Divided Skies - Chapter 1 Veiled Destiny by guest95120099, literature
Divided Skies - Chapter 1 Veiled Destiny
This novel was written when I felt a bit bored, so here's an anime based novel that circulates in a timeline during WW1.
Main Characters:
Alexi Frostheart - High ranking officer in the Eisenburg Military
General Viktor Frostheart - General in the Eisenburg Military, Commands the defence of Eisengarde
Major Isabella Frostheart - Major in the Eisenburg Military, Commands the Eisenburg Cryo Corps
Elara Shadowova - Lead sorceress in the Volskyan Military
Irina Shadowova - Head of the Umbra Conclave, a branch of the Volskyan Military
Eldritch Shadowova (Deceased) - Former Archmage of Volksheim, Once commanded the City's Magical Defence, death is currently unknown.
The countries :
Volyskaya (Based on Russia)
Einsenburg (Based on Germany)
The Cities:
[TGB] Divided Islands: Divided Hearts by Toadfoal, literature
[TGB] Divided Islands: Divided Hearts
"Your mother is gone."She'd spent months away from home and that was all he had to say? Nothing about how much she'd grown? No questions about all the things she'd seen and experienced while she was gone? Sol had been excited to see her family again, but her face fell instantly when she heard her father speak. Anger began to take the place of excitement, and she inhaled a deep, shaky breath. She might have died on that quest for all he knew, yet when he first saw her, all he could say was that her mother was gone? Vanished? He was so vague. Was she dead? This wasn't the family reunion she'd been hoping for, not even close. She was well aw...