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scratzilla's avatar
This feature is to thank some of the amazing  stockers . Please note that some of the stockers do have mature content  ( good for mermaids etc- i will highlight  which..  I will also try and include  an example of where the stock has been used. 

THE FOLLOWING ARE AMAZING STOCKERS .. there is a small sample of their stocks and an example of their stock in artworks.… Children, nature, animals, buildings and objects MUCH MUCH MORE. 

Killian Stock 07 by PiratedPictures Stock Image 98 by PiratedPictures Mad Tea Party by PiratedPictures The little librarian by CindysArt  describes herself as a "Hardcore stocker"  she has a vast collection of stocks, children, texture, great sky shots and much much more.  just read the rules on her children stock first-  they are user friendly . 
In The Ocean 09 by shelldevil Child Stock - Miss M 48 by shelldevil Unrestricted Texture Pack - Treebark Textures by shelldevil Unrestricted Animal Stock - Lion 01 by shelldevil Listen to your heart (Beauty and the Beast) by EstherPuche-Art people, including Santa , animals and much more. 
Man on Bench 3 by MLeighS AguaWoman 4 by MLeighS Santa 1 by MLeighS<da:thumb id="584663065"/>  dedicated to free usage stock  .. promotes free stock usage across DA. Military, buildings, weapons, Model stock and MUCH MUCH MORE. PLUS: FREE AVATARSFree Avatar: Deviant Cupcake by FantasyStockFree Avatar: Mermaid Star Wand by FantasyStock

Jodi Tribute to FarScape 27 by FantasyStock Ali + Ryan Spy V Spy 1-Meeting by FantasyStock USNA Memorial Hall Interior by FantasyStock Collide by PakinamElBanna a good collection of model stock with a few folders of other goodies. 

stock 173 by tatt2dchic stock 135 by tatt2dchic stock 97 by tatt2dchic Stock 166 by tatt2dchic Through The Eyes Of A Child by Aeltari

this is the one for medieval , fairies and such like. i wish i could put all of them on this feature,   please if you are  into this style please visit the gallery because this feature does not do it justice . 

Say hello to my little friend by atistatplay Fairy water Garden by atistatplay Sir Knight by atistatplay Where his heart lies by atistatplay Once upon a time by patriciabrennan… medieval , warrior ,fighter , musician , snow shots, model in water, forest , fairy , male, female and child models . also a couple of owl shots. Purple II by Eirian-stock Jedi II by Eirian-stock Tiptoes by Eirian-stock Lady Of The Castle V by Eirian-stock

Village in the morning by EgilSterkr… lots of model, nature  and much more.. even allows you to use costumes or parts of. only rule.. do not change faces of models  READ RULES for although most is free to use there are a few rule changes through out their gallery.  They have included precuts . PNG format. 
Pin-up Stock 057 by FairieGoodMother Various Sword pack1 Stock psd by FairieGoodMother Pirate Ship Stock 6 psd by FairieGoodMother Cima in Flower Dress  088 by FairieGoodMother Strike a Pose 3 by FairieGoodMother  here you can go nuts.  nature and animal  focused. birds  , black cats and so much more..  the gallery is full of this cuteness

I got them! by JocelyneR

Early European Starling by JocelyneR Happy Squirrel 02 by JocelyneR "photographer of stuff" . wolves, cats, eagles , deer , cars etc.. his cat poses are outstanding.  Amur Leopard 20150713-1 by FurLined Bengal Kitten Vertical Leap 1 by FurLined Motomo 20110829-1 by FurLined What by CathleenTarawhiti

TO see all these images in the full go to my FAVOURITES.. and find folder.. Journal Feature sept. 2017. 

I hope you enjoy this and please SHARE . 

( having to do this in Parts because i dont know how to save a journal when writing it.. 

© 2017 - 2025 scratzilla
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EgilSterkr's avatar
Thank you for the Feature! :wave: