Gnome Shell - Elegance Colorssatya164 on DeviantArt

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Gnome Shell - Elegance Colors



Elegance Colors is a highly customizable chameleon theme for Gnome Shell. It can change colors according to the current GTK theme, current wallpaper (uses imagemagick to get color) or use a user defined color.

Currently Elegance Colors supports Gnome Shell 3.6 to 3.14.



Ubuntu users can install Elegance Colors from our themes PPA using the following commands,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-theme-elegance-colors

Fedora and OpenSUSE users can add the appropriate repo from opensuse build service -… and install the package gnome-shell-theme-elegance-colors via the distro's package manager.

Arch Linux users can install Elegance Colors from aur -…

If you use another distro, you need to compile from source. This is needed for the GUI.

Don't worry, it is easy and straight forward.

You need to install the build-dependencies first (package names may vary depending on your distro),

glib2-devel gtk3-devel vala

Extract the archive, navigate to the directory and type the following commands in a terminal,

sudo make install

To derive color from wallpaper, you need to install ImageMagick.

Also install the User Theme Extension for Gnome Shell…


A process runs in background which detects changes, generates the theme and reloads the theme accordingly. After installation, you must run the following command to start the background process,


To set the theme, run the following commands,

gsettings set name 'elegance-colors'

You can launch the GUI from the menu which lets you customise various aspects of the the theme. You can also export your customized theme, import/export settings from the GMenu. Click on the title in the Gnome Shell top bar to get the GMenu.



It is recommended to stop any previous instances of elegance-colors when updating to a new version. You can kill running processes of elegance-colors with the command,

killall elegance-colors

To view any error messages produced, run the process in Terminal,

elegance-colors start

To manually apply changes, run,

elegance-colors apply

If your theme fails to apply after an upgrade, it is likely that the config file doesn't include new options. To update the config file, run,

elegance-colors update

To export the theme, run,

elegance-colors export /path/to/



Code and documentation:…

Bugs and feature requests:…


Credits: Thanks to Alin Andrei and Brian Bentsen for their valuable suggestions and testing.


License: GPL-3.0+
© 2012 - 2025 satya164
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