Of Vampires And Rockstars ch 2 by Seraph5, literature
Of Vampires And Rockstars ch 2
Chapter 2 - No Rest for the Broken, the Beaten and the DamnedGerard! Gerard! A beautiful woman in a long black and red dress was looking from room to room in a fluster asking guests and servants alike if theyd seen him Gerard! Has anyone seen Gerard or Mikey?No maam, not all day and not since night fall either one of the maids answered the woman. The maid was placing one of the many candles that were spread throughout the house on a nearby table.How are the candles coming the woman asked putting her hand on her forehead. The maid gave a titter.The candles are coming along just fine and will be ready on time just like Gerard. Yo...
Rosemary butterfly the cruel
                 🦋1141am to 💀1209am
                      1167am to 1206am
               Married to ferdinand peddle
                       Midnight butterfly♀️
•in 1141am queen aura would give birth to her first daughter, princess Rosemary butterfly. The girl had a reddish pink hair, orange eyes and her cheekmarks were inverted crowns.
•it is said that rosemary parents were alittle too attached to her when she was a baby to the point that they would cancel royal meetings just to spend time with her. When her parents tried taking her to church she would have a screaming fit which eventually they would just leave her to be watched by a nanny when they went to church.
•Even at a young age Rosemary would stay calm no matter the situation but she would also show no guilt or Empathy for the wrongs she did. Rosemary Was shown to have a superficial charm to her that could Fool just about anyone.
•as early as five years old rosemary could tell somethings were off about her parents. Her father was a paranoid schizophrenic and her mother was completely obsessed with the religion of celestiaism, rosemary Would often feel ashamed and embarrassed to even call those to her parents Almost like she had no love for them at all But instead a lot of resentment and hate.
•in 1146am rosemary mother Got laser eye surgery to fix her cross eyes however the surgery went wrong which left her mother to be almost completely blind but thanks to the help of thick prescription glasses she was able to at least be able to read. Rosemary would use her mother's blindness to much of her advantage when she became a teenager.
•in 1147am Rosemary would start elementary school. Rosemary Would use her status as a Royal and the future queen much to her advantage to Get anything she wanted or to get away with just about anything. Most people at the school would describe her as a loner who saw everyone beneath her just because she was the royal princess which her mother aura feared and prayed She would grow out of.
•during childhood rosemary was described as apathetic, stubborn, and arrogant. She really had no patience for the ones she had no care or symbathy for, she saw those as beneath her. Some would even say she was like her grandmother bellona, Some even claim she had an evilness in her mother feared.
•rosemary Sadistic Tendencies would appear when she was seven years old after she saw an Injured bird near the royal garden. Instead of calling for someone to help the poor bird she picked it up and started picking at its feathers, Well this was until a member of the queen's guard found her. Rosemary would put on an act By fake crying telling the knight to help with the bird, Since the knight didn't see what she did before hand they took the bird back inside the castle where it recovered.
•in 1148am Rosemary mother queen aura was kidnapped in the middle of the night by members of the anti monsters/hybrids cult. Rosemary Would show that she was upset by her mother's disappearance but in reality she had no care at all and was kind of relief her mother wasn't there for a few day. Four days after her mother was kidnapped she would return Damaged and hurt, aura bear hugged rosemary Despite rosemary hating hugs.
•rosemary Hated the fact that her parents started hanging more celestiaism symbols around the castle, Some would even whisper that her mother was a mad Queen which rosemary full heartily agreed with, This would only start her long living hatred for anything related to religion.
•during rosemary time in elementary school She would already gain the reputation of being a bully and one of the most brutal ones at that. She had a particular targeting for common born children Who she thought were worthless because they weren't royal or noble. She would often force those kids to do anything she asked or she would break one of their fingers one by one. If they tried to snitch well she would make them pay for it. Many would say the scariest thing about her is that she always kept calm when she would do these things.
•up until 1150am rosemary had no friends Since she thought having friends was practically useless and that everyone was expendable Until She didn't need them anymore. However All of this would change when one day rosemary was walking back to the castle after school but she wouldn't go home right away since she was in the mood for causing trouble. Rosemary Would walk around town to see who she could target until she saw a group of four children around her age attacking and insulting another kid,rosemary Got an evil grin on her face wantng to join the chaos.
•Rosemary went up to the group Who turned out to actually be nobles childern that she knew from her mother's court but Would never pay attention to until now, rosemary Asked what was going on but one of the nobles asked her the back off Since they thought she was going to snitch on them until rosemary said "ptfff Oh please Like I would ever tell my mom who is the Queen about any of this besides she doesn't even know what I do most of the time, also let me show you how a real roast is done" Rosemary would proceed to roast the victim so badly That The kid would be produced to tears but before they could run away rosemary would grab the kid by the And what threatened to break every single one of the kid fingers if they snitched. The group of noble children were impressed by just how brutal rosemary was, Rosemary was about to walk away from them until they asked her to join the group which For once in her life she agreed to do. These would be the only actual friends.Rosemary would have throughout her life, they are listed below.
°Geoffrey mcknight: The most ruthless when it came to violence and fighting. It didn't matter what gender or age you were , he would get violent Regardless.
°Nigerian fields: The best way to describe him is as a future dark knight, He would be the complete opposite of what a night should be and would actually be much more of a villain especially for the fact he would be in the queen's guard one day.
°Yenisei waterson: She was the brains of the group. She would often hide how intelligent she truly was so people could underestimate her just to show them her true brilliance later on.
°nyx avarius: the right hand woman of rosemary However she was not as calm as rosemary and her decision were much more blunt and unplanned. The two of them would be the closest and would practically be like sisters.
•rosemary And her gang of friends would cause nothing but trouble around the school especially as they got older which would only cause a more headaches and fear in the queen aura Especially since she would hear the rumors of her daughter being one of the worst bullies up the school.
•in 1151am rosemary had her lonely star ball But before that happened, she and her friends would set up a prank on rosemary's parents that would cover them in inching powder. Unfortunately for them the plan backfired When the itching powder hit them instead in the middle of a dance That would cause a rare occurrence for rosemary to lose her cool.
•as Rosemary got older her bullying just got wost and worst, especially towards the common born kids she went to school with. When rosemary turned 12 years old She would start her rebellious years and old boy were those a pure nightmare to see. Queen aura was So afraid of what rosemary would become in the future that she decided to have a second child so she could have a spare.
•when rosemary was 13 Years old she along with her friends would start sneaking out at night to cause trouble and mayhem. It is said that rosemary would use a rope of some sort to sneak in and out of her bedroom tower every night without a single member of the queen's guard or even her parents noticing. The princess and the noble children with all wear hoods but the princess especially had to use makeup to cover up her cheek marks.
•in 1154am rose would learn that her mother was pregnant. She was not happy for her mother in the slightest.Since she knew her mother was only having another child to replace. Rumor has it that rosemary actually tried To have her mother have a miscarriage however it's only speculation.
•in 1155am rosemary would inherite the wand on her 14th birthday. Rosemary was disappointed that her wand did not turn out to be a weapon of some sort. Rosemary Sadistic Nature would become more and more apparent after she got the wand, Especially since her spells would only cause harm and pain to others.
•A month after rosemary's birthday her little sister phoebe would be born. The baby was described as having red hair and golden eyes with her cheek marks being orange exclamation points. It is said that when rosemary saw her little sister for the first time here was nothing but pure hatred in her eyes. Rosemary knew the baby was only born to replace her in the future because her mother figured her.
•the relationship between aura and Rosemary Was always a complicated one especially for how different the two of them are personality wise. Aura Was pious and kind while rosemary was a rebellious teenager and quite aloof. Things would only sour between them more after phoebe was born.
•thankfully phoebe would turned out to be the polar opposite of her older sister. The little Girl was a very kind and curious child However she was very indecisive about just about everything And making her truth options was practically impossible, however their mother did not care about that fact and hope that one day phoebe would be queen instead which only angered rosemary even more.
•during the Annual silver bell ball rosemary Thought it would be hilarious to prank all of the foreign princesses by Tricking them into going into the royal Dining room But to only for them to be met by rosemary friends with pies And those princesses would get pie all over their fancy gowns. Rosemary would get in huge trouble for this, On the surface she She kept calm and apologized To those princesses but in reality she had no sense of guilt And in fact she had another friend of hers record the entire prank Which would go viral. •queen aura would have the idea To arrange a marriage between rosemary and a foreign prince, However most of them were either way older or Younger than her. The only Prince that was about her age was a spiderbite however when the two of them met they immediately despise each other. Aura would never try to arrange a marriage again.
•when rosemary Song day came around she was not allowed to have her friends with her up with her family. Her song would describe her as the complete opposite of what she truly was Most likely to keep good grace with the nobles and commoners alike. After that embarrassing song rosemary would sneak out of the castle To meet up with her friends And do what they usually did until they met a common born guy by the name of ferdinand. Rosemary and her gang typically despised commoners but for once they gave this guy a chance and he proved that he was just as brutal and ruthless as the rest of the, he would gain their respect and join the group he and rosemary would become especially close. I sir glossaryck of will give a mini bio on ferdinand
°ferdinand: Is a common born guy from one of the more wealthier families. On the outside he He looks like incredibly charming and handsome young man who could do no wrong. On the inside he's incredibly cunning and ambitious and would do anything to get his way even if it involves violence. Before he met rosemary and her gang he was a loner who caused trouble But after he became one of the most notorious of the gang. Despite him being a notorious liar never has he once lied to rosemary or the group.
•as Rosemary and her gang Started high school their antics would be the worst things they would ever done. Once they would break into the teacher's lounge and steal all of the food in there Or they broke into the Principal's office to do the morning Announcements were instead.They would play metal music. Queen aura was always furious at her daughter's antics and would always side with the Principal and teachers which only made rosemary hate her mother even more than she already did.
•in the spring of 1157am rosemary and her gang planned one of the most notorious yet destructive pranks in their entire school history. The group would purchase illegal fireworks around the school building along with other explosives Like fire crackers and smoke bombs The group would get to school early in the morning and set everything up With all of them being split up in different locations of the school. When the morning classes started instead of hearing the announcements they would only hear the voice of Yenisei waterson And all she said was  "Ladies and gentlemen You're in for a show now please enjoy" After she said that is where all hell would break loose. Geoffrey set off the fireworks outside, Nigerian set off the fire crackers, Yenisei played the music over the school speakers, ferdinand set off the smoke bombs, nyx locked all the school doors and finally rosemary used her magic to make it More destructive.
•After the fireworks and firecrackers went off the school started to crumble as pieces of the wall and ceiling would come crashing down Which caused many injuries to students and teachers alike But thankfully nobody died. Many classrooms, lockers, and other rooms in the school were damaged severely Because of this prank that rosemary and her group of friends caused. Rosemary and her friends Got out of the school just in time to see the chaos that they cost and that they were proud of. As they were watching they saw the principle Trying to look For them since he knew they were the ones who caused it but before they could make a run for it They were caught by the police Who escorted them to the principal's office.
•None of the group had any guilt for what they all just saw it as a prank, howeve so many people got injured so badly To the point they needed to be rushed to the hospital. The parents were called, Queen aura and king crossbill were the first to arrive along with the rest of the gang's parents, rosemary Greeted her parents with an evil grin. The principal explained to the parents exactly What happened which caused all of the parents to be so angry and disappointed in their children
That they along with the principal came up with punishments for the group. The gang would be Suspended for two weeks, they have to pay for all of the damage done to the school with their own money, and do community service for those kids they heard in the prank and to make sure they were actually doing their jobs four members of the queen's guard would be watching as they did so.
•After the prank rosemary and her mother would have an explosive argument. The Queen threatened to disown rosemary and favor of Phoebe becoming the heir However the two had an agreement that once phoebe turned fourteen rosemary would be forced to give her the wand and leave the kingdom forever. Rosemary was never going to keep that promise and in fact she had every intention of breaking it when the time was right. At this point the relationship between mother and daughter was either non existent or too broken to be fixed
•The relationship between rosemary and phoebe Was never a close one because of the fourteen year age gap between them. Phoebe Adored her big sister since she didn't know any better about her older sister's true nature while rosemary absolutely despised of the child and wanted to do anything to get rid of her.
•ever since rosemary and ferdinand meet each other the two would only get closer and closer to each other. The two any got together around 1159am after they would get into a fight a leader of a different gang with Resulted in rosemary destroying him with her magic. After the fight ferdinand told rosemary how hot it was to see her kick ass and then confessed his feelings for her, rosemary smirked and told ferdinand she felt the same way And then they Became officialt and started making out passionately.
•ferdinand and rosemary as a couple was described as They had a lot of well tension.
If you know you know, They did a lot of heavy pda yet somehow queen aura Didn't find out about the relationship until two years later.
•the relationship between ferdinand and rosemary was finally discovered by queen aura in 1161am. Aura Did not approve of the relationship between them in the slightest especially since aura knew about his crimes Throughout the years. This would only lead to a heated argument that the queen's guard had to separate them from. Rosemary and ferdinand Did not care what the queen said about their relationship and just continued on being together.
•one day in 1163am rosemary was trying to looking through some old potion Recipes when she found her grandmother bellona unfinished potion labeled "wildfire" which was Missing one king ingredient but unfortunately her grandmother was never able to find it due to its rarity. Rosemary was determined to find the last ingredient to make her late grandmother proud even if it takes years.
•in the same year rosemary was forced to go with her parents and little sister phoebe to the silvan kingdom for Diplomatic meeting. Rosemary Escaped all the boring meeting stuff and went into the forest near the silvan castle. As rosemary was walking through the forest she spotted a horse however this horse was an unusual one breed, the horse had Razor sharp teeth,was able to breath fire, and ate meat Just like a Carnivore would.The horse Spotted rosemary but instead of running away it approached her, It got one good smell of her and bowed its head to her, rosemary Would pet the horse head And what gained a fascination with the threat of horse.
•when rosemary Return to the silvan castle she told everyone what she saw on the forest with excitement which made the silvan monarchs freeze in terror. King silvan explains that the horse rosemary found in the woods was called a "Diomēdous" a very horse breed Native to the silvan kingdomThey are the only breed of horse that are carnivorous in there diet And they cook their meat with they're firebreath, Basically as long as the animal wasn't poisonous or venomous they would eat it but it is said that cannibalism between the creatures has never been done. Legend had it that if one of those horses were to approach a mewmen it was a sign That person had true cruelty or evilness inside them. Everyone looked at rosemary with complete terror written all over their faces but rosemary did not care the slightest In fact she loved the feeling of being feared by people.
•in 1165am rosemary was at the dark market in the middle of the night looking for who knows what until she spotted The thing she needed, The final ingredient to her grandmother's unfinshed wildfire potion. Rosemary would the Whole stalk of it and then immediately sneak back into the castle and put that ingredient into safe keeping. Of course the list ingredients to create wildfire were destroyed After rosemary died decades later.
•in 1166am rosemary was starting to see that phoebe 14th birthday was three years aways but they were going by quickly and rosemary was getting inpatient of waiting to go out with her plan so she started planning it out sooner rather than later. •in the same year rosemary would hear about Heard about a tragic prophecy that would happen at the celestium next year That would cause unbelievable damage. This would give rosemary the perfect plan on how she would get rid of her parents and little sister to become the queen. She knew her mother had all of the historical and import artifacts from the church removed from it into a maximum security location but rosemary did not care about that since it wasn't importing to her plan.
•rosemary worked on perfected the wildfire potion, Of course it would fail the first couple times but after the third time she perfected it and tested it out on a heavenwood tree. The flames ignited at once and they burned a bright green that could almost look like a jade color, rosemary Thought that was the most beautiful thing she ever saw in her life and from that day on she grew an unhealthy obsession with wildfire. Another thing to know is that wildfire cannot be put out with water or a fire extinguisher, You just have to wait for it to burn out on its own.
•rosemary would gather her friends and some pyromancers, she started explaining her plans to all of them. The plan was to have a bunch of wildfire barrels set in the celestium basementnd and have one of them would ignite those barrels which would cause the celestium to explode burning and killing with every single person inside of it or anyone even close to it. Everybody was on board with the plan, thankfully Yenisei knew the secret Tunnels to Sneak into the celestium basement to Place the wildfire barrels. All they had to do now was simply wait for the right day to blow the celestium up.
•in 1167am rosemary and ferdinand Would be caught committing arson together, Not only that but they got engaged that day as well which angered queen aura. There was a plan to banish ferdinand away From the Kingdom and for rosemary to go to a therapy center to be fixed. However both of them would never go through with it since they would both escape their Punishments without anyone realizing it. •that night rosemary Got the group together and told them that the plans would be starting in just a few days. The oldest pyromancers volunteered himself for the suicide mission since in his words "I am an old man and i would rather die like this than of old age" That man would forever have the respect of rosemary. For the next couple days they would all be setting up for the day everyone else would remember as the tragedy.
•a few days later the mission would that place. Rosemary and the group Would all wake up early in the morning to get things set up and ready for the show. rosemary, ferdinand, and their friends Would all watch things take place at the castle wher the best view of the celestium would be meanwhile The oldest pyromancer will take the secret tunnel to the celestium basement to await the commands to set off the wildfire barrels, Yenisei created a flying mini robot to keep an eye on the Old pyromancer and to give him the command to set them off, Another thing to know is that Robot was fireproof so it survived. Rosemary used "the all seeing eye" spell to spy on her parents and sister.
•rosemary waited For all the priestess priest, nuns and, pastor's, her parents, phoebe, and All the people who regularly attend the church to arrive But she knew the head of the church yew forest Wasn't going to be there because she was ill but that did not matter to her in the slightest.
•through the all seeing eye spell rosemary could see that a lunatic broken to the celestium to announce that somebody was planning up blowing up the celestium And they all needed to leave immediately, Thankfully Another pyromancer That all of the doors were locked so they had no way of escaping. Rosemary Loved seeing the absolute panic and fear on her parents and sister faces As if they knew they were about to die. Yenisei Spoke through the robot telling the old pyromancer to set those barrels off now And he did exactly that which caused those barrels to set fire and Explode. Rosemary would stop Using the all seeing eye spell and just sit back and watch the show.
•the entire celestium Exploded and it was engulfed in green flames, every single person in that Building was killed instantly by the flames and the foolish people who were too close to the building were also killed, The loud screams could be heard from All the way to the castle. Rosemary Watch the building burn with an evil smile on her face feeling proud of what she accomplished and that she was now officially queen in name. When the fire started dying out the group Would leave the balcony where they were watching the show. Ferdinand and The rest of them would leave the castle in the secret passage ways of the castle To Not draw any suspicion on rosemary.
•rosemary Would go back to her bedroom Before any of the castle staff noticed her. When rosemary entered her bedroom she let out a happy scream in Finally getting rid of her mother, father, and little sister phoebe, Feeling absolutely no shame but in fact pride that every single person in the celestium dead In extreme pain. When rosemary heard a knock on her door she calmed her Immediately and made herself look like she was not aware of the situation, Rosemary allowed the person to come in which turned out to be a mewnister in tears telling her of the tragedy and How she was now officially queen since her mother is dead. rosemary give a Performance of looking sad but they were nothing but crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks.
•rosemary would arrange the funerals for her parents, sister, and all of the victims who were killed in that explosion. Rosemary even had a "search" for the person who caused the explosion, in reality rosemary Payed the pyromancers a high amount of Treasure as her thank up for Completing the task And giving them a safe location where they would never be caught.
•rosemary was said to show almost no emotions during her parents and little sister funeral. The most foolish would believe it was because she was grieving in her own way, However there are a few who claimed they saw her smiling. After the funeral rosemary came face to face with Priestess yew forest, yew would only say "I know it was you who did this. You will not be getting away with this" as yew Tried to turn around she was Captured by Geoffrey and Nigerian by the arms. Yew would be Dragged to the dungeons of the castle, The details are too disturbing to said here But I will just say yew was tortured into insanity by rosemary herself and brainwashed into tell everyone that she was the one who caused the massacre.
•the Day after the horrible and Sadistic torture and brainwashing of yew forest  The poor priestess would announce that She was the one who caused the massacre of the celestium. Yew forest was Publicly executed by beheading done by Geoffrey mcknight, If that wasn't already disrespectful enough the forest family didn't even bother with a funeral for the poor lady Who was actually innocent.
•rosemary would have her Coronation just a week after yew forest Execution, rosemary made sure It was a grand event and To give her sympathy point she made sure to honor her parents and little sister. However, after the event she would spit on their portraits and hoped They were rotting away somewhere.
•rosemary first official act as queen was to add Geoffrey mcknight and Nigerian fields to her queens guard, They would be remembered as the most brutal nights in history. Rosemary would almost make Yenisei waterson her personal adviser, nyx Became a real spy. They were all evil people but my God were they loyal to each other.
•in 1168am rosemary would Mary ferdinand and create a new noble house know as house peddle. The new house was responsible for all things related to trading, Especially for all of the trade goods from the other kingdoms. ferdinand family Were completely unaware of just how evil rosemary And ferdinand really were.
•you remember those Carnivorous fire breathing horse breed Native to the silvan kingdom that rosemary found years ago, well the now queen rosemary Decided that she herself would bring some of those horses to the kingdom herself by traveling to the silvan kingdom. During rosemary travel she would find the Diomēdous horse who found her those 4 years ago, once again the horse Bowed its head and Led her to where the other horses were hiding. •some traits of The Diomēdous horse typically live in caves with up to 20 others, The head are led by a King, they hunt in groups, the youngest of the herd is always the one who eats first, they only understand the silvan language, And it's a bad omen if one trust you. The leader Of this group of horses allowed rosemary to take at least 8 of them back with her to the butterfly kingdom. Unsurprisingly everybody was terrified of those horses when rosemary brought them back to the kingdom, The horses were kept in a stable and were freely allowed to hunt in the forest of certain death and they kept the population of mewni alone. The horses would only be loyal and show affection to rosemary but they did tolerate their handlers.
•a large half of population of the butterfly kingdom did not trust rosemary as queen (rightfully so) thinking She was going to be exactly like her grandmother bellona. Oh how much worse rosemary was going to be especially in her later regin.
•the mewnister's and magical high commission had no trust or loyalty to queen rosemary. Any of the mewnister's rosemary did not like she would just dismiss them and replaced them with those Who she could easily manipulate or those who Just as mad as she was. Rosemary would only listen to her friends and take their advice, especially her husband ferdinand. Even her rosemary early regin she was labeled as a mad Queen which she took in pride.
•rosemary would watch the Reconstruction and pay for the celestium that took place in between the years of 1167am to 1170am. The celestium would be rebuild to be bigger and more durable than the last one. All of the belongs to the celestium would be put back into their rightful places since they were moved before the explosion. A portrait of aura, crossbill, and phoebe would be commissioned to be placed in the building to honor their lost in the fire. Rosemary being rosemary made a few barrels of wildfire and Placed them in the deeps of the new celestium basement just in case.
•in the year 1171am a few members of the queen's guard thoughts it was a good idea to try to betray rosemary Which is one of the biggest mistakes anybody could do.  Of course they were caught by Geoffrey and Nigerian Immediately and taken to rosemary. All of them were tortured by rosemary personally, When they all begged her to kill them already rosemary would chain the traitors up and Ignite them with wildfire where they would be cooking alive in their armor. Any remains those nights had were given to the Diomēdous horse to eat. Those queen's guard members would be Replaced with those who were much more blood thirsty,  It was also a life lesson for any of the castle staff or mewnister's Who would ever dare betray her.
•the other Neighboring kingdoms would gain a strong distrust of queen rosemary and the butterfly kingdom as a whole But they knew the consequences if they voiced it so at most they tolerated queen rosemary. The spiderbites were the most distrusting of queen rosemary since she rejected a marriage proposal from them years ago.
•the talks about the possibility of rosemary and ferdinand having a child and heir that would replace rosemary in the future. Rosemary would always say that it would happen whenever it would happen.
•ferdinand family Were Mostly kept in the dark about what rosemary and ferdinand were doing Behind the scenes. No matter how many people told them that ferdinand and rosemary were horrible people and  Monarchs they were They would always refuse to listen.
