6394 | ArDes Desert Devilsazzy-riza on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sazzy-riza/art/6394-ArDes-Desert-Devil-422743895sazzy-riza

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6394 | ArDes Desert Devil



[breeding note]
[foal design]

General Information

Horse ID: #6394
Horse name: ArDes Desert Devil
Barn name: Avari
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registered: In process
Gender: Colt
Age: 5 years
Height: 17.0 hh
Color: Sooty pangare palomino pearl roan rabicano tobiano snowflake appaloosa panda (silver carrier)
Genotype: ee aa nCr nprl nR nP nZ nSty nRb nT nLp nPan

Body type: Modern

Discipline: None; too young
Training: Halter, basic manners

Avari, like nearly all of the other pandas at the stable, is energetic and quite silly. He often runs wildly around the pasture playing with the other foals and willing adults. However, he does tend to have a slight mean streak when he isn't happy. Luckily for the staff, these tantrums are rare.


Quality Blood - Best Stallion - Excellent Blood - Supreme Blood
Complete List
Total: 3.0


----------------- SS: unknown
Sire: 511 | ArDes Silent Criminal
----------------- SD: unknown

----------------- DS: unknown
Dam: ArDes Desert Royalty 506 :trophy:
----------------- DD: unknown

Breeding Slots

:bulletred: CLOSED UNTIL OF AGE :bulletred:
01. sazzy-riza to 7006 TBS Japanda - breeding pic - foal design - 7777 | ArDes Sonoran Gold
02. sazzy-riza to unknown mare - breeding pic - foal design -official reference
03-10 CLOSED

Reference: fav.me/d2hs2lj
Art, design, and photography by sazzy-riza
Breed owned by Cloudrunner64
Image size
2110x1400px 3.46 MB
© 2013 - 2025 sazzy-riza
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ANIMALGIRL1869's avatar
ooo such a handsome boy