ToA: Trial of Deep Understanding for NightMagican by DethJackal, literature
ToA: Trial of Deep Understanding for NightMagican
Though she wouldn’t admit it, even to herself, Adler was relieved when she and Comanche found the lost worg pup. It had disappeared that morning, and they had agreed to help find it. Now here it was, almost dusk, and the two worgs had finally found the small pup hiding in a rabbit burrow, eyes wide, shivering. Comanche reached into the burrow and gently pulled out the frightened pup. Adler smiled at it, but it seemed as terrified of the strange worgs as it was of being lost. Comanche began to pull the burs and thistle out of the pup’s rumpled fur. Adler moved to help him, the pup shaking in fear and cold. A...
Deep Cuts Extended Ending by Alexh4070, literature
Deep Cuts Extended Ending
[After the fundraiser, Luna, Luan and Lori were in the principal's office. Principal Rivers look at them with a mixed reaction of disappointment, seriousness and sympathy.]
Principal Rivers: Now girls, I am proud about you saving your clubs, but I am disappointed about you almost destroying our school.
Luan: We know, Principal River. And we’re sorry.
Luna: Yeah, we’re really sorry. That was a really bogus thing we did.
Lori: Yeah. We never meant to do it.
Principal River: I know. I know. However, normally I would expel you and your club members from your clubs out of school for almost destroying the whole school. [Luan, Luna, and Lori gulp] But since you helped out at fundraiser and paid the damages, I’m going to give you three detention for a month. While some of your club members will get detention and some will get suspension.
Luna: We understand
Luan: Believe us. It won’t happen again.
Lori: Literally.
Principal Rivers: Lori you won’t attend next year.
Lori: Oh right.
Bubbly Misadventures - Part 2 by ammar0930, literature
Bubbly Misadventures - Part 2
Tale of a villainess who gets deserving punishment.
I again wanna thanks @SniperX15 for editing it and making this story enjoyable for readers to the maximum extent.
The Pretender (Loki x Reader) One-shot by savrom, literature
The Pretender (Loki x Reader) One-shot
Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began Light was always shining upon you in the great halls of Asgard. You were one of Thor and Loki’s loyal friends, a fierce fighter with a heart of gold, and… a woman. But tonight the lights didn’t seem to shine so bright, for Odin, king of Asgard, had cast out his first born, Thor.You were sitting in one of the rooms in the palace overlooking Asgard. A warm fire heated up your cheeks. The rest of your friends were still defeated because they had lost Thor and above all Loki had just confessed he had told Heimdall to warn Odin you had gone to Jotunheim. Y...