Your future husband will be pleased."
You paused blinking.. before slowly looking at him with a look. "I'm not seeing anyone for the last time.." His eyes looked back to you. "Really. I'm not. I clean my home and provide for my own person because I like independence."
His brow rose higher than before. "A woman living alone and supporting herself?" The eyes scanned you up and down. That was unheard of. "With how young and beautiful you are? A woman by your age is usually married or engaged to be married soon. It's unheard of to hear that you're not."
You paused. Before your face lit up a light pink at his words but despite that you shook your head with a frown. "No. I like living by myself and providing for just me. It's simpler and more peaceful."
"You do not want to be married? Or start a family?"
You gave a thoughtful look. "Well..I think it would be nice to settle down eventually, but it shouldn't be forced. Marriage is supposed to be about love for one another, not just what I look like."
"You haven't gotten any suitors?.. Outside of the man calling himself Sabo."
You shook your head picking up a bucket. "No. I have but most of the ones I've gotten have always been pushy or only wanted to marry me because they thought I was pretty or for some other selfish reason. Living on the edge of town helps but sometimes someone still comes here and try their luck. Some more pushy than others. A lot of the time they don't like hearing no."
Kokushibo silently seemed to be giving a thoughtful, considerate look to what you had to say. "I see."
He said nothing else as his eyes closed once again and you left to fetch a pail of water from your bathroom. If he wanted to rest then you wouldn't disturb him. Only rolling up your sleeves/bottom of your kimono before starting to scrub the floors. He remained still as you worked even as you moved furniture and pushed him and the futon over at one point to clean under him. He merely perked an eye open, before immediately closing it again unbothered by anything. Made no difference to you. You just continued to go about your business dusting, sweeping, mopping, etc. You again changed the towel on his forehead and fed him more later in the day but it wasn't anything special. However come the third morning he was there you started to think maybe demons were more supernatural than you thought. You had woken up as usual and gotten up but froze when you found the back door open and he was just sitting there already helping himself to what must've been the last of the large pot of stew and rice you made. How the heck was he able to eat so much? He noticed you before you could even say something.
"Apologies for devouring your food. If I wish to regenerate fully faster, I need more sustenance to sustain the energy my body uses to generate the healing process. But rest assured this only means I won't be a bother for you sooner."
You blinked looking at where he had been resting the day before then at him opening your mouth.. before just closing it. "It's..not a problem. You must be really hungry. I'll cook you a few eggs."
He only tilted his head slightly as you silently went over to make his bed, without complaining about it to him, before exciting the home to begin your work. A woman who didn't complain about things he did and just offered him more food without a second thought. The markings of a good woman who'd take good care of her husband and the home when he was away. However she seemed very stubborn minded about remaining single. She'd most likely die alone. He'd just finished the food you'd given him and you took his plate away with a smile when a knocking noise from the front door caught your attention. Kokushibo merely cracked an eye open from his meditative state. Neither of you moved and then the knocking came back again but louder.
"Who could that be?," you mumbled putting the plates to the side.
"A man." From the presence he sensed and by the smell, it was a male around the same age as you and from the smell of animals, he was either a hunter or was wearing some kind of animal pelts.
You hesitated looking at him both wondering how he knew that and a bit concerned. He said he didn't want anyone to know that he was here, but he didn't make any moves to hide or move out of sight...You supposed it would just be ok to answer the door, you just had to make sure to not accidentally show Kokushibo was there. So with a sigh you steeled yourself with a smile and walked on over to the front door, just sliding it open enough to peek your head out... before you blinked and your face frowned.
"What are you doing here?" Kokushibo's head perked up at the heavy distaste in your tone.
"I came to see the love of my life.~ Isn't it obvious?~ I missed you so much.~", came a gruff but young male's voice he'd never heard before.
Behind the door you placed a hand on your hip. "You're not allowed back in town. You were banned after you almost killed that elder a year ago."
"It was an honest mistake-"
"You got drunk and picked a fight with that poor old man for no reason! On top of that you dishonored your family and that was on top of the pile of horrible things you've done!"
