SBibb on DeviantArt

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SBibb's avatar

Asphalt Texture Stock



Texture Stock Usage Rules
1. Do not use for illegal purposes. Follow general laws- no child pornography or hate work, things of that nature.
2. Link back to this page. That way other people who’d like to use this texture can do so. Also, reply on this page with a link to your work. That way I can see what you’ve done with it. :-)
3. This is free for non-commercial projects. If you have a school project that says it is okay to use other textures, by all means, feel free to use it. Just remember to be honest if someone asks where it came from. You can use this for personal art or art you’re posting her. Show me the work before posting it offsite, and I’ll likely grant permission (However, same crediting rules apply). If you are interested in commercial rights, please contact me with the type of project your interested in, and we can discuss pricing.
4. Please do incorporate it into a larger artwork. You may not redistribute this texture as your own stock image.
5. I reserve the right to ask that you remove my texture from your work if you do not follow my usage rules. If at times I realize my usage rules are inadequate, I may update them.
6. Enjoy using the stock. Good luck with whatever you’re creating. :-)

This is stock I shot that didn’t quite make the cut at, either because it was too noisy or not sharp enough. However, I’ve still found shots like these useful, and decided to provide them free for non-commercial use here on DeviantArt. If you are interested in purchasing high quality textures from me, please take a look at my TextureVault portfolio: [link]
Image size
3504x2336px 9.23 MB
Canon EOS 30D
Shutter Speed
1/5000 second
Focal Length
50 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 31, 2010, 12:40:18 AM
Sensor Size
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MysticEmma's avatar
Hi! Nice texture! Used here (quote): [link]