Gnome Shell - Ambiance Bluesatya164 on DeviantArt

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Gnome Shell - Ambiance Blue



If you use Gnome Shell 3.6 or 3.8, please install Elegance Colors instead.


Ambiance Blue is a bluish Ambiance like theme for Gnome Shell.


Ubuntu users can install Ambiance Blue from our themes PPA using the following commands,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-theme-ambiance-blue


Installation Instructions:

Extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. "~/.themes/" or "/usr/share/themes/"

Install the User Theme Extension for Gnome Shell [link]

Use Gnome Tweak tool to choose the theme, or run the following commands in Terminal,

gsettings set name "Ambiance Blue"



05.01.2013 - 1.Port to Gnome 3.6 (Only Gnome Shell theme)
05.01.2013 - 2.Added preset for Elegance Colors

30.05.2012 - 1.Code cleanup and minor changes to the Gnome Shell theme

11.05.2012 - 1.Fixes and enhancements to the Gnome Shell theme

10.05.2012 - 1.Updated for Gnome 3.4 with many improvements to the Gnome Shell theme

27.01.2012 - 1.Fixed banshee search entry

26.01.2012 - 1.Improvements to toolbar background
26.01.2012 - 2.Added border to sidebar
26.01.2012 - 3.Added support for Chrome/Chromium
26.01.2012 - 4.Various improvements

28.12.2011 - 1.Changed toolbar background to light
28.12.2011 - 2.Decreased font size in Gnome Shell theme
28.12.2011 - 3.Other misc improvements

05.12.2011 - 1.Visual refinements

20.11.2011 - 1.Added support for Mint Gnome Shell Extensions
20.11.2011 - 2.Decreased panel height
20.11.2011 - 3.Various improvements

19.10.2011 - 1.Complete rewrite of the Shell Theme
19.10.2011 - 2.New toggle and close buttons
19.10.2011 - 3.New scrollbars

15.10.2011 - 1.Updated Gnome Shell Theme

14.10.2011 - 1.Updated GTK3 Theme
14.10.2011 - 2.Support for Unity Panel
14.10.2011 - 3.Minor changes

29.08.2011 - 1.Ported to GTK3
29.08.2011 - 2.Added Gnome Shell Theme
29.08.2011 - 3.Added Avant Window Navigator Theme
29.08.2011 - 4.Changed menu colors to dark

08.02.2011 - 1.Fixed menu gradient, looked odd.
08.02.2011 - 2.Fixed light text colour in some places.
08.02.2011 - 3.Fixed Panel.
08.02.2011 - 4.Fixed could not install from 'Appearance Preferences'.
08.02.2011 - 5.Included README file.

07.02.2011 - 1.Fixed metacity theme and various colour issues.
07.02.2011 - 2.Changed default menu colours to light.
07.02.2011 - 3.Optional borderless metacity theme.

01.01.2011 - 1.Fixed the menu bar color. (Thanks to th3pr0ph3t)
01.01.2011 - 2.Close button edge color changed to gray. (Thanks to th3pr0ph3t)
01.01.2011 - 3.Fixed some packaging errors.

15.10.2010 - Started the project



Creators of the Ambiance theme - Kenneth Wimer, James Schriver, Andrea Cimitan (C) 2010-2011 GPL Canonicol LTD.

half-left [link] whose works were a base for my first Gnome Shell theme.

Andrew [link] for initial packaging for Ubuntu.

License: GPL-3.0+
© 2011 - 2025 satya164
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