The Belly Brigade Presents 23 by bicicle1212, literature
The Belly Brigade Presents 23
The Belly Brigade Presents #23: Unintended Espionage
Featuring: Belly DriveDr Nathan Holstrom and Kathy Evans, the mother of the beloved superheroine Belly Girl, are finishing up on a personal project. “How does my butt look in this? Not to big?” Katy poses the questions to Nate as she models her latest outfit. One that will assist Kathy with her own career as a part-time member of the Belly Brigade.Kathy hikes up one hip and takes s sultry pose as she checks out her shapely behind in the mirror. Kathy is wrapped in a long sleeved crop-top and full length leggings with built in boots. The color of the suit is dark blue with a large charcoa...
Shin Gidzilla: Chapter Eleven: MOTHRArchy by SheldonOswaldLee, literature
Shin Gidzilla: Chapter Eleven: MOTHRArchy
When MOTHRA warned the East Asian and Pacific states that Rodan was on it's way eastwards, to engage with Gojira/ Godzilla and/ or Cyberjira/ Cyberzilla the neighboring states were clearly worried and frightened. Most beside the United States and Japan did not even have the proper means to defend themselves. Even worse some of them with not so good relations to America or Japan suddenly heavily relied on both nations to defend themselves against Rodan, something many of them deeply disliked, especially as they assumed the United States and Japan would use this as a leverage in future political and economical situations against them somehow...
Code Geass Heroes' Awakening: Stage 16 Part 1 by NickRoberts10, literature
Code Geass Heroes' Awakening: Stage 16 Part 1
2009 a.t.b., Britannian palace. Lelouch walked past the large crowd of people bowing their heads to him, ignoring said fact and keeping his gaze on his father, the emperor.Lelouch (Age 10): Hail, Your Majesty. My mother, the empress, is dead.
Charles: Old news. What of it?
Lelouch: The only woman that could truly be called your wife recently died. You're not shocked at this?
Charles: I am not. Is that all you wished to tell me? The reason you sought an audience with the emperor of Britannia?
Lelouch: Amongst other things. Another subject happens to be a Mephistopheles. The man named Samuel Hawking?
Charles: (breathes in) Continue...
De-Digivolve Garrus gasped as Yggdrasil left him, coming back to his senses. Unlike what Yggdrasil predicted, Skynet did not possess him to Neo's confusion. Garrus looked around quickly before looking up at Neo, "Neo! Listen to Yggdrasil! He was right, you have to prioritise the many over the few!""Why is Skynet not acting?" Neo growled."Hey, Neo!" shouted Wesker from outside the ship, "Arsenal Gear's doing something and it doesn't look good!""Neo, go," ordered Garrus.With reluctance, Neo made a decision, "Fine. But you're coming with us.""I can't fly," Garrus stated simply but firmly, "I'd just hold you back.""No, we-""Incoming railgun!" ...
A dense layer of mist had settled over Lakeland Linder Regional Airport. The hour was early and atmosphere still, the sun had just begun to peek over the eastern horizon. Droplets of condensation accumulated on every surface, forming pools on the faded tarmac. Most residents were still sound asleep inside their dry hangars, save for a few who braved the eerie mist. A gentle breeze carried with it a brisk chill, since the sun had yet to bathe the land in its warmth.
Douglas awoke earlier than most to get an early start, and for good reason. The 727 was scheduled to fly northeast from Lakeland across the Atlantic Ocean to Brussels Airport in...
Chapter 8: (Dende Must Die!)Inside the War Room, the group entered before they gasped, noticing a familiar vampire squirrel inside the room, reading a book before noticing them.Batula: It is about time you have arrived.Nack: Where the hell have you been, Bat Squirrel?!Psycho: Yeah, you were coming along with us until we crashed into the mailbox and we learned you slipped away from us when we crashed.Batula: I found my own vay of coming here.Foulfellow: Really? How did you ever find a way through?Sarah: Yeah?Batula: Ze back door where it said "Obvious shortcut".To everyone's shock, they saw the back door opened. They looked outside, then at...
Yu-Gi-Oh! ASPECT: Desire of the Duelist Ch. 1 by BDSceptyr, literature
Yu-Gi-Oh! ASPECT: Desire of the Duelist Ch. 1
DUEL ACADEMY\HERO TIMELINE\12:01 PM “…and with the rumored return of the tournament’s last champion, our tournament in Athens takes final shape-the proving ground for a new breed of card-clashing gladiators! In just 6 short days, the Chaos Showdown Invitational will begin!!” This was the blaring announcement made over the TV in the main wing of the far-and-removed island school known as Duelist Academy, just outside the dueling stages. Everyone who was anyone in the Academy was busy watching this event with bated breath. “-OW! My side! Yubel, you really need to remind me how to set my alarms soon!” …okay, all save for one. The aptly dubb...
Godzilla|Marvel Saga book 2: Aftermath p1 by RMC1618, literature
Godzilla|Marvel Saga book 2: Aftermath p1
AGENT GIGAN Part 1 Marvel Universe 115 2 days after Godzilla returned Tall double doors slid away from one another, illuminating the long dark hanger from the outside. A woman in a tight black outfit stood in the light’s path as the darkness parted, a serious face under her wavy red hair. The scope of the hanger did more than dwarf her, it reduced her to a speck of shadow against the yawning entrance. When the doors reached the end of their track with a clang, she did not move, instead she welcomed the incoming object.
“CLEAR!” She announced.The roar of engines whined to life, dozens of motorized flatbeds working in unison at their massive...
Valor and Venom - 34D of 52 by EchoWing, literature
Valor and Venom - 34D of 52
Youre taking this pretty well.An uneasy smile. Well, it could be worse right? The false bravado faded away quickly. What am I saying? Im scared Kicker.An arm found itself around her slim shoulders. Im scared too Misha. No telling what theyll do out there. He hugged her close. Did Aunt Diana ever tell you about my great-grandfather?She didnt need to, I looked it up. Misha looked out one of the few windows of Autobase Earth, catching sight of a circling Apache in the distance. Jonathan Masters was a diplomat; he spent some time in the Soviet Union during the early thirties, and wrote about the government there. He didnt sa...