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Klarheit.visualstyle v1.0



okay, here is my first visual-style for you. i always wanted to create one that is completely how i want a style to be, and this is the result... so, if you don't like it - i do (hope this doesn't sound too arrogant ;)). of course i'm open for any bugfixes / suggestions.

i called it "Klarheit", that's german and means clarity / clearance because that's what the style is - i didn't use some effectful gradients or spectacular light-effects, the style should be functional and still cute.
the color-theme in the style is called "ozeanblau" (oceanblue). maybe i'll release "Klarheit" in some other colors soon.

some inspirations came from the great bluecurve-theme and also from the opensource "tango-project" ([link]). i got the start-button, some caption-buttons and the icons in the xp-startmenu from there. that's why i recommend to use the visual-style in combination with the tango-icons (e.g. with "super turbo tango patcher") - looks great.
i put a wallpaper into the archive that fits quite well to "Klarheit" - it's from the human-theme, edited by me.

hope you like the style. please be kind and add this to your :+fav: favourites if you like it.
p.s.: enspia ported this style to windowblinds-xp: [link]

*update 1.01 (2006-08-28):
  • now including shellstyle, compact-/full-startmenu-version and the font used in the style
  • renamed compact-startmenu-version to "ozeancom" and the full version to "ozeanfull"

*update 1.02 (2006-08-29):
  • radiobuttons / checkboxes improved
  • progressbar much improved
  • changed shellstyle again (final version i think)
  • taskbar-buttons are also boxed when unfocused (very light only)
  • taskbar is now a bit thinner
  • updated the screenshot

*update 1.03 (2006-08-30):
  • fixed shellstyle-colors (e.g. in control panel)
  • reduced size of xp-startmenu (removed unneeded space)
  • now three different font-styles: lucida grande (choose font-size "Normal"), tahoma (choose font-size "Large Fonts"), calibri (choose font-size "Extra Large Fonts")
  • after lucida grande was included, now calibri is also in the zip
  • minimal optimizations on the titlebar-gradient
  • visual-style is now 7zip-packed again. you can open it with winrar or 7zip ([link])

*update 1.04 (2006-08-31):
  • changed start-button (+ updated screenshot)
  • made flashing / blinking button more "eye-catching"

*update 1.05 (2006-09-01):
  • shellstyle: text-color in the file-details-box fixed
  • applied shellstyle-colors also to the useraccounts-panel

*update 1.06 (2006-09-03):
  • flashing button is now a darkblue
  • increased font-size of calibri ("Extra Large Fonts") a bit, as calibri is quite small in default mode

*update 1.07 (2006-09-06):
  • fixed a main-problem: java-apps now work correctly when using this style
  • renamed the substyles and fontstyles to be more understandable

*update 1.08 (2006-09-08):
  • added the second color-theme: "ergonomisch" (= "ergonomic"). it has got all the features of the original one (including modified shellstyle and wallpaper), is a bit darker and has less saturation. more coming soon...

*update 1.09 (2006-09-12):
  • text-color of flashing-button is now white
  • compact startmenu now "ultra"-compact
  • small bugfixes in ergonomisch-substyle (some borderline-colors)
© 2006 - 2024 schluepfer
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