HummingbirdSeanAvery on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

December 23, 2010
Humming bird by ~SeanAvery "That hummingbird is made entirely from CD fragments...I thought it was a 3D render when I saw the thumbnail!" "...I was surprised to see that it was made of CD fragments arranged by size and colour to make sculpture! A stunning portrayal of a humming bird in action that looks realistic with the CD fragments creating the bright plumage of the bird. Do check out this deviant's beautiful gallery of beautiful works!"
Suggested by *JZino and =phoenixleo
Featured by LabyrinthCreations
SeanAvery's avatar



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The second piece of a commissioned exhibition for Scitech: [link]

Wire mesh frame
CD fragments
Hot glue


Just incredible, my second DD, I'm over the moon. Massive thanks to `LabyrinthCreations for the feature and to ^JZino and `phoenixleo for the suggestion. I'm honored to have two insanely talented artists promoting my work.

For some of the most beautiful body art I've ever seen, check out ^JZino's excellent gallery

and for some amazing digital photo manipulation, check out `phoenixleo
Image size
2130x3872px 2.55 MB
© 2010 - 2025 SeanAvery
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CapturedWorlds's avatar
Wow! This is incredible!