Commission: Trading sweat for a bountiful harvest by undertaker33, literature
Commission: Trading sweat for a bountiful harvest
Ichtaca slowly climbed the first of the steep steps of the temple. In the dark light of the moon, the freshly carved rock glimmered and cast off the light of the stars. The man gulped, and felt his hand go worryingly to the maquahuitl he carried strapped to his waist. His traced his fingers over obsidian teeth and oiled wood, though he was watchful of his fingers lest his gentle stroke of the razor-sharp blade cause him to lose one. As he ascended, he looked back upon the jungle. He was further than he had expected and could not place where his village might lay even in the bright light of the moon. He tried to make out any signs o...
I am the mighty Bass, feared by humans and robots alike. I am the right hand of Dr. Wily, the worlds most insane, yet technologically gifted mind in the world. Okay, Lights just as famous, but hes not insane. I have at my disposal, the mighty Bass Buster, a plasma weapon of unimaginable destructive potential and I have Treble, my mighty war hound! We combine into the unstoppable Gospel!You might ask yourself where someone of such unimaginable power would choose to lay his head at night and if you said the floor youd ugh youd be right.This is insulting. Me, Bass, listed in the top ten deadliest people alive and even considered last yea...
The Fetish Factory (Blueberry pie) Pt4 by blueberrygum2014, literature
The Fetish Factory (Blueberry pie) Pt4
“I can’t believe two girls have ended up becoming candy.” Said Clare to her sister.“I know. And being made out of chocolate forever. That is going to be hard. What if it’s a hot do?” Replied Clare’s sister.The group walked up to a small door. The sign said Juice room. The group all gathered around Mrs. Wonka as she wanted to talk to the group.“Okay. You have seen what happened to those last bad little girls. This time I want everyone to stay in the group and not touch anything. And do not touch anything in this room. A lot of the candy in here is dangerous.” Said Mrs. Wonka with a serious face. The doors opened and they all walked in. Pipe...
Candy and her friends in Balloon Land by svenmad2164, literature
Candy and her friends in Balloon Land
                               Candy and Her Friends in Balloon Land 2022 Version
                                                         Happy Guy Prime
                                         Part one of Candy and her friends. 
                                                     Dr. Helen Morris series.
The following event. Takes 10 years before Dr Helen Morris's event. At New Albany University. And this event takes place.At the fraternity house. Of alpha beta kappa. The current home to four female co-eds. Who will go on an adventure. That will last a lifetime. Even if it was just for a few hours. At a place that's beyond our world in another dimension. But it's not beyond our imagination. The event during the midterms of the junior year. Of college and two weeks just before spring break. On a lazy Friday afternoon. Where four coeds are bored out of their minds. And they are looking for something to do for the weekend. And one of the friends comes up with a bright idea. Of a game that she used to play when she was a child. But this time the game became a real trip. To a real place. And it would change the women. That will go there forever. Along with another friend. That will travel there 5 years later. And the same person who comes up with the idea of traveling to this place. After she tells them the story. And at first. After telling the story. That she was being silky and childish. And then one of the friends. Asks what the place was like. Just out of pure curiosity. And the friend said. That she would get the products that they would need. For the possible Journey to the place they were going to. Even it was using their Pure Imagination. But one of the friends says that she is out of her mind and being silly and childish. And the place that she made up as a child. Was not real. But when the friends play the game anyways. And one of the friends thinks that the place is not real. And it's just a silly idea from a little girl. But when the friends arrived there. All four women will find out. That the place that can be made up. by the friend. When she was a child. But the 4 women do travel to the place. And they do find out that the place that the friend made up. When she was a child is a real place.  And all four women find out. That body inflation is the real deal. And not just a fantasy for men. Wishing that women would turn into balloons. Or watch them turn into balloons. And all four friends. Will find out. That becoming balloon women. Is real and body inflation is the real deal. Thanks to two new friends if they meet. In on journey.Location New Albany University 50 Miles north of New York City. Place the fraternity House of Alpha Beta Kappa. Date 3 weeks before the spring break. During the midterm tests. For all classes and all grades. And. the 4 Coeds in their  last quarter of their junior year.Candy Hilliard a curvy Japanese American Woman. From Naperville Illinois. With long jet black hair just below the collarbone. Wearing a white men's oversized dress shirt. Untucked over her black leggings. And she has her legs sticking over the black end of a black couch. And she's watching a 65 inch flat screen TV. That is sitting in the middle of the living room at the Alpha Beta Kappa house. And she's bored out of her mind. And she's trying to think of something to do. Besides study or do laundry. To Candy's right hand side. Sitting in a black easy chair. Is her friend Heather Adams from Sydney Australia. Heather has show the link black hair with big brown eyes. She's wearing a red sweater and black jeans. And she is watching the TV but staring into space. Heather could start in the Russ Meyer. Movie beneath the Valley of the ultra Vixens. Candy says out loud. Heather, I'm totally bored on this Friday afternoon. Does anybody have any ideas of what to do? Because I'm going out of my mind with boredom and I don't want to do laundry or do any studying. Candy and Heather's friend. Dee Ladd from Columbus Ohio a beautiful brunette. With Jade green eyes. Is coming out of the kitchen. With a large bowl of popcorn. She's wearing a red long sleeve blouse. And beige leggings. And her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. And she is wearing Judy from Revenge of the Nerds glasses. You said it well Candy. This weekend and the next couple. Are totally messed up because of the midterms. And because of the midterms. It's making everything dull and boring. Including this weekend. As the reaches out to tickle Candy's feet. And Candy kicks at her playfully then rolls on the floor giggling and laughing and saying stop it Dee. As Heather is just staring at the TV just disinterested in what Candy and Dee are doing. Then Heather says. Ladies where are all the parties tonight? Do you know if there's any parties going on tonight. Because if there's none tonight. It's going to be totally boring. And this weekend is going to suck without any parties going on tonight. Or this weekend. Ellie Lewis from Staten Island New York. It's in ladies it's midterms from her bedroom. Ellie is a red-headed gal. With dark brown eyes. Too many midterms. And everybody is studying hard to pass them. I haven't seen any notices in the quad or in the house for parties. So I'm guessing that there's no parties tonight. Or this weekend. Sorry Heather I guess there's going to be no parties tonight. Heather seems to be frustrated and grumpy. Oh I forgot about the midterms. And they count for 50% of our grades. Damn it so I'm guessing everybody. Studying hard to pass their classes and the midterm tests. Oh how I wish they were over with. So we can party. And this is a real bummer. No notice that there is a parties tonight. And this sucks big time. I was looking forward to partying tonight. Thanks Heather for reminding me. That I had just finished. Chemistry midterm paper. With Helen Morris. And it looks really really good. Thanks to her paid internship. At Axis chemicals I heard that she's getting a job after that. As a researcher. Which will lead to the Head chemistry researcher. That's what she told me. I think we're going to get a high grade for the chemical midterm papers. And then we are going to take on. Our midterm business papers on Monday morning. Hopefully, we can get good grades for them too. Because Morse and White are going to offer her a job. In their design Department and marketing department. And they use Axis chemicals. For their dyes for the clothing. That is very interesting it says Heather I never knew about that. That Helen that British bombshell. With the Jayne Mansfield hair and hips. And bottom. And her Dolly Parton breasts. And she drives the  guys crazy. With that figure of hers. And her British accent. And I thought I was driving the guys crazy with my figure and accent too. Yes, that is her says Candy. She's been a good friend to all of us since freshman year. During our sophomore year. She helped me with my midterm paper. For chemistry class. And I partnered with her this year. So I can understand the making of dyes. And hopefully Helen. Will make a non-allergic chemical combination. For the dyes. For people who have an allergic reaction to certain colors of dyes. She's got a really good job. Over at Axis chemicals. Oh yes says Ellie and I have to agree with you Candy. She's been a great friend since freshman year. Plus she's a brilliant scientist and chemist. And I hope she finds the solution for the allergies. In the dyes. Helen also helped me out. Because I was very confused about. The chemistry formula. We were supposed to be making last year in chemistry class. Doggone bloody midterms. They have canceled everybody's party tonight. And this weekend. Leaving nothing to do.Oh don't whine there Heather says Dee. I know you want to torture those young men. And motor boat and smother them till they pass out. With those giant Russ Meyer movie boobs. Oh yes, I do says, Heather. And I love it too. I'd love to motorboat all of them. And smother them till they