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And Vinyl was speechless at what she saw...
BTW the city/town behind them is Ponyville. It has a bit of a make over but for good reasons. You see Earth ponies are a little boring to me so I decided that maybe they can be very religious ponies. Ponyville is sort of like a holy land for the ponies. The story of Ponyville's creation is similar to the Jews when they were freed from the Egyptians and had to walk to The Promise Land. I plan on explaining this later in the comic.
BTW the city/town behind them is Ponyville. It has a bit of a make over but for good reasons. You see Earth ponies are a little boring to me so I decided that maybe they can be very religious ponies. Ponyville is sort of like a holy land for the ponies. The story of Ponyville's creation is similar to the Jews when they were freed from the Egyptians and had to walk to The Promise Land. I plan on explaining this later in the comic.
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2500x3300px 1.08 MB
© 2014 - 2024 SDSilva94
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"You see Earth ponies are a little boring to me"
But... but... they do all kind of cool things like gardening, harvesting plants and all.
Me sad now :'-(
But... but... they do all kind of cool things like gardening, harvesting plants and all.
Me sad now :'-(