"You don't live in town. This is just outside it, so I'm not breaking any laws." Kokushibo's head turned to the side and rose a brow seeing a hand caress the side of your head through the doorway. "I missed you.~"
The hand was harshly slapped away from your face. "GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!" You bellowed out at him in a tone that surprised Kokushibo could come from such a soft lady especially since he's never heard such a tone come from you. ''I don't know who you think you are but you're not welcome here! You're NEVER welcome here! You disgust me to no end! Now get off my property! I don't want to see you again!"
There was an instant reaction to your words. One of which being that you were shoved back harshly. Enough to send you stumbling back and falling to the floor as the sliding door slammed open and someone stepped inside. The someone was a man about her age maybe a year or two older with a few scars and clothing made from animal skins. Ah. That explained the smell of animals. He walked in initially with a smirk on his face but paused upon seeing the face of another man staring back at him calmly and silently. Except Kokushibo made sure that he kept his eyes under his hair, concealing his true identity. You shook your head scooting back from the new man entering your home and glared at him. The two men silently stared at one another before finally the first one sneered in anger and pointed at Kokushibo.
"Who the hell are you?!", he demanded.
"Who I am is not important for you to know," he responded back calmly only making the newcomer angrier.
"What?! Did you get married or something while I was gone?!" He snapped to you in question.
"So what if I did?!"
"Again that's none of your business! I don't owe you any explanation on what goes on in my life! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"
The man didn't. Instead he snarled at Kokushibo who took his sweet time standing up and turning to face him. His calm expression beyond repair making him even more so.
"I believe she had asked you to leave this house," he spoke more calmly half lidded eyes staring at him. You looked up at him. Holy crap...he was a lot taller than he looked.
"Tch. And what right do you have to it?," he asked silently sizing the samurai up.
"None. I am nothing but a mere guest to this household however you are not. Now you had best be on your way. I would find it improper for you to stay any longer."
Perhaps it was the previous blood loss that had dulled his senses or the fact he didn't take this man as a threat (and to be perfectly honest he wasn't a threat at all) but when a hand shot out he stiffened awaiting the blow- However it-...Never came?
The smell of blood filled his nose after a body flew up and something metallic and shiny slashed across your face. A cut formed on your cheek. Pain exploded as you yelled out stumbling back until you collided with a body. Kokushibo blinked as you fell against him easily catching you in one strong arm as you gritted your teeth and clutched your cheek as a cut bled out on. Kokushibo slowly blinked as you felt tests start to stream down your face. Kokushibo slowly let his eyes grow wide before looking at the man who also seemed surprised as he held up a dagger.
"Leave him alone!," you bellowed out at the other man, "He's hurt enough! Just leave us alone! GET OUT! GET OUT!! GET OUT!!"
Well..that escalated rather quickly. He stared at the woman starting to cry in his arms then back to the man holding the knife. Her body was slowly slid until she was gently placed on the floor. Turquoise eyes blinked as he easily stepped over and placed himself between her and the other man. An unusual feeling of anger bubbling from his surface and he found himself wanting to do nothing more than smash this man's head open like a walnut. ..The sobbing continued behind him which made him give pause. Hmm. That would possibly escalate the situation to a much worse scale. Kokushibo decided he wouldn't be ending any lives.
Not now. Not today at least.
He chillingly looked back to the man. "You have been told to leave. If you don't wish bodily harm upon you, you'll honor the request."
The other man stared at him before daring to growl. "Who's gonna make me? You?"
"Obviously. Normally I wouldn't care of what business or purpose you have with her, but you attacked my hostess. I can't simply let that slide."
"I'm not going to let a woman order me around like a weakling. And I'm sure as hell not going to let you get between me and my business!"
An arm was raised up high and the dagger was raised only to be swiped down- And grabbed by a large fist faster than either could comprehend. Shocked eyes stared into the calm face, eyes hidden by burgundy hair.
