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ScotlandTom's avatar

The World of Eldaron



The World of Eldaron - To be used as the basis for many of my future Pathfinder campaigns.

While not my first try at fantasy cartography, this is my first map in this style. Many folks would use custom Photoshop brushes to create all the little details on the landscape. In the future I will do so as well because drawing all of the detail work by hand was a literal pain.

The features of the map were developed taking into account plate tectonics, ocean currents, wind currents and humidity (all based on Earth averages and all probably not completely accurate by any means). And no, this map probably won't wrap very well to a sphere.

Thanks to everyone at the Cartographer's Guild for all their advice and critique.

Media: Photoshop CS4
Time: Approx. 36 hours
Image size
10800x7200px 36.38 MB
© 2012 - 2024 ScotlandTom
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aetherguy's avatar
Is the world a creation of yours?