[Before reading the text below we just want to note that this isn't posted for public advertising purpose, but just for invitation purpose to people that we found and think are awesome creators! Deviantart note system is showing errors to us so we can't send a private note instead.]
Hello! We noticed you have some cool adoptables for sale!
We wanted to invite you to a new site that is specifically dedicated to selling characters, accessories, line arts / bases and anything character creation related!
We currently have available: auctions, set price, free. (With OTA and PWYW to be added in the future)
Currently new members can only join and sell by getting an invitation from admins. It's completely free to use and there will also be monthly giveaways for our members!
If you're up for it, you can apply for invitation here:
Link your deviantart account so we will be sure it's you and send an invite. (sometimes invites go to spam inbox so be sure to check that from time to time if you applied)
Thank you and good luck selling!
[Feel free to hide this comment if you don't want it on your profile]