Your body curled up on itself as a man's shriek echoed throughout the home. Pain wailing through his hand and up his arm shooting off like fireworks. The knife fell to the ground with a clatter by their feet as Kokushibo effortlessly and calmly crushed the man's hand. It was all a quick blur. His hand swiping from the hand to his neck, grabbing him by the throat and lifting up. You watched shocked as Kokushibo was able to effortlessly lift up the dangling man like he was nothing and walk him to the open front door struggling and wheezing for air grabbing at the calloused hand clamped around his throat. Until the samurai stopped just in the doorway.
"A man's place is to protect and provide for the woman he devotes his life to. Your proclamations of love are as empty as your threats. You are neither a man nor a worthy lover. It's only because I'm being courteous to my hostess that you live. She just cleaned last night and I'd hate to make a mess and ruin all her hard work. But make no mistakes. Should our paths cross again for whatever reason..." The calm eyes narrowed as the grip increased. "I will be the last thing you see before death claims you."
The man's body dropped like a ragdoll with a thud and a large gasp left his mouth followed by a current of coughs as sweet oxygen filled his lungs. He simply watched him wriggle and struggle like the pathetic worm he was before he was able to scowl and struggle himself away. He stood there until he was no longer in sight and then some before closing the door in front of him. Silence resumed for a long moment.
"...That was incredibly stupid of you." You blinked as he turned to look at you. "I didn't ask you to defend me and if you do it again I'll be sure it's the last time you do."
You ...just blinked. Staring at him as tears continued to roll down your cheeks before you scowled. "I-"
"Should be the one protected," he stated bluntly, "It's a man's job to protect the women not the other way around. You've already done me a great deed by feeding me, giving me shelter, and treating my wounds without a thing in return. I owe your safety at least in return." You said nothing as he walked on over to the shelf and grabbed the box you kept your medical supplies in. "Now treat the wound. It will be better if you did."
You wiped at your face before nodding. "F-Fine. But remove your coat so I can care for your wounds in return.''
"There is no need. They will be fully healed by tomorrow anyways."
That wasn't true. The gashes on him weren't deep but they'd take a long time to heal fully. "Even still, it'd be better to treat the wounds until they heal fully and I said I'd take care of you until you healed fully."
He regarded you for a long moment. "A woman who insists on treating others before herself...You would be an ideal wife if the right man wished to court you." You deadpanned at him. "Nevertheless I agree but treat your cheek first."
You didn't argue against that or when he suddenly pressed a cloth to your face to wipe off the tears and blood from your cut. Your eyes just widened as a hand tilted your head up to look at him and he continued working...a redness spreading across your face much to his inner amusement.
"Who was that man?" His voice made you jump.
"He seemed to know you. Was he a past lover?"
You scowled in his hold. "He wishes. No. Not even remotely."
He hummed. "He seems to think otherwise."
"His family owns a successful fur trading business in town. Because of that he's very spoiled. He thinks he can get away with anything but last year he was exiled from town because he almost killed an elderly man after he got drunk and picked a fight with him for no reason. Everyone was tired of his selfishness."
"What is his business with you?"
"Nothing. His parents tried to convince me to make an arranged marriage between us as children and I guess since I've told him no he can't seem to get over it. But I'm afraid he might make good on that loophole." He hummed wiping around your cut. "Technically I don't live in town. I live just on the outskirts of it. So if he comes back here then he wouldn't be breaking the law.''
"And they never asked your parents for that?"
"I don't have any parents." He paused giving you a look of interest. "Years ago there was a wild fire in the area that burnt down a quarter of the town. A few people were killed in the flames. My parents were two of them." He watched as her eyes sadly looked back down to her work. "I was taken in and raised by a very nice older couple who didn't have any children. I'm forever grateful for their kindness especially concerning my boundaries. However now Nori has returned-"
"If he returns, he dies." You blinked as he seriously spoke. "I warned him. If he so chooses to not listen to that warning then he'll face the consequences of his own actions. I never go back on my word."
You blinked at him before pulling away red faced. "Y-You didn't have to do that."
"I did what my role entails." The rustling of clothing had you look over and freeze as his purple and black checkered coat dropped to his feet and exposed his torso to you. "Now you may treat me like you wanted." Your eyes stared at his toned chest- "It's rude to stare."
