365 Things I Love About You by Hazel-Almonds, literature
365 Things I Love About You
365 Things I Love About You 1. I love how you always make me smile
2. I love how you always make me laugh
3. I love the way you inspire me.
4. I love how cute and adorable you can be
5. I love the kindness that you show
6. I love how I can always be there for you
7. I love how you can always there for me.
8. I love how you stand up for the things you believe in
9. I love how open-minded you are
10. I love your gentleness with me
12. I love how you take my breath away.
13. I love thinking about you
14. I love how sweet you make my dreams
15. I love hearing your laughter
16. I love it when you smile
17. I love you still when your angry
18. ...
Blank OC Reference Sheet by AmandaLyn11, literature
Blank OC Reference Sheet
Character Reference Sheet-nessBasically this reference sheet covers pretty much everything a person would ever need to know about your character.. and then some. - Basics - Lets face it. If somebody were to just glance over the reference sheet, at least you can feel some reassurance in knowing that they got the bare minimum Name (Nickname): Age: Please if youre going to give your character some ungodly, few centuries old, age, make sure to include what age they looks like. Otherwise all shall assume they appear to be a rumpled piece of leather, ran over by some sort of moving vehicle, after being regurgitated by a cat. Obviously, this ...
YOUR Style• Figure out how you draw first. By this I mean, pay detailed attention to what things you gravitate to when drawing. Like, do you have a tendency to draw very detailed eyes? Do you like to draw round small bodies? That kind of stuff. Keep track of what you are good at and what you need to work on. Your strengths and weaknesses as an artist are what you need to be aware of because they are things that only you will truly know unless you tell the world. For example if you draw very detailed heads but struggle with the rest of the body, maybe a type of cartoon style is best for you and not anime.
• What’s your preferred subject? Ar...
~Valuable Character Bio Creation Advice And Information~• NONO: The BIGGEST nono for bios is putting something like “unknown” or “N/A” in a bio category of a character. First of all, why did you even include that category in your bio just to pass it up? It’s an eyeroll for a serious writer to see these things in bios. Even if the character or other characters don't know their name or even their age or parents, it should ALWAYS be listed in the bio. These are things that everyone has (unless they are a robot).
• CATEGORIES: I have included a blank bio form with all the categories I find to be necessary when explaining an in depth well round...
20 Ways to Boost Your Creativity by illuminara, literature
20 Ways to Boost Your Creativity
1. Create something every day. If there’s one secret to productivity, this is it. It’s not sexy or exciting, but the bottom line is that creative masterpieces aren’t built overnight. They take time and dedication, and you will only make real progress if you work every day. If you haven’t formed a daily habit of creativity yet, start today. It takes about a month if you’re serious about it, and then it becomes second nature and you’ll never look back. 2. Value progress over perfection. Productive and perfect are not synonyms. Which would you rather be? 3. Accept that what you create won’t be perfect and create it anyway. Perfect is the e...