pass out too. Then Ellie walks into the room. She is wearing a White long sleeve spandex t-shirt. And blue spandex leggings. She has long red hair. With dark brown eyes. And she is from Silver Spring Maryland. Heather doing that thing. With her Russ Meyer movie-sized boobs. Give me a break. Then Ellie sighs. And lifts and peaks down her t-shirt. And looks at her flat chest. And then looks at the rest of thin. Almost gawky body. And says. True all true. Why do some girls get blessed with big breasts,hips, and butts. And I didn't. Then Dee says. Ladies what are we going to do? Since the midterms canceled all the parties. And everybody is studying or doing laundry. We need to find something to do. Or we're going to get bored to death. All 4 women. All fall quiet. Each of them drawing a blank. Not knowing what to do. Then Candy sits up on the couch. And then she says. Ladies, I know what we can do today. And, we don't need a car, a plane or a train. To get there. And it is a fun place to go to. I used to go there all the time when I was a kid. But I stopped playing the game when I was a teenager. But I started having dreams about the place. When I turned 17. And I've been having dreams every night about the place. Ever since I got here to college. And I met you guys. Now ladies, the place I'm talking about. That I used to go to when I was a kid. It is called Balloon Land. And it is a fun place to go to. Then Dee, Ellie, and Heather all look at Candy. Like she is talking and out of her head. And she's out of her mind. Candy, what the heck are you talking about? And I really hope you didn't lose your mind. By saying that out of the blue. Is there really such a place called Balloon Land? Now, this is for your information from me. Let's go to the internet and see if there is a real place. All the women go to Heather's laptop. Now Candy from our research. And you saw it yourself. There are several cartoon shorts from the 1930s and 40s. And then there's the movie from 1965. And from what Heather showed us. Just recently. Oh really said, Candy. Let me show you something. And Candy goes into her room. And gets a graphic novel. That Helen gave her to read just for fun. And it said, Adventures in Balloon Land. Were 4 women. Who were in college like them. And they traveled to a place in another dimension. Called balloon land. And when they get there. They meet two 10-foot balloon women. With only their hands heads and feet sticking out. And the four women getting inflated by the two balloon women. While in Balloon Land. I hope this answers your question. The two artists. And an artist named Cre Cheri who created the graphic novel. And the series. But I want to know more. Says Heather. So can you tell Dee Ellie and me. More about the woman, please. Candy is blushing fire engine red. Then she says. Well, ladies, it was a game that I created when I was a little girl. When I was bored. And playing with my friends. And by myself. How I created the game was. After first watching the first balloon land cartoons. From the 1930s and 40s. And the 1965 movie version of balloon land. The classic Looney Tunes cartoons. Of the roadrunner and Wile E coyote. In the classic short. The fastest with the mostest. Josie and the Pussycats. When Josie got inflated. By Sebastian the cat. Then a couple of years ago. Someone did a remake of the video. And when she got inflated. She became a sphere. And when I saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from 1971. I was intrigued by the part. When Violet turned into a blueberry. Then I saw the 2005 version. Which is very interesting. But doesn't have the Intrigue like the original. Even though the 2005 version is bigger. So after seeing these cartoons and movies. I created the game. Just for something to do. And I played the game with my friends. Or by myself. And we would pretend. Or I would pretend to go to balloon land. And have fun there. And I played the game till I was 17. Then I stopped playing the game because I was a teenage girl and I grew up too until I was a young lady. I was 16 when I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And I loved Violet's inflation. When she turned into a 10-ft round blueberry. At the same time. YouTube had just come out. Then I came here. And I began to have the dreams about Balloon Land twice a week. And this started just after. I met you guys. And Helen Morris too. Then Candy slumps down. Into the couch. And blushing even more. And hugging her arms. Around herself. Then she says. Never mind ladies. I was just being silly and childish. And not acting like a young adult. Sorry about me being this way. Dee Candy, you are a dear friend of mine. And I believe you. And the story that you just told me. And Ellie and Heather. And Balloon Land sounds like fun. To go to. But I have one question for you. What is Balloon Land?? And Is it like the cartoons and movies and the graphic novel? And can you show us? The graphic novel, please. Sure thing says, Candy. And Candy gets up from the couch. And goes into her room. And goes to the nightstand. And gets the graphic novel. And Candy returns to the living room. Where Dee, Ellie, and Heather are. And Candy returns with the graphic novel. And hands it to Dee. And Dee begins to read it. And was amazed by the story. And the drawings. And then about 30 minutes later. Dee hands the comic. To Ellie and then to Heather. Who reads the comic. And says it's just a story. And Heather hands the comic to Ellie. And Ellie says. Candy that was interesting reading. But it is almost the same story as you told us.
Yes, it is Said Candy. As Candy becomes excited again with enthusiasm. And then says. Well, Dee, It is just like the movies and cartoons and the graphic novel you just read. And it is a place where all. The people are balloons, the houses are balloons, and the animals are balloons. And in up in the sky there. Are no clouds, just big bunches. Of white balloons! Everything is inflated in Balloon Land! Then all the women giggle. Then Ellie says Hey Candy if were are really pretending to go to Balloon Land how are we. Going to get there? If we cannot drive or fly. Or take a train?
Candy says like this. Hold on and I will get what I have in my closet. Then Candy leaps up. From the couch. And walks over to her room. And goes into a closet. And gets a big cardboard box. Inside of the box. It is full of colored balloons. Candy carries the box from. Her bedroom and goes into the living room. Where Dee, Ellie, and Heather are. And opens the box. And dumps it out. Upside down. And An endless rain of colored balloons falls on the floor. And Heather laughs out loudly at first. Where did you get all these balloons Candy?
At the homecoming celebration! Someone bought too many, so I snatched all of them up. I guess I was remembering back to when. I was a little girl. And how much fun I used to have. Playing the game. And pretending to go to Balloon Land. And having fun there. And then watching the classic cartoons of Balloon Land. And the 1965 version of Balloon Land. And Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. And all the Looney Tunes Cartoons including Wile E Coyote. In the classic cartoon short. The Fastest with the Mostest. Where Wile E. Coyote tries to inflate a. Giant Weather Balloon. Where the balloon got to a certain size. And the Giant Weather Balloon. Blew back all the inflated air. Into Wile E Coyote. And inflated Wile E Coyote into a giant ball. Also the Josie and Pussycats. When Josie got blown up. But the original version of Josie's uniform only goes out like a round skirt. But some time later. Someone morphed the original cartoon and. She turned into a giant ball. And the drawing and the morph of the cartoon. And the remake of the cartoon. Did not have her pop. But she enjoyed the inflation. And becoming a balloon too. Also, my favorite part was Violet turning into a blueberry in both versions of the movie. And the remake of the classic cartoon. Of Balloon Land which was in comic book form. And it was so much different from the original cartoon. Ellie Candy, can I ask? How much different? From what you told us just now.
One day. I was having coffee at Helen's apartment. And she said I have something to show you. That I found online. And it sparked my interest. And Helen showed me this artist named CreCheri
And she made a comic book. Based on the movie and cartoon. And the scriptwriters made it different too. And the main target of inflation is women. The comic book was about. Four women who are the same age as us. And who is in college too. And a friend who tells them a story about traveling to balloon land and. And they meet two balloon women. And the two balloon women give them. Balloon food, wine, and fruit, and the women all inflate into 10-foot spheres. With only their hands, head, and feet. Sticking out of their round bodies. And all four women were very horny too. And they enjoyed being balloon women. And the balloon women from Balloon Land. Learn about our world. That some women want to be balloons. And some who don't. And then there was the sequel to the comic from the first one. Then about 10 years later. The 4 original women were deflated and returned to normal-sized women. But the balloon women that they meet. Come to our world. And the two balloon women come into our world. And inflate the 4 original women. But several other women. And then in part 3. A chemist makes a formula that made balloons. To come to life. And the balloons. That was treated with chemicals. And the balloons inflate the chemist and her assistant. And other women. To 25 feet round. And then in part 4. The 4 women. And the two friends from Balloon Land. Get super inflated by the giant living balloons. And it was a very big hit for the body inflation community. Dee says, This is very interesting. I never heard about the "Body Inflation Community". But I have seen the body inflation with. Wile E Coyote in the classic cartoon the Fastest With the Mostest. Where the weather balloon inflates Wile E Coyote. And Violet turning into a blueberry in Willy Wonka and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. But Candy what is the"Body Inflation Community?" Can you explain a little bit more please?
Dee from what I found out and what Helen told me. Body inflation is the practice of inflation or pretending to inflate. Certain parts of the body or the whole body. To certain sizes. The main viewership or people who like to see the person inflated is men. And the Target or people who are receiving or wanting to see the person inflated. To certain sizes or completely round. And it's for sexual fantasy. So I did some research on it. And the reason why it's such an attraction for men. A turn-on. To watch women inflate. Is when men are 13 14 and 15 years old. And being a human being and noticing girls growing into women. And when they watch Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. And they see Violet inflate. Or if they are in early adulthood. And they watch Taylor Made Clips. Where there is a lot of body inflation and blueberry videos. And gives them sexual arousal. But this is a sexual fantasy. But in reality. Women cannot turn into balloons. Though it's interesting if women. Did turn into balloons. Ellie says I have seen the Fastest with the Mostest. It is pretty funny. When Wile E Coyote becomes a giant ball. After the weather balloon does the blowback. Oh, Classic Cartoons They were and still are the best. But I never heard about the body inflation community or men liking women turning into balloons. Oh very interesting though.
Oh, yes classic cartoons they are priceless. And yes there are men. Who like women turning into balloons. But that is a fantasy. Women cannot turn into balloons in reality. . Ladies shall we blow up these balloons. So we really see if. We can travel to Balloon Land???
Then Dee picks up a balloon and starts blowing it up. To a good size then Dee then stops blowing up the balloon. Dee, This might be childish and silly. But your story Candy. Is very interesting that you told us. And your other story about Balloon Land might be real along with the game too. And I wonder if this game is really going to work. And we travel to the real balloon land. Then Dee resumes filling the balloon. That she started to inflate before. And Heather nods at her. And picks up from the floor. A bright red balloon. And begins to fill up the. Bright Red balloon that she picked up from the floor. Soon It's not long after that Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. Most of the balloons are inflated. From the box. And what was on the floor. The balloons that they have inflated to the maximum size of 12 inches. After a short while. The living room is. swimming with them. And the balloons are up to the high ankles of the women. And all of them are. Dizzy and out of breath, After 10 minutes of resting. The women fall into a balloon fight. And swatting the balloons around the room. They stand laughing in a blizzard of brightly colored rubber. Then Heather asks Hey Candy what is the next part. In this game of yours?
Well all of us. Should close our eyes. And say Balloon Land. I will go first. Balloon Land then Dee closes her eyes and says Balloon Land. Then Ellie closes her eyes. And says Balloon Land. And then Heather says Balloon Land ready or not for us ladies named. Candy, Dee, Ellie, and I are going to see if the place called Balloon Land is real or not. Then all of the women enter a dream-like state. While they had their eyes closed. A colorful light had entered their minds. And then about 10 minutes later. Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather all arrive in Balloon Land. In the daytime. And all four women open their eyes. And draw a collective gasp. As they looked around in wonder. They noticed that Balloon Land looks like Sonatus from the video game. Starlink the Battle for Atlas. And all four women stand on a broad, shiny green plain, With the shiny, puffy Balloon Hill is not that far away. The ground is round and springy. 
The horizon curves noticeably. A large brown strip. Is running across. The plain is not that very far. From where they are standing at. And Dee is murming. And then she says What the heck??? Candy this place is real. And I thought you were joking. And you made it up. When you were a little girl. But Candy this place is real. Balloon land is a real place!!!!! And not something that you made up. When you were a little girl. This place is outstanding. Candy did you bring your cellphone with you. I hope you did. Because mine was on my charger. When we left our frat house. I don't think we are dreaming at all. Because I just pinched myself. As Candy is bouncing up and down. Then she says. Balloon Land! And This is the first time I actually made it here. And I thought it was just a figment. Of my imagination after I had the dream. When I had it when I was a kid. And after stopping playing the game. And I started having the dreams. And after watching the things. That I told you back at the house. And reading the graphic novel. But now we are here. In Balloon Land. And I am here with you guys. Here in Balloon Land. And it is awesome. And I thought. I made the place up too. But it is a real place too after all. Yes, I did. I think I will take some selfies and group photos and videos of Balloon Land. And I think I will show them to Helen. In private so no one thinks that we are crazy. And lock us up in an unknown place. But I will take this chance. And take the pictures. Candy begins to take selfies with Dee, Ellie, and Heather. Then while Candy is taking videos of Balloon Land. Then Heather and Ellie look at each other and shrug. Then Ellie says. This is some kind of crazy dream. We are having now. And we can wake up now!!!! But it is real. This place is real. Then two cheerful voices come from nowhere. Hello there ladies. Hello there ladies
The women look around for the sources of the voices. And all of them finally look up into the sky. And see two women floating in the sky. And see Blimpy and Breezy for the first time. And Blimpy and Breezy drift gently downward toward them from the sky. Blimpy is wearing. A pink dress with large white polka-dots. And she has yellow hair.  Breezy is wearing. A purple-and-sky-blue striped dress. Her hair was a brilliant orange. Blimpy says Hello. Then Breezy says Hello
Who are you two ladies may I ask? said Candy
Blimpy I am Blimpy. And this is Breezy. And both of us are pleased to meet you. All of you ladies.
Blimpy and Breezy. My name is Candy. And I am pleased to meet you both. Blimpy, and Breezy my name is Dee and I am pleased to meet the both of you.  My name is Ellie. I am pleased to meet the both of you. Heather says I am pleased to meet you Blimpy and Breezy. 
Blimpy I am pleased to meet you all. Breezy I am pleased to meet you.
Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. All Stare at the huge 10-foot round. Balloon-Women. With only their hands, heads, and feet sticking out of their rounded bodies. And Candy is taking pictures of Blimpy and Breezy. And of Balloon Land. And Candy is thinking. Holy Smokes I am in Balloon Land. And this is like the graphic novel. That Helen showed me. And Helen needs to see this. And Candy began to take pictures. Then Breezy begins to speak.  Have you ladies been here long in Balloon Land? And Candy what is that in your right hand?
Candy is speaking.  No, We just got here. Breezy and Blimpy and this is called a cell phone. And it used to surf the world wide web. Take pictures. Send messages or post things. On social media. And make phone calls I figured. I had it on me. When we came here. To take pictures and videos of Balloon Land. And to show a friend of ours. That we traveled to balloon land. And have memories of the trip. Blimpy and Breezy do you mind? If I take your pictures. 
Breezy I don't mind that. My picture is taken. Please Candy take as many pictures as you like. Blimpy Well, then first take your pictures and videos, please. Then Candy takes over 400 pictures. And 10 videos. Of group photos with a selfie stick. And hands the cell phone to Blimpy and Breezy. And Blimpy and Breezy take selfies and pictures with Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. Blimpy Now that was fun. Now we'll have to give you. A tour of Balloon Land! Please Follow us!
Blimpy and Breezy first bounce into each other. Like they wanted to sandwich.  Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. Breezy says Blimpy I will never get tired of you doing that. And Blimpy says I agree with you Breezy. Then they bounce into the air. Then Candy says. Ahh, Blimpy, Breezy Dee, Ellie, Heather, and I cant not fly like you. And The two balloon women look surprised for a moment.
Then Blimpy says. But Of course! All of you ladies are looking rather flat. I apologize to all of you. -- I should have noticed in the first place. But this is no problem. Please look and watch closely, please. Then Blimpy throws an air berry. From her hand. And it lands on the ground. Almost immediately there is a hissing. And a bump starts to grow. And It pushes up and out, and starts to take shape. Pretty soon it turns out to be rather oversized. Northrop-Grumman Brothers Delivery Van. To accommodate Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. And both Blimpy and Breezy sizes and shapes. Breezy Ok everyone, please hop in. Then Heather says, Where did the van come from? It just blew up from nothing! It was amazing. As Blimpy bounces and hops into the back seat. Then 
Blimpy says Of course Heather! Everything inflates in Balloon Land! As Breezy hops in beside her. And then she says. Candy can You drive? I can't really reach the wheel. Because of my size and shape. Then Candy says No problem Breezy. And she says. I wish Helen was with us. She would love to be here. Then Breezy Candy who are you talking about?
