Metal Gear Steelix Surpasses THE FUNK!!! by Breloom-Da-Bassgod, literature
Metal Gear Steelix Surpasses THE FUNK!!!
Metal Gear SteelixAlias: Old Iron Side, THE Iron Snake, Papa Steelix, Dumbass Kid, The Tits, That Fucker, First Born Steelix
Height: 30'02"
Weight: 881.8 lbs
Age: 47 Steelix Years
Destructive Capability: Accidentally Wall buster, being serious Large Bigass Country to Planet, Mega Form Unknown Potential but did beat Darkseid - Z
Arc I:- Was born and already placed in the RU Tier
- As Baby Onix beat up a Shiftry and his crony's who was trying to bully him and his friends
- Jumped over like a 20 foot river as Baby Onix
- Managed to escape from Upset Poliwraith as Baby Onix
- With his dad, Bad Dad Porygon-Z, escaped from a Pure Blood Magma