I'm a straight-edge punk with a southern drawl. My inspiration comes from the weirdness of reality.
My style lies in the strange intersection of Traditional Fine Art, Dynamic Drawing, Pulp Comics, Manga, Impressionism, Digital Rapid Concept Painting Techniques and a little too much caffeine. I don't particularly favor any one style or school of art, but I'm a fan of pulp, punk, and ashcan art especially- gritty, scratchy, and messy has its own sort of beauty to me.
What I lack in formal art training I make up for by sheer stubbornness and a total ignorance (and indifference) to what supposedly can't be done. Call it the art equivalent of duck tape engineering.
Everything I know about art I have learned by trying things that I have no idea how to do, and grinding at them until either the piece is completely destroyed or perfect, whichever comes last.
(Think on that one for a while and it starts to make sense. When it does, you're thinking like I do. You get used to it.)
I like to get feedback and constructive critiques, but try to be nice please. "Its my nature" and all of that.