saturn-rings on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

saturn-rings's avatar

Photoshop Action 29



This action is a little different than other ones I've made.
It has a couple of secret twists to it (: (one of them is a little flare spin to it)
Let me know what you think of it!

stock image preview provided by ~itsashleys-stock

click download to get the photoshop action

*If you download & use, please show your support and :+fav:

** If you don't know how to install an action
please read my tutorial --->click<---

:star:Don't forget to check out my other Photoshop Actions too [link]

* credit me in your description by linking back to ~saturn-rings
* send me a note or comment the ps action with a link to your deviation
* you can use it outside dA as long as you link back, credit and inform me
* be creative and have fun! :D
© 2011 - 2024 saturn-rings
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xoLisy's avatar
I'm downloading a lot of these and will probably use some once I take some more pictures and will credit you then.
Thank you, I love all of your work! :)