Jumping you scrambled grabbing your medical kit as he just calmly raised an arm to allow you to quickly pull away the old bandages and trying (and failing-) to not stare at his torso and his scars-...Wait. The bandages fell away from his skin and you froze staring at his wounds. Except..they weren't wounds. They weren't even scars! They were just light markings that looked extremely faded to the point that they were barely present. You just...stared at them.
Wounds don't heal that fast.
Staring silently you slowly looked up at his eyes. "Is something the matter?"
You opened and closed your mouth but quickly shook your head no. "N-No! You're healing up quite nicely! You were right when you said you'd be better in a week!" You offered a smile. "After this I'll make you some more food and drink. Do you like tea?"
"That's fine....You mentioned that you had no lover?"
You shook your head busing yourself by just removing his old bandages trying not to think too much about the mysterious scars. He... probably just had a rare healing rate. Or the wounds weren't as serious as you thought at first
"No. Nori was very selfish and any others weren't really what I was looking for. I'd rather make my own way."
"Would you ever accept a courtship?"
"Well...Yes. I might if the man wasn't interested in my looks or any other selfish reason. Like you for example. You don't seem to care much about those things. If someone as materialistic as you proposed to me or if I asked I would hope he said yes.Uh...N-No offense."
"None taken." He raised his arm higher looking over you carefully before closing his eyes with a hum. "Like me?"
"Y-Yes. But that's rare to happen-"
"I see."
Kokushibo did not leave when he stayed an entire week.
Your shock of seeing Nori near sun down left you just finishing bandaging him and cleaning up the small mess Nori left behind. Kokushibo took the dagger Nori left, but you had no idea what he did with it. He only returned to what he had been doing before Nori showed up, which was meditate for the rest of the day until it was finally nighttime. Kokushibo insisted on you taking back your futon and you still bring in shock just laid down staring at the ceiling until you fell asleep. You awoke the next morning to once again finding Kokushibo silently meditating in the corner helping himself to what must've been a full jug of water. Yesterday's events shot through your mind and you got up sitting up immediately.
"I see you're awake," he stared plainly, "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep in the entire morning. I'm quite hungry."
You only gave him a look of annoyance before nodding with a sigh. "Alright but then I need to head for work."
"Is that wise?" He asked watching you stretch and get up. "Your cheek is still wounded. Someone might ask questions."
"I'll just say that I accidentally made a wild fox angry or something." You yawned again and he couldn't help but blink at your figure stretching out gracefully. "It would be more suspicious if I didn't show up to work."
"Hm. Understandable. Will you be cooking me a meal?"
You deflated only looking at him before sighing and moving to get him the food he asked for. If he was still recovering from the blood loss then he shouldn't push himself until he was fully recovered. He mentioned it would take him a week to recover right? Today was the fourth day so he'll only be here for another three days at most. Maybe he'd forget about you once he left. But for now you'd keep your promise and care for him. It was the least you could do after he drove Nori away. Hopefully that would keep him away too...
Oh how wrong you were about that.
You ended up serving him more eggs and fruit from the wild trees. He didn't seem to mind however and thanked you before taking it. Leaving you to just go about your work until retiring that night. As suspected your boss asked about the cut on your cheek, but she only scoffed and called you clumsy when you told her you had just fallen on sharp rocks. The next two days were relatively the same. He'd meditate or watch as you went about your own chores after you got back from work or to ask you to cook for him which you obliged. You also checked over his injuries only to find they had healed to the point that there wasn't even any scars left behind. You'd never seen anything like in on another man. Even your had small scars from burning himself on a stove or cutting himself on a carving tool. Perhaps he was born with fast metabolism that fueled his body's healing? Would be why he ate so much. You didn't bring it up. You were feeling relief on the seventh day. It'd be his last day here before he left apparently and you wouldn't stop him. However you weren't expecting him to ask you for a brush for his hair. Huh... come to think of it his hair had been worn down outside of the ponytail he had when you found it.
"I'll fix your hair for you if you'd like me to," you offered which caught him off guard as he blinked at you in light surprise, "I can style hair a little bit. My mother showed me how to, so I can put your hair back up if you want."
Kokushibo just slowly blinked again before closing his eyes with an exhale through his nose. "Do as you wish."
You smiled in return at him and went to fetch your brush. He didn't move but did lightly open his eyes when he heard you return and grab a strand of his long soft hair. It was soft to the touch and you took gently care in pulling apart the small knots you felt before even pulling the brush through the very bottom of the long fall of hair. He found the treatment acceptable so allowed it to continue. There was silence for a while as you hesitated until you spoke again.
"You have beautiful hair... You're a very handsome man."
He froze. Something soft and gentle touched his head which automatically made him freeze. His body instinctively standing on end and a thumb and finger curiously tugged gently at a strand of hair....But no hard metal comb yanked through his scalp. Instead two gentle hands caressed the strands and gently began to weave out the tangled big and small so slowly it didn't even pinch. A hum of a woman's patient voice sneaking through as she worked. The murmurs of a lullaby echoed and gentleness wafted with it. 
Silence. Other than the lulling memories of melodies and the soft touch that was left behind.
"Heart. Beats. Fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone?" You gently pried apart two strands of burgundy hair as Kokushibo remained still. "But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly go away some how."
hands gripped into the fabric. He fell silent and didn't make any moves to stop her. When was the last time he ever felt such a gentle touch? He couldn't remember? Perhaps when he was a babe still in his mother's arms before he was snatched away into the harsh care of his father. Perhaps whenever His brother insisted on being kind to him. Maybe when he even indulged himself for the company of a woman when nights were particularly cold and hard. But this?..No. Never this. Never something so...intimate. A thing to share between lovers. His body went into absolute shock as tears weld up in those eyes and freely flowed down his face from the gentle treatment.
"One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. " You continued working through the hair which was surprisingly easy to brush through. "Time stands still. Beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything anything take away what's right in front of me. Every breath. Every hour has come to this."
Arms lightly shook as she nearly completed her work and red eyes watery glanced at the blankets that covered him.
That's what his father would call him if he saw this. The state he was in. The emotions his body shook and caved into. Stop it, stop it! Regain control of your body!! Do not allow your useless emotions to conquer your mind! 
"One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."
You finished up and leaned back to look at your handy work. However he just slammed his eyes shut from view and snapped his head away so you didn't have any clue he was even crying. Instead you rose a brow. Wow. You weren't expecting a thank you but that was a bit rude of him. 
"I'm finished," you told him even though he probably already knew that by now, "But I would like to get your bangs too if that's ok?" You leaned over more causing his body to visibly stiffen. "Oh. Are you alright?"
"..I am fine." He forced his body to relax with a sigh through his nose. Quickly picking up his haori he had taken off earlier and slipped it back on over his shoulders, briefly wiping his face off to cleanse himself of the proof of his weakness. "You may proceed and finish but do so quickly. I intend to leave tonight as per my plans."
"Do you think you'll be ready? I mean you were so hurt just days ago," you mumbled in concern shuffling to sit in front of him and gently grabbed the hair framing his face before running your brush through it too. "Why don't you stay one more night? You might feel better."
"No. I will leave once it's sun down. It's almost time anyways." She sighed and he cracked his eyes up at her. She was sitting in front of him now but looked at him once he grabbed your hand gently. "I have a question to ask you." She blinked her big shiny eyes at him. "That man from earlier this week, he wanted to marry you. I can see why you haven't accepted him, but why not anyone else? Why not just give someone your companionship already?"
You gave him a look before sighing. "Because there's no one who's shown me respect or at least interest in an equal partnership."
"And you would let that stop you how? I would see no benefits in waiting so long."
"Respect is earned not given." You firmly stated reaching out to again brush aside his bangs. "I hope for someone can get me to respect them not by intimidation, but by mutual respect. I want a good man. A strong man who doesn't see me as just a woman or a wife or something just to give him children. I want a man who sees me as an equal. As a person with my own mind. Someone to share our lives together. Not to put one above the other. I want someone better than what I was offered before."
"... Interesting. What would you say would make someone better?"