Oh, a friend from England back home. She is a brilliant chemist. And she has a thing for wanting to be a balloon-woman. She would be at home here. Then Breezy says Why didn't your friend Helen come here?
Then Heather says. Helen is working at a local chemical factory. She got a paid internship. For 
Axis Chemicals. But Candy can tell you.
Helen is a fellow student at our college. And she is a brilliant chemist. And she has a thing for body inflation. And some women do have a thing for being a balloon-woman. This interesting women from were you are from. Want to be Balloon-Women asked Blimpy
Yes, Blimpy said Candy some women from where are from. Want to be balloon-women.
Very interesting says Breezy. I would like to see that happen. Then Candy manages to get the van started. It sounds really bad. Then Candy puts into first gear. The sound is like a Citroen 2CV. With a bad clutch. And transmission. And then they set off with a puttering sound. And Blimpy says Candy please stay on the road. We don't want any accidents as Candy turns onto the brown strip that ran across the plain. And starts following it. As They pass a balloon animal farm. Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Dee. Look and marvel at the collection of balloon animals there. A balloon milkmaid. Walks out with a bucket to milk the inflated cow there. But she gets nothing but air. Then a girl balloon fox peeks out. From behind the balloon barn. And she is eyeing the balloon chickens.
Panel 1 Then Ellie says. Uh-oh! A fox! Suddenly the balloon fox's eyes go wide and she blows up. Into a 4 foot round. Orange and white-striped ball. Breezy says Oh, the balloon imps. Probably got her. Then Blimpy says They're always causing trouble. But they get very jealous. When someone else. Causes trouble! As They drive into a SHOPPING MALL that is made entirely of balloons. Where the balloon people bounce merrily. Along with making their purchases. Blimpy and Breezy hop out of the van to buy. Some groceries so. They could make a nice dinner for their guests. Come with us ladies. Then all the women exit the van and. Wander around wide-eyed looking. At all the latest Balloon World Fashions. And Dee is Looking at a slinky red dress in the window. And the says. Hey, Blimpy How does that even fit them? And then Blimpy turns to Ellie and says to her. Balloon magic, of course! Everything inflates in Balloon Land. As they follow Blimpy and Breezy into a grocery store. And they begin gathering food. At the balloon women's instructions. Meanwhile In the balloon produce section. All of them. See a Japanese-looking balloon woman. The same size and shape. As Blimpy and Breezy. But she has very long jet black hair. Then she first looks around. First to right. And then to the left. Then turn to the right. Then lean to the right. To the best as she can. Then plucks a balloon grape. Then it bounces off the balloon grapes. And goes into the air. Then it bounces off the Japanese Woman's round chest. And then into the air again. And teardrops into her mouth. Then Ellie says Oh, I think she shouldn't have. Taken that grape. I think the balloon imps. Are going to get her!
Sure enough some tiny balloon women. About 2 feet high. Shaped like Blimpy, Breezy, and the Japanese Balloon-Woman. And they pop up from behind the produce. There is a tinkling sound as they giggle. Then they bounce on the balloon grapes. Into the Japanese-looking balloon woman who ate the grape. To where her stomach is. And they go as deep as they can. And the Japanese Balloon-Woman says Ohhhhhhhhhhh That feels so good. And it turns me on!!!! Then the Japanese Balloon Woman suddenly begins to swell. And she starts to become a bigger and bigger sphere of a woman than before. But she giggles and winks at Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather. And says I hope you ladies become as big as me!!!!
Heather. Yep, they got her! And yet she seems to enjoy the inflation and her new growing size too. 
Now the Japanese-looking balloon woman has inflated up into a 20-foot round sphere. As the balloon imps start laughing and dancing. All the produce. Starts ballooning up. And getting huge. And the balloon store manager. Comes bouncing out of the back. Swinging a broom at. The balloon imps. Who is the same size and shape as Blimpy and Breezy. And the balloon store manager. She says Out! Out! Beat it, you pests! When they had everything they need. And they all pile back into. The van. With the groceries stuffed in the back. And they drive on. Pretty soon, the big bright. Red balloon sun. Begins to drift to the west. Then Candy says. Gee, Blimpy, and Breezy it's getting kind of late. And I'm kind of hungry. And um...Where are we staying tonight? Breezy  Candy Stop the van, please. We're staying right here! Candy slows the van down. Then has it come to a stop. All of the women look baffled. And they all climb out of the car. And Candy says. Where? Here? Blimpy and Breezy It's just an empty lot. Then Blimpy says ladies, please watch closely. And Blimpy again tosses something onto the ground. As best as she can. Because of her size and shape. And suddenly. A huge bulge appears. And it starts to grow taller and taller. Pretty soon the women can see. That it is taking the form of a house. Soon it was fully inflated. A very comfortable-looking balloon bungalow. And it is the same size as their college frat house. Then Heather says Wow! You just blew it up like a balloon!!!! Breezy proudly says Everything inflates in Balloon Land. Ok ladies. Let's go inside. Then all of the women go inside. And the women find it quite roomy. The house is a balloon version of their own house. That they live in. Off the college campus. The walls are inflated, and they are about six inches thick. The doorway and windows hold their shape. As the women look out the windows. Then Blimpy and Breezy throw some more Air Berries on the ground. And soon the back of the bungalow. Has a very complete kitchen. And all the women all bring in the groceries. From the car. And Dee just glances at the groceries. As they pile them on the counter. And then she says. Blimpy and Breezy. Balloon Land chocolate, Balloon Land creme, Balloon Land Butter... Say, isn't this kind of fattening? I'm on a diet, Then Blimpy says. Don't worry! Dee. The food is all zero calories. Here in Balloon Land! It has to be. Or else we'd get all. Weighted down, then we couldn't fly! And Dee says You promise? And Breezy says  I Promise you, Dee All the women. Together they cook up an incredible feast. When the cooking
was done. Then Blimpy inflates a large dining room table and chairs. They all sit and dig in.
Ellie Says Chocolate. Dee says Pasteries! Heather says Sugar-coated Berries! And then Candy says
With creme sauce over all of it! And Blimpy says. Anything and everything! And Breezy joins in. And says. That we could think of ladies.Before too long, the table is bare. And is completely stripped of food. And the women rest. Back in their chairs. And Candy is patting her tummy. Candy Now, that is a feast like none. I ever had. With Non-stop helpings of rich foods and delicious drinks.Then Heather says. Skeptically Are you sure?
Panel 4 Blimpy is beaming. And says Zero Calories. 
Panel 5 Then Breezy says. Not a one!
Page 28
Panel 1. Dee is left holding an. Air Berry Danish. And that she is trying. To find room to finish it.
Panel 2  Ellie looks like she is trying to burp. But just smiles instead.
Panel 3 Candy says. Wow! That was wonderful!
Panel 4 Heather says. How about some tv??
Panel 5 Blimpy says sure. Then Blimpy throws an air berry on the ground. And magically a good-sized TV inflates from it. Both Dee and Heather. Are laughing at the same time. And they both say. Everything inflates in Balloon Land! On the screen three balloon women of the same size and shape. As Blimpy and Breezy started frolicking around. Then Breezy says. Oh, no! More re-runs of Charlie's Balloon Angels! All the women giggle. What's that you keep throwing to inflate things? Asks Ellie. Blimpy says. Air berries! Of course! Dee is laughing. And waving her air berry danish. And says Of course! Then An air berry danish. Falls off Dee's air berry danish. And lands on the ground. And A little bubble blows up. About 12 inches round. Where the berry had landed. 
And Ellie notices this, and a frown furrows her brow. Then Heather is groaning. And adjusting the waistline of her red jogging pants. And then she says. Boy, I feel full. And Candy is patting her tummy. And then she says. Me, too! I feel kind of gassy. And she tries to burp. But she can't.
Then Breezy says. I sure hope so. As Ellie is frowning. What do you mean??
Then Blimpy says. Well, I sure hope you feel gassy. After all the air berries. We all
ate! We have to get you women filled up! To the same size and shape as us. All of you. Are way too flat! Breezy smiles and nods happily. Oh yes, way too flat balloons. 
