Happy birthday Scarletknives!ScarletKnives-X on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/scarletknives-x/art/Happy-birthday-Scarletknives-970589052ScarletKnives-X

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ScarletKnives-X's avatar

Happy birthday Scarletknives!


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Yus, today is my birthday, so Prismia decided to give me a cake, how lovely! She didn't knew how to cook, however, shes a pretty fast learner too, I wonder if she followed an internet's guide...

Had this idea when month started so I was on a very tight schleude, glad I finished it. Cake is a stock form Clip Studio assets that I decided to modify a bit, since the cake I drew by hand ended up being... deformed. Anyways, all's well that ends well.

Theres a nude version too! In fact, she did probably prepared the cake while naked, as shes pretty clean. After all, if you get stains on your body, a shower and it's over! Meanwhile, staining your dress means a trip to the laundry. Will upload it to Patreon in a bit.

Anyways, I am in need for money, check comms here: www.deviantart.com/scarletkniv…

And if you prefer a passive way of income, theres my Patreon: www.patreon.com/Scarletknives

Any help will be greatly appreciated Llama Emoji-02 (Blush) [V1]
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AgitoNightstar's avatar

now sit on his face as a present XD