"I don't think anyone is better than anyone else unless they chose to be a bad person." You rose a brow. Why was he asking you this? "I don't think I'm better than you or anyone else. It's not that simple either however."
His gaze on you intensified. "Explain."
"I just said it's not easy to explain. You may have a higher position than someone like a homeless person but I would still treat you as an equal and with respect as long as I see you treating others with the same respect and equality. If you believe something like strength or wealth makes you better then that's your own flaw." What would be a good way to explain this in a way a demon could understand a human? "...A painter may not have the strength of a blacksmith but that doesn't mean they both can't create beautiful masterpieces. A florist may not know how to till the land like a farmer but that doesn't mean they can't grow beautiful plants. A teacher may not be able to win against the strength of a samurai but that doesn't mean their different skills makes one more important than the other.," You explained making him look up in awe at you. "You can lose skills, you can gain skills. There's always going to be people that do things better than you, and there's always going to be people that do things way worse than you. But that shouldn't define the worth of a person. Whether it be a man, woman, child, or even a demon."
He regarded you for a silent second before humming. "Then how do you define who is a good person?"
"That isn't as simple either."
"What do you mean?"
"Some people are just good. Some people are just bad....But a lot of times it's subjective to different people. Good people can do bad things especially if they think what they're doing justifies the greater good. Bad people can do good things if they want to, whether that's because they still have some kindness or because it's to get what they want I can't say. ...But most people I believe aren't inherently bad or good. Most fall in a place between." 
"Then....What traits do you use to judge others if you yourself have done wrong?," he spoke to you.
You blinked surprised at all the sudden questions from Kokushibo but it was interesting to know that he wanted to know your opinion. "Well...Firstly Id admit what I did was wrong and not deny it. Secondly, I would judge someone else by what makes up that person." You gestured at him. "Their actions, their words, their morals, their personalities, and how they apply all of those things when interacting with me or anyone else. I'd also think about their point of view if I thought it would help me know how or why they would treat someone in a way."
There was silence afterwards for a long, long moment. You could feel him looking directly at you calculating, as he was trying to figure out how he felt about what you just said to him. You wordlessly went back to brushing through his bangs silently. That was another thing about Kokushibo you liked. From all of your interactions he never really pushed anything when you said no. He never yelled at you the way your boss did calling you foolish and naive. He never did anything Nori did. Oh definitely not. Sure he called you troublesome but it seemed more because of the strange ways you both kept meeting up. Ironic. The first and only demon you've ever met and he treated you better than a lot of people already did by being silent and just listening. 
Your eyes gazed over at his still observing you and you really took a moment to really look at him closely. He really was rather handsome. If it wasn't for the fangs and extra eyes, he would've been no different than any other man. It's sad these simple features were ridiculed by everyone else. His eyelids closed on instinct when a hand reached up to touch his face but he stiffened shocked. Her delicate fingertips soothing over the soft skin, reaching over to trace the mark on his forehead. His open eyes instinctively darting to your hands caressing his features.
".... You're different from all the others." He visibly stiffened at your words. "Your structure is beautiful that way."
He stopped fully just ... looking at you yellow irises expanding wider.
You smiled. "Just by looking at you, you're very strong. I guess that's why you're so power-"  You stopped once as two large hands just grabbed yours within their grip. The brush dropping to the floor with a thud. "-ful. Uh..K-Kokushibo?"
"Your eyes." He mumbled leaning closer holding your hands within his grip. "I have..never seen such color before on any woman."
You stopped in front of the lights shining on you just the right way to give him the impression you were an angel. A sight he was hesitant to leave when he bent down. Huh. And you were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the fire pit 's lights. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. No one was here too. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away.
He stared at the woman in front of him, this strange, strange woman with the beautifully flowing hair and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. The draft blew some and blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which she immediately reached to pull away and Kokushibo made no move to stop her from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped his cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
Your lips just pressed for a few wonderful seconds before Kokushibo suddenly pulled himself away looking at you and breathing heavily. His grip on you tightening and untightening in waves as if restraining himself. His warm breath ghost over your lips and face warning them as he stared half lidded. 
