Feathery Wings BrushesScully7491 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/scully7491/art/Feathery-Wings-Brushes-12728600Scully7491

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Scully7491's avatar

Feathery Wings Brushes



Whoo hoo! A brush set! :giggle: Please credit me if you use and note me where you did!! :D

Compatible with PS7+

Rules of Use

By downloading these brushes you agree to the following terms of use:

1. Credit if you use either on dA or off. This includes print sources that are other than personal use (ie something for your eyes only).

2. Do not redistribute (share) to other websites, e-mail groups, torrents etc. Link my page, that way the rules are kept intact and there is no ripping happening.

3. My artwork is not stock and is not to be used without permission.

4. No commercial use of brushes. If the project is making money in any way, the brushes cannot be used. (see FAQ or note me with questions).

Almostastranger's avatar
great brushes, PERFECT for my project, it will be up on my D.A. soon. The work is called "Music is Magic".
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