Oc - Caramel SundaeScarlet-Eclipse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/scarlet-eclipse/art/Oc-Caramel-Sundae-580621936Scarlet-Eclipse

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Oc - Caramel Sundae



My new oc Caramel Sundae :) She is a young adult that enjoys making Ice cream sundaes for the ponies in ponyville. She got her name because of the caramel like color of her coat. Shes normally in a pretty happy mood and is very forgiving of others, but sometimes her forgiving/trusting nature comes back to bite her in the butt, as not everypony can be trusted. When hurt/upset she usually prefers to keep those feelings to herself and not get others down because of it, but shes not all that stubborn about it and knows when she needs somepony to talk to about her problem. Can't tell much with this pic but her body type teeny bit chunkier then most mares ( i'll make a show style ref of her in a normal standing pose soon ). Anyway hope you guys like my new oc, I might make a few tweaks her and there but this is for the most part her final design. :)
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3300x3000px 1.22 MB
© 2015 - 2025 Scarlet-Eclipse
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Scribblepwn3's avatar
This oc is adorable. :D
Well designed in looks and character. She'd make a great slice-of-life roleplay character.