•one day when nyx was spying in the town for rosemary in 1176am nyx would over a group of people talking about starting a Revolution to Abolish the butterfly monarchy which included the Exposure of rosemary and ferdinand. Nyx Reported this information to the king and queen immediately which resulted in a planned to Eliminate every single rebel. The day of the planned of the revolution the clrebels surround the castle hoping to be met with the queen but only for the Entire queen's guard and the Other best train knights to be at the Gates ready. Almost all of the rebels were slaughtered and their remains were fed to the Diomēdous horses, the leader of the revolution was personally murdered by rosemary herself by wildfire. Ever since that day nobody even thought to whisper badly of the Butterfly Monarchs.
•ever since the plan revolution rosemary always carried a Pint of wildfire with her at all times. The queen's guard were at duty almost 24/7, Geoffrey and Nigerian almost never left ferdinand and rosemary sides. Yenisei was becoming more weary of them but she had to keep her mouth shut and keep herself at good Terms with them all.
•around 1181am the mewnister's brought up the discussion of rosemary and ferdinand possibly Producing an heir since rosemary was Getting older at age 40 and those years of menopause wouldn't be too far behind. Rosemary reluctantly agreed with them to try to Produce a child and around 1182am rosemary was pregnant And she absolutely hated pregnancy.
•months later in the spring of 1183am rosemary finally give birth to her only daughter, midnight butterfly. The girl had navy blue almost black hair and deep purple eyes with her cheek marks being four black crescent moons.
•rosemary And ferdinand unsurprisingly were not good parents but also not abusive or too Neglectful. The staff and royal nannies often shielded little midnight way around her parents cruelty and evil Tendencies which worked for the most part.
•midnight was a silent baby/toddler to the point even rosemary was abit Concerned about it. Midnight Would not speak her first word until the age of three and it was at that point she was taken to a specialist to see what was wrong. Midnight would be Diagnosed with a disability called autism, Her parents were absolutely devastated but they Did not want anybody else to know about it.
•rosemary would Hire the best speech therapist or any other therapist related to autism to help her daughter. Midnight Would prove to be a fast learner but it would take some time before she could actually speak in full sentences. More will be explained in midnight biography.
•the relationship between rosemary and her daughter was described as Distant even when midnight was a young child. Rosemary was typically too busy with her schemes and midnight was did not like the company of most people And her parents were no exception.
•in 1188am rosemary and ferdinand would send their daughter midnight to school, they both refused to put midnight into special education out of embarrassment. However a few weeks into midnight because in school rosemary would get a call from the school,l. The pair thought it would be bad news but in reality the principal said that midnight was beyond her years, especially when it came to the topic of magic. The principle suggested sending midnight to elfendor where she could get a better much better education in that field. Rosemary Asked midnight if she wanted to go transfer to elfendor and I swear You could see that little girl's eyes light up in Excitement. The arrangements were made and midnight would leave for the school two weeks later
•over the years the Diomēdous horses started to breed and multiple. In fact a new hybrid would be created between a Diomēdous and a warnicorn in the year of 1190am, The hybrid was described as much more violent and Aggressive than both of the creatures they were born of. The hybrid Fortunately cannot reproduce. And they are often described as abominations that should have never been born. Rosemary had her idea On what torture method she was going to use them for but before she could I sir glossaryck of terms took care of those hybrids and put them in a dimension they would Thrive in.
•ever holiday and important ball midnight would reluctantly come back home from elfendor. Mother and daughter would barely speak to each other but at most tolerate each other. Midnight often refused to talk to any of the noble children or princess/princes of the others kingdoms but instead she would be in the library reading her magic books.
•rosemary would often hear of the Accomplishments of her daughter at elfendor, Specifically about magic research and history some have even said that midnight could be the next helia. Rosemary felt a sense of pride for her only daughter Achievements which would be very rare for her.
•when the dark market started to hear of the wildfire being made they got into contact with the king and queen To have arrangements in trading to buy and spell the creation. Rosemary Would PENUP arrangements for them to be sold, but for a high price, secret wooden boxes of wildfire were placed in the cargo ships of house peddle under a fake label. Typically a pyromancer would Sneak onto the ship to keep an eye on the wildfire boxes To later be sold to the dark market across the kingdoms.
•in 1197am rosemary would pass the wand down to midnight. Rosemary really didn't bother to have party for midnight since all midnight wanted to do was read her magic books and not Interact with any of the noble children. Interact with any of the noble children.
•during a Royal consult meeting with rosemary mewnister's there were the talks about who midnight would marry in the future when she becomes queen. Midnight ignored the noble boys at best and scared them at worse, Not once has many ever showed any interest in boys or even girls, but rather just wanted to be alone. Queen Rosemary Told them that she would work something out eventually.
•before the Annual silver bell ball in 1199am, that year taking place in the spiderbite kingdom. Rosemary got into contact with queen Charlotte spiderbite to Discuss a potential betrothal between rosemary daughter midnight and Charlotte son Daniel. Queen Charlotte originally wanted to refuse the idea since rosemary rejected Charlotte younger brother years ago but rosemary Said if she refused the offer she would expose some very disturbing blackmail she had on her and the spiderbite family. Charlotte being scared of rosemary accepted the betrothal.
•during the silver bell ball rosemary and queen Charlotte spiderbite made the Arrangements but not before having the midnight and Daniel. The two of them immediately disliked each other but the teens realized there was really no choice so they would have to learn to tolerate each other when they got married.
•ferdinand history of crime was slowly starting to catch up with him. Over the years His techniques were starting to get more sloppy as he aged and his side of the family was finally starting to catch on to it. One day in 1203am ferdinand and rosemary were just Minding their own business until ferdinand father Burst into the throne room looking anger then any mewman could ever be. It turned out that ferdinand was secretly making Illegal trading through house peddle Which mainly consisted of wildfire And various poisons, I know it's not surprising to anyone reading this but it was a huge shock to house peddle. Ferdinand Father expressed his fury and plans on exposing them to everyone, This however only made rosemary laugh as she told Gregory and Nigerian to take him any to a dungeon Until she knew what to do with him.
•rosemary would give ferdinand the honor of His torturing his own father into Silence However, his father was a stubborn man and they  No amount of torture could prevent him from exposing their secrets. Rosemary yet again would give ferdinand the honor of murdering His own father with wildfire and feeding any remains left to the Diomēdous horses. Publicly queen rosemary told house peddle that it was a huge misunderstanding with tradings and thar ferdinand father left to take care of it,  However after two months he was pronounced dead by using the some guy who looked like him.
•in 1204am midnight would graduate from elfendor as one of the best students they would ever have for her magical discoveries and research. Rosemary had a rare sight of a proud smile that wasn't caused by an evil act. Midnight and Daniel spiderbite Engagement would be announced just a couple weeks later Which is something the princess and the Prince were not thrilled about in the slightest.
•the next year in of 1205am the wedding of midnight butterfly and Daniel spiderbite would take place. It is said There was an argument between mother and daughter before the ceremony however nothing of what they said is recorded.
•ever since rosemary give her daughter the royal wand her sanity was starting to decrease even more But as she got into her 60s it got even worse. She would have sudden blackouts where she would go into a state of anger but would have no memories of it whats so ever. The castle staff along with the mewnister's Would always carry a weapon of self defense Just incase she would get violent during these blackouts.
•in the year of 1206am is where rosemary would snap and start to be in an almost Constant state of anger after nyx avarius ultimately death of Tuberculosis. Even Gregory and Nigerian Were unable to restrain her during her fits of rage.
•Rosemary would completely lose it after an Assassin broke into the castle To kill ferdinand. The Assassin would sneak into the castle Disguised as a butler they were able to get ferdinand by stabbing him in the throat and Then decapitating his head clean off. The assassin tried to make a run for it by using Secret passage they found but rosemary was faster. In pure rage rosemary went into her butterfly form and Grabbed the assassin by the neck and flew him outside of the castle into the middle of the town. Rosemary would angrily Shout loud enough where everyone could hear her "this Pathetic excuse of a mewmen just murdered your king and he will pay the price" This is where rosemary would drop him on the ground, get out a small jar of wildfire, and pour it into the assassin mouth.
•The assassin would explode from the inside out leaving a horrific scene. Everyone who witnessed it either fainted or vomited at the Site of it. Rosemary would only laugh hysterically at the sight as she went back into her normal form. Suddenly rosemary was crystallized from the neck down by Rhombulus, rosemary Would be surrounded by her queens guard, the magical high commission, the Police and most surprising to her Yenisei waterson. The group went to the headquarters of the mhc to figure out what to do with her while waiting for the mewnister's and midnight.
•once the mewnister's and midnight finally made it The discussion Of what they would do to rosemary would Begin. To rosemary shock yenisei exposed rosemary for every crime She ever created which included the illegal wildfire trades and the brutal murders she caused. Midnight was mostly unaware of the crimes her mother and father Committed But kept her composure. After awhile Everybody agreed that death would be "too nice" a Punishment but also because midnight couldn't stand the idea of killing her mom. However they came to an agreement that rosemary would be locked up in a super maximum security prison with anti magic chains around her. The day rosemary was sent off she shouted things like "Yenisei waterson is a traitor" or "those Bastards deserved it" or "I will make you all pay". Midnight watched her mother be sent away in disappointed and Disgusted.
•midnight was crown queen in her coronation ceremony just a couple months later.
•during the three years of rosemary Imprisonment she would try on multiple times to escape but every single time she was Caught by a guard that would cause a painful punishment.
•in 1209am rosemary made her final Attempt at freedom. She stole the key To her anti magic chains when the guard drop them Near her cell. In the middle of the night rosemary made her escape, She was chased by a few guards but she go into her butterfly form and would end up murdering them on the way out. Rosemary plan was to go back to the butterfly kingdom to get Revenge on those She claimed wrong her. However in rosemary old age She could not stay in her butterfly form forever and at the crack of dawn, she lost all her strength and went back to her normal form which was right next to the forest of certain death.
•rosemary Decided to try walking the rest of the way to the butterfly kingdom. As she did so she suddenly felt a Presents behind her, she turned around to see the  Abomination that was the hybrid of a Diomēdous/warnicorn And it was one of the very few that I sir glossaryck of terms and the mhc were never able to find. The beast Approach rosemary and Smelled her with pure hunger in the beast's eyes, rosemary Would try speaking the silvan to the beast bit it did not listen This is where rosemary would try to escape but before she could the hybrid beast Approached her and bit her on the leg where rosemary would let out of deathening scream. The Beast would go on to eat her alive while she screamed after a minute she went silent as she was still being eaten.
•as the hybrid was eating it was captured by a beast hunter who decapitated the hybrid head. The beast hunter saw whatever remained of rosemary which included her separate head. The magical high commission and queen midnight were called immediately. They took rosemary remains back to the castle and pulled in an unknown Place until the funeral. When it was announced that former queen rosemary was dead almost nobody showed any sympathy for her Which wasn't too surprising for everything she has done.
•whatever remained of rosemary was laid to rest in the crypts of the castle next to her grandmother bellona. Rosemary would be remembered as one of the most evil queens in the butterfly's kingdoms history.
Autumn had set up a workstation in his garage. On a table were various liquids in bottles, some common household substances and obscure chemicals. Next to them were strewn-about wires and devices.He began pouring the ingredients and mixing them into a dish: rubber cement, glue, liquid latex, glycerin, cornstarch, water, a dash of every random chemical, and finally copious amounts of liquid soap. He had dreamt up the recipe for a powerful bubble solution. The non-newtonian fluid created by the cornstarch and water should become tougher as it’s put under more pressure. That should make the bubbles become stronger for the longer they have bee...
As the last few days before Ash and Serena’s wedding rapidly disappear, everyone does their best to make sure everything is set for the special day. At the Ketchum house, Delia and Grace sat in the living room going back and forth on a list for the wedding. “The set-up is all done now?” Delia asked. Grace nodded. “The layout is all set, and anything that is put away can be easily set up on the day of the ceremony.” Delia ticked off a point on her fingers. “The ceremony itself?” “Professor Oak is ready, and he was able to postpone his research so he will not be distracted.” Grace answered. Delia ticked off another point. “The guests?” Grac...
