RANGSI Infosheet V4 Part 2: Culture and Society by Target21, literature
RANGSI Infosheet V4 Part 2: Culture and Society
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Empire Culture: Class System:
Worker Class
Mostly occupied by the common people, the Worker Class is anyone who works in the more 'hands-on' labour jobs, ranging from construction and mining to agriculture and farming. While seemingly burdened by low wages, many view the Worker Class as temporary, a means for younger citizens to start out the first steps of their adulthood with honest work before ascending to the higher classes. Educated Class
Office clerks, teachers, doctors, c...
What Does a Champion Feel Like? - Epilogue by flaminghades14, literature
What Does a Champion Feel Like? - Epilogue
Does it ever frighten you how fast we adjust to change and struggle to imagine what our reality only a short time ago was? Our brains are an incredible pieces of biological work if there ever was such a thing. Between the ability for our cells to adjust and adapt to learn new things through the process of neuroplasticity, to our abilities to critically think, write and be innovative, building upon other’s ideas or our own. Our brains are a marvelous wonder. Fortunately so are our bodies.As I walked into the lobby of what recently became the new home for Heather’s office, it was strange to me how much it already felt as if the company had a...
The legend of Spyro Legend of the black dragon Chapter 12 the participants Two days had passed since their meeting of Frost's father and they had been very uneventful. Cynder had been putting up posters together with Ember and Spyro and Sparx had been spreading the news or helping the guardians.The morning sun was rising from the hills and Cynder once again was taking a flight around the city in the early mornings.It almost had become a routine for her since she always woke up long before Spyro did."Why can't I just stay asleep" She thought as she felt a bit lonely to be flying around all alone.She didn't want to stay in her room because o...
KerrJeyneMinalto on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kerrjeyneminalto/art/Investing-Guide-Deep-Blue-Group-Publications-LLC-493016774KerrJeyneMinalto
A New Beginning: Chapter 3 by Eventhorizon6, literature
A New Beginning: Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Launching a Legacy "That woman! That feline!" Delbert threw up his hands as Mr. Arrow escorted the three of them below deck. Jim rubbed his face in irritation as Alice followed behind. "Who does she think is working for whom?""It's my map and she's got me bussing tables and !" Jim was cut off when Mr. Arrow put a hand on both Delbert and Jim's shoulders."I'll not tolerate a cross word about our Captain," he boomed, giving Jim's shoulder a tight squeeze. "There's no finer officer in this or any galaxy," he said releasing Jim who stumbled forward. The boy's day had turned out to be worse than he had expected. He originally thought...
Kingdom Hearts Online - Chapter 39 by YellowNinja123, literature
Kingdom Hearts Online - Chapter 39
Bountiful Booty ArcChapter 39: Crew of the LegacyReal WorldSAO Survivor SchoolSeptember 7th, 2026"You enter the classroom and see Asuna and the others"You: Morning guys.All of them: Morning (M/n)!!Silica: Have you guys played the new arc of KHO yet?You: We did play it yesterday. "You put your bag next to your chair and sit down" Why?Silica: Just asking. I can't wait to find out whats waiting for us on Treasure Planet.Klein: Sil, it's so easy, what's waiting on that planet are loads and loads of treasure. Probably enough to help us buy anything in the shop when the online servers are up.Lisbeth: Is treasure really all your up for with this ...
Interstellar Republic of Singapore ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Founding:
1965 (Island Singapore), 2050 May (Terran Republic of Singapore), 2050 August (Interstellar Republic of Singapore)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flag/Symbol:
Similar to its Island Singapore counterpart, red stands for brotherhood, white stands for purity and the crescent moon symbolizes the awakening o...
TP: Treasure Seeker -- 3 - Silver by hannahgrace-art, literature
TP: Treasure Seeker -- 3 - Silver
"That woman, that feline!" Doctor Doppler ranted. He, Jim and Hannah were tramping down the steps that lead to the galley with Mr. Arrow behind them, "Who does she think is working for whom?""It's my map," Jim put in, "And she's got me busting tables.""And I was hired as a part of this crew! Now all I'm gonna do is serve soup?"
Hannah exclaimed when Mr. Arrow seemed to have heard enough of the subject."I'll not tolerate a crossword about our captain," he demanded as he gripped their shoulders. He was definitely strong- in appearance and in his voice too. But he was a loyal companion, no doubt about that, "There's no finer officer in this ...
My Treasure Planet Story: Chapter 2 by OohFire, literature
My Treasure Planet Story: Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Jim HawkinsAfter we all signed up for the jobs, the next thing I knew I was down in the ship's kitchen helping Silver peel some potatoes... or something that looked like potatoes. Silver had landed the job of being the ship's cook and I was to help him basically I was a 'Cabin girl.' Me and Silver were waiting for one of our crew members to come down and tell us if they had heard Captain Amelia, who was a slim cat-like creature, mention anything about where we were going or anything about the map.
I was a little bit worried about what Scroop said the other night, that he would blame me if we don't find anything. Silver noticed ...
Omni-Drive Ch. 10, Pt. 1 by BelRhaza4017, literature
Omni-Drive Ch. 10, Pt. 1
Chapter Ten, Part One: Business Ventures to ComePlace: Matthro Industries Coporate HQ, Angel Falls
Time: 10:07 A.M., Monday, February 27, 2012 It was shaping up to be another very busy day for the workforce of Matthro Industries. Phones were ringing like clockwork around the office, stock shares were being bought and sold well despite the slow economy of the U.S., and open job positions were being readily filled at a steady pace in all areas. On the Cybernetics Department floor, Felicia Samson, the lovely and skilled assistant to Jessica-Nicole Matthews, the Vice-President of the department and the spokeswoman for Matthro...
Robokapu's Treasure Planet Chapter 5 by Robokapu, literature
Robokapu's Treasure Planet Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Romulus SlagAs Jin Kisaragi take the group downstairs the galley, Guybrush frowns as he snaps, "That woman! Who does she think she is? Who does she think is working for whom?"
"And she just puts me work in the kitchen." Sora said in annoyance, agreeing with Guybrush.
"Calm down. She's is just doing her job." Schala told to the two.
"And I will not tolerate any foul word about our captain!" Kisaragi exclaims to the group sternly. "There's not a finer sailor in this or any other galaxy."
We go to the kitchen in the ship we see someone working behind the steam, whistling by himself.
Jin spoke up, "Mr. Slag?"
"Sweet eye of the Zoni,...
Charmy Nonsense 7: Charmy At the Dump by SAJ-Man, literature
Charmy Nonsense 7: Charmy At the Dump
Yo guys! Before you read, just know that I am still open to story suggestions. I've got a few lined up, but not nearly enough. Feel free to leave a suggested story in a comment or a note! Thanks in advance!So I don't know why this one didn't want to come together, but it was fighting me the whole way. XDDD Glad I got it finished for you guys though! Hope it's worth the wait! ==================================The smell. That's what met them before any sight of the place. The horrid, putrid odor of rotten food and scents of disgusting waste bombarded their senses with no remorse. And yes, not only the noses of the unfortunate group were viol...