BARIN Barin could feel it in his bones, in his fur, and most importantly, in his blood. He was no longer a pup, he was huge, and an adult now. It was the greatest feeling he ever had, being just like those who had helped raise him as pup, and someone who can care and protect others as well.His parents knew well how big he had gotten, but there was someone else whom he wanted to tell about this, and he could tell that she was close by. Barin trotted in a quick pace, and was quick to spot his god-mother in the distance.Barin was staring to have a feeling swell up in his chest, of happiness, but even more so than he had as a pup. He closed th...
Exploration: Open Skies by Tinadactyl-arpg, literature
Exploration: Open Skies
The day had started with swells of warm air dancing along the tundra and open skies that seemed to bathe the world in a vibrancy it hadn’t held before. The sun shone clear in its cape of blue, watching as Brosa bathed in its warm face and pranced over the swirling dust after Quartz and Prazska. The young dire had found a joy in his lollygagging, his usual energy in romping about with Quartz replaced with a simple content in bathing his sky-touched back in the daylight. Without his playmate, Quartz had settled with staying at Prazska’s side with his lengthy graceful strides trying to mimic the blue dire’s natural prance. He stumbled ove...
Athanasios walked slowly, limping, besides Barko. Every step was a pain, but it wasn't only for the wounds.Blue was gone. Killed, mauled...the only thought made the mastiff sick with grief and horror.
The hound had been a good listener, a patient dog, a good Finger and maybe even a friend, after all.
And then...she was gone, just so easily. Maybe if that little dog wouldn't have attacked him, maybe if he would have been faster...maybe he could have saved Blue from whoever did...the thing."I will kill him. Search and kill...kill" he muttered to himself, trying to avoid tears. HIs wounded eye hurt enough.However, before doing any revenge, th...
Neka It had been a couple hours now since the sun peered over the horizon, the day was already off to a beautiful start for there was not a cloud in sight. Neka had been up way before dawn, and once she was allowed from the den she quickly made it a mission to find something to do, or someone to bug.
Though at this point in time a scent had caught her attention, her mother had brought her plenty of these when she was younger and learned to first eat flesh. With her ears forward she let her paws simply take her to that familiar scent. It wouldn't be long, or far for that matter, until she saw that long eared creature in the open field. The ...
Start of a Friendship (Akela x Samwell) by Wildfire-Tama, literature
Start of a Friendship (Akela x Samwell)
He was black with stark white markings, an unusual looking wolf, and surely an outsider by the body language on Gwyndolyn as she lead him toward Rodwen’s den. Samwell was not particularly nosy, but he was a little bit when it came to Gwyndolyn. So when the pretty Seeker came in, escorting the large black wolf, he noticed immediately. Sam decided that if the black wolf was accepted, he would go over and introduce himself. As his training progressed and his confidence rose, Sam found himself more comfortable talking to other wolves (well, other lowbloods anyway) so sometimes, when he was in an outgoing mood, he took the initiative to welcome...
Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? [CG+BL fanfic pt3] by BlackManaBurning, literature
Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? [CG+BL fanfic pt3]
[Date: 06/04/1995 ATB, Time: 5:40 pm, Royal Residence, Vermillion City, China] The echo of heavy boots resounded down the heavily guarded corridor. Soldiers formally dressed in the Holy Britannian Empire’s colors stood at ten foot intervals, each armed with sakuradite-enhanced automatic guns. They straightened their postures when Sir Bismarck Waldstein walked past on his way to the chamber where the preliminary talks were scheduled to take place. ‘I’ve yet to get completely used to this.’ Bismarck—still just a green lad of 22 when he received his appointment by the great Emperor Malcom Di Britannia—practically strutted through the halls ...
He tripped on his bright orange shoelace in his hurry to get to his bicycle. He was rather proud of his bike, having recently graduated from training wheels lifted off the ground to a full-fledged two-wheeler. It didnt really matter to Jack that he had lost his training wheels half a decade after all the people near his age that had had the chance to become friends with him had lost theirs. It meant he had more time to gain balance and perfect his bicycle riding skills.