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PKMN-WOE: RP: Thanksgiving Event Log 1
Dev: Angelo hummed as he set up some of the last dishes for the Friendsgiving Feast he had gotten permission to host in the dining room. Carrying the small pot of vegan stuffing and setting it next to the chicken stuffing, he set up the labels for them so everyone would know what has what allergy-inducing ingredients in them so they can stay away from those foods and be safe. He knew for a fact some people couldn't have peanuts or chocolate, so the chicken he had cooked with peanut oil was labeled properly, as was the various desserts with chocolate in them.He took one good look at the set-up before nodding in satisfaction. "All I have lef...
Return of the Nerd Chapter Three Part 1 by numbuh35, literature
Return of the Nerd Chapter Three Part 1
III. Mistaken IdentityGru came up from the lab feeling totally drained. He had enough label sticking for one day. Most of his time was spent trying to prevent the minions from labeling each other. At least the day wasn’t a complete waste. A new batch of jellies had been shipped to the super markets. With any luck, he would make millions before tomorrow afternoon. Right now all he wanted to do was sit on the couch and put his feet up for several hours. Of course, he knew he couldn’t do that just yet. If memory severed him right, Lucy was going to teach some of the minions how to bake. He could hardly wait to see the outcome. With a deep sig...
Maddy, Match, and the Chocolate From Hell by Xaldinpwn, literature
Maddy, Match, and the Chocolate From Hell
"Alright ColorMan: You ready?""Hee hee, you bet!""Then let's get started! You lead, I follow!""Alright then: first, the powdered sugar!"Giggling like a little girl, Ms. Madd poured a large heap of powdered sugar into a sifter that sat over a mixing bowl. Meanwhile, ColorMan sat cozy in his PET which was propped up against a bowl of candy, and read the cooking instructions to his operator."Now the cocoa powder! Then the powdered milk!"Maddy added the other ingredients, and once all the powders sat in the sifter, ColorMan's wide eyes narrowed and shone with a determined gleam. "And now: it's pepper time. "Making a move that heavily deviated...
The White Witch's Journal, Y1 by LadyMasquerade, literature
The White Witch's Journal, Y1
(from the journal entries of Gretchen "MoonLight" Steiner)
(all entries have been translated into English)(Year 1)September 1I've decided to keep written records of my work as well as keep a diary of daily life. As the old saying goes "don't write what you don't want the world to see," so it is possible these writings will be found. For now, as I write in the faint lamplight of my study, these are a place to put my thoughts onto paper. Perhaps I should start with an introduction.My name is Gretchen Steiner, also known as "MoonLight" to my coven sisters. I am a woman proficient in the pagan and magical arts, which has given me a mixed reput...
KNS: Edna and Harvey's The Breakout~KNS Style 4 by Julayla-64, literature
KNS: Edna and Harvey's The Breakout~KNS Style 4
(Act 4)In the break room, Edna looked inside the cupboard. Edna reached for the box of cereal inside the cupboard.Edna: Chocolate Chunks. Ingredients: Industrial foam and sugar. It says there's a surprise in the box!She snatched the box, eating the cereal that remained before noticing something shiny.Edna: (grins) Hey! There was a surprise in there! It's a brand spankin' new authentic police badge with small parts that could be swallowed. Cooool. I bet only the toughest cops get the small parts that could be swallowed.Harvey: Sam and Max did!Edna: Showoffs.At the roof top, the duo looked at the antenna that was straight.Sam: Man, that cowa...
The Horrorverse, Chapter 10 by gamewizard-2008, literature
The Horrorverse, Chapter 10
We’re doing TWO Riddle Rooms today! Chapter 10: The Tea Party Conspiracy Academy City Nolan regrouped with Misaka and began the Riddle Hunt in this city. There was a building that looked like a giant, blank TV screen. Misaka could power up a generator and activate the screen, revealing a giant Tetris game. Nolan used a control pad to play the game, and he had to score 5,000 points to win a Riddler Trophy. ? This successful man met a Figured end, but this building exists to help kids bend. ? They received this riddle close to a school, where a bronze statue stood in the front yard. The school was labeled Icarus Bending Academy: We’re the B...
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Netherworld Nightmare Ch. 48
48Danny jolted awake, sitting up abruptly as he clutched the blankets to himself. He checked a hand -human again, so he transformed on the spot- and then looked around in a panic. For some reason, he had felt a sudden sense of dread come over him in his sleep, like something was incredibly wrong. And so he snapped awake and began taking stock of his surroundings.His friends were also beginning to wake up, shifting around under their blankets as they moved to get out of them. The purple-black swirl of sky had gone away, replaced by the cloudy red that was normal for some levels of the Book of the Underworld; the ruined island battlefield ha...
Semper ad Meliora - Chapter 7 by Erandir, literature
Semper ad Meliora - Chapter 7
Title: Semper ad Meliora
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Pairing: Dorian Pavus/Idhren Lavellan, Idhren Lavellan/Tainan Lavellan Chapter 7 - The People Will Set Ourselves Free And Shartan looked upon the Prophet Andraste
And said: “The People will set ourselves free.
Your host from the South may march
Alongside us.” - Canticle of Shartan 9:27
Free Marches, 9:37 Dragon Three months Idhren had been on the road, and he was beginning to regret his decision to leave Tevinter. He had known that wandering the countryside in search of wild elves would not be easy, but he had not anticipated exactly how difficult it would b...
[WOE | RP] Broken Chariot, Part One by nautical-mile, literature
[WOE | RP] Broken Chariot, Part One
the birds After he’d given his boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek, telling him that he was going to go get more ingredients to make a nice batch of poffertjes, Thrush went out of his room and closed the door behind him. He started rolling down the hallway and, uncharacteristic of the usually in-the-moment Electric-type, he seemed lost in thought.He and Dove hadn’t done much at all that day - Thrush had woken up late, gone through the link door, and seen Dove taking care of his houseplants absentmindedly. They’d spent the rest of the time lying in Thrush’s bed, talking about the incident in the forest. The image of Ryder’s last moments and...
Iroh rested his chin on a hand as he watched the tea kettle begin to steam. Though he was perfectly able to heat his own water through bending, some nights he craved the entirety of the ritual. He had already measured out the tea leaves and dried ginseng root from the several jars sitting on table near the larder. Others were labeled as black tea, rose hips, and chamomile, to name a few. Iroh took the ingredients of his teas as seriously as a fine chef would with his dishes. Tonight's mixture was placed in a small porcelain bowl, and lightly crushed with wooden muddler to bring out the flavor of the herbs. Carefully, the old man empt...
HPID Log: Potions Devil's Claw by HPID, literature
HPID Log: Potions Devil's Claw
3/5/05 Potions Class - Devil's Claw Emmy POVClassroom
You walk through a door & enter the impressively decorated Potions classroom. Rendered in yellow stone the ceiling is surprisingly high, vaulted & gives the impression of a place of worship.
Along the back wall a row of shelves can be seen upon which stand an array of different coloured, sized & shaped bottles of innumerable ingredients.
In front of these are four long desks arranged from left to right. Aisles along the side allow the students access to their seats.
In the last section of the room is a raised platform where Professor Snape lectures & demonstrates. A work bench & lecturn...
Morty chuckled at the thought. "He's even the same color blue as Rick's hair." He adds.
He looked at her anxiously as he waited for her to answer his question about what was outside.. well she didn't really answer what was out there
but she seemed confidant enough the two old men would be fine- she knew her grandpa so he should trust her.
"What about this one?" He finds cartoons, stopping on Fairly Odd Parents. "Have you ev-ever watched this?" He asks, changing the subject. He glances at the tv, trying to focus on the colorful, silly fairys flying about.
She was right- it was two Ricks, they would be fine.
After a while he shifts in his seat looking up the stairs, recalling the other Morty. He'd almost forgotten him, hopefully he wasn't getting into trouble up there.
"Well house is still standing at least." JX jokes as it finally comes into their sights. The red of the setting sun reflecting off the lake makes it look like it's made of lava and he pauses , taking a moment to enjoy the view before starting twords the house.
Summer giggled instantly at the children show, remembering it fondly, "Oh yeah, this ones great! The babysitter was always such a bitch!" It was fun to watch a show about a semi-dysfunctional family. Deep down it made her feel better about her own. Hers wasn't awful- Hell, it was a million times better now with Morty- but was far from perfect.-
-Belle was able to find peace again in Summer's lap; curling up in a little white ball of purring. Summer stroked her fur as she watched the show, almost feeling a long forgotten childish glimmer rising in her chest. Its been a long time since she's seen this show, or any cartoons in general. Perhaps watching them this time with her new little brother wouldn't cause heartbreak.-
"That's always an appealing notion."
-K-213 growled in reply, taking a small button-device from his lab coat pocket and clicking in. Instantly loud noises and clanks could be heard around the yard, and then the titanium metal was dislocated from the house; folding up before disappearing all together. Once lock-down was deactivated, the man strolled to his front door, barging into his home.-
-He slammed the door shut after JX and himself entered, clicking the locks before heading to the living room to do a head count. Everyone was there, besides JX's little unstable brat. He would’ve commented, if it wasn't for his eyes spotting Belle- instantly snarling. Taking a large step forward, he grabbed the cat by the scruff, hauling her up to glare from eye level.-
"GRRR, I'm going to fucking skin you alive."
-He snapped at the little white feline, who merely purred and mewed in response. Summer huffed, raising to her feet and taking Belle from Rick's angry grip, "Hey, easy! I know you don’t like her in the living room, but jeez. Harsh much?" She glared, hugging her pet close to her chest. Rick rolled his eyes at his granddaughter. Whatever, he supposed. He could deal with the blasted Chimera cat later.
"She really was- I a-always liked Cosmo the best- he was funny." Morty said, trying to pay more attention to the tv but failing, starting to get sleepy as they continue to watch the screen.
On the tv the characters seem to be finding them selves in more and more drama, Morty yawns, wondering how the protagonist on screen was going to get him self out of this one now.
Morty finds him self leaning on Summer as they watch the tv, he's just about drifting in between conciseness and dozing off when he jumps at the sudden loud noises, laughing at his own foolishness. "OH- it's them. They're home!"
His joy at them returning is almost instantly faded when the first thing the man does is come in and start screaming at the poor cat. Apparently the walk didn't help his mood. She did a good job watching every one while he was gone so what does he have to be so mad about?
Rick JX looks around, instantly feeling his heart jump - speeding up at the fact he doesn't see his kid. "Wh-where the hell is my Morty?" He asks no one in particular , beginning to search around for him- completely ignoring the other Rick's anger at the cat.
Was he hiding behind something? In something? Under something?
"He.. he went to the b-bathroom." The curly haired Morty said quietly, pointing up the steps. "A while ago."
JX did't even wait for him to start talking , already sprinting up the stairs. He shouldn't have left him alone. What if he drowned him self? Broke a mirror and cut himself? Drank bathroom cleaners?
"MORTY! ARE YOU OK IN THERE?!" He yells through the door , knocking on it. "It's- it's ok if you still need more time in there but I need you to say something- let me- let me know you're alive in there."
-Rick K-213 watched JX dart out of the room, raising his brow when hearing his heavy footsteps race up the stairs. Hopefully his brat wasn't attempting something foolish in the bathroom. There was razors and a pair of scissors in the room, but maybe the kid had learned his lesson from weapons the other day- when he had gotten a slitted wrist.-
-Rick trailed over to the sofa chair and crashed into it, grunting and leaning his head back once settled. He flickered his eyes closed, exhaling greatly. Although he had been gone for hours, he still felt it wasn't enough time- already annoyed when Summer simply asked, "Soooo, how'd it go?"-
"Fucking fantastic."
-Rick snarked a reply, and Summer couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic. She didn't ask- leaving the room with Belle still in hands. It was almost five thirty. Time to make dinner, and with the two other boys back, she'll have to decide on something large to make. Hmmm, perhaps beef stew? Its a good, filling dish for when you wanted to feed a lot of people.-
-Morty's eyes fluttered open from within the darkness, his body jolting when he heard a familiar, booming voice shout from the other side of the door. Rick. His body naturally tensed, heart skipping a beat, but... He didn't move, or reply. What was the point? The Rick could just portal in the bathroom, or pick the lock. Hell, the man could even bash the door down. Either way the scrawny teenager was screwed.-
-He stared blankly at the ceiling, or the spot that would be the ceiling; everything was black after all. There was no point in replying. There was no point in anything anymore. He swore he could feel the light fade from his eyes, even though the room currently had none- curling hands into his chest, rubbing the fabric softly. His body felt sore from laying in the cramped tub for so long, but he couldn’t bother shifting, or getting out. He didn’t want to. There was just no point.-
The curly haired Morty watches the other Rick run up stairs, hoping he hadn't got the other kid in trouble but.. he had been gone for a while.
