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scowlingelf's avatar

Who's the Boss?



Honestly I think I might stay away from both of them? Good chance they're up to something nefarious.
The end result of a discussion with :iconrienet-halun: about a reverse morality AU! (My Jon/Oni and her Tina!)
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© 2022 - 2024 scowlingelf
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Rienet-Halun's avatar

I still love this so much, Scowling! I've been staring at it all day.

I LOVE all of the details here! I love their poses. So casual, yet exuding power and confidence. The expressions on their faces. They're both in charge and they know it. Even the level of detail on their suits!!! And how you said you made Oni more pointy and Tina softer to contrast that. I just love it all so much, and I cannot thank you enough for wanting to include Tina in this!!!