Tarzan and Jake 4 by ThePerpetualBliss, literature
Tarzan and Jake 4
"Jake!" Mr. Portman exclaimed when his son came limping into his camp. Jake had been missing for almost a week. His father rushed to his son and after hugging him, was taken aback by his appearance.Jake's fine and quite expensive clothes were torn to shreds. Both of his eyeglass lenses were broken. He hadn't shaved and his hair was everywhere. In brief, Jake was a disheveled mess. But above all else, Mr. Portman noticed one thing that stood out obviously over the other."Jake, your leg!" the good doctor helped his son without waiting for him to object and placed him on one of the tables he had set up within the camp. The worried father bega...
Rigby is 'In the Closet' - Chapter 6 - Part 2 by Gruine, literature
Rigby is 'In the Closet' - Chapter 6 - Part 2
*Ding a ling - Ding a ling*The doorbell chimed its sharp tune as Pops pushed the wooden door open. From concrete to a soft and short carpet-like material, Mordecai and Rigby followed behind the already excited lollipop man. Surprisingly, the book store was humongous; full of vast collections of volumes, series, biographies, philosophies, magazines, and fiction to non-fiction books. The store seemed to stretch about a hundred yards. Over five thousand books were piled up, stored upon rows of shelves, as they towered among the customers. But there were even more books in the second story above them, as some spiraling stairs led up to it, plu...
Understanding AUTISM by inspiredcreativity, literature
Understanding AUTISM
UNDERSTANDING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Click on Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders to get more information about some of the Autism Spectrum Disorders.The following is a simplified explanation of autism, followed by more detail. Near the end, I talk about HOW TO OVERCOME AUTISM. I will also talk about my own personal story of growing up Gay and overcoming much of my Autism. Just know that I finally got there I learned how to connect with people and make many friends, to find real love, not just people using me, and to find a measure of joy and happiness in life. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS It used to be that people were diagnosed wi...
Shawna's Stand chapter 2 OG 11b by expandor1, literature
Shawna's Stand chapter 2 OG 11b
#bhm, #bbw, #feedee, #weightgain
It was the end of a particularly filling day as he crawled into bed, his heavy breasts wobbling against his weak chubby arms as he crawled on his hands and knees, dragging his belly against the cool sheets. He felt two small hands grip him from behind, and something pressed into his rump. “Where are you going little mama,” he heard Cammy coo. 
He tossed his long thick hair over his shoulder and looked back at her with a lust filled smile. “I was getting sleepy, but now not so much,” he replied, biting his lip and arching his back.
She pushed on his back, pressing his belly down and his fat blubbery bottom up. Her belly bulged on top of his rump and he felt her slide in.
“Oooh, what’s that?” He breathed.
“Nothing much, its tiny, but you’ll enjoy it,” she cooed. He arched his back involuntarily, growing aroused and his breathing labored. The more nimble Kiev slid her crotch under his face, wrapping her fat thighs around his head and he began to eat. The three of them played until all three of them came. 
The days continued, eating and playing, never leaving the suite of rooms, he must have been there weeks or even longer, but he couldn’t really remember. He knew his time was probably at an end, he would have to return to sales, back to the office and late night dinners and traveling. Would he even fit in the seats? Probably not, but he was enjoying himself too much to worry. He had just finished his shower with Kiev, his body bigger and softer than ever, his ever present buzz pleasantly strong again. He waddled past the mirror holding his breasts, they were much bigger and so sensitive and as he looked at his face he realized His lips were fuller, his eyelashes longer, and his hair thicker and longer. He was more feminine than he had ever looked, his huge bottom was now almost bulging up to his elbows and his heavy breasts bulged down below them, but were still supported by his distended belly.
He put on his make-up, heavy dark eyeshadow with hints of red near the edge, dark red lipstick on his over plump lips. He kissed himself in the mirror as Kiev styled his thick hair. It hung partially over the edge of his right eye and draped over his slight right shoulder and flowed down his heavy bosom. She put in his large diamond hoop earrings and a wide diamond choker that made his neck look longer. His heavy breasts bulged against the top of his swollen protruding belly and he rested his hands on the side of his paunch just under his breasts as Kiev fitted him with a black lace half cup bra. The first one was too small and so was the second one, the third one he overfilled but it made his breasts look like perfect bloated bubbles, resting on his giant belly. His nipples were thick and stuck out proudly and Kiev couldnt resist pinching them. He cooed and she kissed his plump lips.
“Ready for your panties?”
He nodded yes and she had him step into a tiny thong. He couldnt see past his belly and hips, but she got them up and on, wedging into his massive bum. Her hand went to the front of his panties, her slim fingers caressing him under the swell of his belly. “Mmmm, someone enjoys their curves,” she breathed. 
“Mei is gonna get like so wet, when I waddle into the office,” he breathed lustfully, running his fingers through his thick hair.
“And you fit nicely in the front of these panties now, even…. Happy,” she cooed, rubbing him and nibbling on his ear.
He giggled sweetly and blushed. “I was like too big, who needs all that? Like so gross.”. 
“I love big,” she giggled, slapping his ass.
“Oh my god, you are such a flirt,” he giggled. 
“Don’t worry, you’re perfect.”
“I know.”
“Time for the dress, better not keep the princess waiting.”
“Shhh, honey,” Kiev cooed. 
She pulled the thin white strapless dress over his head, stretching it down over his protruding belly and swollen bum. It tightly squeezed his belly and bum and struggled over his huge thighs, clinging to his curves down to his chunky ankles, his small bare feet poking out. He tugged it up slightly, just covering his proud plump nipples, the top of his strapless dress hugging his large bosom, but riding low so all of his bulging cleavage was revealed. 
He put on his pretty rings and a few diamond bracelets. “Hey, um what’s this?” He asked looking at his thin wrist. There were 4 black bars on the underside of his wrist. He knew he was frequently tied up, that was part of the fun, but he couldnt remember his wrist getting tattooed. 
“Don’t you remember, you liked Cammy’s tattoo so you got a matching one,” Kiev giggled.
“I did? But aren't hers like white?”
“Oh you are so forgetful, come on honey let’s get you to the princess.”
“Um like, why am I meeting her again?”
“Oh stop, you’re so silly,” Kiev giggled. 
She loaded him onto a extra wide golf cart, he filled the entire back seat and drove him to her palatial estate. Then she helped unload him into one wing of the palace. She didn't make him waddle far, but he did have to navigate his huge belly and bum through a couple high ceilinged passageways into a plush entertaining room. There were a series of large plush couches, and chairs with several low tables around the couches covered in various delicacies. In the middle of the room was the princess, reclining and nibbling on a sweet as she chatted with a group of beautiful women. There were several women and two men in the room, all lounging and eating. 
“Ah, there he is. You stay the rest of you… find other entertainment, please?” 
The women and one of the men, and Kiev left. The man who remained was blond and gorgeous, with wide heavy thunder thighs and fat bottom with soft plump potbelly. He was slight and skinny otherwise and reminded Johnny of a slightly taller, plumper and slightly younger Steve. He was wearing tiny white booty shorts that showed most of his bottom as he swayed around the much fatter Johnny. He put his small hands on Johnny’s hips and squeezed his body into Johnny’s bum. “Ooooh, he’s a plump one. Can I have?”
His arms slid around Johnny’s belly and he lightly kissed his cheek. “Oh!” Johnny giggled nervously, arching his bum a bit and nestling into the young man. 
“Oh course my dear, but not quite yet.” 
“You’ve gotten fat, I had heard you had lost weight,” the princess cooed as she approached. She was stunningly gorgeous, probably a bit younger than him. Taller, perhaps 5’8” or 9” with large blue eyes and long light blond hair that was imperiously coiled up. She wore diamond hoop earrings and a diamond choker with a small platinum hoop through her petite nose. Her lips were painted a rich red and her eyes had smokey dark gray eyeshadow. Her neck was long and thin and her shoulders narrow, a tall petite woman with enormous breasts, probably just bigger than the 400+ pound Cammy. She had a generous protruding potbelly that her heavy breasts overshadowed with a large round bottom and thick wide thighs. She was wearing a very low riding spaghetti strap black dress that her heavy breasts bulged out the front and the sides. The dress stretching over her belly and bum and then hung loosely from the apex of her wide hips. She was thinner than Johnny, but nearly everyone was, filling a 30 N-cup, with a 50 inch belly and a plump 70 inch set of hips. She probably weighed nearly 315 pounds. Johnny saw as she reached her hands to the back of his head, to pull him into a kiss, that her thin wrist had 3 white bars on the underside. She pressed her fat lips against his and kissed him.
“Mmmm, you’re a better kisser than I remember.”
“Um uh, thanks your uh highness?”
“His weight pleases me, does it please you,” she looked over his shoulder at the man holding his hips and nibbling on his earlobe.
“... for now, your highness,” He replied.
“Mmmm, looks like my pet would like you bigger,” she breathed as she rubbed her small hands over his belly, her heavy breasts bulging against his. “He will be incharge of your weight while you are in my care.”
He leaned back against the man, turning his head to kiss him as he pressed tighter into his bottom and caressed his heavy breasts. They kissed as the man pinched his fat nipples and Johnny breathed lustfully. 
“Your care, your highness?” He could barely focus on what she was saying, he wanted this guy so bad.
“Yes. Your weight pleases me, but your earnings… not so much. Nikki has assumed control in your absence as you work off your debt, Chucky.”
