511 | ArDes Silent Criminalsazzy-riza on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sazzy-riza/art/511-ArDes-Silent-Criminal-396817091sazzy-riza

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511 | ArDes Silent Criminal



Admin Import 511 by sazzy-riza

General Information

Horse ID: #511
Horse name: ArDes Silent Criminal
Barn name: Phantom
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registered: Yes
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Height: 17.1 hh
Color: Sooty pangare buckskin pearl roan semi-leopard rabicano tobiano sabino (snow/roan)
Genotype: Ee Aa nCr nPa nprl nR LpLp nSty nRb nSb nTo

Design notes:
Right eye has light blue patches and flecks interspersed with the gold.
Phantom: General Design by sazzy-riza

Body type: Modern / Spanish

Discipline: Halter, liberty
Training: Dressage, Pas de Deux

Phantom is flashy, dramatic, and arrogant. He's an excellent mover, but he requires a strong lead because he will always test his rider and has no qualms about taking advantage of the timid and insecure. Outside of riding, Phantom can be weary of or simply ignore strangers, very often being aloof to most everyone. However, like any other boy, you can easily get to his heart through his stomach. His favorite treats are nearly anything sweet. He may still be aloof toward people who've frequently given him treats or attention, but he usually comes around eventually, and more sweets never hurt. He's flirty in the bad boy kind of way with mares and stand offish with stallions. He likes to challenge authority but will avoid physical confrontations if he can. He thinks he's too pretty and above everyone to waste his energy fighting.


Quality Blood - Best Stallion - Excellent Blood
Complete List
Total: 9.0


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

Breeding Slots

:bulletred::bulletred::bulletred: CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE :bulletred::bulletred::bulletred:
01. sazzy-riza to 506 | ArDes Desert Royalty - breeding pic - foal design - offspring - 6394 | ArDes Desert Devil
02. TsonianFieldsRanch to unknown mare - breeding pic - foal design - offspring
03: GuardianOfJay to 506 ArDes Desert Royalty - breeding pic - foal design - offspring - 6302 BuD's Crown of Guilt
04: sazzy-riza to 506 | ArDes Desert Royalty - breeding pic - foal design - offspring - 6344 Desert Justice
05. kat8674 | paid | 904 Moulin Rouge | ready to use
06-10 CLOSED
21: GuardianOfJay to 576 My Word is Law - Breeding Pic  - foal design - offspring - ready to use +1 BREEDING JOKER SLOT 

NOTE: Has 21 total slots with excellent blood

Reference: fav.me/d5iu6s6
Art and design by sazzy-riza
Breed © 2012 Cloudrunner64 and BrindleTail
Image size
2000x1200px 771.98 KB
© 2013 - 2025 sazzy-riza
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GuardianOfJay's avatar
Maou is registered at 3 Stars, Phantom is written down on his slots  and the breeding note is linked on Maou's ref, so I think you'll only have to link to Maou's ref for this to work xD

STABLE: The Art of Breeding | by GuardianOfJay