He looks over at his Rick as Summer attempts to talk to him. He looks tiered, with both Ricks coming in screaming they must have had an awful trip. Had they ran into the monster? He didn't see any fresh blood on his stained lab coat so if they did the man seemed not to have been hurt at least.
Morty gets up right after Summer, giving a small wave goodbye to the blue haired man before following after her. "Did you want any help with dinner?" He asked, figuring even if she said no he'd get the table ready like last time.
Rick knocked on the door again. "Look Morty If - if you'r jackin' it in there or takin a shit or whatever I'm - I'm not trying to chase you out but I need to know you're ok."
He doesn't want to barge in there - bath time is already a contention enough between them - he doesn't want to traumatize him further in the bath room but he's not gonna just sit here and hope the kid was ok in there either.
"Morty " He reaches in his pocket pulling out his portal gun. "I'm trying to respect your privacy bu-but you got three seconds to - to show me you're ok be-before I come in there."
He counts to the before shooting out a portal and stepping through. His first thought is that he messed up; appearing in a pitch black space was not what he was expecting but his etes soon adjust in the dim light and he begins looking around in the glow of his portal.
He dosn't see him- was he wrong? Had he locked it and went on another room? He pulls the curtain back, heard skipping a beat at the sight of the kid clothed, laying on the tub. "No no no." He fears the worst. In the dim green light he can't tell if there's blood in there off not but his mind is already going to worst case scenario, the kid climbing in the tub to finish off what he started yesterday.
Rick grabs the small body, hauling him up to begin checking him for damage off he isn't already moving.
-Summer drops Belle onto the kitchen floor when entering the room, readjusting her ponytail before getting to work. Like always their fridge was overflowing with meat, thanks to grandpas hunting, so beef wouldn't be a problem. And they did have a few potatoes- she took them out, placing a good bit on the counter before grabbing a peeler from one of the cupboards.-
"Hmm? Oh, yeah sure. Thanks, dork."
-Summer replied, handing her brother the peeler instead. He could peel, and she'll get the meat ready. She took a large bag out of the fridge, thudding it onto the counter and take taking the raw meat out.
"I'm thinking beef stew for dinner. That sounds good, right?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder once to check if Morty was doing okay with those potatoes. She took out another knife and began chopping the meat into large chunks on the cutting broad, tossing them into a frying pan when finished.-
"Maybe... Think we should invite JX's Beth to dinner? It could be a way to thank her for the cookies from the other night."
-She asked, suddenly sounding a little nervous. She didn't want to think about the other version of her mom, but it was a challenge. It was hard not to remember sitting beside her as she cried, telling the Beth how her son died, and that her new one wasn't very stable. He was a good kid, she was sure, but he needed work. And medication, perhaps he should see a therapist..?-
-She rubbed a lock of red hair away from her face- the messy ponytail not catching all of it, before continuing to chop more of the beef. The Beth was all alone too; with JX and his kid here. And if she was like any other Beth, then being completely alone was distressing. They were mothers; normally in a lively house hold with a Jerry, dad, Morty, etc. Maybe a pet or two. So to be all alone... Summer's heart ached for the women.-
-Morty D-528 reclosed his eyes to the darkness as JX continued to speak, attempting to mentally block the man's voice out. This moment in time seemed familiar, and he allowed a memory to trickle in. Rick- his original Rick- leaning against the bathroom door frame heavily, watching Morty who was pressing against the tub, shaking from where he sat. The mans eyes were cold, like always, as they stared into the teen's frighten ones.
He always smiled when the boy quivered, an exciting jolt flashing across his face. Because he was a hunter, and Morty was prey. And they both knew what was going to happen next.-
-Morty could've sworn he saw a flash of green behind his eyelids, but didn't pay too much attention- the memory engulfing. Rick would then saunter over, kneeling down beside his shaking, beaten-half-to-death child, and cup his face. He'd rub Morty's throbbing black eye with a thumb as their gaze burned into another. The grip on his face would become tighter, as it lowered to his throat and wrapped around. And the man would squeeze, and Morty would be coughing for air.-
-He wasn't sure if he was hearing someone else speak "No, no no," or if it was himself begging in the memory. What was real in this moment? He didn't know. All he knew was Rick finally let him go, allowing his lungs to be filled with air once again. The head rush made him sick, and he collapsed, wheezing.
The man would lay down beside him, grabbing a handful of those dirty, brown spikes and jerking Morty close- forcing a drunken hug between them. But it wasn't comforting, or gentle. It was a snake curling around suffocating prey, the sheer force making Morty's open wounds scream. But he wouldn't struggle. There was no point. There was no escape. For he was the prey, and Rick would take his time rippi-
-Suddenly a large, firm grasp was hauling Morty's emaciated body upwards, jerking him right out of his realistic flashback. His eyes flew open, and he let out a shriek of pure terror- instantly struggling against the grip. His heart was already pounding against his rib cage as he twisted and turned- shoving against his attackers chest in attempts to free himself.-
-Morty was finally able to break out; flinging himself backwards, but he had forgotten about the closed space he was currently in. His spine and back of head slammed forcefully into the corner of the tub- a few shampoo bottles dropping down.
Spots danced in his darken vision as his brain rattled, unable to keep from cradling his head with both arms. He let out a small pained noise, hands gently brushed against the bump already rising on the back of his head, teeth chattering and breathing heavy.-
Morty smiled at the playful nick name. He needed to come up with something to call her but all the names he used to call his sister didn't fit- she was too nice.
He decided he'd have to think on it and just get back to it another day, for now he'd move all his focus to the potatoes, looking at the thing she handed him. Hum, it had a pointy end and a handle. It must be for getting the little green guys off?
He begins to remove all the potato things, nodding at her questing. "Uh huh" that sounded really good to him considering all he and Rick head to eat today was icecream. No wonder the old man was so grumpy when he came back- he was probably starving.
He finishes taking the green things off, looking at her. "Is that right?"
He eagerly nodes at that question, agreeing instantly. He had liked seeing the other Beth although he wished it had been better time to meet her..she had been so sad.
"I..I think that'd be nice and...and she's gonna be the other Morty's mom so...maybe it'll be good for him to meet her? Maybe he'd be happier?" He didn't admit he wanted to see her too.. He didn't get a Beth but the other Morty got one..
He resisted the urge to pout at the childish jealousy he felt. He knew he should be happy. He got a Summer and the other Morty didn't get one. Plus, he clearly got the cooler, bigger Rick.
"I wonder why she didn't have a Jerry or a Summer." He wondered aloud. "You know there's this place in space with lots of Jerrys. I- I forget what it's called- like a daycare. Me and Grandpa-my old gr-grandpa I mean - left ours there a few times and he said- said there where always extras there. Maybe.. Maybe the other Rick can get her a new one there?"
He didn't say it out loud but he was thinking the same thing about them- he wouldn't have mentioned it though, knowing Summer was still very sad about her fathers death.
He jumped, suddenly hearing a loud scream followed by a crashing noise above them.
Rick let go as soon as the kid screamed. He was ok. He was alive. He had just been asleep -that's why he didn't answer and Rick scared him. "It's ok- shh it's ok." He says for both their benefits.
He whinced at the sound of the kid straight bludgeoning him self in the head with the bath tub, getting up and pulling away to close his portal and turn the light on.
"Jesus, fuck kid!" He exclaims as he comes back over to the panicking child, trying to will his own breathing and heart rate to go back down as he sits unceremoniously down beside the tub. "Why - why the hell where you sleeping in the fuckin' tub? Gonna-gonna give us both a damn coronary- thought-thought you tried to off your self again." He reaches for him.
"You ok? Let me see your head." He orders, wanting to make sure the kid didn't crack his skill open.
"Yeah, that's it! Great job."
-Summer praised Mortys question with a smile, seeing he was doing a good enough job peeling the potatoes. She continued to slice the rest of the meat up while listening to her brother. Seems he agreed with her; she could talk to JX about it whenever he comes back downstairs. Or just text him; he might take awhile with his kid.. That Morty wasn't easy to handle.-
-She glanced back to Morty again, thoughtful to his theory. Huh, maybe that could work. She didn't think the Beth and other version of her brother had met yet. And they were both so sad... Perhaps they could cheer another up? No harm in trying. A tasty dinner was a good place to start bonding too. "Hmm, not a bad idea, dork." She mused, tossing the empty bag in the trash once the meat was done- quickly washing her hands after.-
"Maybe she got a divorce, and something happen to her Summer... I'm not sure."
-Summer frowned while drying her hands off. Maybe JX's family had a tragic past like her own? The Beth did seem depressed, even before Summer informed her about the substantial garage drama. But the girl let out a laugh at Morty's optimistic wishing for getting another Jerry. She knew all about the 'Jerryboree '. Her own father had been victim to it multiple occasions, and would bitch profusely when getting back home.-
"I don't... K-Kid, it doesn't really work like that. You can't just bring a new Jerry home and expect them to fall in love, and be a happy couple. Life isn't that easy."
-Summer explained, attempting to keep laughter out of her voice by coughing a few times. The idea was so ridiculous and childish, yet the sentiment was so sweet. Although, the more she thought, the more enticing that idea became...
Maybe they could find a good Jerry- a less pathetic one. The Beth and him could fall in love... They could be their new parents... The other Morty could be a second little brother, and JX another grandfather... They could have a family... All together...-
-Then she jumped, glancing upwards to the ceiling when hearing a scream followed by a crash. "The Hell was that!?" She explained, quickly leaving the kitchen and trailing up the stairs. She glanced around the hall to find it empty; must of came from one of the rooms- or the Morty was still in the bathroom... She knocked on the bathroom door swiftly.-
"Hey, you okay in there? We heard a scream!"
-The teen was momentarily stunned, feeling his teeth still rattle. The room was suddenly filled with light, causing him to flinch from the unconventional amount of brightness. He had been laying in the dark for so long, his eyes had to readjust. It took a good roughly, squinted eyes to be able to see again. Gaze flickering around, freezing when seeing the Rick sitting on the edge of the tub. The man was barely a foot away, and Morty's stomach filled with anxiety.-
-He inhaled sharply, pressing his sore spine against the tub, ignoring how tender his back felt. That monster was far too close, and worse Morty was cornered- trapped. There was nowhere to run. He slowly began to shake, still nursing his aching head while the man lectured. Off himself again? What? Why would the Rick even think... He remembered yesterday quickly; how the knife slipped into his wrist, slicing it open... Oh.-
"I-I... Wa-Wasn't tr-trying... I-I do-don't w-want t-t-to di-die."
-Morty stammered out, face pinching from the mere thought. If there was anyone who wasn't suicidal in the slightest, it was him. Not after all he's been through, not after what has happen before...
He yelped suddenly, seeing the man reach for him. Without thinking, he smacks Rick's hand away meekly, squeaking, "D-Don't t-touch m-m-me!" attempting to scramble backwards but there was nowhere to go. The hand in his hair curled roughly while the other rose shakingly in front of his chest, incase he had to defend himself.-
He smiles, rinsing the potatoes off before he begins trying to remove the skin, getting it after a few tries.
He nodded at her guesses to his question, they both sounded possible
He focuses on his potatoes until she laughs, looking up.
He didn't agree her at all. That IS exactly how the world worked, she should know that- That's exactly why he was standing here in her kitchen after all. Every one in a Ricks life was replaceable- he's seen it many times in the Citadel streets with and heard it talked about inrelation to the other family members.
Ricks cloned or replaced who ever they wanted in their lives and if they wanted they could swap whole lives with one another. Still.. he didn't say any of this- if his new sister didn't know that he wasn't gonna be the one to spoil it for her.
Morty staid with the food as she ran off figuring someone should watch it so the cat didn't eat it. He looked at the other vegetables she pulled out, selecting the carrots.He could do those- they were easy.