“Chucky?” He asked. 
She had enjoyed herself and was sad to go, but if she stayed any longer she’d probably have 5 white bars on her wrist instead of 4. She laughed at that and bit her lower lip, she’d get the bar eventually. Plus she was excited to start her new… profession? It was a side… job really, she would stay as an assistant to Mei and Nikki would call on her from time to time. She looked forward to some private jet travel and fancy locations and the money… She waddled out the jet way in her 3 inch peach heels, holding the front of her thin white spaghetti strap, backless summer dress. The straps were already off her slight shoulders, so she kept her arms against the sides of her breasts in an effort to keep the front of the dress from falling off her plump bosom. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties, it was hot on the island, but she didn't want one of her nipples to poke out on a jet way. Her big belly and bum were swaying and bouncing wildly under the thin dress and must have been quite a show for the plump bellied, wide bottom Steve. She was smiling at him, her eyes shaded by a pair of aviator glasses, these were probably Johnny’s her blue gray hair now a luxurious blond. She wondered how much longer Johnny would stay on the island and why he had decided to stay. He had to work didn't he? Nikki said he wasn't on the island and heard he had taken another job from Kiev. She hadn’t seen Chucky either since that one night and wondered if he had left with his girlfriend Cammy. 
“Hello Steve.”
She put the sunglasses on the top of her head. “Yep.”
“Looks like you had some fun, love your hair. Can you please step on the scale?”
She lifted her dress and stepped on. “415. Wow you had a lot of fun in a month,” he giggled.
“And I’m ready to have a lot more,” she giggled as she swayed up the stairs into the jet. She took the seat Johnny used on the flight out here, reclining a bit and resting her hands on the swell of her belly. She would miss him, but she made new friends so maybe not so much. 
A slightly shorter, fat bottomed woman swayed in 5 inch platform black heels, black wrap skirt that tightly hugged her body to her ankles, but exposed the top of her bubbly bum. Her potbelly stuck out bare, with a large black opal in her belly button and her plump breasts were packed into a tight black bikini. She had her thick black hair coiled up in a low bun and was wearing a large black sun hat and large lens black sunglasses over her eyes. She was petite, but super chunky with a very wide and soft bottom. She sat in the seat Erin had used on the flight out here, crossing her thick thighs and took off her hat and glasses. 
She reached over to Erin and kissed her on the lips, “High Erin.”
“Chucky? Oh my god, I thought you left a while ago.”
“No I had to um wait for the right timing?”
“You’ve lost weight.”
“30 pounds, ugh it was horrible. Hiding and sweating away in the hotel gym. So beneath me, but a boy has to do what a boy has to do I guess. Oh and would you mind calling me Charline?”
“Um sure?”
“Mei told me about Johnny, sounds like he took another opportunity. Good for him,” he smiled.
Dreamworld Paradox: 1st chapter by Thefourthed, literature
Dreamworld Paradox: 1st chapter
Chapter 1: Preperations!October 31st
Time: 2:00a.m.
Location: Cul-de-sac, Peachcreek/Texas
Characters introduced: Ed-The 3rd ed
Edd-The 2nd ed
Eddy-The 1st ed
(Me)Roscco-The 4th ed
-----------------------------It is early dawn outside. The clouds glowed pink, yet the sun hasn't risen yet.It has been at lease a full week since the corruption of our most desired cul-de-sac friendship due to the mishap of our scamAfter many days of help, Edd and I managed to build a working miniature jet fully capable of flying.Now, Eddward and I stand outside preparing our stealthy run away. Eddy and Ed are still in their homes sleeping while they can, for t...
Persona - Chaos Butterfly 21.2 by Star-Ninja, literature
Persona - Chaos Butterfly 21.2
Chapter 21: Clash of Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. (Part two) A few days later… Souji crossed paths with his classmates from the dorm as he walked to school. It was when they were approaching the school gate that they heard the whispers, causing a feeling of uneasiness. The Wild Cards, who were more sensitive, felt it even stronger, but hid it from their friends until they had a better notion of what’s going on.“Why’s everybody so worked up?” Shinjiro asked, not amused.“Not sure. I don’t think it’s good, though,” Souji replied.“Let’s check it out,” Minato said.As they made it to the front gate, they were greeted by the worried faces of...
Chapter 94: Damage ControlRadiator Springs was a quiet, peaceful world. Not anymore, though.Now the Keyblade Masters were in the dusty, small town just south of a major racetrack, helping to fix up the living automobiles that had been unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire of Axel and Deadpool's dangerous shenanigans. Ordinarily, their hearts would have transformed them into sentient cars in order to blend in to this world, but the magic of Doctor Strange kept them in human forms. Martha Q. Flutterby was going to wipe the minds of all those involved in the incident anyways, so there was no point in trying to hide - and besides, ...