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Scratch N' Tavi 4 Cover



It will be coming soon!

Summary: After hearing from Luna, Octavia decides to stop worrying about the dark future and focus on the thing that matters most, her friendship with Scratch. Meanwhile Scratch is worried about the thought of losing her best friend after misunderstanding Tavi's sarcasm. What will happen to Scratch and Tavi's friendship? Find out in the next exciting issue of Scratch N' Tavi!

I found out some things on how to make the picture more shaded. I'll try to explain this the best I can. On other pictures that I've shaded in they are shaded but they're not clear enough. The picture doesn't exaggerate the shade enough so it makes the image look flat.
The title still looks like crap but I really hate typography. I tried to keep to their theme with the names and tried to be creative. Design isn't really my strong suit but I think I can get better at it.

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2500x3300px 1.02 MB
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PonyUniverse's avatar
This style is so CUTE