Mythos - Shoggothscythemantis on DeviantArt

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Mythos - Shoggoth



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From Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness," Shoggoths might be his most famous and popular creation after Cthulhu, yet I very rarely see them illustrated with the luminous green eyes he described. From the same story comes one of his more underrated creatures, the giant albino subterranean penguin!

For those who haven't read the story, one of the most notable characteristics of the Shoggoth is their repetitive shrieking of "TEKELI-LI!" - a phrase from the language of their extinct masters, the elder things. We're never told what this phrase means, and the Shoggoths don't actually know either; they parrot it mindlessly.
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© 2010 - 2025 scythemantis
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NXTangl's avatar
The Unspeakable Vault of Doom (tm) posits that the phrase is: Soooo cool...