"I need to know that you want this," his usual monotone voice whispered out, "I need to know that you know fully what the implications of being with a demon will do to your reputation if they found out you let me stay here let alone kiss me. If anyone found out... You'll be exiled. Ridiculed. Shamed wherever you go if they know-"
His answer was her death gripping his head and pulling him close. Soft lips collided with his as he was again taken off guard.
"How many times is this woman going to surprise me?"
He made no comment back. Embracing the woman against his chest tightly and deepening the kiss. Yes. He could stay for one more night. 
His eyes opened slightly half lidded. His embrace increasing slightly.
Yes. Then he had a few more things to take care of after.
Beware of things that go bump in the night.
Moonlight peeked out through clouds chasing the darkness away a little. Enough for someone to have a little sense of sight in the somber darkness. Most living creatures hiding away from view all warm and snug in their homes inside dens and hollowed out trees. Or if you were a human, you'd be found safe and sound in your house. Snug cozy and warm inside their soft beds in slumber until the safety of the sun next morning.
However one would not survive this night.
The walls didn't provide a sleeping man shelter. A door didn't stop the Moon's Shadow from sliding it open and stepping inside. Blankets couldn't hide the identity of the person within it's grip. The darkness didn't stop six eyes of hatred from seeing his form.
Oh look. He wasn't fast asleep like he expected to be in fact he was barely asleep at all. He was moving around in his sheets. Stacking two extra blankets on him for extra warmth against the cold. Even moving the futon ... dangerously close to the fireplace. The fire was small enough that it'd be out before morning but if it was even slightly bigger than it would surely catch the whole bed and eventually the house on fire.
Six orbs maneuvered to the stack of many logs by the fire pit.
Yes. Truly it would be a tragedy if the fire was bigger.
The shadow loomed over the now terrified looking man. Too shocked to speak out of fear, but not scared enough to grab a nearby pen and thrust it at the approaching abyss. The item successfully sank into flesh but the shadow hardly flinched. No screams or noises were had when a clawed hand wrapped itself around the terrified man's throat and squeezed.
"Quiet. You have no say in what you've brought upon yourself."
Hands uselessly grabbed at the clasp around his neck. Legs uselessly kicking out. 
"Between us both, I was actually going to spare your life. Only place you outside and burn everything you hold dear to the ground and watch you have to struggle to actually work for it back like she had to do since your entire bloodline treated her so vile...but then you attacked me-"
Again the pen was sunk into him. This time the eyes did widened as pain fell from the still timid flesh that just finished healing. 
"R-Rot in hell!" A hoarse voice wheezed out from under the fist. "She deserved everything that happened to her. If you weren't here I'd have her doing-"
A tighter squeeze ceased all air from his lungs. A different hand slowly reached down to pull the pen from his chest. "The moment you dared to get in my way, was the moment that sealed your fate."
Struggling was useless. Futile even. No matter. His fate would be the same as the other then. A hand brought him closer by the neck. This man disgusted him. His claims of having her to himself only furthered that disgust. He remembered her soft hands holding him, the same soft hands THIS PIG harmed.
"H E R  L O V E  B E L O N G S  T O  M E."
A warmth spread throughout the entire home as  fireflies flickered around growing flames slowly moving from a futon to other parts of the home. Step after step a shadow took disappearing entirely from view. Their sights already focusing on another important fire burning brightly as the first scream of the town's people awoke.
A fire crackled in a bit of rocks. Feasting upon wood that melted into ashes in its grip. A sloshing of liquid heard as a gourd was passed exchanged from one hand to another. Warm skin of a hand warmed by the fire brought the sickly sweetened alcoholic drink to his lips. It burnt his throat in a good way that left him licking the burning sweetness from his lips with a snack, a sleeve wiping at his face as he did so.
"We shouldn't be out here," one man out of the six gathered around the fire commented. His face illuminated by its flames casting dancing shadows among them. "I don't like how quiet it is tonight. Listen...Not a bird. Not any beast. Not even the crickets sing their tunes tonight. I tell you it is a bad omen."
