Divided Skies - Chapter 1 Veiled Destiny by guest95120099, literature
Divided Skies - Chapter 1 Veiled Destiny
This novel was written when I felt a bit bored, so here's an anime based novel that circulates in a timeline during WW1.
Main Characters:
Alexi Frostheart - High ranking officer in the Eisenburg Military
General Viktor Frostheart - General in the Eisenburg Military, Commands the defence of Eisengarde
Major Isabella Frostheart - Major in the Eisenburg Military, Commands the Eisenburg Cryo Corps
Elara Shadowova - Lead sorceress in the Volskyan Military
Irina Shadowova - Head of the Umbra Conclave, a branch of the Volskyan Military
Eldritch Shadowova (Deceased) - Former Archmage of Volksheim, Once commanded the City's Magical Defence, death is currently unknown.
The countries :
Volyskaya (Based on Russia)
Einsenburg (Based on Germany)
The Cities: