[CLOSED] CemarianSEAdopt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seadopt/art/CLOSED-Cemarian-864122606SEAdopt

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[CLOSED] Cemarian



It's been REALLY rough the past months, my workplace is a mess (as in, I can't safely rely on my co-workers to do their part), and it's been a lot of stress. 
But at least, I discovered Ayam Cemani Chickens, and this is what inspired this design. I was originally going to use it for myself, but in the end I just don't have a role for this derg at present, so it is up for grabs! ;v;


Min. increase: $5
AB: $300
Auction Ends: Within 48 Hours after the first bid

This comes with a little coloured piece I did of this dragon, should it go higher than $100!

- PayPal only, price is in USD
- Please have payment within 48 hours of auction end
- 1 hour snipe guard
- Do not edit/remove your bids
- Do NOT bid if you cannot afford it!
- Reply to the Highest bidder with a higher bid

- You may tweak the design, but do not change it drastically from what it was (ask if you're not sure)
- Names, Gender, background story, etc is up to you!
- Please do not make this a species or your own
- You can resell it for the same price you have bought it for, but NOT higher!
- You can trade it
- Please notify me if the Design changes ownership
- Do not claim you designed it

#??? - Cemarian
Owner: Crocutta 
Image size
1800x2157px 5.42 MB
© 2020 - 2025 SEAdopt
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KIERAL's avatar

Very pretty design. c: