3339 | ArDes Kalahari Sunrisesazzy-riza on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sazzy-riza/art/3339-ArDes-Kalahari-Sunrise-343047103sazzy-riza

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3339 | ArDes Kalahari Sunrise



[Accepted foal design]

She is CLOSED for breedings! DO NOT ASK!

Horse ID #3339
Horse name: ArDes Kalahari Sunrise
Barn name: Zorya
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registered: In process
Gender: Filly
Age: 5 years
Height: 16.0 hh
Color: red dun zebra panda (silver carrier)
Genotype: ee aa nD nZ nZe nPan

Body type: Modern / Spanish

Quality Blood :star:

Training: Halter, liberty; show jumping, dressage, and cross country when of age
Tack: Daily + Dragon hunter full gear

Coming soon


------------------------------------------ SSS: Anake 419
----------------- SS: SKG Rod Kriger 1332 :star:
------------------------------------------ SSD: HA Meoquanee 87 :star:
Sire: SKG Bjerg Kriger 2052
------------------------------------------ SDD: RDS Crevan 498
----------------- SD: HA Heidi 1669
------------------------------------------ DSS: RDS Nheira 497
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: ArDes Desert Royalty 506 :star:
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown


03. 4493 TFR Shining Example
04. 3890 ZK Sky Cathedral
07. 6421 TFR Alcohol Poisoning

Breeding Slots:

:bulletred: CLOSED INDEFINITELY! :bulletred:
01. Mine
02. Sire owner: LVS-Nordanner to unknown stallion
03. TsonianFieldsRanch to 379 Acres' Sir Kung Fu Fighting - breeding pic - 4493 TFR Shining Example
04. MidnightAyaChan / Zyath-Stables to 3045 ArDes Midsummer Night's King - 3890 | ZK Sky Cathedral
05. Cougar28 - not paid. cannot be used
06. BlackGlassButterfly - not paid. cannot be used
07: TsonianFieldsRanch to 4348 Charm City Devil - breeding pic - foal design - offspring - 6421 TFR Alcohol Poisoning

Dominant mutation breedings are not permitted unless you are an approved close friend and/or affiliate.

Note: Breeding slots may NOT be used until I have first been notified and when I have marked your slot as being ready.

Kaaring Points:

Complete list
Total: 27.5

NOTE: Do NOT ask me about breeding slots unless you have a really interesting and worth while offer. You will be ignored otherwise and potentially banned from ever getting a slot from her.

Design by sazzy-riza
Image size
2000x1600px 1 MB
© 2012 - 2025 sazzy-riza
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TsonianFieldsRanch's avatar
You still want a dom white slot, right? For to make a dom white Zeboo baby?