He cuts the tops off , saving them. Did they use these green top things too? He wasn't sure so he rinses them off setting them to the side to asks her as he picks up her knife and very carefully begins cutting the orange plants.
He makes a pile of them , biting his lip, hoping every thing is going ok up there, at least there was no more thudding and screaming.
Rick felt relieved as the boy stammered out that he didn't want to die, he had no reason to believe the boy was a liar. "Good, than we have something in co-common 'cause I don't want you to die neither."
He blinks as Morty smacks his hand away, raising his fist up like he's gonna fight him, insisting he doesn't touch him. "Put your hands down."He says, snorting and rolling his eyes at the pathetic display. "I'm not fuckin' fi-fighting a child."
He really did want to check his head but the boy was already freaked out. Instead he reaches in his pockets pulling out two blue bottles. He was't kidding yesterday when he said he was stocking up on healing stuff for this kid.
"Fine if you wont let me look-let me check you're head at least take these serums. If you start feeling any - any symptoms of a concussion or anything you drink this ok? "He presses one into the kid's hand. "It's a full heal serum." He says unnecessarily , the label could have explained that much.
"Do you- do you know the symptoms to look out for?" Rick asked, getting up off the tub and moving twords the door.
He was glad Morty was ok, glad nothing bad had happened and most of all he was relieved his Morty wasn't suicidal- those outranked asking the social worker to let him stay for best words he'd heard the kid say, taking a huge weight of worry off Ricks chest.
-Rick K-213 stalked into the kitchen, eyes flickering about before seeing his brat chopping carrots. He went over, shadowing falling down as he loomed- but his body language showed no aggression, merely just watching.
Vegetables, not his favourite nourishment- nose crinkling up almost like a displeased child before moving away, taking advantage of the fact Summer was gone to sneak a few pieces of the raw, chopped up meat.-
"Bitch face is going to make stew?"
-He asked rhetorically, turning the stove's burner and placing a frying pan over. By the way Summer raced up the stairs, he assumed she went to check on JX and his unstable turd. So the man supposed he could help his kid until she came back down.
He scooped up a large handful of meat to drop in the frying pan, sniffing the air and giving a pleased growl at the smell. He much preferred his meat raw, but that didn't mean he couldn’t appreciate the smelling of it cooking.-
-As he stirred the frying pan with a wooden spoon, he was still helping himself to chunks of raw meat, growling in contentment while doing so. Belle suddenly meowed, head-butting Rick's legs expectingly. The man scoffed at her, "You'd be lucky if I still gave you kibble after what you did, vexatious beast."
Though, even with his harsh words, Rick still dropped a small chunk of meat on the floor- Belle purring and carrying it away to eat somewhere safe.-
-Morty flinched harshly when the man spoke, leaning back as far as the tub wall behind him would allow. He let out a squeak of surprise when JX pressed a bottle into his hand- dropping it immediately as if it burned. Eyeing the blue capsule nervously as it rolled to the other end of the tub. Whatever it was, he wasn't picking it back up. He knew better than to take anything a Rick offered.-
-But he did slowly begin to catch his breath as the man thankfully moved away- lowering his shaking arms from their feeble attack stance. Struggling to his feet, which wobbled due to being half numbed by the unpleasant tub, his mind sharpen when recollecting signs of a concussion. He frowned in thought, carefully stepping out of the tub.-
"I-I do-don't... C-Concussions ca-cause tem-temporary u-u-unconsciousness... I di-didn't f-f-faint, I-I'm fi-fi-fine... B-But... Th-The s-signs n-normally are na-nausea, b-blurry vision a-a-nd ri-ringing in e-e-ears... I do-don't h-have a-any o-o-of th-those."
-Morty replied in a small, shaking voice, taking a few attempted deep breaths afterwards. He really wasn't use to talking this much; these past few days have been the most he's chatted in years. Unless he was talking to aliens, but even those conversations- or arguments- wouldn't last long. He was a little surprised in himself to find talking more than a few words struggling.-
-He jolted when another knock on the bathroom door came, Summer's voice being heard, "Guys? Hello? Not trying to be a peep, but I heard screaming. You both good?" Morty was half tempted to call for help, but forcefully held onto logic.
JX was different than his original Rick; he's had many chances to hurt the skinny teen, but advanced on none. And the tale of his original Morty... He wasn't a malicious monster, not like...-
"I-I'm.. So-Sorry.. F-For.. Y-Your ha-hand..."
-Morty muttered out, looking down to the ground. He knew better then to strike a Rick, or touch them at all. But in the moment he was panicked, and it got the better of his judgment. He couldn't help that his body tensed after the apology, worrying if the man would reprimand him- specifically with a smack.-
"Hello."He greets his Rick as he walks in , looking up at the man with a small smile. Maybe he had rested enough to feel less grumpy?
He watched the old man picking up and eating the raw meat. How did he not notice it wasn't cooked yet?! Maybe he was just hungry enough he didn't care?
"Yes, Summer is making a stew." Morty answers his question, finished with the carrot. Only vegetable left was an onion.. he looked at it- ot sure what to do with it beyond the joke about cutting onions make you cry. The potatoes and carrot where easy enough to figure out.
He drys his hands off and pulls out his phone, youtubing "how to cut an onion." He watches it as Rick starts cooking the meat and talking to the cat.
MMmmm. The smell of the food cooking is making him even hungrier and he drifts over twords the stove, half watching his phone and half watching the skillet as Rick cooks it.
Ok. He puts his phone away having the jist of it now and makes a cut in the onion, beginning to peel it, eyes instantly watering. Yup- onions really do make you cry he thinks, putting the onion skins as far away from him as possible as he begins to chop it up.
Ricks eyes flash in annoyance as the bottle hits the tub- He isn't mad at the kid per say, more this whole situation. "Why.. why the fuck are we still doing this?" He asks picking it back up and moving to try to hand it to him again. "You know I don't want to hurt you- I'm not GOING to hurt you" He corrects. "So how about you just *urpp* drop the 'every th-thing I give you is fuckin' poison' act and actually trust me for once?
You-you know I get it. You - you may have had a fucked up life- I'm, I'm not tryin' to down play that at all. You've seriously been through some shit but right now you're- you're just makin' this harder on your self. "
He sits down on the toilet, hoping it's less threatening than standing beside him while he cowers in the tub. He's not trying to scare him, he's trying to be real with him, have a serious discussion he needs to be said
"I know you're scared but I need you to try, ok? 'Cause right now this should be time for you to recover- to relax. You've got a whole- whole house full of people tryin' to help you but you're not letting us. There's what? At least three beds in this -this damn house and you choose to sleep in the cold-ass hard-ass bath tub. That - that can't be comfortable.
He gestures to the floor in the general direction of the kitchen, the smell of food cooking. "You're clearly half starved but you're afraid to eat the stupid food. I don't - I don't know what that fucker did to your food before but what ever it is we aren't gonna do it. You are safe here kid. I KNOW you don't - dont believe me but I need you to try ok. Not for me - not for any one else in here but for you. Right now it's none of us ma-makin' you miserable. It's you"
He gets up heading to the door, unlocking it and cracking it open. "We're fine , he hit his head." He quickly answers, hoping thats enoughto get her to stop knocking on the door.
He moves back over to sit back on the toilet but doesn't close the door. He's not trying to keep Morty jailed in here and if Summer wants to walk in she can.
"Also" He continues. "Right on most of the sy-symptoms but the first one. Concussions only knock you out if they are really- really bad. You can feel- feel fine at first hours and not get symptoms till hours later which -which is why I want you to keep that serum on you."
He stays quiet after his rambling monologue, waiting in case the kid had any thing he wanted to say.
-Rick ignored Morty when he came over to curiously examine the meat getting fried, rolling a few pieces over with his wooden spoon. Dinner shouldn't take too long; beef stew was fairly easy to make. Perhaps another fifteen minutes or so, tops.-
-His free hand reached for his lab coat pocket- tugging his flask out and popping the top off so he could sip while cooking. He was half tempted to pour some over the pan for added flavour, but highly doubted anyone else besides JX or himself would enjoy the taste.-
-After a few moments he glances over to Morty- checking on what he's doing- and couldn't help a snort of amusement when seeing the boy cutting onions, eyes watering in the process. In fact he gave a small barking laugh, shaking his head and swinging it back around to the meat- popping the last chunk of raw meat into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully as he turned the stove's burner down to low.-
-Summer stepped back when JX cracked open the door to give a brief explanation, and then left it open slightly. She decided to head back downstairs; assuming the two were having a discussion- hopefully it was one that ended well. At least they were both okay.-
-Morty D-528 went visibly still through JX's whole rant; shaking subsiding, even his twitches. He was perfectly silent, still- it was hard to even tell if he was breathing. The man was wrong; almost everything he said was wrong.
He didn't know why the boy couldn't take anything from him. Why he was nearly anorexic. Why he was... But then again, he hadn't told anyone, has he? No- the past four days he's barely said a word about himself, and it was fighting tooth n nail to get information out of him.-
-Morty glowered; hands curling into fists by his side, and he gritted his teeth, all while glaring at the Rick. His complete confusion had morphed into anger at the situation. Because it was bullshit. What JX was saying was bullshit. He doesn't know him. He doesn't know shit about Morty. What he's been through. What has happen. Why he's... Who his original Rick even... No, none of it. At all.
It was almost tempting to say the man was making an ass of himself, but the teen knew better than to basically verbally ask for a blacken eye.-
"I do-don't... I-I'm j-just a pr-prisoner h-here... N-N-othing m-more. Y-You do-don't know w-What.. W-What w-w-would never st-stop... Ho-How am I-I supposed t-to NOT be mi-miserable h-h-here? How a-am I-I supposed t-t-to trust an-anyone? Ho-How a-am I su-supposed to f-f-fucking..."
-He gritted his teeth again, desperately trying to hold back the tears stinging in the corner of his eyes. He inhaled sharply, raising an arm to wipe his face roughly before continuing, "Wh-Why... Why t-the f-f-fuck does i-it matter? Why do-does it m-matter if I'm mi-miserable? If I-I sleep o-on... J-Just... Stop. S-Stop lying."-
-He bit his lip harshly, trying to keep back tears- he didn't want to cry again- for the third time that day. But like most Mortys, he couldn't hold back his emotions, and tears trickled down his jutted cheeks. All of this wasn't fair... How did he get in this position again? How- Why was this happening again? Had he angered a God? Doomed for a miserable life? He didn’t know.-
"Ev-Everything y-you say i-is ba-backwards... Ev-Everything i-is confusing... You're pi-pissed off b-b-but... No sm-smacking... N-Not st-stabbing me, n-not even p-p-pinning me do-down a-a-and..."
-Morty throw his hands over his face and inhaled sharply, the noise hitting his ears wrong. He was trying anything he could work up mentally to stop those fucking tears- but let out a grunt in frustration after a pathetic sob escaped his lips.
Smacking himself on the head once to vent his exasperation towards himself and the whole uncomfortable situation. Why was he even talking? Why wasn't he just staying quiet and nodding to everything the man said? Why did his words even bother him so much?-
-Morty took a few steps back until his tender back bumped into the bathroom wall- instantly sliding down until he was sitting on the tiles. Dragging his knees up and thumping his forehead against them- all while his hands curled into his spiked hair. He wasn't use to elucidating such topics, or being this honest with a Rick.-
-And he immediately regretted every word he uttered- knowing all too well JX would tell him to get over it. To shut up, and move on. 'boo hoo, get the fuck over it you dramatic piece of shit', yep. Those words would be snarked to him any second now.-
Morty looks over at Rick, wondering what's suddenly so funny but he doesn't ask, finishing the onion and leaving it on the counter , washing his hands and going back to watching his Rick cooking.
Hee didn't think he'd seen the old man cook before, although in all fairness on his world he'd never seen Summer cook either.
He decides to bring the vegetables over, including the carrot tops. Guess he should have looked that up on his phone too.
He sets them one by one next to his adoptive Rick, figuring the elderly gentleman would grab them when he needed them.
He looks up as Summer comes back in the room. "Is everything o-ok up there?" He asks her. There hadn't been any more screaming or loud noises so that had to be good, right?