Jack retied his shoe with flaky hands. The only drawback of the new zombiefied him was the dead skin he would be leaving everywhere. It would make DNA tracki...
Charac.S.S.- Arfay to Noste by PoldalleLovesnare, literature
Charac.S.S.- Arfay to Noste
Gabes workshop was quiet and the lights were out save for one set up in the second floor. He was preparing something...The shop had been closed for some time. Oddly the town near by had the same effect. When Dreamwords doors were was as if the life of the town was cut off. People still did their daily grind but it was different some how. The pulse of life the goofy perverts shop seemed to give to people was more magic than originally thought.The closed sign was a plastic white thing with red painted letters. Most thought it was magic as they didn't have plastic...or shiny wood as the kids called it. There was a figure sitting on ...
Featuring Akela | Loner (Former Chandorian) Gwyndolyn | Highvallian Captain Seeker The air was cool and crisp, the sky above overcast. The mountain terrain below was bathed in pale gray hues, rendering the white she-wolf nearly invisible. Her pelt blended with the terrain perfectly, and it appeared as if she was composed of the same materials that made the mountains surrounding her lithe form. She enjoyed this time of year: when the sun’s visits were less frequent and the leaves changed from summer-green to brilliant shades of orange and red. While most viewed Autumn in a negative light—one that described th...
RoF: Testing out Brosa by Tinadactyl-arpg, literature
RoF: Testing out Brosa
A spiral of smoke danced from Stone’s lips and faded away into the crisp cold air. He pushed the cigar back against his lips, gently taking it in his teeth as his grey eyes watched the world below. The behemoth of a man had been sitting on his perch for what seemed an eternity, perfectly content in being an onlooker to the story that folded out on the land. A large calloused finger scratched at his jaw, itching under the thick grey hair while his free hand gently stroked Quartz’s silken mane resting quietly at his side in the gleaming morning light. Below them stretched the blanket of winter, an overwhelming white thickness that consume...
Her heart was in her throat. Athena could not remember the last time she felt such utter terror for her family. Or such fury at a foe. Merrill had been taken. The hunting party viciously attacked. The three outsiders seeking asylum had turned out to be invaders with sinister purpose. My fault . It was as though poisonous fangs had clamped shut over the Lady’s heart. Her family had been attacked by wolves she welcomed into their home. She’d failed to see their true faces. She should have! To be so easily deceived seemed almost incomprehensible. Whoever they were, they were clever. The three strangers came into Aryn with such mode...
Mythospective 3: SOUL Chap 1 by FeatherSpiral, literature
Mythospective 3: SOUL Chap 1
Chapter 1: Briefing BadIn the privacy of Screeching Ghost Town’s bar, Head Master Whitewhisker stood next to a seven-tailed fox named Tessen, Commodore of the Kitsune Naval Service. Leifa the Elder Guard Dragon had tucked himself against the counter, listening intently. Gargoyle Chairman Sawbones sat on a table as Zümrüt the Phoenix General was perched atop another.While the representatives shared intel and discussed battle tactics, a crowd of werewolves parsed with other beasts waited outside. Among the various creatures was Blacksnow, who in the meantime had been promoted from Apprentice to Starter.He frowned and lifted his head, staring...
Koszcey It would be their last night in Nijni-Novgorod. Tomorrow they would leave for Persia, his homeland, along with the strange man known as Erik. Nadir Kahn hurried, almost at a run to keep up with the masked figure that slinked under the setting sun. He had bidden his servant Darius to take the night off, which to the interminable retainer translated into getting things ready for tomorrow's journey home.He did not know what had given him the idea. It had started with a simple question for the cloaked man; the Daroga inquiring about the local restaurants. Erik had murmured something about unfinished affairs but left with him anyway. So...