Then Dee says We ate air berries? And Breezy says. And float creme, and fill sauce. And we were drinking 100% helium juice. Have to keep ourselves nice and big. And inflated here in Balloon Land. Then Candy looks down. With her eyes wide as her waist. As her black leggings begin to fill out at her waist and hips. And she says Oh No!!!! As Heather is stretching her shoulders. And starts and rubbing her breasts. And says I don't want to be bigger. Then Ellie says Or inflated.
 Then Ellie stands up and stretches, and then peers down her white spandex shirt and blue legging. Dee moans loudly, and. Begins fumbling with the zipper. of her jeans. A loud hissing sound comes from her stomach. And she looks down at her red blouse and beige stretchy pants. And watches her belly begin to swell up. Dee Oh no! My belly totally swelled up! As Blimpy is clapping her hands against her round body. And says all of you are Inflating!!! Heather groans even more, and reaches into her black sweater. As she frantically fumbles with the clasp on her bra. Her breasts rapidly fill it. Then over-fills it. Finally the clasp bursts off. With the strain. And her breasts. Swell to fill the sweater and her Red Jogging Pants with giant curves. And she says My boobs! This is way too much! As her buns begin to puff out to match. Her swelling breasts. ohhhhhh. My boobs! This is never too much! I am beginning to look like a fat and curvy Jessica Rabbit!!!! And I love it too. I wish some guys were here. Their manhoods would stiff and showing too through their pants. As Ellie squeaks. She holds her two cantaloupe-sized breasts in her hands. Her hips are becoming round and full. She has an ideal hourglass figure. Then Ellie says her hands. What is happening to my body???? Blimpy is saying in a delighted voice. You got boobies. And Breezy says a figure!!! Then Ellie has more than an idea. Hourglass figure. Then a lot more too!!! And she says. Yeah, but this is too never much. As her hips flare out. And her breasts grow to the size of Bambi Blaze size. Her arms and legs start to catch up with the rest of her body now. Become huge sausages and soon cannot bend at the elbow. As they double then triple in size. Ellie takes a couple of steps. As Her giant thighs squeak. Where they rub together. As Ellie gets bigger and bigger. She says Way never too much! I can hardly walk! And I don't mind it either!!!! As Candy moans as her whole midsection. Thighs and arms double then triple in size. As her face becomes round and puffy. And she says. Oh yes!!!! Oh Yes. I'm inflating too! Ohhhhhhmmmmmmmm yes!!! Oh yes!!!!! I'm inflating even bigger!!!! I have not stopped inflating!!!!! I don't want it to stop!!!!!! As Candy waves her arms feebly in the air. As they first double then triple in size. As she fills up with gas. Then Candy gently, she beings to lift off. From the ground. And starts floating toward the ceiling. And Blimpy is Squealing with delight. As she watches Candy float up. And becoming rounder and rounder. And says Floating and becoming a balloon-woman. Dee's belly is huge. in front of her. She clings to it with puffed-up arms. As best as she can. As they continue to swell. And they squeak as her belly inflates even more. Her breasts are the same size as Bambi Blaze Now. And they have pushed up her chest. Almost obscuring her puffy cheeks. Then Dee says. My breasts, my belly, arms, and legs. I feel so weird and horny too. As her arms rise up to shoulder level. As her legs are spread apart. As her legs begin to starfish. And she says. My breasts, my belly, arms, and legs. They are huge and I feel so weird. But it's making me so hot!!! Then Heather says I can't believe this! My boobs are as round. And shiny as two gigantic balloons! And the rest of my body is getting huge!!!! And I am getting so hot. Now Heather is the same size as Bambi Blaze in one of her Breast Expansion movies. And now they rest on her giant belly. Her breasts nearly reach out to nearly 6 feet. In front of her. As her sweater is just barely covering her breasts.
And like Candy before. Heather's arms have straightened and risen to shoulder level. As her legs have starfished. And Breezy is frowning. And then she says. 
Breezy Oh, dear. We should have got all of them. Balloon Clothes Blimpy. And Blimpy is nodding. And then she says. I completely forgot! My apologies, my dears. Now Ellie is. Squeezing her eyes shut. On her swollen face. As she is now has become a sphere. With only her hands, head, and feet sticking out.  And she says. Ellie, So big!!!! I am becoming a balloon woman. So big!!!! Now 
Candy is floating. And her round face is strained. As she becomes more and more spherical. And then she says. Candy How... big... will we... get? Ohhhhh I am so hot!!!!!! As Candy's clothes stretches as big as her body is getting. And they are becoming tight and smooth. Meanwhile Heather is straining too. As her arms and legs are stiff and straight. And tripled in size now. And she cannot move them at all. Her gargantuan breasts have stopped growing. As she feels the rest of her body growing bigger and bigger. And rounder and rounder. As she says My breasts are too big. And the rest of my body is becoming too big and rounder too. I am so hot. Then Heather's breasts, arms, and legs. Have started to be engulfed by the growing sides of Heather's body. As she becomes more and more round. As Dee rubs the sides of her enormous belly. As best as she can. As the rest of her body is catching up with her. And her arms have straightened and risen to shoulder level. And her legs have starfished. Then 30 seconds later. Her arms and legs are being engulfed by the growing ball of her body Then Dee says My belly is the size of a 1970 Volkswagen Beetle. And I feel that I am going to pop. I hope not!!!! Because I want to be a balloon woman.
Breezy is looking concerned. And says. Well, now, just use your balloon magic when. You think you're big enough!  Now Candy is gritting her teeth. As she becomes spherical. As her shirt and pants finally stiffened and straighten. And her flesh is starting to come out between the buttons of her blouse. and she says. But... we don't have.... balloon magic Breezy!!!!!! But we could use it now. As Blimpy looks startled and says. Blimpy You don't have balloon magic? But...I thought you were like one of us. A Balloon-Woman. Now Candy is now a sphere. And she says. We're not balloons! Nor we are Balloon-Women. We are real women. But I thought it was only a fantasy in our world. I never knew that. I could be inflated!!! And become a balloon-woman here!!!!!!.
Oh, dear! But they are getting nice and round too!!! Blimpy They're real women!!! But they make wonderful balloons!!!! What do you think Breezy? Breezy says Oh yes!!! But Oh My Goodness they don't have any balloon magic. I wish they did have it. Blimpy Oh yes!!! I have to agree with you Breezy. Now Ellie's once slender body is. Now completely spherical. And then she says. Do something please Blimpy and Breezy. Give us the balloon magic. Now that I am a blimp. And I love it too. I don't want to go back to my thin self. Ellie Ohhhhhh.MMMMMMMM
Candy Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So big, bouncy, and round... My hormones are out of control. I need a man. To make love to me right now!!!!!! As a balloon-woman!!!! As Heather groans loudly and rolls up. Onto her huge round body. Her arms and legs have been sucked into the growing ball of her body. And she says. I can't even reach the ground! I am becoming a balloon woman too. I need a man too. To make love to me right now!!!!! As a balloon-woman!!!!!!! Then Blimpy says Oh, I am so sorry! But when we saw. You having so much fun with those balloons... And we didn't know that you were real women!!!!! We just sort of assumed... That you were balloon-women like us. And that you were only a bit deflated. Oh, my!!!! A completely spherical of 10 feet round. Candy with only her hands, head, and feet sticking out. On the ceiling, wiggling hands and feet helplessly. With her shirt just barely holding on. With big gaps between the buttons. And large bulges of Candy's flesh coming out. And she says. Candy I'm enormous! And I love it too. And I am so horny. I need a man. To make love to me until I am on fire!!!! A completely spherical of 10 feet round Dee. And she says. Help! I need a man too. I need to jump his bones right now. Ellie is now a 10-foot sphere with only her hands, head, and feet sticking out just like Blimpy, Breezy, Candy, and Dee. And she says  I don't mind being this big. But I think I'm going to ... Going to. Now a completely spherical of 10 feet round Heather with only her hands, head, and feet sticking out just like Blimpy, Breezy, Candy, Dee, and Ellie. And she says finishes her sentence. And says 
Pop??? or Jump man's bones right now. If we had men traveled with us. It would be outstanding. Because I could be making love as a balloon woman right now to him. Breezy says Well if you're not balloon-women. You can't be in Balloon Land! Blimpy says Everything inflates in Balloon Land!