The man with the burning sweetness on his tongue sneered at his comrade. "Don't start giving me that talk about devils and inhuman monsters. I've hunted and camped in woods more silent than this since I was a child. The only danger you'll face out here is nothing but the usual teeth and claws of a wolf or a bear if you're really unlucky. I don't believe in such things."
The rest of the men only muttered in agreement with him or gave glances of weary. "Then we all share in your incompetent thinking by being out her while the moon wanes ordering bloodlust. And for what? A couple of measly game that hasn't even shown themselves." A stick was tossed in frustration to the fire. "I tell you the beasts were scared off by something far scarier. I say we take their warning and head home while we still have light to see by."
Another scoff. "A single fat deer would fetch more gold than two giant grizzlies on a good day! Are you really letting your fear blind you from what you could have?!"
"Perhaps he's right, Nori." Heads turned to the second oldest man of the group whom was staring at him with a thoughtful expression. "We haven't seen any hide or tail of the herd. Not even a footprint since we got here this morning. Even if there's no monstrous beast, it's obvious that the herd has moved out of the area. We should be home comforting our wives' worries and protecting our families from the dangers of others this night. We'll not be seeing anything here."
"BAH!!" The fire hissed in protest as liquid was spilt on thrown from the gourd splashing it as hot the ground. "You all are nothing but a lot of whimpering dogs catering to a woman's stupid fears! We should be looking more instead of lazing around where nothing is happening!!"
"You're lucky your parents hired us to tolerate hunting with you! After you got yourself exiled last year, you've done nothing but lust for a woman and then act like an ass when she rejected you!," the second youngest man sneered 
The older man sighed once more. "Alright...We will give one last look around the area-" He said defusing the situation between the angry men. "-but afterwards we go home. I would rather have the warmth of my wife than that of the fire."
Grumbled were had. Murmurs were said. Footsteps crashed through the otherwise silent night. The light of the moon distorting everything with an eerie red hue as different men headed different directions. Splitting up to widen the search and make it back to dose the fire faster. Perhaps an unwise choice they would make.
Bushes and branches of the trees did not stop the ambition of one man whom stepped his way forward to a direction where the beasts drank their full of water. And the place he'd find a strong stallion o
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[Loki x Reader] 3014 (Chapter 4)
To: [Clint Barton]: Whoa what? To: [Clint Barton]: Maybe it was Tony? Quietly you sat there, lips pressed to an anxious frown as your brow furrowed. In that instance you were grateful the office was completely empty, you felt like you were about to break, tears only just prickling behind your eyes, throat slightly tight. When you'd woken up you'd passed it off as a nightmare, but now, thanks to Clint, it was real again and the guilt was crushing you. Car horns blared in the street far below and your phone glowed softly, blank for a while. The fragile quiet was deafening. From: [Clint Barton]: I just texted him and he didn't even know...
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Yang Xiao Long x Male!Grimm!reader
part (6/?)-The child of the wolf
(y/n)=your name
(h/c)=hair color
(f/c)=favorite color
(e/c)=eye color
(f/b)=favorite beverage
(l/n)=last name
(h/l)=hair length
(a/n)=author's note
(y)=your first initial
(m/n)=mother's name ??? POV (man I have a lot of these in this arc)
I opened my eyes,my red iris's giving hints of my betrayal to the pack.I stood and looked around,and howled,the sound of a desperate wolf to find his home.I knew I could never walk among them again,not after the deal I'd made to protect them.The deal with that red eyed,white haired witch.Of course,I had no regrets.I mean,if I killed those six humans,then my pa...
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Embrace It Chapter Forty-One: ...The Raging Storm
Chapter Forty-One: ...The Raging Storm Part 1“...’m so…”
There were no colors in the black abyss Judy found herself in. Nothing to tell her where she was or why. But there was sensation; pain. Specifically, her head and one of her ears.
She tried to remember how she ended up like this, but it hurt her head to even think this much, and all her body wanted to do was sleep. She was inclined to allow it to do so.
“...I’m s...rry…”
‘Wha...who is that?’ Came her sluggish thought as the sound of sniffling penetrated the darkness. ‘...words...what are they saying?’ Painful as it was, she forced herself t...