Rick watched him go still as he talked, a deer in the headlights. He was scaring him, he knew he was but he needed you get this it. They both did, they needed to talk, needed to work this out because it wasn't going to go away our get better if they just ignored it.
And Rick wasn't good at this part. He had no idea what to do and talking and discussing feelings where not something he had any experience at. He knew it was needed though. He recognised it's necessity which is why he's still here, sitting on the toilet trying to talk to the kid instead of just leaving the room once he knew he was ok.
Rick hadn't planned on this at all. He didn't even stick around to parent his own daughter, much less his grandkids. But he was all the boy had right now, he had no idea if his Beth was even going to accept the kid. This is one of the reasons he hadn't wanted her to know he was a replacement in the first place.
He one it couldn't be easy for Morty to stay and talk instead of running out the for as soon as it was opened but he was glad when he did.
He let's him finish talking before beginning to bell, extending the same curtisy he gave him.
"You're not my fuckin' prisoner, I brought you here- I got you to be my new grandson not my slave. I know it seems like that 'cause 'cause well, yea, I've been working pretty hard to keep you here but that's only because you keep tryin' to ruin off.
Once- once I know you're gonna keep your ass put and not go sprinting through the woods and chased by the fuckin' cat or- hell , who knows what else is out there? I sure don't. But once I know I can trust you we won't have to did none of this.
You really think I'm gonna- gonna follow you to school or on your little dates or what-what ever? Cause I'm not. " he resists the urge to wipe at the tears rolling down the kids face, not wanting to scare him and make him jump back again. Instead he reaches out, taking one of his hands and squeezing it.
"And it.. it does matter kid if your miserable- it matters to the whole fuckin house of us. You had a really bad Rick, ok ,but we're we're all not like that. Look at K-213 down there. He-he dosn't even know you but he let you into here to try to give me a hand with you- to help you out because he dosnt want to see you miserable.
And Summer..she's still a kid too, only a few years older than than you and she's still trying her best to help everyone in the whole house."
He feels his heart stings tugging as the kid sinks to the ground, sliding off the toilet to instead sit across from him on the floor.
"It's..it's not backwards to me." He starts softly. "I-I don't know- maybe that's how it went where you were from but on my Earth- in deminsion JX-234 - we don't do that shit. We don't stab any one as punishment, certainty not our family. That's not normal. And- And I won't say we never hit, when Beth was a kid I remember her getting spankings for serous stuff. Like like when she tried to burn down one of the neighbors houses or something but it isn't..isn't a normal every day thing. It's not something you have to be afraid of from me ok?" He reaches over' squeezing his foot since it's closer than his hand.
Summer strolled back into the kitchen, nodding to her little brothers question, “Yeah, they’re okay. JX said he just hit his head, but everything is okay. I think he’s trying to talk to him.” After answering she scoffed at her own Rick, peering over his shoulder to examine the frying meat.-
“There’s only half of what I chopped in there! Ugh, did you eat the rest?”
-She accused, narrowing her eyes while grabbing the wooden spoon out of her grandfathers grip. The man merely shrugged, taking a few steps backwards so she could take over.
“It’s my damn fridge and food. I’ll eat whatever- whenever I want,” he recoiled, finishing off his flask before pocketing it.-
“I swear to God grandpa, you’re going to get worms one of these days!”
-Summer snapped back harshly, flashing the man a glare- which he reciprocated. For a moment it looked like he was going to go after her, but moves to lean against the wall instead, growling lowly.-
“There’s no such thing as God, Summer. And if there is, it’s fucking me.”
-Summer huffed loudly to the mans snark, hastily quipping, “Yeah, well I might start going to church JUST to piss you off!” Rick let out a snarl that was much too dog like, but said nothing- deciding to end their bickering. Not like she’d actually go through with her threat. Stupid girl.-
-Morty D-528’s mind was wrapped, twisting this way and that from the Ricks words. It was if his whole world got flipped over; every assumption ruined, everything he thought he knew gone. He... wasn’t a prisoner? The man brought up school, going out? He... The very thought was ridiculous and although he knew better, the crying teen had to ask.-
“Y-You’re go-going... T-T-To... L-Let m-me ha-have a-a-a li-life?”
-He asked skeptically, exhaling quietly after, as if he was afraid to be caught breathing. No... He must of heard the man wrong. Maybe he was so fucked up his mind was causing him to make up delusions. But, this Rick was so different... maybe he had heard him correctly. Maybe...-
-The scrawny boy instinctively flinched when JX grabbed his foot, but forced himself not to drawl back. He lifts his head up to peek at the man, eyebrows creasing deeply. This whole thing was so foreign to him; this wasn’t what he was use to. He wasn’t use to people- let alone Ricks- not attacking him, actually taking time to chat. The man had gotten furious this morning, but at the lake they talked... Even huddled together...
Mortys eyes trailed down to the floor, blinking thoughtfully. This new world he had gotten forced into didn’t make a lick of sense, but it was slowly beginning to make a long lost emotion rise again. One the boy had forgotten so long ago, buried in his minds graveyard. Hope.-
“I-I don’t... I-I do-don’t k-know i-if w-what y-you’re saying i-is t-t-true... I don’t kn-know if I c-can trust y-you... I... I ju-just do-don’t.. K-Know...”
-He whispered honestly, voice quivering from his tears, sucking in a sharp breath as he wiped his eyes pointlessly. Not like it would stop the tears flowing. He was constantly terrified, in pain, mind fucked up. He didn’t know what reality was real- his old one or this new one. Were these all just pretty lies? Or was it truth?
He whimpered, pressing his palms against his eyes while he attempted to sooth his racing mind- which was giving him a headache. He didn’t know what to think.-
"That's good." The curly haired Morty says, glad it's ok between the two upstairs and they're talking. Maybe they'll have a nice dinner and everyone will be getting along. He moves to go get the table ready, all most as soon as the thought of a nice dinner crosses his mind it is pushed out of his head by the fact that Summer and Rick are yelling at each other again.
He hurries back in the kitchen seeing Rick looking like he was abbot to charge at Summer. Before Morty can even think what to do to deter it Rick backs off, going to lean against the wall, making some atheos comment about god, the girl retaliating by threatening to go to church.
"Su-summer." He interrupted, stepping innocent between them as if it was an accident. "I don't.. I don't know what to get out. Do- do we eat this in bowls or on plates?" It was a stupid question but it was all he could think of spur our the moment and he wanted to stop them from fighting.
Rick was obviously still mad from whatever happened on the walk and probably lack of food too, Morty was afraid she would push the old man too far with her arguing.
What would he do than? He couldn't fight him. Probably try to distract him with alcohol- that normally worked on his old grandpa.
"Of course you're gonna have a life. We- we would drive each other crazy if we where all we saw." Rick started this as if it's a fact.
"I-I'd planned on having you slip right into my old- old grand sons life but that ship's sailed already thanks to Su-Summer. " he lets out a sigh, still a little annoyed at that.
He chooses to elaborate. "She...yesterday when we brought you to my house she took it upon her self to tell Beth you were a fake. I...don't know how much else she said." He sighed. He probably should ask her at some point.
"But that- that's not important right now." He catches him self before he starts a whole new monologue about possible ways they could go about this new life.
"No mater what ; you're my new grand kid. And you're gonna have as normal a life I can give you." He leans closer to hear better, straining to listening as the crying boy whispers out his disbelief.
"It's ok." He reaches out, giving into his desire to hug the boy, keeping it lose incase he wanted to pull away. "It's ok if you don't believe y-yet." He assures him. "More-more scientific to co-collect your own data anyways." He says with a small smile.
"Just.. How about you give us all a shot before you decide we're no good. It's ok to be scared- you can tell me when you're scared and I'll try to help if -if I can but I don't want you hungry and ge-gettin hurt just cause you're scared, ok?"
-Summer's annoyance was paused when Morty interrupted, glancing to him. She blinked at his question a few times before fully registering it. "Uh, well it's stew. We're going to use bowls," She replied, giving him a funny look. Had he never eaten this kind of dish before?-
-She turned around to finish dinner; piling all the food items together into a pot and stirring them. She shifted out of the way so her little brother could fish out the bowls- taking the moment to give him a quick thanks for setting the table.-
-Rick rolled his eyes to Mortys fake innocent downplay. It's not like he'd actually hurt Summer... Unless he was really, really furious. But even then it'd just be a smack across the head. But his kids didn't need to know that; fear helped control rebellious teenagers after all.-
-The man moved to the table to thump into his seat roughly- taking a half-finished project from his coat pocket and began tinkering with it. The device was a small square, almost looking like a rubik's cube, only a bit larger and not that many colours. He took out a screw driver and idly started rewiring the circuits while he waited for dinner to be served.-
-Morty jolted, jerking his hands back to look up sharply as suddenly the man was hugging him- wrapping those strong, lanky arms around his shoulders. The boy instantly tensed, giving a loud inhale as he struggled desperately to not scream or struggle. Shoving a Rick away when they were this close never ended well; he knew from past experience.-
-But still, the hug was gentle, and JX's words sounded so genuine... In the moment it was very hard to imagine he was lying, or sugar-coating things. After a few seconds, the scrawny boy relaxed his shoulders, almost slumping against the man as his eyes closed half-way in thought. Were things really going to be okay? Could he trust this? The man was asking him to give it a chance... Would it really be okay to test these unknown waters?-
"O... O-Okay... I-I'll... I-I’ll gi-give i-it a-a... Sh-Sh-Shot..."
-Morty finally stammered out, voice barely louder than a whisper. Not like he needed to talk loud; the man was hugging him after all. This Rick sure seemed to enjoy physical contact- over the past few days the boy was hugged and grabbed more than he's been in months. And without the contacts being aggressive or malicious, he wasn't quite sure on how to behave. Or even the right reaction was. He didn't get people wanting to be near him, let alone give affection.-
-Regardless, Morty decided he would give this life a shot. He would try; it wouldn't be easy for him. All his instincts were screaming for him to run away, bolt out of the house and never look back. But he already tried that, and it didn't end well. Like it or not, he was forced to stay here.
But maybe that was a good thing... Maybe this would be a light in his dark, nightmarish life. He closed his eyes softly, unknowingly leaning against the Rick now while his mind wandered- debating if this was really the correct choice.-
"Oh. Ok." Morty said, moving to get the bowls. "Thanks!" He says as he goes to set them out on the table, going back and getting spoons than filling five cups up with water and putting them by the bowls.
It's probably too late for inviting the Beth over like they had talked about. Who knows how long the other two will be upstairs. Maybe they could do it tomorrow he thinks, not setting a place for her.
He's glad the tension seems to have went away , at least for now, Rick now sitting at the table calmly working on some thing he was making- Morty didn't even try to guess what it was or what it was for.
Once the table's set he sits down at it across from his Rick, pulling his phone out of his bag, checking to see if Jess- he sequels excitedly. Jessica accepted his friend request!
He smiles down at his phone. This was great! He begin scrolling through her stuff wondering if he should message her or if i'd be too much to send a friend request and a message in the same day.
Rick waits a few minutes after the kid answers him and sinks against him to slowly pull away. He thinks he handled that pretty damn good if he does say so him self. He feels like this is the best conversation they've had so far, he kept his temper, didn't yell and most of all he feels like this might of made a positive impression on his Morty.
He gets up to his feet with a soft grunt, reaching out his hand to help Morty up, if he takes it. "If you're up for it I can show you where the guest room if for the next time you wanna- wanna take a nap. Unless you just wanna stay here or go down stairs?" He leaves the option up to him.
The smell of dinner cooking in the distance had him changing his mind about portaling to his house, at least for now. It can wait until after dinner- what ever Summer is making down there smells delicious.
Still, putting off drying the bedding means they wont be dry by bed time which in turn means that they defiantly will be sleeping here tonight.
He still wan't sure how that would work .. if at all. Even with the best intention just Morty saying he was gonna try to be less scared didn't mean he was- fear wasn't something you could control.
And as much as he didn't want it to be so the kid was clearly more scared of Ricks than any thing else in the galaxy.
JX knew he still would hate truing to sleep in a small room with him and they weren't welcome on the couch any more. He sighed. He'd worry about that later. It wasn't bedtime yet.
