I was tagged..... read to know if i used you!!

9 min read

Deviation Actions

Schatten-Drache's avatar
1. Do you miss braindamage-1990?
-As much as the moon miss the sun, or wait… no, this damn thing tagged me!!!!!

2. Is CedaCo your best friend?

3. withonewing suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
-I mend you deactivated all cameras in my house :paranoid:

4. What is or would be a good nickname for Eisratte03?
-Donna Wetter :D

5. In a race between you, Basse-Line and braindamage-1990, who would win?
-Lady’s first… I would wait tree steps before the goal… and I would bet on,…:confused:…can dancer’s run faster? Base-Line!

6. Is dibtych your best friend?

7. Have you dreamt of Limette-X before?
-Not do far…

8. Do you trust OneWaleTwoLegs?
-why not? (insert reason here)

9. Do you miss Red-Kremling?
-Yes, his comments was every time interesting :D

10. spitfire06 suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
-have you talked to withonewing? First she expose me and now she talk to everybody!!!!

This meme was made by the memegenerator mct421.deviantart.com/art/Ques… DO IT!!!!</b>

my old birtdayfeature:

I become old and ugly, but first in around 20-30 years :w00t:
Now I'm 21 and therefore i decided to feature all artists that commented in my last journal or i have seen today on my frontpage!

This feature start at the 16.03 and will end at the 16.04

:thumb106314304: by  :iconbraindamage-1990:
The Family Friend by LadyMarava by :iconladymarava:
DNA Necklace by msklystron by :iconmsklystron:
.ID. by Basse-Line by :iconbasse-line:
Querdenker by CedaCo by :iconcedaco:

Mature Content

Green Rain by OneWaleTwoLegs
by :icononewaletwolegs:
Der Sonnenfaenger-Symbiose by Eisratte03 by :iconeisratte03:
Koeln bei Nacht by withonewing by :iconwithonewing:
Beach by PariahJack by :iconpariahjack:
Contest- Wandblades by Officer-1BDI by :iconofficer-1bdi:

:thumb112111708: by :iconbraindamage-1990:
by :iconlimette-x:
:thumb44220627: by :iconmortualia:

What IsThere once lived a man who was so renowned for his artist abilities that people flocked to him from far and wide, seeking to have themselves drawn and immortalized in canvas and paint. He was no ordinary artist for he did not paint what he saw but what Was. It is for this reason that I had to see him. I had to know the answer. What was I?

After making the flight to his home country and the tiring car ride to his neighbourhood of residence I booked in at a hotel. The line to his home usually began at six AM sharp and extended into the hundreds in only a few hours. All waiting to see what they were. I began setting my alarm, setting aside clot
by :iconlaerbn:
Rigging by Cazzoid by :iconcazzoid:
:icone1ai: without any deviation
You ... Can ... Come by Vampyra-Drake by :iconvampyra-drake:
Be Disturbed T-shirt by SonderSays by :iconsondersays:

Elements Prolog 3 by MaximilianAdo by :iconmaximilianado:
Cherry Tree by Koji-Koichi by :iconkoji-koichi:
ID by Kpojeb by :iconkpojeb:
zizzi by HippieVan57 by :iconhippievan57:
Kare drawn badly by BlackMOONhEaRt by :iconblackmoonheart:
Blutwolf by Eisratte03 by :iconeisratte03:
Moonlight Run by fuzzy-panda18 by :iconfuzzy-panda18:
:thumb113133435: by :iconbraindamage-1990:
:thumb108868525: by :iconshaketheshame:

© 2009 - 2025 Schatten-Drache
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Eisratte03's avatar
Boahr du hast mich benutzt O_O BENUTZT! Du SAU! Mich und DONNA muhahahahaaaaaaaaar! ;) Cooles Feature mal was andres^^