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Spike Pootawn



Some thing I drew for week 34 of the #MLP-ATG-Alumni. The theme was to draw an Infatuated pony.

Wasn't too sure sure about submitting this to the ATG as It doesn't stick to the theme very well (not to mention kinda' dumb).

This Is another pony spin on a meme. Basically, on second life their was a guy called Ralph Pootawn who looked like a short fat goblin and had the stuff Spike had above. Ralph would then go stare at people having cyber-sex to annoy them.

Drawn with mechanical pencil + ball-point pen, scanned then coloured & touched up In gimp.

I tried using an large old eraser I had on this one, but It ended up smudging It to hell and back. Had to use the curves tool In Gimp to clean It up. I've really got to stop using all my old school ghetto stationary.

Also, I forgot the scales on spikes back because I'm a dunce.


#MLP-ATG-Alumni week 34: [link]

Encyclopedia Dramatica article on the meme (WARNING: Not safe for work & maybe offensive): [link]
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2095x1419px 255.69 KB
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Bhiggo's avatar
I looked up Ralph Pootawn... sounds like my kinda guy.