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A little project done on the span of last 2 days. Ever knew a person who's only redeeming quality was the fact you and him/her share a friend? Yeah. Awkward.

I keep hoping that somewhere through the course of the show we will get episode that will do justice to Twilight & Trixie, after the little misfire "No Second Prances" was.

Oh, here's little dialogue by :iconcajobif: inspired by the comic above:

:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "So, it wouldn't bother you to keep her company for... I don't know... two more days?"
:icontwilightshappyplz: "Uh..."
:iconhappyspikeplz:"Uh, Twilight? Is that..."
:icontwilightshappyplz:"One minute, Spike. I'm talking with Starlight." 
:iconhappyspikeplz:"But I..."
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Spike? Please?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Sorry Starlight, you were saying?"
:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "Can you keep Trixie two more days?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"That would be..."
:iconhappyspikeplz:"I think that this little blue unicorn just "flavored" your tea."
:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "Huh? What tiny blue unicorn?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Ah! Why... y-yes I could..."
:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "What have you done to her?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Ugh! I couldn't take it anymore! She kept talking about herself endlessly! She like teacups? I made it her bed!"
:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "What? How long the spell lasts?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"One full day, why?"
:iconstarlightglimmerplz: "Um... C-can you teach me that one? You know... J-just in case."
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Of course. Just... in case."
:iconhappyspikeplz:"Twilight? What I do with that?"
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Huh? Oh. Just wash it under the sink."
:iconhappyspikeplz:"I mean Trixie."
:icontwilightshappyplz:"Don't forget to dry her."
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