Breezy So back you go! It was a pleasure. In meeting you! We hope that you will come back and see us. And tell your friend too, please. And show her the pictures too. As Blimpy and Breezy wave their hands. And the women suddenly find themselves back in their living room. Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather are still completely spherical. And space is very tight too. And they are surrounded by balloons. That they inflated before. They had traveled to Balloon Land. Candy says Wait! You forgot. Then the air that inflated Candy. That made her into a sphere. Suddenly the air. Rushes from inside her. Rushes out of her mouth. Candy burst of air pushes Candy around the room. Ellie, Heather, and Dee also began deflating. The air is rushing out their mouths. At a furious rate. As Candy deflates enough that she lands with a thud behind the couch. And she says. Watch out! Oh no! Ow. As Dee rubs her tummy. As it shrinks back to the nice flatness. That was been before. bust she is sad And says Oof! Bummer My tummy and body are back to normal! Yuck, I gonna being miss being a balloon woman. Heather is. Delighted at first and is holding her normally large breasts. But she becomes sad too And says. My boobies! But like you Dee. I am missing my big round sensual body. Ellie is dismayed as her body and breasts flatten. And she deflates. My boobies!!!! My big round balloon body. I want to be a balloon woman again. Right now. And I hope you guys do too. Then Candy clears her throat, and all the women turn to look. And Candy says. Don't worry, Ellie. We all do want to be balloon women again. And we can become balloon women again. But we got to keep it. In private. Otherwise, they are going to lock all of us away. In an undisclosed location forever. But look what I. Snagged on our way out. We can return to our spherical selves in private. Or with a man. Agreed? And then Candy begins to think
 I know that Helen Morris would like to take a look. At these air berries. And maybe travel to Balloon-Land herself too. Now that my friends and I found out it is a real place. And my friends and I. And maybe Helen Morris would want to turn into a balloon-woman. And real women can turn into balloons. And become big and bouncy too. And maybe my friends and I will turn into balloons again one day. And maybe someday. Other women will become balloon-women. Nice and big and round. And I hope to see Blimpy and Breezy and Balloon Land again. Two weeks after traveling to Balloon Land. During a break from the mid-terms. Candy comes up to Helen. And says Helen can I talk to you. About a place, I went to. That I, Dee, Ellie, and Heather went to over two weekends before. But I did not feel it was safe to talk about it. Till now. And Helen said sure. And did you finish?  Your notes on your part of our term paper?
Yes, I did. Then Helen looks at her schedule. And says meet me in lab number 3 on Friday. It will be not in use. And I have the day off from work. Later that Friday in New Albany. In research laboratory number three. Helen Morris and Candy meet all alone. In the laboratory. Ok Candy what do have to show and tell me. That we have to meet here alone? So no one will know about what happened to you. About three weeks ago? And what do you have to show me?
Helen do promise not to laugh at me? Candy we have been friends since Freshman year. So why would I laugh? Ok, you know that comic book you showed me about 4 women going to a place called Balloon Land right? That is correct. But it was only for fun though why?
Well, Dee, Ellie, Heather, and I were bored. On a weekend 3 weekends ago. So I mentioned a game that I played. Called Balloon Land. That I made it up as a kid. 
So what are you telling me?
And we went to the Real Balloon Land.
Candy are you pulling my leg? Or playing mind games? Because if you are I shall be very cross with you.
No, I am not, and here is the proof. But you cannot tell or show anyone and you have to promise me. But let me finish the story first. 
Ok please continue. Then Candy takes out her Cell Phone and shows Helen the videos and photos of Balloon Land and Blimpy and Breezy and of Candy, Dee, Ellie, and Heather being Balloon Women. Because Blimpy took their pictures of them becoming balloon-women. And after becoming 10-foot round spheres with only their hands, head, and feet sticking out.
Now, do you believe me that I went to Balloon Land and I got inflated?
So it is a real place. And you got inflated there too. May I ask? How did it feel
Yes, we did. And we wish you were there too. And getting inflated was outstanding. I like the feeling of being so full and being turned on there so much. That I wanted a man to make love to me so badly. As a balloon woman. Do you wish to travel to Balloon Land? And get inflated there?
Oh yes, I do. Want to travel to Balloon Land. And I will make my plans to go there too. Please tell me how. And I hope to get inflated like you. That I want a man to make love to me as a balloon-woman. Then Helen says. I will make a deal with you Candy. If you get that dream job at Morse and White. And that dream luxury loft. In the Upper West Side. And I will come down every two weeks. And Within 5 years. I will meet you at your luxury loft. And we will talk about it. My trip to Balloon Land says, Helen. 
Deal says Candy and they shake hands. End of Book One. The Story continues with Blimpy and Breezy in Candy Land.
[Blueberry Inflation]
[Slow boil] Kaede had just found a strange purse of 'Monocoins' after shoving all the desks around a classroom, in vain hopes of finding a way out of this academy-turned-prison. The Monocubs had told her about a school store where she could use them, and with nothing else useful to do at the moment, she used them all at the gachapon-esque machine. She received... A strange assortment of items, including a rose leather whip, what was called "the comfiest chair in the world", and some blueberry perfume. That these items fit at all in the tiny capsules dispensed by the machine was a serious mystery to her, but...
Equestria Girls Remake chapter 7 part 1 by JusSonic, literature
Equestria Girls Remake chapter 7 part 1
Author's note
Okay, from the looks of things, I say I got two more chapters left and this story will soon be done. It has been a long time but I betcha it will be a good one. Here we go!Chapter 7: Twilight, Main Five & Ben Mare VS. The SuperiorLast time, Twilight Sparkle & the Main Five, finally stopped Sunset Shimmer from leading an army to conquer Equestria with their power of Friendship. Ben even helped by reawakening his own power with the Master Sword and together, knocked Boris's group out while Twilight's gang return everything to normal. Course, now that Sunset was defeated, Twilight offered the girl a choice to learn about friends...
WARNING: Contains male blueberry inflation and slight homoerotic themes. Don't like, don't read! ;)
An uninspired clock fixed on a wall of chipping paint ticked monotonously as Philip Emerson aggressively wiped his brow. With his pen tapping in rhythm and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose Philip shuffled through his paperwork. Despite the annoying process of filling out information Philip couldn’t help but feel a smirk spread across his face. Ten shutdowns, he thought. A new record.
Although he...
A Foxy Meeting (Tamamo No Mae TG) by Warden101, literature
A Foxy Meeting (Tamamo No Mae TG)
Naruto’s leg bounced as he pulled on the collar of his jacket, wondering if this mission was real. The young man was inIt was a weird one in his opinion, mainly since it was different from what he used to, especially after everything he had been through. It was strange that someone wanted to meet him specifically. Sure his popularity had grown, especially after what happened with Pein but this felt like it was something else entirely. The mission was that the lord of the castle wanted to meet him since he had heard about his accomplishments during the 4th great Shinobi World War. He would be spending the day with him, making him happy and ...
