Royal Courtesysaturdaymorningproj on DeviantArt

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Royal Courtesy



I think that's last of the ideas I was catching up making. I've came up with thise one quite few months ago, sometime around drawing pages of "Angelic Flutterboom". Sadly as much as I was thining about making this comic I had a lot of struggle with actual writing it. Beceause of my total lack of exprience in writing Luna and Celestia I was somehow unable to write anything cohesive. Luckily there was :iconwhisperer-of-winds: to the rescue; he gave the story shape most definetely worthy of basing the comic upon, so yeah I consider the story to be our shared creation, for me landing the basic idea, and him giving it form it desperately needed, so mate, thank You, it wouldn't be possible without Your help :)

Aside from that, You know my love for crossovers, especially comic related stuff, and frankly I think silver age's Thor would feel quite good in Equestria :P

Additional thanks to :iconinfrasonicman: for recent insight about mistakes in dialogue, grammar and such, and offering a hand in correcting them, it was pretty educational :)
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