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savannauni's avatar

Here Comes The...



Tearing across the Sedo Aragon and Reese were neck in neck. There was no real end in sight, or staring place for that matter. They were simply racing. Reese got a neck ahead, Aragons wind pushed him sideways so  he stumbled. The cheetah growled in response to her trick. But instead of tackling her as usually he picked up speed and passed her. 
As they passed under rock Aragon slowed to a trot then a walk. She panted heavily, Reese no better. The two speed demons looked at one another and broke into shit eating grins.

Aragon needed some love, and a new pal. Meet Reese, her cheetah familiar! this took me for fucking ever to do rip me 

= 16AP ( 3x2 full bodies, 3 full background, 3x2 shading, 1 same character bonus )</sub
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6000x4500px 11.41 MB
© 2018 - 2024 savannauni
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Jennycallie's avatar
I believe that this took forever to do because omggg it looks SO EFFIN GOOD 

Your shading is ON POINT and I love the colours and the composition and all the foreground/rock details