Marvel vs. Nintendo: Invisible Woman by JapaneseAnimeBeetleX, literature
Marvel vs. Nintendo: Invisible Woman
Real Name: Susan “Sue” Storm Richards
Gender: Female
Place of Origin: USA
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Debut: The Fantastic Four #1 (1961)
Voice Actor: Kari Wahlgren Bio: The girlfriend of Reed Richards at the time of the rocket launch where the Fantastic Four gained their powers, Sue Storm became the Invisible Woman with her newfound abilities. She and Mister Fantastic eventually married, and had two children: Franklin and Valeria. Sue's powers have never stopped growing, and she has potential to be one of the most powerful superheroes on Earth. BASIC INFO: Intro: A series of footprints is seen along the ground before a pair of f...
Timelime 4742: Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere by Timeline4742, literature
Timelime 4742: Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
The entire concept of the Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (GACPS), aka the fig leaf for Japan´s imperial ambitions, was a lot more successfull than IRL. Not only because the British, American and Soviet Russian empires got destroyed but also because the Japanese governmen actually learned to act less heavy-handed towards their supposed allies in Asia and give them some actual incentive for collaboration. Altough mostly for pragmatic reasons, as it turned out that Japan could not occupy and control all of mainland Asia with only her own troops.
Therefore, Japans new colonial empire proper is focused on important islands and ports that can be controlled by the combined efforts of army and navy. Among these new Japanese possessions are Singapore/Peninsular Malaysia, Hainan/Leizhou Peninsula, Sakhalin/Kuril Islands and most of Micronesia/Polynesia, including Hawaii. These new colonies are put under the same policy of forced Japanization that is used in the older colonies of Korea and
(Commission) After the Fight by UltraSaiyan9000, literature
(Commission) After the Fight
In an alternate universe of Pokémon, on many levels different to the ones we are familiar with, the creatures named Pokémon have bodies which's shapes do not resemble monsters or anything similar to animals. Instead, the structure of their body is identical to those of humans. No matter how inhuman a Pokémon species' anatomy was, in this world they were so similar to humans that their shadows could easily be confused with each other. Although evolution, in this universe, set every being into the same shape, their behaviours remained unique nonetheless. So, even if the Pokémon's shapes and bodies were entirely different to our worlds, the w...