LA RP- Pair of Pack haters by CorvusRaven, literature
LA RP- Pair of Pack haters
"So you regret it?" Thistle asked, tightening her grip on the collie's ears. She would hardly ever abandoned his friend’s back and head since the heavy rains started as the muddy floor became a hell for the tiny mustelid."Not exactly" he moaned, plodding ahead as the weight of his soaked fur. "Yes, I found what I was looking for. But all the time. A full year of my youth WASTED in something that I could have done much faster! And on top of all, I did it only to bring my bad luck to Lil Lem, and find about the WORST of all possible resolutions!!”"I still insist they bullshitted you" the weasel shrugged. The pup dying oh-so casually just as ...
Featuring Codiac | Loner Vaiyalhi | Loner The snow crunched gloriously beneath the beasts paws, nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply. A light breeze touched his muzzle, carrying the tantalising scent of warm bodies and beating hearts. Although spring was well on the rise, winter was not yet ready to relent it's hold. Drifts crawled up to the he-wolf's elbows, flakes settling atop the bridge of his muzzle; yet his expression was content. This was ideal. His heavy coat suiting nothing else. Tossing a glance over his shoulder, the bearish male watched his dusky companion stride through the powder beside him. D...
Critical Role: Best Foot Forward by durandir, literature
Critical Role: Best Foot Forward
Summary: An important Council opens with an important Grand Ball. Vex looks for a partner to practice her dancing. Set after the end of the Chroma Conclave arc, with spoilers through episode 60 and a bit of Perc’ahlia fluff. And a dancing bear.
Word count: 2279
Rating: G
Pairing: Percy/Vex'ahlia Readiness was a watchword Vox Machina had learned time and again in the fight against ancient dragons. Even when time was of the essence, every little bit of preparation -- every Vestige acquired, every copper saved by haggling, every ally sworn, every hour spent in honing their skills -- could make a world of difference. Even now, when the world t...
A T. R. Ch 14: Kanas Tickle Feast by UnicornLoner, literature
A T. R. Ch 14: Kanas Tickle Feast
The trip to Izumo thankfully wasn’t long, but that didn’t stop Corrin’s army from taking up so much time to get there with their tickling shenanigans and wanting to tackle each other to the ground to get a hold of their feet. Even with the simple path, they still encountered brigands of the sort and decided to show them a good time before sending them to the castle for tickle training. It took them 3 days, but they reached the neutral kingdom, fully decked out in their “battle” attire that revealed much of their skin and lacked shoes.Corrin knew that Xander was not the type to come unprepared and so prepared all his forces for this mission...
[DotW] Assurances and Farewells by Zoketi, literature
[DotW] Assurances and Farewells
AKELA The bearish male lumbered into camp, chocolate eyes wide. He brushed his tail side to side, nodding to his pack-mates. Life had been good. Rhys had settled well among the Chandorians, his soft-spoken nature slotting in perfectly. Akela was proud that his friend was finding peace here. After all the trauma he had experienced previously, it was a genuine pleasure for the Omega to experience. But despite his outward happiness, a restlessness began to stir within him.One would think after all the tales of Highvalley. All the hardships Rhys has spoken of... that it would be the last place one would willingly find themselves. But the young...
Running Wild and free (Cont. Event sled, singles) by KankuranLupus, literature
Running Wild and free (Cont. Event sled, singles)
The air was crisp clean and fresh, lost in a sea of darkness the sky had darkened into nightfall, the temperature was going to start dropping fast. the vibrant hues of the aurora flickered above with vibrant greens blues and purples, it was magnificent. The snow was thick and crisp under their bearish paws popping and cracking softly, Their large cumbersome yet agile bodies floated over the terrain with such grace entwining themselves in a perfectly choreographed dance. A dance to the finish line.They needed to find their way through and out of the wicked weather that was foreboding threatening harsh gales before any remote amount of...