Loom ChildScintillating-Turnip on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/scintillating-turnip/art/Loom-Child-380413991Scintillating-Turnip

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Loom Child



I love that game too much. TOO MUCH. Done in Paint.net with an ancient Wacom tablet.

(The Quill-o-the-Wisp people over at Forgegame are my personal heroes, and I wish them every bit of luck and then some for their creative project. They are CREATING, BASICALLY FROM SCRATCH, the sequel to LOOM. As you may know if you are a fan of the game, LOOM was supposed to be the first of a trilogy, which is why it has such a horrifically cliff-hanging ending. However, Lucas Arts abandoned the series. I give major props to the hardcore fans that are working to rectify this tragedy. Look them up, LOOM fans, and give them money or something, because they're doing this for all of us who love this game!)
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© 2013 - 2025 Scintillating-Turnip
anonymous's avatar
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Hey Scintillating-Turnip!

This is your personal hero Abisso (LOL). Thanks a lot for your enthusiastic words and the free publicity for our Forge: Loom Sequel.

Moreover, I'm always glad to see fan-art related to Loom on DA. I'm some kind of a collector as well as a fan myself!

Gabriele "Abisso" Nannetti
Quill O' The Wisp project-manager