Batman vs Banescabrouspencil on DeviantArt

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scabrouspencil's avatar

Batman vs Bane



It's suppose to be a short story fanart of batman against some characters but i did 3 pages only for now. Will continue the rest later tis mth then. Thanks for looking too!

Inspired by Yoji Shinkawa hehe

PS cs
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750x961px 295.13 KB
© 2007 - 2025 scabrouspencil
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nirvana1649's avatar
Hello friend I would like to ask how much I would be charged for drawing and painted a small comic of zombies only of 7 very short chapters vary from 20 to 28 pages and I would send the skeletons part of the script so they know how to put Them and where one ends and the other begins I wait for your answer