NSR - Robot's Penpal by PurpleWolfPuppy, literature
NSR - Robot's Penpal
Credit to @Katesplace2009 for Ginger (who's mentioned in this story).
"Mauve! You've got mail!"
"Ahh! Coming!!"
Mauve immediately stopped what she was doing and ran downstairs to get her mail. It was another day in Vinyl City, and it was that time of the month where Mauve gets mail from her penpal, a little 5-year-old anthro rabbit named Ginger, whom she met two years ago during 1010's time and preparations for a tour in a Canadian city named Warrensville.
Mauve's eyes lit up when she saw what it was in Rin's hands. It came in the form of a purple envelope that had the addresses of both Ginger's and Mauve's houses on it, and it was covered with colorful glittery stickers. It doesn't matter if one is getting either a package or a letter from the other. To both the girls, getting mail from each other is more than enough.
"Yay! It's mail from Ginger!" said Mauve excitedly.
"Yup! Let's head down to the dining table so we can take a look at it." said Rin.
Mauve squealed