Money comes from nothing(Fuck Money) P.4 by KarmeticPeace, literature
Money comes from nothing(Fuck Money) P.4
Now in part four
I know I've beaten it to death
This slogan
Fuck Money
Money comes from nothing
But this speech
Is me talking
But I feel
I need to be molesting
That dead horse
So it would be
Cause I feel I still need to go postal
By being beastial
To show
A spectacle
To be Russel Crowe
Are you not entertained
Fuck Money
We're all deranged
I'm to nice for my own good
I came from the hood
To get outta of the ghetto
Now I'm living good
But I need more
And that requires scratch
but a snitch will snatch
But I'm a gypsy
They always win
And get payback
Watch the movie snatch
My fellow gypsies
One of my brothers favorite movie
One of his nickname is Mikey
But he prefers Mike
Been never attracted a dike
But I have be liked
A bitch said I love you
I said it too
But I never ment it
I ended it
Same day her grandpa died
Double whammy
But I knew the pain would subside
But violently she cried
The truth hurts
That's why I'm apothecary
I administer truth as a druggist
I'm a chemist doctor
A non-conformist
I'm Patch Adams
Robin Williams
Watched it again tonight
Read between the lines
Cause he saw 8 finger's
When the guy was holding up
4 fingers
He opened a hospital for free
Cause really fuck Money
Yeah fuck money
So I've come to the conclusion
Money bastardized creation
I'm looking for one world
One nation
This has been a spiritual war of attrition
A war that's to win the hearts and minds
Of every human
It starts with public castration
Of the treasonous people
Then it's public execution
The hangman saying
Fuck ur inflation
I'm a bastard to
That committed treason
But I did it to start saving
The masses
My brother told me to get glasses
To fix my lazy eye
I said no I'm good
I got migraines and nose bleeds
In childhood
They do the same
So fuck glasses
And fuck money
And fuck you too
For liking money
I'm dead ass serious
But I'm being funny too
Eddie Murphy
I'm just curious
Why you being all mysterious
When I wanna take you for a ride
And fuck the brains outta ya
Hide your body
In my trunk
Get in a high speed chase
Start shooting
You know they can fly
That joke
I'm about to die
But actually
With your dead body in the trunk
I'd died suicide by cop
Then they'd find your body
So it would be
Suicide and homicide
No note
That's our first date
Cause in the afterlife
I'm stuck to you
Like people dumb enough to sniff glue
Watching soap operas and dramas
Cuz really we're into who's fucking who?
But dangerously I knew
I was going say I love you
I was thinking that
Now I'm tripping on that
But I didn't say that
It came out all wrong
Now I put u in the song
Baby please come back
But you'll never have me
Cause money comes from nothing
Fuck Money
Yeah fuck money
People only come to me when they hurting
This I'm curtain
I was born for a reason
Giving it all up
To Teach you a lesson
America is at 34.1 trillion
In debt
But really
The bankers
Are fucking
U over by lies they saying
Hell 911
Inside job
For more control
Edward Snowden
Selling your information
Now you wondering
I'm not black listed
The bankers probably saying
I Need to be waterboarded
Even though torture
Is known to give false information
Cuz after a while you'll see anything
Just to stop the madness and bleeding
I give it up to the choir
Truth seekers
Theie lives exposing
The truth
Alex Ebert's song
That mutherfucker was preaching
Cause your darkside is shining
My darkness is shining
A light
So bright
It takes away the stars at night
And have you believing
Cause that's the beauty
But money
Fucks with this reality
Till the world starts collapsing
Were disasters consequences
This is all detrimental to your health
Where's yourself wealth
My pickup line being
Fuck Money
Wanna get married
But I wanted it
You ain't getting half
Bitch you know I leave You
If I can't pull the plug
Not to say I wouldn't love you unconditionally
Just fuck money
Fuck the majority
And fuck democracy
I know I'm the underground movement
Where i do have seniority
My new slogan
Say it loudly and proudly
Yeah fuck money
My slogan
Is a hunger strike
My slogan
Is about Canadian
My new slogan
Better than that hat
Make America great again
The lies he was spewing
Alex Jones saying
He was compromised
Trump is really good at telling lies
Marijuana has all different kinds of eyes
From paranoia to straight out laughter
It opens your mind
So you straight up wander
But this do we are now conjure
Not really high right now
So I roll up another
Rest in peace my brother
I know you were a soldier
And to my sister
Lets have another
To your recently deceased mother
I know the pain cuts deep
Deeper than any ocean
Higher than any mountain
But if the world is really listening
To what I'm saying
Then please listen
Cuz money comes from nothing
Fuck money
Yeah.. fuck money
No fuck you
For fucking with money
Cuz all you want is
Jacked up prices
Where it ain't worth a dollar
Master P's slogan
Holler if you hear me
Saunter back if you see me
We're all I want to do is to get through to you
Eminem screaming
Fuck you
So I do the same too
I wish you
Merciless death upon you
Or Hitler pineapple Express
Little Nicky
Is so fucking funny
I'm just waiting for all this to digest
Cuz I won't die down
On both of the crowns
I'm Bozo of the name clown
Saving the lives
Or stupid individuals
That go to the rodeos
Or bullfighting
You should see the way how farming chicken live
But if money is all you got to give
Then fuck you
We are you
And I argue
This fact that money comes from nothing
So I'm here to bring something
Cuz I realizing
Cracking the source code to all dimensions
Something you forget from the afterlife
While being
Born in this dimensional SpaceTime continuum
Not to let you know fucked up it gets
In the quantum realm
For our destiny is to be
Guardians of this realm
For who's going to be at the helm
Shit I don't know
I'm stuck here in traffic driving up into a pinto
I need a thrill
Like storm chasers
Watching a tornado
Where a submarine
Is launching a nuclear torpedo
Squeal like a pigo
Destiny is calling
London calling
It's time to let go
I'm here to bruise the ego
And say
Fucking money
Like instinct
Hatered seems uncontrollably
But where's your dialect
From maybe we can have coffee
Get to know each other
Listen to ur wisdom
And theory's
Mines of peace
And mitigation
A great sanitation
A global awakening
To stop the plants and animals from dying
My homie
Cooking up Kraft dinner
Frying up hotdogs and smokies
It's his turn
Damn now I got the munchies
Got Doritos
Extra cheesie
The world is Chinsie
Here I've blown a lot of money
Bailing people out
Cause they need money
Practically begging
Grotesley seething
When money is all your making
Not jealous
Never jealous
Always greatful
Life is beautiful
I get to see it thru
My amazing view
But they're restless spirit
Has no quit
But the drugs and lack of funds
Is all his wisdom
Resorting back to guns
I got a fetish for hot broken nuns
What's under the burka
Umm…check it
I'm for woman's rights
But they need to get beaten
To toughen
Stiffen up
That upper lip
Fuck drip
And fuck you for liking it
Money is nothing
Your life means something
So start living
With my slogan
Money comes from nothing
Fuck Money
But you a sickling
I'm just typing
Like my veins are using
Blood thinners
Weight watchers
Jenny Craig going out of business
Hate mongers
Fucking got high and skipped classes
Got too see the tires
Of my crush
But she was taken
So nothing happened
Her dream was being
Paris Hilton
I ratted her out so fast
To all my school children
Cause I knew fame be killing
Worried there's a home break in
Coming home the place is trash
Valuables taken
See I know cause in England
I had Damian Dolby
Rob me and my family
Cause we were from a different country
I was to popular
People are to friendly
But celebrityism
Came from sensationalizing
A trial
Where a bitch got away with killing her husband
In the 1920
The tabloids were born
Could have been the year 1911
I saw that fact so long ago
My memories are fleeting
It's like dying
Of Bruce Willis's
I'll probably die of cancer
Cause I'm a smoker
Should learn from my uncle
He has cancer
Not he rolls around on a scooter
Waiting for his free car
I'm self castrating
U can call me nutter
Still need to buy butter
Just being using tap water
But it's just as good in Kraft dinner
Just butter taste better
My heart is fine
I'm good in the water
Use to be faster
In the shallow end
Than any swimmer
Throwing around victims
Doing the rock bottom
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Have all the ladies going
Oh my dear Watson
Like prince in a club
Has me thinking
Not getting
My ass out my debt for shit
Wanting to listen
To Vinnie Paz
Jedi mind tricks
But the song I want to mention
To make you thinking
The song in question
Is fraudulent cloth
A song about everybody taking from me
I even wrote a song called fuck money
I was 14
Or 16
Fuck the paparazzi
Car chasing
They be killing
For money
So fuck money
Just recently
I have autism
It makes sense I'm on the spectrum
I feel like the shining
Till my dying words
I repeat myself
Till I get to the promised land
Cause this has gotten way outta hand
But promise
I'll make you a stan
I'm doing the best I can
I'm build a brand
It called being a man
It's nothing new
But hey fuck it
There she blew
They actually blew up a beached whale
Cause they can explode
But these idiots
Wanted to let's loosely say
Science experiment
In the 70s
Using dyno-mite
To think there doing things right
But it was far outta sight
It did nothing
But put a big whole in the whale
But nope
The dumbasses
Used to much dyno-mite
It was an spectacular explosion
But they cuts flew so far
That big chunks
Destroyed cars
On top of the roofing
Smashing windows
Hurting people
But submarines
Have to use a torpedo
When confronted
With a dead whale
Cause there dangerous
To there mission
I'm sitting here
Biting while kissing
Making a girl cumming
Just with that action
When Desmond leaves
It's back to masturbation
But I love using cum
A way to ride a high
Adrenaline high
Love waking up
Cum drunk
Need a smoke
Cause that bitch
Titties jiggling
Had me lurking
But I'm a virgin
And I'm ok with that
Cause I go to bat for you
A cause I can love a stranger
Kinda like a cop
Dying to get the hillside strangler
The obsession
The second guessing
The need to answer the burning questions
With little clues
Cold case files
On a&e
Back when it did biography
Back in the late 1990's
Forensic files
After 30 of them
Teaching u how to get rid of of bodies
Very carefully and slowly
But if you fuck up
Then guess what
A prison raping
With a thick dick
Will come quickly
He straight
He's in prison
Male is the only action
Prison is just a little
Fucking till there's
Chunky gravy
Who raw!