-Once everything is set and done, Summer pours each of them a bowl of stew. She includes filling the bowls for the two empty seats; hoping the enticing smell of dinner would coax the other two boys downstairs. She takes a seat across from her brother, before starting to eat. Blowing on her spoonful before happily sipping on it.-
-Rick muttered a 'Thanks' when Summer gave him his share; putting his invention away before digging right in. The stew was pleasantly warm- chunks of meat juicy as he enjoyably bit into them, pointedly avoiding the carrots and potatoes.
He did pause momentarily when his Morty gave an excited squeal, quirking his brow at the young teen. Huh, must be whatever was on his phone that got him going. Alright.-
-JX moving was what made Morty realize he was leaning on him, and instantly jerked away, eyes flashing open. He refused to take the mans offered hand; scrambling to his feet himself. He said he'd try, but in baby steps. There was a million steps from start one to willingly touching a Rick. Not like he would even want to... He shuddered at the thought.-
-He pondered the mans question for a moment- he was tired. Just like every other damn day here, it had drained all his mental and physical energy. All he wanted was to curl up and sleep... But his stomach growled, insisting he paid attention to it when the flavourful scent of dinner drifted upstairs.-
-Morty stammered, nervously taking a few steps around JX, body visibly tensing- before quickly walking out of the room and down the stairs. He was half worried the man would grab him and drag him back up... He skittered into the kitchen, heart pounding slightly from the thought. Only to tense once again when seeing the other Rick- the larger of the two- at the dining table as well.-
"Hey, look who finally came to join us."
-Summer greeted, giving a warm smile from her seat. The scrawny boy nodded to her, already feeling self-conscious as he moved around the table to sit at the edge seat- the one beside the other Morty. He sat there last time Summer had made food, and frankly he just felt more supported being by the other version of himself. He was the only person here who he didn't fear.-
-Summer looked surprised when the other boy nodded to her; she swore that was the first somewhat reply she had gotten from him without needing to persuade it out. Huh, he wasn't shaking like a leaf anymore either... She smiled into another spoonful of food. Whatever JX had said to the boy clearly worked. He was already appearing more coherent.-
"Thanks Summer." Morty smiles as she dishes out the food. The ingredients didn't look like stew when they were apart but it defiantly looks like it now.
He puts his phone back in it's box and puts it before picking up the spoon, blowing on it before taking a bite. "Mmm this is so good." He says approvingly.
He smiles at the other Morty as he comes to sit beside him, giving a soft "Hey." of greeting. "Are.. are you ok? Summer said y-you hit your head." he asks quietly.
JX-324 watches his Morty leave the room , resisting the urge to smile with joy. The kid was actually going to go down and attempt to eat food un prompted- this was great.
He hangs behind for a minute , using the bathroom since he's in there and picking up all the bottles that got knocked over before washing his hands and going down to join every one else at the table.
"Smells good Summer, thanks." He says as he sits down, beginning to eat it eagerly. He glances up a bit at his Morty but makes a point not to spend too much time looking at him, not wanting to seem too pleased the boy is willingly going for food, afraid it'll just creep him out and make him think something is wrong with it.
JX finishes his stew with out any conversation, unless someone talks to him. He burps loudly as he finishes it, leaning back and rubbing his stomach contently. "That was good. Look , guy's I n-need to swing by my dimension for a few minutes , any one want to come?"
He's of course hoping his Morty will join them but leaves it open to every one so it's not an order. Plus, knowing the kid's not suicidal or gonna run away makes him feel a lot better about leaving him behind if necessary.
"Me- me and Summer will go!" The curly haired Morty said almost instantly, "We - we were talking about it earlier and.." He trailed off realizing he probably should ask his Rick before just running off to other dimensions.
"If- if were aloud to." He adds, looking over hopefully at the shorter haired Rick.
"I'm fine with it but it's up to K-213." JX looks over at the other man as well. They where gone all afternoon, he might want to spend time with his grand kids or some shit before they go to bed. Hell, he might even have a mission in mind he wanted to go on with his Morty.
JX knows he's been taking up a lot of the other family's time- has the other man even had time to go any where with his new kid yet?
Morty D-528 fiddles in his seat for a moment, still feeling self-conscious as he gets somewhat comfortable. He glances to the other version of himself, giving a nod for an answer. His head didn't really hurt anymore, but spine still stung. All well, it'd go away with time. He wasn't taking that damn medication JX gave him. No way in Hell.-
-The skinny teenager sniffed his food, almost like a curious dog- literally leaning forward to do so- expression anxious, but he soon faltered as hunger took over. Frankly, Mortys mind was just too mentally fried in the moment to worry of some poison, or bug in the food. Giving in, the boy picked up the spoon and carefully took a sip.-
-He attempted to seem passive, but it failed quickly- eyes glazing over in content as he ate politely but eagerly. The stew was delightful; warm, flavourful, comforting. Whenever this place turned out to be a new Hell or not, at least the food was amazing. It was the only silver lining through all of this- never has he enjoyed such scrumptious meals. Only really knowing the dull taste of mushed cans or animal kibble.-
-Summer finishes in silence, all the while having a slight smile on her face. The little skinny boy was eating, both Ricks seemed content, and her little brother was enjoying himself. It was a comfortable, gentle dinner. Perfect.-
-She looked over to her brother in surprise when he instantly volunteered them to go; he sure seemed longing. But just like Morty, she glanced to their grandpa for the final answer. He was the boss after all- his words, his say. Until she was eighteen and could fricking leave... But even then, she was fairly certain she'd stay. Family is family.-
-Rick K-213 was just licking the residual stew from his lips and using a napkin to get the rest when he noticed everyone staring. He quirked a brow, registering their question quickly; honestly he hadn't been paying much attention, too focused on his own thoughts and warm meal. But he waved a hand in dismissal, a small growl rising up in his throat.-
"Yeah, go ahead. I don't give a fuck. I'm heading out soon anyways. I'll be back around dawn."
-Rick growled his reply, finishing it with a slight yawn. Those deer JX and himself saw in the woods had been on his mind all afternoon; he'd go into his lake tonight. Do some hunting and other things. He also had a project he wanted to go check on... Hopefully it'd be done by now.-
-Summer couldn't suppress the fearful expression that flickered across her face, anxiety rising in her chest. Grandpa being out met the sounds would be louder tonight... Feeling goosebumps rise all over, she quickly began clearing the table, forcing a grin to her brother, "Okay, we can go. Just let me clean up first."-
-When he finished, Morty D-528 pushes his half-empty bowl to the side so he can lay crossed arms on the table. He rest his chin on them, shoving his face into the crook of an elbow and closes eyes softly. The teen was tired, very tired, and that warm meal just made that fact apparent. His mind was already fading out, not indicating the blurred voices around him. But they were room-leveled, with no shouting or annoyed tones. He supposed that was a good sign.-
Morty didn't know why Summer seemed surprised a that. They had said they wanted to invite the Beth to dinner and this way they can invite her to tomorrow's dinner with out having to bug either of the Ricks. And as nice as the other Rick seems he's still a stranger they met only a few days ago. Morty's nor going off with him by him self nor is he letting Summer go away with him.
JX watched the other Rick lick his lips, a now growing familiar feeling of attraction going through him at the sight. What he fuck was wrong with him? What kind of weird ass narcissist found another version of him self attractive?
Still, it's not like they were exact replicas of one another. K was built. He was taller and more muscular, almost an exact opposite of JX's more slight form. Sure he still had muscles but they were more in the lithe sense of the word- no where near as defined, no doubt on account in part by their different styles of operation. While this Rick clearly preferred to go out and handle things him self JX was more in the habit of sending a drone or a robot to do the job.
He is pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of chairs scraping as the other Morty gets up to go put his bowl in the sink. His mood instantly shifts as he realizes this means every one in the house will be heading out except for his Morty.
Worry instantly replaces every other emotion in his head as it settles in his stomach right next to the stew from a few minutes prior. He doesn't wan to leave the kid alone now- or ever. He looks at messy hair , unable to see his face. Was he going to sleep at the table? Or was he hiding reveling in the joy he'd be alone?
Still.. he'd asked he kid to trust him and he had made a good attempt on that.. JX would just have to extend him the same courtesy and try to trust him as they were gone.
"Alright." JX said, getting to his feet, taking his own bowl over. "I'm ready when you are.You-you know we aren't grabbing snacks this time, I'm just swinging by my house quick as possible"
He again eyed his Morty with his head down, should he try to show him where the bed was or leave him where he is. He decides to leave him for now, at least if he's asleep he can't get into any trouble.
"Morty- were going out." He says, keeping his voice down in case the kid is asleep, still, just in case he isn't. He doesn't wanna walk off with out saying something. "I'll only be gone a few minutes. I'm trusting you to keep an eye on every thing." He said, swallowing hard.
He was betting on a lot here, putting his complete faith in the fact his Morty wasn't lying-wasn't suicidal. Hopefully he wasn't putting all his chips on the wrong hand he thinks as he looks around to see what the others are doing.
-Rick-213 wasted no time leaving the table and heading to his garage, not noticing the other man staring due to being lost in thought. He was practically giddy at finally being able to test his latest experiment and head to his lake. The last time he was in it was only a few days ago, but it was far too long for the man. The lake was intoxicating to him in all the right ways, and he needed another fix.-
-Summer quickly cleared the table, setting the dirty bowls into a neat pile in the sink. She’d do them later- heading back around to Morty and JX, glancing down at the other small boy.-
“Oh, um, I think he passed out on us.”
-She commented, gently shaking the boys shoulder to test her theory. The skinny boy gave a little noise in response, shifting his head slightly to loll on the side- sleeping blissfully. The day had worn him out, and after the warm meal he was lulled to slumber.-
-Summer smiled at the cute sight, holding a finger up to say ‘wait a sec’ and left the room. She came back with a fuzzy blanket and wrapped it over the snoozing teens shoulders, who instantly snuggled into it. Huh, he was much easier and peaceful when sleeping. But that was the case with everyone.-
“Okay, lets go.”
-She whispered, keeping her voice down to not wake the kid. Belle leapt onto the table around the same time, taking place beside Morty and nuzzling him before curling up to join in on the sleep.-
Rick smiled as Summer wrapped the blanket around Morty, once again grateful for her being so helpful. He hadn't even thought of that.
He reaches out to pet the cat while he waits for everyone to assemble before shooting a portal at the wall, walking through.
For the second time today he finds him self walking through his portal into a dark room although this time at least it's lit by the street lights coming through the windows. He heads for the nearest light switch , frowning. Guess his daughter hasn't been home.
"I don't know what you wanna wanna do but you two can do what ever. There's um.. there's a Switch plugged into the tv." He wasn't sure why they had wanted to come but really didn't care what they did while they were here.
Rick's frown deepens, going out into the garage, turning lights on as he goes to go throw the shit in the dryer. Where was Beth? Probably just avoiding the house- if he'd taught her any thing it was defiantly how to run away from and avoid her problems.
He had been hoping to avoid talking about anything but he didn't like the thought of him being chasing her out of her own house. Hopefully she just needed a few days to think things over and she'd be back.
Once the dryer is going he grabs clean clothes out of his room. He briefly debates with him self on wither he should just grab what he needs and hurry back home- there's no point to stay here for any length of time if his daughter isn't here and his Morty is back at the other house by him self.. but he decides, no. He'll head upstairs to take a quick shower in the comfort of his own house.
(Part missing)
"Yea, sure." Morty smiles, settling next to her, taking the other half of the controller into his hand and settling down into the couch to scroll through and select his charterer, settling on the blue haired squid boy.
Breakfast at Lumieres - Alexander and Lumiere by Siphiri, literature
Breakfast at Lumieres - Alexander and Lumiere
Featuring Lumiere (@doktorrsketchy) & Alexander (@siphiri)4,767 words Lumiere The night before was interesting to Lumiere. Alexander Commodus, a hunter from Lumiere's past, came back into her life. He had threaten her, grabbed her by her neck, as well as steal her rum to drink. Lumiere hadn't felt that thrilled or alive in years since she arrived back in America. With Alexander back in her life, Lumiere knew she was in for a ride. He always seemed to have some sort of issue with her that would lead to her teasing him, followed by screaming and finally, them being friends. Unhealthy yes, but neither of them were ever harmed during this pr...
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