(Commission) After the Fight by UltraSaiyan9000, literature
(Commission) After the Fight
In an alternate universe of Pokémon, on many levels different to the ones we are familiar with, the creatures named Pokémon have bodies which's shapes do not resemble monsters or anything similar to animals. Instead, the structure of their body is identical to those of humans. No matter how inhuman a Pokémon species' anatomy was, in this world they were so similar to humans that their shadows could easily be confused with each other. Although evolution, in this universe, set every being into the same shape, their behaviours remained unique nonetheless. So, even if the Pokémon's shapes and bodies were entirely different to our worlds, the w...
hello im back again this was a request story for vegetass12 so hope you enjoy
warning contain fart fetish material dont like dont watch
in an alternate timeline bulma gathers the dragon balls earlier and asked for a nice fat ass but this time she wishes for something extra
heyyyyy now this looks nice bulma pats her rump feeling how thicc it is
thanks a ton shenron
now then speak your second wish the dragon echoes to the scientist
ohhhhh yeah ive got 2 wishes hehe hmmmmmmmm bulma glares back at her fat ass before smirking
sayyyyy could you give me a massive amount of gas to go with my bubble butt
shenron sighs at how stupid the wish is but grants it as his eyes flash
groowwllllllll bulmas stomach expanded and bloated up it showing threw her tight suit her grasping it feeling the pressure in her ass crack
whoa now thats alot grroowwwlll mmmmmm thanks shenron
your wish has been granted farewell as he says that he flies into the skies and scatters around the world