To the army and navy
Your really always been puppets to kings
Used for all the generations
Even tribes
Thinking outsiders are gods
Cause they into killing and head hunting
National geographic was the only thing back then for masturbating
sagging titties
Masturbating over unglies
Was the only thing you can see
Hand pro-copulating
Desperate we're the 80s
Worst in the 60s
Was Einstein's undoing
Spiritually I had him
Look up today's porn
He locked himself in a room
For days on end
Just jerking
Not working
It's was shocking
The stamina of an old man
I was like fucking Einstein
You gotta stop man
You'll go blind
He's like naw man
Slams the door
I just need one more
Cause I love a good whore
Cause he was a womanizer
Only knock on him
Still my hero
Mortal Kombat
Blew my mind at 3
Fucking Nintendo
Using cheat codes
To unlock characters
Game shark
Remember that technology
Loving GTA Vee
That crazy Canadian
Perfect description
Cause it was funny to him
That's what Canadians do
Die for a laugh
Just for laughs
Or even gags
The first day
It's probably
The first show
A good show
Took away my worries
Like being a gypsy living in poverty
Growing to hate money
I was born with this slogan
Tattooed on my face fuck money
Money comes from nothing
Just digits on a screen
Making life obscene
Killing Martian Luther King Jr's
Dr King
Shit I aspire to
To get shot
I'd go out like tupac
Last words in Vegas to a cop
Fuck you
That's the way I wanna go out
With a peaceful middle finger
With a message
Return to sender
Cuz then I get the last laugh
Cuz I'm dying for your ass
Creative juices flowing
Smoking grass
Coping mechanism put to task
Feeling like Nelson Mandela
While he was in prison
Dangerously I'm flowing
Spitting wildfire
My life to reason
Starting by thunderstorms
A metaphor I'll use for my movement
But I'm talking to the deceased
So in this press release
Fuck money
Is the headline
Money comes from nothing
But I'm confined
To a world
Were I have to say dream
Looking at the clouds
Trying not to scream
Mental health is ok now
But really it was a long road
But I'd rather take the hard road
So I have stories when I'm old
Then I've won
Can't own I gun
I'd use it on myself
Cause it's quick and easy
They only way
I take my life
In this reality
But I got no money honey
Googley eyed fatty
A Gordie Howe hat trick
Is better than a real Hatty
Got to deal with shit
And handle shit
A hockey player knows it
Cuz the chirps are deep
Have you spitting Chiclets
To broke to pay for the Dentist to fix it
The funny thing is
You're already doing things for free
Cuz money comes from nothing
And the constant bullshittting
Brings rivals
It's on everything
Even the magic book
The bible
A fucking fable
But Jesus was right
Fuck Money
Should be the 13th commandment
Let's start this engagement
Break bread
Peace pipping
Tobacco and weed pipes
Chanting all night
Fuck money
And fuck the people in power
For guiding us into this travesty
Waiting for older to be just one tragedy
But the world didn't care after covid
So I don't know why I'm trying to save my life
For thee
I don't know why I'm trying to save this reality
Martin Luther King Jr told me
To do something with your life
Before your 90
Do it right now
And fuck longevity
I'm a new reverend
A guru
This isn't new
But fuck you
You deserve the treatment
Of how we treat animals
So open
So cruel
So I end this
Feeling accomplished
Cause I probably got thru to you
Fuck Money
And do it for free
Fuck Money
One day, in a nursery school, infants were about to have lunch."Then, let's eat!"
"Yeah!"With a nurse encouraging, hungry children got their hands on the lunchbox, which had long-awaited, delicious meal."Yummy!"A noticeably small boy raised his voice, delighted."Takumi's lunch is always small!"A comment on his meal, although innocent, got on his nerves."No, it's not!"
"Yes, because Takumi himself is small!"
"I'm not so!"Takumi got a red face, yelling. He had a complex with his body's growth speed. It was natural he was small, for he is one of the latest to be given birth. He was only too young to understand that."Now, now, let's not fight ...
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STORY MAY CONTAIN FEMALE INFLATION, BODY INFLATION, BLUEBERRY INFLATION, BREASTS EXPANSION, PANTY EXPOSURE AND ANY OTHER THINGS RELATED OF ALL OF THIS. SO IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF THIS KIND OF THING, THEN HIT THE BACK BUTTON AND BE ON YOUR WAY. ALSO PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION DOWN BELOW FOR CERTAIN THINGS AND SUCH BEFORE READING THIS STORY. THANK YOU, AND PLEASE ENJOY :) (Smile)It was an average day at the mushroom kingdom, the weather outside was sunny with very few clouds, wind blowing was very lightly, and there was no destruction at all going on. There was not too long ago another recent attack by Bowser, but the...
2nd Tour 5: Oversize Delights by fillemup, literature
2nd Tour 5: Oversize Delights
2nd Tour 5: Oversize DelightsWARNING: More deliciously deviant TFs await. If you don't care for that sort of thing, moe along please.--------------------------------------Tina and Amy soared through the factory at breakneck speed in the seemingly out-of-control glass elevator. What began an an innocent tour of Charles Bucket's chocolate factory had turned nightmareish almost at the start. Only moments earlier, they had witnessed their friend Erin turn into an enormous blueberry before their eyes. Just when they thought Erin would explode, Bucket sealed her forever inside an enormous vat and began to pump the juice out of her for his ne...
The Pregnant Potion Chapter 1 by TheKitsuneBlake, literature
The Pregnant Potion Chapter 1
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STORY WILL BE A LONG STORY SO IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF LONG STORIES, JUST HIT THAT BACK BUTTON AND BE ON YOUR WAY. ALSO, THE FOLLOWING STORY MAY HAVE TWO GIRLS KISSING AS WELLThere was once was a young vixen woman by the name of Nina, She was a cute, young girl, somewhere around 20-21. Long blonde hair down to her back,her breasts were around the E range, and she had a cute rear end that any guy would want. Nina wore a pink ting-top, blue-jean like shorts going down to her knees, and although you really couldn’t see it, pink bra and underwear.Nina may looked like one of those girls who were only about being sexy and a...
E.Ws Beyblade E.F Chapter Eleven by warriorearthmars01, literature
E.Ws Beyblade E.F Chapter Eleven
Chapter 11: Europe adventures & legend of the European Heraldic Beasts
On a sunny morning at the dock of Andorra, as the boat stopped to drop TJ off from the small tournament in Athens, Greece. After he rode in a bus to Andorra La Vella for 30 mins, TJ walked down the street to see the site of the city to said, “Wow, this place is amazing.” as he reached the Andorra’s B.B.S.T.A officer. The female receptionist said, “Oh yes, the american Beyblade team is staying at this hotel, I will give you one of the keys to the room & the room number is 108.” “Thank you!” said TJ as he headed to the room. When he arrived at the room, the hotel room w...
“So like… it's gum?” Hannah asked, staring at what the tall machine just spat out. Hannah loved gum since a young age. She couldn't really remember why she started, but since she was 12 she always had a piece of gum in her mouth, including right now. Earlier in the week Hannah's boyfriend, Jesse, had won a private tour of a local candy factory, and he brought Hannah along as his guest. The tour had been pretty boring so far, Hannah wasn't a big fan of candy, but now her interest was starting to peak. “This isn't any ordinary gum”, the tour guide , “this special stick contains all the flavors of a three course meal! It's a new id...