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The Real Avatar



'The Real' Avatar; because Neytiri has to protect Jake all the time;) (Another challenge entry on theO^^)
I couldn't find a good picture of the two of them together though, so I had to paste Jake into the image of Neytiri. I think it looks alright:3 Also, there wasn't a single decent Sacred Seed brush (or image for that matter) I could find, not even on dA - and yes I would have expected one to exist lolXD - so... I made it myself=^o^=

Technical stuff:
- Pasting Jake into the image of Neytiri was pretty hard X3
- I messed around a LOT with the colour balance, selective colour, curves, hue/saturation and everything, of the original image - it ended up looking like this:3
- Added a sparkly sunlight texture which I thought fit very well:3
- Then the Sacred Seeds:3 I also added some glow effects to them^^
- The 'AVATAR' logo gave me a lot of trouble-_-; Somehow it took me a lot of time to figure out what to do with itXD
- I made a kind of blue overlay frame:3

Feedback, as always, is VERY much appreciated! <333

Time taken: 8+ hours
Done in: PS 6.0 with tablet
Neytiri image: [link]
Jake image: [link]
Sunlight texture: [link] by *Cattereia
AVATAR logo: [link]

Image size
1920x1200px 1.19 MB
© 2011 - 2024 SaxGirl92
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Cattereia's avatar
Thank you for using my stock. :)